At the end where Destiny awaits: Book 6 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 47: Journey’s end

We exit out of the portal, finding ourselves completely surrounded by heavy fog. The air is filled with moisture, cold and damp. I take in a deep breath, taking in the deep, familiar smells of home. I peer down, noticing that the snow has melted, revealing soft grass underneath. I smirk, knowing it must have while we were away.

I peer back as the last of our huge party makes it through with my closing of it. Fenris and Athena each sniff the air, both wagging their tails. The other wolves look to them a bit confused but go along with it.

I watch as everyone looks around, also confused at where we are. I might have been off a bit, wanting for us to arrive at least behind the Manor, but yet again…I’m off by a smidge. Thankfully I didn’t land us near or on the lake. Ooof, that would’ve really been a disaster.

I smile softly, knowing that we are indeed home.

I pan forward, feeling the winds pick up, catching the sound of tall grass blowing with it. I can also hear the bleating of sheep and groans of cattle. It’s distant, but yet another indicator we’re home.

I watch as the winds begin to slowly dissipate the heavy fog, causing it to melt away. As it does, my eyes grow wide as hundreds of people soon materialize into view. I can feel myself choking up as the mist finally falls away, revealing my entire coven.

We then hear then cheering and waving to us, all smiling brightly. I hear so many people calling out my name, seeing Jenn, Mandy and Heather all there along with so many others. Tears well up in my eyes, feeling overwhelmed just by seeing them all here.

“Go to them, Aria,” I hear Mom telling me.

I nod and head for them, slowly picking up speed before breaking into a full-on sprint. As I run to my friends, several others do the same. I can’t believe that after all this time away, nearly a year for me having been separated from them, they’re actually here.

My tears continue to flow as I feel my throat choking up. So many emotions are swelling to the surface, so many thoughts and wishes are finally coming true.

As I come closer, I quickly leap off of a hill and into the waiting arms of my friends and Coven. Dozens of hands catch me, pulling me in. I feel smothered as so many people hug and hold me tightly. I cling desperately to them, not wanting this to be a dream.

“Good God, Babs, we missed you,” says Jenn.

“Do you realize how worried we’ve been for you girl?” asks Mandy.

“Not to mention nearly going crazy for the past week,” adds Heather. “You have no idea how jealous we were when we didn’t get to go.”

“Thanks guys,” I reply choking up. “I missed you all so much. Just you being here is a dream come true.”

I’ve been worried about them for months, even learning that they were involved in a couple fights. But now…now it’s all over. No more worries for any battles or being hunted down.

Soon more faces begin to appear as I look up seeing Jon and Evie. I quickly slip from my friends and into their arms. They both hold me tightly with Evie nearly crying as she strokes my face.

“Welcome home,” says Jon. “I am beyond words happy to see you again. Even more to hold you.”

I grin as Evie squeezes me again. “You had us so worried about you,” she says. “Not to mention the amount of clean-up we had to do after you left. We’re sorry about your car.”

I giggle, looking up at her incredulously. “That’s what you’ve waited months to tell me?”

She chuckles, shaking her head. “It’s the first thing that came to mind.”

I giggle, still looking at her. I tell them about how when we actually returned to America, our plan was to come to the Ranch first. However that got derailed thanks to yet another ambush. Instead we met up with my mother by sheer surprise and came home. Jon and Evie merely smiled, saying it was better than I did, but thanked me for the thought at least.

Soon more and more people continue to surround us, with Miss Elizabeth breaking through all of them, and pulls me to her. She holds me close, feeling like a mother having found her lost child.

“Oh, sweet Aria,” she says softly. “I really don’t know what to say that already has been.”

I giggle, nodding. “It’s been too long, Miss Elizabeth. We tried for St. Louis, but then Seattle, only to end up on the other side of the world.”

She looks to me, smoothing over my cheek. “That doesn’t matter anymore. All that does is you’re safe now, and free.”

I nod, smiling happily to her. I know if I had made it St. Louis, she would have driven all the way over to personally take me into her home. She wouldn’t be the only to have that same thought. Hell, the entire coven would’ve loved nothing more than to possibly shuttle me around, keeping me safe or bury me in Seattle at the end.

Either way, it would be way too much traveling and potentially lost sleep.

I feel hands resting on my shoulder as more and more people come into view again.

“Our girl is home!” shouts Jenn as she smiles to me. This causes everyone to erupt in cheers as my friends once more take hold of me. All around me I have people talking to about how they missed me, echoing the same worries as so many others. I smile, thanking all of them.

We watch as the crowd then parts as I see Miriam standing in the clearing. My friends let me as I hop over to her, crumbling into her open arms. She wraps me tightly into her, with tears dripping onto my head.

“My little granddaughter is truly where she belongs,’ she tells me. “Home with her family.”

I cling to her, burying my face into her chest. “I missed you so much, Granny. Part of me wished you had also come.”

She gently cackles, “Oh dear, sweet Aria. You know full well you were in the capable hands and claws of your mother and grandfather.”

I look up her. “Wait, he told you?”

She chuckles, “But of course, my dear. However, not until after you contacted to entire coven. He wished to keep your return secret until you reached out to us.”

I peer over, seeing Ddraig standing next to Tulther and Isolde. The old wyrm smiles to me while still in his half-form. I grin, shaking my head, loving him more and more.

I peer back to Miriam with her caressing my face. She smiles, eyeing me, “You look more beautiful than the last time I saw you in person, my dear. So much more mature.”

I grin, “Boy do I have a story to tell about that.”

She beams, “I look forward to it.”

I giggle, knowing that is going to take a very long time to explain, and possibly leave some in utter awe. Now as for why my entire coven is here, perhaps it has something to do with what Henry told me a few days ago back in Dewloura. I wonder if Mom’s been in contact with everyone and that’s the reason why they’re all here. Either way it doesn’t really matter anymore.

I only wish people from Ashogihaga were here as well.

The girls step over to me just as Kenji and the others finally arrive. I watch as dozens soon swarm them with Miss Annabelle bursting through to kneel down and hug Marron. I smile as the pair embrace as mother and daughter, something that’s been a long time coming.

Mom and Arcturus are surrounded, with everyone already echoing the future ideas of their marriage. I blush softly as I listen, with several women looking to me, all grinning. Kenji is also the subject of scrutiny by a few with them eyeing him carefully only for Alexis and Henry to shoo them off.

Silvi and Tanith smile, each holding the other’s hand with my sister looking to me. I grin to her as she rolls her eyes. Kerrigan keeps watch, yet still eyes me as well. I really hope she doesn’t do anything reckless, especially in front of my entire coven. Andriy also maintains a watchful gaze.

Yukari and Asha are both surrounded by people with my aunts adeptly maneuvering through the barrage of questions. I smile softly as they occasionally look to me.

Orga and Kateryna is also the target of attention with men and woman flocking to them. When they see Norick, Piotr, and Kayle, they are stunned as the Kulvoins introduce them as their fellow knights, all sworn to me. Norick and Kayle seem rather composed given the barrage of questions, with me hearing them both say that I will explain more of it.

Piotr on the other hand sticks close to Marron, with several of the women my sister’s age start to interrogate him. Even Annabelle seems leery of the young knight. I giggle softly, knowing a mother will always worry, especially when her daughter brings home a man.

The combat maids walk into view, with Abigale holding onto Bianca. Marie and Lyra each are relieved to finally be home, yet waste little time in rushing to the Manor. I sigh, smirking as the first two follow suit.

The scent of flowers fills my nose as I look over to see Velhemina approach. I smile to her as she pulls me to her, hugging me tightly. She gently strokes my hair, peering down to me with her blood-red eyes.

“Words cannot express how happy I am to see home again my beloved niece,” she says softly. “We often went nights without sleep over worry for you.”

I grin softly. “Thanks auntie. I’m just glad it’s all over.”

She smiles, leaning over and kissing my forehead. “As am I, my Little Blossom.”

I cling to her, ever so happy from the first day we met each other in the greenhouse. She’s always been there with me much like Mom and Silvi. I can never see my life as it is now without her.

She caresses my cheek, then peer up as the sounds of heavy gasping fills my ears. I pan over to see Fenris standing alongside Athena, Leto, Nelly and the rest of the pack. The other wolves look around, watching everyone with my wolf siblings looking a little confused at me.

My coven stares at them in awe while the youngest of the kids rush to Fenris and immediately want to play with him. I grin as he happy obliges followed by Athena. Nelly tilts her head as a few toddlers walk to her with her brother sniffing them. Everyone else simply looks to me, all appearing with the same look of having hundreds of questions.

I giggle, “They’re all mine too. That’s…all a part of the story I have to tell you all.”

I turn back to the other wolves, smiling to them, motioning them to come forward. Everyone is in utter shock at how they all follow my instruction. I smile as several start to mingle with a few adults while some seem rather reserved.

I think part of us remaining in Dewloura for as long as we did was that it allowed the wolves to rest and calm down. I’m not saying I’m worried that any might snap or harm anyone, while granted they are “technically” wild animals. However they are so much more than that. They are incredibly intelligent beings who are part of who I am.

So the fact that there are so many of them now is simply yet another truth.

Mandy leans over to me. “Yet again you add to reputation of finding new things to surprise us with.”

I giggle, nodding. Some might say that I myself was the first thing to surprise them, given how I came to be. My new life has been filled with so many surprises, so many twists and turns along the way.

I then feel arms brings draped around me as Jenn hugs me close, actually feeling her body purring a bit. I look to her, smiling. She smiles, giving me a squeeze.

“I really thought I lost you, Babs.”

I grin, “You’re stuck with me, kitty girl.”

She smirks, reaching up and ruffling my hair. “Silly fox.”

We giggle to each other.

Heather watches as Kenji looks rather nervous as he stands with Henry and Alexis. I smile to him, knowing how he’s actually doing better than a thought he would, given everything he’s been through recently.

“You have a real hunk of boyfriend, girl,” she says.

I blush and grin. Oh dear God if they were to ever learn what I said during the battle, they’d never let it go. It would be yet another piece of ammunition they’d use to “lovingly” torment me with.

She then smiles to me, “You know we have to do it.”

I roll my eyes, “Seriously?”

She smirks, “Of course. Granted I’m stealing a little of Mandy’s thunder on this one.”

Mandy rolls her eyes, “Oh great, and hear I thought I was going to get to announce it.”

Heather grins to her, “Too late, too slow.”

Mandy huffs at her. “Oh fine.”

I sigh, smiling as I shake my head. The four of us stand in a circle and point our fingers in the center as if they’re swords. We grin to each other, ready to speak our “little” catchphrase.

All for one and one for all!” we shout. All the adults surrounding us laugh.

“The four musketeers ride again!” declares Mandy.

We laugh and hug each other tightly. I cling to the three of them, having missed my friends like crazy these past few months. I glance back over to Kenji, as he somehow was separated from his protectors and is crowded as a few women and even a couple men start to ask the poor boy a slew of questions. I start to worry until Fenris appeared and calmed them all down. I sigh, thankful for him.

I smile softly as everyone for my party is happily talking to others, with a few other women eyeing Silvi and Tanith. I grin at the pair. The only two that seem a little out of sorts are Alizia and Diana.

Alizia seems rather nervous, no doubt not wanting to leave a bad impression on my coven of herself. However that quickly fades as I see her start talking to a few others. I know she’s here to learn more about me, and oh boy is she.

As for Diana, she merely stands there like a statue. I know my coven is very aware of her, and is therefore hesitant to talk to her. I hope she does open up a little. Granted I’m a little worried someone might go after the girl. Thankfully Mom is standing with her, making sure nothing will happen.

I then feel little hands grabbing for mine. I turn around to see Micha and Luna along with Liam and Sammy. I grin, kneeling down and hugging them tightly to me. Sammy nearly topples me, pressing so hard in her hug while her brother simply hugs my waist. I know they’ve been missing me since we fled the Ranch back in September, having grown accustomed to having a big sister around.

Micha and Luna’s tails wag incessantly as they cling to my jacket. I smile, kissing each of the little kids' heads. I know they’re beyond ecstatic to see me again, having once more proven true our little mantra. It’s served me well on many occasions to help calm them down.

I then feel another set of hands, peering over to find little Susie next to me. I smile, pulling her into the massive group hug of little siblings I’ve accrued over the years. The little girl practically melts in my arms as I hold her. She in turn clings desperately to me. For her, it’s been nearly seven months since she last saw me. A long time for a little child, a feeling I know all too well at the moment.

I peer back over to Diana as she stands with my mother. I watch as the pair talks to each other, nearly trying to encourage her to move. However the girl is reluctant to leave her side.

I then hear music starting to play as I pan over to see food being brought out by the golem maids and other adults with the several dryads joining in on the fun along with harpies flying overhead. I grin more and more of the Estate’s residents appear with kobolds, salamanders, minotaurs, holtsaurs, and even some of the dryads all smiling to me and my party. I know I have a lot of people to see and talk to in the near future.

I rise from the ground with the group of kids and we hop on over to join in. Laughter fills the air as people also start to dance. I myself am pulled into a circle with my friends as we twirl and dance around with each other. I smile brightly, feeling great to finally be home again.

I dance with the little kids while the wolves all watch me. Athena and Nelly seem particularly excited and join in on the fun. I laugh, watching the massive wolves hop and run around the gathering circles of dancers.

Fenris merely smiles as he sits near a tree, watching all of us. I grin to him, knowing more like this is to come. Leto is seemingly off somewhere as he’s followed by several of the wolves. This is going to be their home, so like me when I first arrived here, it's good to explore it.

I also see Miriam talking with Ddraig and his children. The two elders of the Coven smile to each other as they speak. I think it’s been since my first Winter Solstice festival the pair has seen each other. I also might know why Miriam didn’t journey with the strike team to Dewloura. Miriam is feared across the world, even some fae are afraid of her if riled up enough. Hell the Court nearly shit itself twice when she threatened them in relation to me.

So why didn’t she come? Perhaps her power is too great that the Fairy road couldn’t withstand it. Who knows?

I then pan over to see the familiar forms of Sebastian and Xiphos, with the sphinx beaming proudly. I slip from the crowd and hug them both tightly. Both men smile, doing the same.

“Once again is it good to have you home. Young Miss,” says the lycan butler. “Your deeds in both France and Dewloura were made known to us. I do fear the woman you shall become in the future, ever becoming more like your mother.”

I grin, “It’s good to be home, and I won’t be that terrible of a person.”

He grins, “No, you shall be the wonderful person we know you to be.”

I giggle then look to my tutor. “It’s good to see you looking better, Professor.”

Xiphos smiles softly, “I thank you, little scholar. Although we will still need to wait before I can properly resume our lessons.”

I nod, “Oh, I have some materials I need to give you for safekeeping.”

He nods to me, “Let us wait until later then.”

I smile. Both men have been incredible role models in my life, filling the strong male presence I needed before Fenris came in and became my father. They’ve never once let me down on anything, being a waiting ear when needed.

I smile, looking over to see Orga with Kateryna as they talk with Norick and Kayle. The four knights seem to be filling them in on more and more of Colburn, granted from their limited contact from the gathering and also during our time with the Parkstons.

Marron and Piotr both sit next to each other. I grin softly as the pair even start holding hands, a good sign though the road to where it will lead is a long one.

Shadows fly overhead as I look up, watching Silvi and Tanith flying together. I grin, shaking my head, thinking of how the past and present really are colliding only to cause my family to grow again.

My ears then start to pick up the sound of rings chiming. This can clearly be heard even over the sound of the music being played which startles everyone. I grin, panning over to see Titania, sitting astride the same multi-antlered stag she rode on when we first met. Everyone stares at her, completely gob smacked.

The fae queen beams proudly, wearing her typical darker than midnight dress but is now adorning a golden corset and rings over her wrists. Accompanying her is a cadre of gilded knights, all adorning armor similar to golden leaves over their bodies, with a pair carrying banners signifying her kingdom.

I shake my head, smiling as I stroll over to her. Everyone looks on in shock as I causally walk, seemingly unfazed by the fae queen. And why should I, she’s my friend and so much more to me.

“You really know how to make an entrance,” I tell her. This causes everyone to again look at me in shock. I know some are in utter disbelief at how flippantly I’m speaking with her.

She chuckles, “Well how else shall a queen visit one of her peers?”

I blush, stopping right in front of her. “I’m still just a little girl.”

She leans in, “You are so much more, my dear. You are a true princess and my little fox.”

I grin to her. Like with Velhemina, our relationship has been a weird one to define. She loves me dearly, that’s not even in doubt. However she’s often treated me like a daughter of sorts, caring and worrying over me.

She smiles, leaning back and summons the Xur’canah. “I truly was impressed for how imaginatively you utilized the gift I gave you my dear. A truly clever plan, one befitting your title.”

I giggle softly, staring at it, “Thank you, and thank you for watching over it.”

Eneius was correct in that I was bait to draw Regulus out. However the real part of my plan was to further goad his anger and greed, putting on a show to distract and mislead him again into making mistakes. Which was exactly what happened.

Mom could have killed him there, the moment he was in front of me. However…sometimes things need to be drawn out if but a little. I had to strike once more at his ego. Again, everything worked out as it should have. Granted I could’ve also not contacted him and allowed Regulus to continue wasting resources on a fruitless endeavor while I unsealed Dewloura and claimed it.

In short, I really just wanted to end things between us, and the Xur’canah was among his ultimate prizes.

She smiles tome. “Is your heart now settled? Is your soul complete?”

I look over to Mom, watching her smile back. “It is,” I reply. “But there’s still one more thing to declare.”

The fae queen nods, smiling to me. “I look forward to hearing it.”

I smile, holding my hand over my heart. There’s something I’ve buried for a long time, something that recently I’ve given a lot more thought to over the past year. It’s a subject that Marron and I discussed over Christmas, and soon everyone will know my decision.

One final promise.

I feel the padding of feet as I see Xiphos walking over to us. The grandfatherly sphinx smiles to me. “If you wish, my dear, I can take custody of the lantern, and seal it deep into the Manor.”

I smile, “Thank you, Professor.” I hand it over to him, watching it vanish. It’s still a powerful artifact and heirloom of my ancestors that no matter what, needs to be protected. But for now…it’s safe.

“Now, my dear fox,” says Titania, “go and have fun with your friends. You and I will chat later but for now, I wish to speak for your mother and Ddraig. Possibly Miriam as well.”

I grin to her, “Please don’t go overboard.”

She grins, gently taking my shoulder and spins me around, giving me a soft push. I giggle, heading off.

Hours pass, with everyone still either partying or simply talking to each other. I smile, thinking that this is like the Gathering all over again. The wolves are scattered around the fields, with some having fallen asleep around me or in the surrounding fields. Fenris and Athena both are close by, ever watchful of their little girl. Mom and Arcturus are over with Miriam and Ddraig talking about who knows what.

Everyone is simply enjoying that we’re finally back home. And this time for good.

I haven’t told anyone about my travels, at least not yet and Mom is probably letting me tell it. I lean back against a tree and watch, still in awe that it’s all really over.

It’s a feeling of peace I haven’t had since last spring, before the world came crashing down on top of me. Now…even with the fact that I’m a princess, and have a kingdom waiting for me, I just want to slip back into that blissful ignorance I used to have.

I feel someone tapping on my shoulder. I smirk, thinking it’s another little kid wanting to play with the wolves. I peer up, instead finding Diana hovering over me.

I smile to her, thankful she finally sought me out for change. While still in Dewloura, she kept a slight distance from me, despite me asking several times to talk. So now it’s rather nice she’s here now.

“Can we talk?” she asks.

I nod and stand up, careful to not wake the wolves. Fenris perks up, looking to me. I smile and hold up my hand to him, silently telling him to stay. He nods and lies back down with Athena.

I look to Diana. “Let’s head to the lake.”

She nods and we head off.

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