At the end where Destiny awaits: Book 6 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 45: Judgement

The next morning arrives and I travel once more to the palace. The skies are still the same milky grey as always, denoting that the seal is still in place. I hate seeing it this way, I hate seeing the forests and ancient trees throughout the city dead. I miss hearing the hustle and bustle of the people going about their lives. Well…I hope to change that real soon.

I look around the third tier, noticing much of the damage has been repaired or in the process of it. I should really be grateful to earth mages. I know Henry’s been out here, seeing how his stone pillars are all gone. He’s also been around the city, studying it. I have to smile, knowing he’s really enjoying it, with him constantly talking about it at dinner.

I sigh softly, thinking how it’s only been a few days since the final battle and yet it appears exactly as it did prior to it. I have to give praise to the hard work in the beginnings of the restoration. It will take more time though, a process I wish to be very much a part of.

As we all gather in the throne room I sigh, taking stock and measure as I gaze at the throne itself. It’s something that may look stationary, but holds an immense weight. Just image the crown, yeesh.

I look around, smiling as my knights slowly take their positions near the throne. Kayle and Kateryna both look radiant, although the former decided to go with a slightly modern aesthetic. She’s still wearing her usual attire, but with more formal arrangement. Norick and Orga on the other hand both are wearing their formal suits, something they found in their homes.

The only one missing is Piotr, who requested to stay behind with Marron. I couldn’t say no, as his duty is to my family. Plus…I don’t think having a fifth knight would be necessary with all the extra security I have with me.

I smile softly as Yukari and Asha both look to me, each wearing incredibly beautiful kimonos. Silvi keeps close; wearing a very nice dress, something I think was a gift from Tanith. I smirk, thinking they might be going a little too fast. She leans over, tapping my nose, silently telling me to mind own business. I grin to her.

I pan over again as Fenris and Athena takes their place on each side of the throne. Always close by to me. There are also my other allies as well, taking their places within the room, all wearing formal attire, befitting what’s to come. I myself am wearing the same outfit I did when we were at Court a nearly a week ago.

Also in the throne room is a contingent of wolves, ones who asked to go along with my idea. I’m still very nervous about this. I’m about to do something I swore I’d never do anywhere, exerting my authority. It’s leaving such an incredibly bad taste in my mouth. I could potentially lose some of the wolves as well after only just meeting them.

However…this has to be done.

I sigh softly, walking up the steps to the throne, knowing I really can’t drag this out more than I have. I stroke the armrest, feeling the cold marble under my fingertips. I then turn around and slowly take my seat in it. A shiver runs up my spine, feeling the full brevity of it. I coil my tails around me to help somewhat alleviate the pressure.

My ears flick, hearing the buzzing of several things. I peer up, seeing several watchspheres floating about. This event is being transmitted to both the colonies and the Court, a decision that many agreed to right before we arrived.

I stare at the door, folding my hands into my lap for a moment, trying to center myself. After a moment, I take a deep breath and nod.

The doors then swing open, revealing the leaders of both Drakthul and Laevatain along with their families. Now, I didn’t have them confined to some dingy dungeon. Quite the opposite in fact. They were placed under house arrest at their residences. I thought it best they have some dignity while in confinement. I wish I could have sent them back to their ancestral homes instead, but it posed too much of a risk. Not really sure what they have there.

Both houses march forward, appearing as proud as they can, despite their defeat. I watch them softly they closer them come, while also being escorted on each side by dragons and elves. Tulther and Isolde watch them carefully along with a few others of their clan. Lords Ashlan and Syr’athil each are on alert with Viktor and his house manning the periphery. I glance over to Kerrigan as she eyes Lana and Mistral, making sure they don’t do anything stupid.

I once more feel my nervousness growing the closer they come, but tries not to show it. I remain calm, knowing that my friends and family are close by for support.

Orga then summons his massive sword and brings in front of him, lightly tapping the marble floor, making it ring. This signals for both Drakthul and Laevatain to stop their march. Almarec and Eneius each glare at me.

Drakthul’s leader then snorts. “So, a worthless, common-born, peasant pretender sits upon the throne.” He huffs, “Your house is dead child. You sit where Nethune should rightfully be.”

Both Orga and Kayle then slam their weapons into the floor, causing the sound to echo richly off the walls.

“You dare not speak to Her Highness in such a manner, Lord of Drakthul,” declares Orga.

“This child is the rightful crown princess of Dewloura,” adds Kayle. “She defeated you both in battle.”

Almarec growls as he glares at them. “She did nothing aside from acting as bait.” He then turns to me, “No doubt Viktor and the other spineless worms here simply propped her onto the throne, even granting her a little power to make her feel important. In the end, you pathetic girl have no real say in this matter. You should simply return to your mother and go back to your backwater country.”

This draws the ire of everyone as Kateryna and Norick both summon their weapons as both houses levy jeers and more insults at me. I cringe to myself as some are filled with such venom and bile that everyone in the room is slowly growing angry with them. It’s starting to remind me of the torment I endured the first couple of weeks at school.

They soon all quieted as Fenris lets out a massive growl, instantly shutting both houses down. He chomps his jaws, baring his fangs to them. “Do not insult my child more than you already have. I endured the arrogance of your forebears, and my daughter even more so.

Almarec glares at Fenris, gritting his teeth, seemingly wanting to leap at my bonded for possibly daring to talk back to him. I calmly reach over and stroke my wolf father, “Thank you Papa Wolf.”

I then turn back to Almarec and Eneius, and to their daughters. I take another slow breath, coiling a tail behind the throne as to not show my growing nervousness.

“I offered your houses the chance to reclaim your birthrights peacefully a few days ago,” I start. “All you had to do was simply walk away. Yet again you still refused and tried to take my life.”

I tap a couple tails in front of me, a sign only known to yokai denoting a kitsune’s wish to collect their thoughts. I look to them, “You stand here also bearing the sins of your ancestors, who broke the sacred pact with the wolves. The very same wolves our progenitors felt a kinship to, which brought them here.”

I take another breath. “Yet when a wolf appeared, your daughters tried to remove him from his bonded. That is also in defiance of the Pact, an egregious sin. For they had no right to strip family from each other.”

I nod slowly, watching all of them. Hundreds of eyes are all bearing down on me, my voice echoes and booms while I attempt to remain calm.

I sigh, “I will admit that roles would be reversed if the battle went your way.”

Both men scoff at me, still trying to appear as though they’re in control of the situation. Yet I think deep down they know they’re not.

Eneius folds his arms. “Your words are hollow, you little girl. You know nothing of our traditions, our customs or anything about what it means to be Dewlouran. You are merely going through the motions, like a puppet. No doubt with Viktor being the one whispering in your ear.”

I peer over to Viktor. He remains silent as he stands with his house. Even his daughter remains resolute with him.

I peer back to Laevatain’s leader. “My teacher on this matter, in fact on all matters of being Dewlouran, was someone far more intimately knowledgeable than anyone present. Someone I loved dearly and even sacrificed herself for me.”

He spits on the floor, “Valneivh olosna farthea noscam.” (Pathetic brat, you should have had a better teacher.)

I sigh, shaking my head, “Baeish cosrich noscam e’thrna noran wolvanair fora ila Serasfall. Fecnash styia e’snicas vealoxiama norich.” (My teacher was my ancestral mother Serasfall, the last matriarch of my house. If she were here, you wouldn’t be talking right now.)

Eneius looks to me stunned. He then shakes lose and looks to everyone present before locking eyes on my aunts. “You both are unclean, uncivilized creatures from a backwater, tiny island. Why are beasts, lower than dragons, here in the halls of kings?”

I feel a nerve twitching in my temple, but remains calm. They all know I’m also kitsune, a yokai. So the insult was directed at me in a way too.

Asha crosses her arms. I glance at her, seeing her trying to restrain herself from ripping the man apart for his comments. “We are here representing this child’s mother who is currently tending to her other sister at this very moment.”

Yukari’s tails swish as sparks of foxfire flare into existence. She takes a deep breath as she glares at him. “We speak with her authority on any matter pertaining here.”

Both men huff at her. I glance at them seeing clear signs of burn marks under their collars. I’m thinking at some point they fought each other.

I shake my head and look to Lana and Mistral. “I offered you both friendship, even thinking I earned your respect. However, you refused.”

Both girls turn their heads away, daring not to look at me. I can still see the wounded pride in their eyes. Yep, they lost to me, not once but twice. And even a third time to my friends.

Lana huffs, “I’d rather lie with a lycan than be your friend.”

“I can arrange that,” chirps Kerrigan. This causes several in the room to chuckle. Both girls then blush deeply while seething with anger toward her. I smirk softly, not really wanting to show it. Knowing Kerrigan, she could and would actually do it.

I clear my throat, bringing the room back into order. I look to both houses, “I am still willing to offer you clemency under the ancient pact. This goes beyond the laws and dictates of the empire, something far older than it all.”

They all look to me with indignation, thinking of the audacity of me, a sixteen-year-old girl could possibly ever offer them anything. Yet it’s still the truth, something I know far more than any present aside from the wolves at my sides.

“However, this offer requires something else,” I continue. “It’s not something of loyalty or pledge to the throne. But that of between you and the wolves.”

Lana and Mistral each turn and look to me. I watch as the anxiousness grows in their eyes. It still made me angry that they wanted me to hand over Fenris to them. Yet now…there are wolves present, descended from those who once called this place home.

Their fathers look to me shocked. They now realize that Viktor hasn’t been the one teaching me any of this. Only those of the Great Houses were ever truly privy to knowledge of the Pact and its intricacies. While it’s common knowledge that the founders of the city were called here by the wolves. What isn’t is something deeper, something far greater which led to Dewloura becoming the empire it once was.

I take a deep breath and peer over to the wolves present. This is the part that is making me a little nervous. They remain still for a moment, watching both houses carefully. Drakthul and Laevatain each wait eagerly to see what happens, yet dare not move.

I then watch with bated breath as half a dozen step forward and begin to walk around both houses. The families watch with anticipation as the wolves eye each and every one of them.

“They are unbonded,” I tell them. “Perhaps they feel a kinship with you as they did thousands of years ago.”

I tap my tails on the floor. “This is a trial of the wolves. They aren’t here to deem you worthy of return. Yet, perhaps something else, something your ancestors forgot centuries ago.”

Fenris and Athena watch the wolves carefully but also both houses. One false move, one person stepping out before anything meaningful happens, and nothing will change.

“The trial is simple,” I add. “You must merely wait and watch as you are now. The wolves will judge you, trying to see if the kinship remains or perhaps a spark of one. If they determine nothing is there, then I will move forward with my judgement.”

I really hate those last words. While this is my birthright, I’m still just a girl, wanting nothing more than to go to a mall and hang out with my friends. I’m not some royal who’s been raised to assume power, to wield it like some toy. I have always hated exerting authority over anyone, it just never is me.

I sigh, watching as the wolves continue their procession around the houses. Drakthul and Laevatain meanwhile remain silent and still. Everyone else in the throne room waits on bated breath to see what will happen.

The houses then watch as the wolves then stop and observe them. Their tails are straight and erect, none wagging. Almarec and Eneius look to each other, then back to the wolves. Lana and Mistral grow even more anxious as they watch the wolves.

All six then each sit down and stare at the humans. All six offer no reaction, unmoving as statues. Almarec and Eneius both slowly reach up and try to touch them. However, the wolves right in front of them rise and stand back. This crushes both of them as the color drains from their faces.

Everyone’s eyes then turn to Lana and Mistral. Now through all of this, I have noticed the wolves looking to a few of the others present, both men and women. Perhaps the pair have siblings I’m not aware of, yet none seems to be right up with them and their fathers. So…maybe extended family perhaps?

The wolves stare deeply into the girls, as if trying to sense something within them. Lana and Mistral reach for them, seemingly staying longer than their fathers. However, the wolves do as the others, slowly standing and stepping away from them. Both girls are devastated as they retreat.

One of the wolves, a young male, looks back to me. “It is not yet time. Perhaps…later. There is something, yet not now.” The others nod in agreement.

I nod, partially thankful yet also partly saddened that the wolves aren’t going to them. I was right, yet also still prayed for the outcome I thought was going to happen. Yet this also means I was right about one thing, a prayer perhaps. Call me a hopeful fool, but it means something could happen in time.

Both houses look to me, appearing heartbroken yet angered by this. Can’t say I blame them, yet still can.

“What do they mean by, ‘not yet time’?” asks Mistral. The others from both houses all look to me.

I nod slowly then look to them. “It means it’s not yet time for you and the wolves to be one again. The wolves will choose when it’s the right time to come forward. It may be these wolves here or even from the wild packs. Who knows?”

I peer over to the black wolf sitting next to me. We smile softly to each other, father and daughter. He really did come at the right time, right when I needed him most. From then on, we were forever bonded together. Heh, a fox and wolf, just like on my ancestral crest.

I look back the wolves still standing near both houses. I nod slowly to them. “The wolves here do feel a kinship. Yet they or others may wait until something or someone comes forward and reunites their hearts with them. But that is up to you and them.”

People can change if given time. However, for some reason I have faith and hope that something could happen. I pray it does.

I again peer to Fenris, smiling softly to him. He in turn grants me his ever-present fatherly smile. “This was the same for Fenris and me. While he was present at my home, he waited for the right time to reveal himself to me and then bonded soon after.”

I wonder if he was testing me during that time. I know he was waiting for the Wolf’s Moon to appear, which granted him a boost for us to bond. Yet through those three months, he silently watched me, taking his time to judge whether or not I was meant to be with him.

I think we both know he made the right choice and finally came forth. Perhaps it was the dream I had of being him that was Fenris confirming his decision. I guess the rest is history.

I nod slowly and turn back towards both houses. “The trial is over,” I tell them. “So now I will move forward with my judgement.”

“Why must not you be judged by the wolves as we?” shouts Almarec.

Athena rises from her seat and steps down to them. Her fur shimmers softly yet brilliantly. She’s always possessed an ethereal presence to her, almost otherworldly.

Why should Shyair be put on trial?” she asks. “Shyair never broke the Pact. When her father appeared after centuries of her ancestors having been lost to time, they merely reconnected and continued the Pact.

Athena then looks to me, smiling softly. “I am of the same,” she continues. “My heart reached for hers and yet I waited, watching her with the wolves. Seeing the truth of her heart and watched her weep out of fear for committing an act she deemed damning. Yet she did not, and all those present confirmed and comforted her.

I feel a pang in my heart, recalling that horrible day and what I had to do. I cried so head all the way home, clinging desperately to Critias, feeling guilt for what I did. Yet when I poured out my fears, not a single wolf judged me wrong; none condemned me for the deed. Even Serasfall and Celes both confirmed my actions didn’t break the Pact.

The other wolves nod and begin retreating towards the throne, each watching both houses before sitting in front of me. Their eyes watch the houses, sitting motionless. I smile softly; grateful I met them nearly a week ago, and then fought alongside them. Yet now it’s because of the wolves that I have hope for the future. However that future will need time to cultivate.

I nod softly, thinking for a moment, drawing on my Dewlouran legal training. Heh, never thought I might be needed for a situation like this.

I then look to both houses, taking a deep breath, knowing what I say next will echo and have consequences at some point. Or the best will happen, who knows.

“Here is my judgement,” I announce. “Both houses of Drakthul and Laevatain are hereby banished from Dewloura until the wolves come to them. They must rediscover that long-forgotten piece of themselves which was lost to arrogance and pride. Finally, all those present here share in this judgement.”

Lana and Mistral both look devastated at this. For the first real time since meeting me, they actually seem to recognize that my words ring true. I may be a simple girl in their eyes, yet now they know everything I’ve spoken carries weight, and it’s crushing them.

“How long will we have to wait?” asks Lana.

I look to her, wishing things had gone differently between us. While she and her ancestor where rather cruel and petty towards me, I still hold some measure of respect for them and their house.

I peer to Mistral, again seeing Raisa in her eyes. Now I know I gained my classmate’s respect after beating her. With Mistral…maybe in some way I have as well. Yet then again…we did fight for a second time.

I don’t hate either of them as people. What I do hate is that they continued down the same path as their ancestors, never reflecting on what was and could be again. They merely threw their status around like a cudgel, expecting the world to simply bow to them.

I nod softly, folding my hands into my lap. “It could be a year, ten years or even a hundred,” I tell Lana. “As I said before, it’s up to you and the wolves.”

Both houses then erupt, shouting and levying threats and insults. A few even step forward, trying to rush the throne. My knights and aunts ready themselves for another fight, moving in to position to protect me.

The wolves in front of me quickly rise to their feet with Fenris stepping closer to me. Both he and Ashlan then howl and roar, bellowing their voices throughout the room. I even feel the building shake slightly as a massive crimson form moves into sight.

This all causes both houses to become silent and still. Ashlan moves into sight with the wolves keeping their eyes on them.

“Her Highness has given you your lives,” the dragon lord tells them. “This child could have done far worse to you, yet did not have the coldness of a dead heart to do so. Look at her now, for you do not see the pain in her eyes for even uttering her judgement.”

Both houses look to me as I sit on the throne. Throughout all of this and even giving the sentence, I wanted to cry, just pouring out my tears. Despite the many times I smiled, I still felt a deep sense of heartbreak. I don’t want to throw these houses out of their ancestral home.

I want to share all my experiences with Lana and Mistral while here in the past. I wanted to discuss history with Eneius or learn diplomacy under Almarec. I want to see Drakthul and Laevatain restored to their home. They are Dewlouran after all. Yet now…not on this day.

I take a deep breath, feeling my heart ready to shatter. “Take them away.”

My knights nod and step forward. They, along with the soldiers guarding both houses and dragons from both Tanith’s clan and my coven, begin to escort both houses out. Once more I hear them shouting and hurling insults. A few even swear vengeance upon passing through the doors.

They then close shut, making me jump a little.

I hold my hands in my lap, feeling my body shaking from the entire ordeal. A lump swells within my throat, threatening to choke me. I should feel relieved, finally getting through this yet I don’t. If anything I feel worse than ever. I gambled on a hope, and lost. Now it’s a waiting game.

Some might try and do something against me, yet I know the wolves will always be watching them. They will also have the Court monitoring them, which I’m pretty sure Kerrigan will see to personally along with her parents and my mother’s friends.

I sigh softly, again also knowing full well the reverse situation if we had lost. I wish there was something I could have done differently, perhaps another way for both houses to come home after so long. However…somehow I think this is the right course of action. Yet why do I still feel like shit? I feel myself tumbling down a spiral of thoughts and alternate scenarios that I could swallow me up.

A wave of depression begins to wash over me until I feel a hand resting on my shoulder. I pull out of it and look up, seeing Yukari and Asha standing next to me and smiling. They each lean over, softly placing their hands onto mine.

“You did well,” says Yukari gently. “I know your mother is proud as she watched her daughter perform with such grace.”

I smile softly to her, glimpsing the watchspheres as they float about. I then sigh, looking down. “Then I why does feel like punched myself in the gut?”

Asha cups her clawed hand under my chin, raising it up. “We understand how you feel Aria-chan,” she replies. “However this was your call and a very hard choice to make.”

I nod. Part of me wishes to simply be a little girl, just a happy-go-lucky teenager, not a princess burdened with deciding the fate of two houses. Is this the weight of the crown I might where someday? I really don’t know. I’m just a teenager after all.

I peer up to see Viktor walking towards me. He offers a slight bow, placing his hand over his heart before standing. “My Lady, what do you wish to do next?”

I smile, nodding softly. “It’s time to call all of our people home,” I reply. “I will keep my promise and unseal the city.”

He nods, “I am honored to hear your words. However, I believe Lord Syr’athil and Lord Ashlan would suggest that we wait for that final promise to be fulfilled.”

“I agree Your Highness,” adds the elf lord as he comes into view, offering a bow to me. “We must first reestablish our people here, and then work to reestablish our nation.”

I nod, smiling to them. I still also want to meet the descendants of those who fled to the colonies, and even see the colonies themselves. I can’t simply call people home and not understand them. Hell, it would be extremely arrogant of me to try and restore Dewloura back to way I knew in the past. Things change and so do its people.

I hold my aunt’s hands tightly. “I still haven’t decided if I want to take the throne or not,” I tell them.

Lord Ashlan smiles, “I believe that is a choice we all can wait for. You are young my dear student, and what lies here shall always be.”

I nod, smiling to all three lords. I’m thankful for their council, and may need it in the future. In fact…I might have an idea for them.

I slowly rise from the throne, feeling my butt aching from it. As I stand, I curl my tails around me, feeling a deep longing, something I felt weeks ago, now growing strong once more.

I’d rather just go home and be a normal girl again,” I mumble.

I then feel tails wrapping around mine, peering up to see my aunts and wolves smile to me. I stare into their eyes, wanting to cry softly. If anything, I want to crawl into my mother’s arms and have her transform me into five year old again.

Asha smiles softly to me. “Then go and be a normal girl,” she says warmly. “Your future can and will wait for you. There’s no need to rush.”

Fenris leans in and nuzzles my face, groaning softly. “I agree. Live your life as you see fit, my daughter. I will always be by your side.

I smile, stroking his face as Athena also joins in. My wolf mother nuzzles my other cheek, staring deeply with her ice-blue eyes. “This is but one path for you.”

I smile, hugging them all tightly. I have gathered such an incredible family since I was reborn, people I never thought would become so important in my life. And there are still two more people I owe so much to, and soon I’ll see them again.

I pull back to see Andriy standing near us. We smile to each other, teacher and student, having become friends since our first meeting.

Miy uchen’,” he says softly. “As always, I shall be there to help if you need me.”

I grin, “Thank you Master Andriy.”

I pull back, seeing Le’nia and Tanith together. I sigh softly, smiling to my classmates and friends. Though short in the past, we formed a friendship that stood the passing of centuries.

“You have all of us to call upon Aria,” says Le’nia.

“You have but to call on us,” adds Tanith.

I smile, feeling my cheeks heating up. “Thank you, thank you all.”

They all smile to me. I then feel someone pulls me back and wrapping their arms around me. I peer up, smiling as Kerrigan does the same. “You also have me cutie.”

I smirk, knowing exactly what she means, which isn’t lost on anyone here. It’s something in fact that gains the ire of my aunts as they glare softly at her. She grins, giving me a soft, loving squeeze before letting go.

I roll my neck, feeling it pop. Now I really want to just head back and move on with the rest of the day.

Tulther and Isolde both walk up to me, having returned from the corridor. “We wish to join you when you decide to go home,” says Tulther.

“I think it’s time we did,” adds Isolde.

I grin, and then sees Ddraig outside the window. I now have more dragons as family, with one being my grandfather. He helped guard me while I recovered after my return from the past and even grew closer to Marron and me.

I nod, “We should then.”

Everyone nods and turns, leaving the throne room. It’s really been a tense morning and I need to decompress.

We all return to the estate and once more I carefully change out of my outfit and into something a bit more comfortable. I round my bed, and then simply plop onto it, much like I did the first night I arrived here. I feel so incredibly exhausted, both mentally and physically. The morning was a real roller coaster.

When we got back, Mom quickly pulled me into a hug, telling me how proud she was. She was also in utter disbelief at how grown up and mature I was. Adding she could hardly believe I was still her little girl.

I naturally blushed as I always do. I even heard commentary from my friends and other coven members as they watched it. I really hope this isn’t something they show at the next gathering.

I sigh softly into my bedcoverings, just wanting the world to melt away again. I want to simply forget the day and fade.

My ears flick as I hear someone knocking on my door. I sit up and rush to it, finding Kenji on the other side. I smile, opening it further and ushering him on in. He smiles as we head for the couch. I lean into him, feeling his arm on my temple. It’s a restful place, something I’ve come to love when with him. He in turn wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer.

I sigh softly, staring out into the forest. Part of me thinks that Celes is just going to walk on us or even Serasfall. However I know it’s only fantasy given where I am right now. Be that as it may, I’m right now with the young man I love.

“I heard what you said to Diana,” he whispers. He then grins, “It’s something I wish for too, my Ariko.”

I feel the fur on ears and tails stand on end while my cheeks burning brightly. I know we only talked briefly about it a few days ago, something I thought was us airing out ideas. Yet…I might have said it merely in the spur of the moment. But perhaps true as well.

“I wish to stand by your side,” he continues, “sharing my life with you.”

I feel my cheeks burning even deeper. Once again images of me in a wedding dress or even kimono flood into my mind. The mere idea of me standing at the wedding altar sends wild flashes of ideas.

Then there’s me raising a family of my own, with little children running around, chasing after Fenris and Athena and their own children. Finally there’s Kenji and me, slowly growing older together, loving one another from the first day we met.

I try and take a deep breath, exhaling it slowly to calm myself back down again. Kenji merely smiles as he pulls me tighter to him, stroking my arm.

My eyes then glimpse the box that Tobias gave me the day we left for here. I tilt my head at it, recalling he said it’s been in the care of the Court for centuries. I placed it on the table the day we arrived here, wanting it to be something to look forward to after the battle.

I lean forward and pick it up, drawing it back into my lap. I stroke the lid, feeling how smooth it is. It’s almost like polished stone.

“What is it?” asks Kenji.

I smile softly, “It was left behind for me by someone.”

“Are you going to open it?”

I nod, pulling out the key I was given and insert it into the hole, turning it. I lift open the lid and discover a pair of letters hidden within, each addressed to me while also being numbered. I smirk, thinking whoever left these behind, wanted to be sure I read them in order.

I pull out the first one and gently open it. I have to remember that these are centuries old and possibly, extremely fragile. I slide out the letter and begin to read it.

To the dearest Aria.

You and I were never able to meet, a regret I shall carry with my grave. I am Aurelian, Celestine’s father and husband to Serasfall. By the time I am writing this, it’s been two years since our home became lost to us. I did so in order to allow the continent and tensions to settle.

I want you to know that your sister did indeed make it safely to me. She told me of everything that happened, and even the fate of my beloved wife. Your sister spoke so highly of you, going on nearly forever of the wonders of her younger sister.

I sat in awe of her tales, learning more and more of you, coming to wish I had returned sooner to meet you and perhaps prevent the calamity that befall our city. Yet I now know that if I had, then you perhaps would have never been born. We may never know.

Oh dear, sweet Aria. You must know that I came to love you as my own, given your sister’s tales. She spoke of your heroics, your loyalty, and your humility. You truly became a child of our house, loved by my brother and his family. You were showered with love from your sister and mother. Oh yes, I know Serasfall came to see you as her own.

After your sister had finished her tales, we spent some time together, traveling until she reunited with her beloved. After their marriage, we agreed to remove ourselves from the world completely. We stayed out of the way of history, being careful to ensure nothing will ever alter your future birth.

I still wished to have met you my dear. You are a part of us, not merely through blood, but so much more. You share in our greatest hopes for the future; one I pray will be blessed.

Know that you have garnered a father’s love, hopes and dreams for his child. I know not of what your future will bring, but I know it will come with its own share of hardships. Be they conflicts or even assuming the throne. All paths are yours to choose my dear.

I also wish for you to know I that I left something for you, a gift from a father to his daughter. Your sister was given hers on the day of her marriage and the same shall be given on yours.

Be well my sweet Aria. I shall soon fade into history. Please do not seek my resting place, for it will not exist in this world.

I know that Cronos will try and locate his mate. I wish he and Fenris could have met. The two would see each other as equals if not father and son as I know Rhea came to see your bonded as hers. I miss him dearly, but he too must fade away, allowing for you and your bonded to rise on your own.

The door to the future is open for you my dear. You but need only step through it.

With all my love and prayers,


Tears stream down my face as I finish the letter. Celes’ father’s words echo in my mind. I really wished I could have met him, to simply stand there as he returned home after his journeys abroad, perhaps finally remaining here for good.

Yet now…that will never happen. I gently fold the letter back into the envelope and place it back into the box. I want to cry, partly feeling cheated from knowing another member of my family. Yet I’m grateful to have at least something from him.

I also have to wonder what else I might have learned or gained if he had returned. Can I even imagine how that event might have taken place? I really don’t have a clue. I only Serasfall would’ve been right again, as she always was.

I take a deep breath and up the second letter. I actually giggle softly as I read the front of it.

Open me on your wedding day.

I shake my head, placing it too back into the box and closes it. I hold the box in my lap, lightly tapping the lid. My heart once more is fluttering, so many emotions are racing through my mind right now it’s a wonder I’m not dizzy from it.

“Are you alright Ariko?” asks Kenji.

I nod, leaning back into him. We then wrap our tails around each other’s as she he holds me close to him. I breathe softly, feeling his chest against my shoulder, noting how strong and solid it feels.

“You do know the village will want to hear from us,” he adds softly. “Or better, to see its son and daughter again.”

I blush deeply, nodding. I know his parents more important will want to see us. However…heh, so would my friends there. I can only imagine the girls’ reaction upon our arrival. Then there’s sweet Hashibaba, my incredible nekomata grandmother. She would love nothing more than to dote on me. I know someday I will go back, like some many other places I’ve visited and now call home. However that is something for the future.

Right now…I’m here in Dewloura.

My ears then flick back as I hear the hushed whispers as they come from the hallway. I sigh, groaning a little.

“Guys!” I call out. “I know you’re there.”

I hear shuffling coming from out there now. Kenji and I then turn around to see Alexis and Henry, along with Mom, Silvi, my aunts and several others from my coven. Even Fenris, Athena, Leto and Nelly are all there staring in on us.

I groan and flare my tails. “Can’t I have a quiet moment with my boyfriend?”

Everyone laughs and quickly disappears. I roll my eyes and plop back onto the couch. As much as I love them, they can really get nosy at times. I however still chuckle softly, knowing that’s just how they are.

Kenji smiles, looking to me, “You really do have a wonderful family.”

I nod, looking up to him. “It’s one you’ll be joining soon.”

He smiles, leaning in and kisses me. “I look forward to that day.”

I grin as we kiss again.

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