At the end where Destiny awaits: Book 6 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 44: Cooldown

It’s been several hours since the battle ended and we’ve spent it at the Shyair estate resting. The strike team from the Coven also joined us, having helped with both recovery and mopping up the remainders of Regulus’ forces. I haven’t really spoken much to the others and how they fared yet, something I hope they aren’t offended by it.

I know everyone lost loved ones. I still recall the dead bodies strewn throughout the streets as we walked past them. When I tried to see a few, I was met with a warm smile and gratitude. I really should do something for all they’ve done and sacrificed. I hope to think of something soon.

Now as for me personally, to say I’m exhausted would be an understatement. To be honest, after Mom, Yukari, and Mr. Bigsby treated everyone, I simply elected to stay by Marron’s bed as she rests.

I haven’t thought much of anything since we got back. Regulus is finally gone, and Selene is back where she belongs…dead. Diana on the other hand? She’s free of the corruption placed on her thanks to both necromancy and the nightmare. She’s remained quiet this whole time, having been both treated as well and staying in a room I found for her.

We will need to talk at some point, I know we will. Yet when and where, I haven’t a clue. I think I’m more surprised or relaxed to have her close and the girl not trying to kill me. So that’s a plus I guess.

I look over to my sister as she sleeps quietly. It’s a bit ironic that I’m now doing the watching as opposed to me being the one on the bed. I hold her hand, grateful she’s alive, and for her taking the shot meant for me. I stroke her hand, sighing softly.

So many things could have gone wrong today. So many unknown factors could have manifested themselves that might have altered the battle. I guess that’s what happens in battle, a fact I am painfully aware of. I lean forward and lay on the bed, just trying to make the whole day seem less chaotic than it feels right now.

Marron looks to me, holding my hand tightly as she can. I smile up at her, happy that she’s alive and here with us.

I hear a soft knocking on the door, with me turning my head to see Piotr walking over. He slowly bows his head.

“Forgive mem my Lady,” he whispers, “but you really should see those from your coven. I will stay here.”

I nod and rise, wincing softly. My muscles ache are movements are a little stiff from sitting for so long. Despite my treatment, it’ll be some time before I’m fully recovered.

Marron smiles to me, “Get some rest, sweetie, and have fun with the others.”

I smirk, eyeing Piotr as he sits beside her. “Don’t go cozying up too much.”

She smirks, “Just get out of here, you silly fox.”

I grin and head out.

As I close the door behind me, I find Alexis and Henry waiting for me. I then look around seeing nearly everyone else from the Coven, all here.

I quickly find myself being pulled into a tight hug by Alexis with Henry doing the same. I cling tightly to them, still in shock that they’re here. We hold there for a moment that seems to stretch a bit.

“I missed you guys so much,” I tell them, choking up slightly.

Alexis plants a kiss on my head. “You too, Aria. When we were chosen to come, we didn’t hesitate to say yes.”

Henry leans in, staring at me with his deep teal eyes. “There’s a lot many of us wanted to say during your call, but we simply ran out of time.”

I smile softly, “Well we’ve got it now. I’m actually surprised you didn’t get lost on the way here.”

He smirks, “It’s a bit hard to when they simply come for you.”

I giggle softly as the pair lets me go and starts passing me from one adult to the next, each hugging me tightly. I nearly am on the verge of tears as they hold me, having not been around them since the Gathering. Sarah especially pulls me close, stroking my hair.

“I haven’t been this worried about you since last summer,” she says. “Just being here with you is more than I could’ve asked for.”

I smile, clinging to her. “Did we lose anyone?”

“By the grace of God we didn’t,” says Mr. Eckerts. “I think it was partly due to our sudden arrival and Richard attending to everyone he could find.”

I smile, and then look around, noting that several are bandaged up. I peer to them, so many wonderful and familiar faces standing here with me.

I then giggle, “Well our coven does love to make dramatic entrances.” They all laugh, knowing it’s the truth. I still remember both Ashlan’s remark on Colburn being a coven of troublemakers. It’s the same with Serasfall’s remarks on it. In some ways their comments are true, but it’s just the way we are.

Now it’s not to say that we’re like Fairy Tail and we’re always blowing something up or wreaking havoc. Yet…we’re close enough.

I peer over to Mandy’s dad and even Heather’s mother is here. I then see Mr. Bigsby strolling up to us. I grin, “I bet your daughters were pretty pissed when you came and they didn’t.”

The three chuckle. “You have no idea. Jennifer nearly begged me to join,” says Jenn’s dad, “but I told her to be patient and that it’s better I came in her stead.”

I nod, feeling a tinge of worry if something had gone wrong.

“Heather was particularly upset,” says Mrs. Davies. “There wasn’t a day that went by when she tried to call you. We also couldn’t believe that there were so many wolves. They really were a lifesaver.”

I smile to her. After we returned, I spent a couple hours in the den with the pack and tending to their wounds. I’m also grateful that Marie and Abigale were there to help me. None were lost thank God, but we nearly did with Leto. I was frantic with the wolf, mending wounds and sealing gashes made from a dragon. So he’s now resting in the den, probably asleep.

Fenris and Athena are currently with them. My wolf parents were both severely injured, which made me worry for the growing pups. Athena merely smiled and held me close, telling me not to worry. So…I’m trying not to.

“Now as for Mandy,” adds Mr. Eckerts, “she might not be talking to me for a couple days.”

I smirk, that’s being a little petty Mandy don’t you think? Granted…that is her at times. Ooof, I worry for anyone who tried to mess with her during these past few months.

“Hey Aria,” says another adult, “your boyfriend is quite the looker.”

Everyone smiles, yet it’s ones of deviousness and curiosity. I however blush deeply, knowing that this is the second time he’s met people from my coven. Miriam is one thing, meeting the others is a bit more overwhelming. This coven is so interconnected and close it can get scary at times.

Sarah holds me close again. “We also met your aunts,” she says. “While Richard and Bill were tending to Asha, I think her name was, we really got to know them. I personally am in shock that they are your aunts.

I grin softly. My aunts are amazing and were just incredible for everything they’ve done for me. I also have to realize that my worlds have finally collided. I’m also grateful they’re getting along with everyone, not that it’s really that hard to.

I peer over to see Kenji in the same hallway, yet is now talking to Henry and Alexis. I grin softly, while feeling a bit nervous and anxious as I slip from Sarah’s embrace and walk over to him. Upon seeing me Kenji immediately pulls me into a deep kiss. He holds me close, stroking my back. I blush but smile, reveling in the kiss. I don’t even care that I have dozens of eyes watching us.

My ears fill with everyone’s laughter. I ignore them for a moment and stare up into his amber eyes, ever so glad to see him again.

“Aria,” chirps up Mrs. Davies, “are you going to properly introduce us to this young man?”

I giggle, looking to her and then everyone. “Guys, this is Kenji Nonoha.”

My boyfriend bows to them, “It’s a pleasure to finally meet all of you.”

The adults all smile to him, with a couple of men eyeing him and Sarah shooing at them. I then watch as Alexis leans into him, basically giving Kenji the same look over that Silvi did when he arrived at the estate. I shake my head, smiling. Can’t say I blame her.

I look to him, “Are you okay?”

He smiles, stroking my face. “I’m just fine, Ariko. One of the wolves managed to save me before someone got the drop on me.”

I sigh in relief, again grateful for them.

I look back to everyone as yet another question comes to mind. “So how did y’all get here?”

Mr. Bigsby smiles, “You aren’t the only who can use fairy roads, little missy.”

I think for a moment, tapping my feet a little. When we got back to the estate, I elected to assume my human form, thinking it might be better to help conserve energy while healing. Plus it saves on space.

I then smirk, remembering that the third founder of our coven is a fae. I giggle softly, shaking my head, still incredibly amazed with my coven.

Kenji holds me close before looking to me. “You should go with your friends,” he tells me. “You haven’t seen them in months and we have plenty of time to be alone again.”

I smile, loving how unbelievably humble and patient my boyfriend is. He is right though, we do have more time than we could ask for to be together after everything that just happened. I peer over to the adults who smile and nod to me. I grin and lean up, gently pecking his lips.

“Thank you, Kenji,” I tell him. I then step back and head off with my friends.

I lead them out onto the back terrace to where Alexis quickly pulls me back into another tight hug. She holds me close, nearly threatening to break me in half.

“I know you’ve heard this before,” she starts, “but you really have no idea much we’ve missed you.”

I nod, clinging to her. I’ve missed them as well. There were so many days when I wouldn’t be staying up at night worrying about them.

“Granny Miriam was constantly being hounded for news about you,” she continues. “Then three times, missy, three times you basically rocked our world when you reached out to us.”

“Sorry,” I giggle.

Henry leans over and flicks my forehead, “You’re always doing this to us. It’s been like this ever since the first day we heard about you and even now.”

I giggle. Well, it really can’t be helped. Miss Elizabeth did say my entrance in the Coven was unusual, which naturally sparks interest. This continued even after Mom took me in, although I still was uneasy with the amount of attention I was getting.

The three of us then hop down to the lower terrace and find a seat. I can’t help but smile as the pair sandwich me in-between them. We’ve been extremely close since Italy, growing a tighter bond ever since. There are days when I used to wish I was still on that trip with them.

We start talking about a little of the journey I’ve been on and the things I’ve been up to. I tell them about my time Japan, being with my friends there and celebrating Christmas and New Year’s. I even break out my phone and show them all the pictures I took while there.

Alexis is in complete awe as she sees me in my kimono. Henry can’t help but stare at it. I giggle, remembering him talking about wanting to ask me out last summer. Granted that was before I met Kenji.

It all seems like a distant memory for me, yet for everyone else it only happened a few weeks ago. Eventually I should call the village and let them now we’re all safe.

Henry smiles with excitement as he looks to me. “This city is incredible,” he tells me. “I never thought I’d ever see such amazing architecture. Not to mention there being actual railways running through the city.”

I grin. I knew he’d in awe of it. Normally, someone isn’t always influenced by their elemental affinity in terms of what they might seek in terms of a future. Yet Henry embraced it and it’s why he wants to be an architect. Yet I still have to wonder why he keeps getting lost despite being an earth mage.

“If you want, I could have a wolf take you around the city to explore it,” I reply.

He smirks, “I might take you up on that offer. Although, I never thought I’d ever see more wolves like Fenris. Well not exactly like him.”

I grin, “Well remember the silver one from the call?”

Alexis smiles, “Athena right? You said she’s also bonded to you, adding that it was complicated.”

“Yeah,” adds Henry, “can’t wait to hear that story.”

I smirk, nodding. I did say I would tell it in person. I pan over to see Fenris and Athena watching us. I smile, motioning the pair over. Both smile as they walk over, with them each nuzzling me. I giggle softly, stroking their fur.

Fenris looks to me, “Have you gotten enough rest, little Aria?

I nod, “I’ve gotten some Papa Wolf. Mostly spent the day with Marron.”

Athena bops the underside of my chin, “You need more, daughter. You should have gone to bed.

I grin, “I will, later on though.”

She groans lightly in displeasure but nods. She then starts to lick my face, causing me to giggle.

My friends stare at her in awe. Fenris smiles to them as he sits down.

I smile, “Well, let me reintroduce you both to Athena. Fenris’ mate and ergo, my mother.”

Alexis nods as she looks to the wolf. She then slowly reaches up to Athena, but looks to me. I grin nodding. She nods and then starts to stroke my wolf mother. Athena looks to the young woman and smiles, nuzzling her hand. Henry meanwhile looks to Fenris. The pair smiles, giving the other a nod.

“I should let you know Aria,” says Alexis, “I thought of coming to see you back in July after your battle. However both Granny and my parents told me to hold back.”

Henry looks to her, “It wasn’t just you thinking that. Everyone felt the same way.” He then looks to me. “Well we all know that was quickly derailed when you had to flee.”

I nod softly. I wonder if the outcome of the battle would’ve been the same if they had come to see me. A half dozen people probably might not have changed anything, except enrage the entire coven and spurred them into action sooner than it did.

“Have you guys left Diana alone?” I ask. I can pretty much guess that when everyone saw her, they might’ve questioned why she was even still alive or not in handcuffs or something.

Henry nods, “We have for the time being,” he says. “To be honest, we wanted to ask you first before doing anything.”

I smile, “Thanks guys.” Despite everything Diana did to me, I don’t actually hate her. That’s also taking into account all the physical pain she inflicted onto me. Hell, my ribs still were hurting after a couple weeks. Yet through it all, be it the corruption or her anger towards me, I just can’t really see myself despising her.

I look to them. “Ok, so you know a little of what I’ve been up to. I want to know what everyone else has been doing while I’ve been gone.”

Alexis and Henry smile as they start talking about the last few months. I learn of how everyone tried to keep faith I was safe with the Parkstons that first month and a half, while also moving on with their lives. I learned that Jenn, Mandy and Heather were all accepted into college, with Heather electing to attend UT in Knoxville, having found the school more to her liking.

I learned a lot of the younger kids really missed Fenris from the Gathering, always begging their parents to find him. He actually smirked at that. I grin, wondering how the Coven is going to react when I bring an entire pack with me.

Alexis spoke of how I missed a couple weddings and even the birth of a couple new babies. Henry told me about school and how he’s looking forward to college. Now with being here, he might use this in a historical thesis. Granted with my permission of course.

I sigh, shaking my head. “I’ve missed so much.”

“It’s not your fault,” says Henry. “In fact, the others will fill you in on the rest soon enough.”

Alexis then glares at him. He winces, nodding.

I tilt my head at him. Does he mean the adults? Because they pretty much have all the time in the world to. So is everyone keeping another secret from me?

Alexis sighs, stroking my shoulder. “So tell us about this place. We did a little exploring a couple hours ago. I even saw your name on a door, which was a little weird.”

I smile, looking to her. “This is my ancestral home. I lived here for four months when I traveled into the past.”

They both looked to me shocked. I smile softly, explaining everything that happened, minus the last few hours here. I tell them about my family, spending time with them and even going to school. I further explain how a couple of the people who fought with us were in fact my classmates and friends.

Henry leans back, slowly shaking his head. “Unreal. To actually live here and basically start all over again.”

I nod. If things really hadn’t gone as they did, this would have been a fresh start for me. Albeit a slightly awkward one. I’d be living my whole life here, growing up under Serasfall and Celes. I’d gone onto attend further years at school with Tanith and Le’nia. I would have also met Aurelian. Alas…history reared its head.

Alexis looks to me. “You’ve really been on one hell of a journey.”

I smile, nodding. I’ve been all over the world, stepped through time and lived in the past. I’ve met incredible and amazing people, experienced things that will boggle the minds of everyone I know.

I then let out a sigh. “I really just want to go home now.”

Both of them hold me close. I smile as I cling to them while I transformed into a kitsune, wrapping my friends within my tails. They grin, with Alexis kissing my temple.

“We want that too Aria,” she says softly. I smile, clinging tighter to them, wanting to see more of my friends.

The next morning I head down the wolf den. While still feeling pain from yesterday, I am grateful for having a full-night’s rest. I streak my hands along the walls, feeling the cold stone against my fingertips.

I then exit out into the main chamber, smiling as I see the wolves resting in the outcroppings. Many are still recovering from the battle, with Leto himself lying curled up in his parents’ spot. I smile to him, probably wishing they had come along.

I breathe slowly, feeling at peace down here. I always have. I would often come down here to think or simply be with the wolves. It was important that I did, so I would become closer to them.

I glance over to my left, sighing softly, recalling when I laid Critias to rest here. His death served as the catalyst for everything that happened. Without it…then I really would have remained here.

My ears then flick as I hear the bounding of heavy feet. I grin and gracefully dodge Nelly as she barrels past me. She quickly turns, smiling and wagging her tails. I grin, noting again how she’s still a lot bigger now. She huffs and charges at me again.

Once more I dodge her, but then start to run around the den. Soon more wolves join in on fun. I giggle, now having over half a dozen full-grown wolves chasing me. It feels so good to run around, better than I did yesterday. I leap over many, twirling through the air while also leaping around the den as though I were lighter than air. Nelly huffs and continues her chase, while grinning profusely.

While hopping to another rock, I hear the echoes of footsteps coming from the tunnel. I glance over, seeing Diana standing by the entrance if now hiding behind it. She watches as I play around, seemingly curious about it all. I wonder if she’s at a loss as to how I can play with such huge wolves. It’s actually quite simple, it’s because I can.

I stop for a moment and look to her. We each nod, acknowledging the other. It’s been on my mind for a while, to simply speak with her like I said we would. Though…I think Mom may have gotten to her first, not really sure.

Before I can say anything, I’m tackled from behind to the floor. I grunt, looking up to see Leto smiling to me. I roll my eyes, “Leto.”

He grins, wagging his tails. “Forgive me sister, but you were open.”

I smirk, shaking my head. “You’re right, but next time, remember you’re not a puppy anymore.”

He chuckles softly as he helps me to my feet. Oh who I am kidding, even as a puppy he was already the size of full-grown cocker spaniel and weighed just as much.

When I get to my feet, I see that Diana has already turned and head back down the tunnel.

“Diana,” I call out to her. “We don’t have to avoid each other.”

She then stops, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’m…really not sure what to say to you.”

Her voice is full of remorse and guilt, from everything she’s done. I step a little closer to her, watching as she turns a bit to look at me.

I sigh, coiling my tails behind me. “We can talk Diana. Just you and me.”

She smiles softly, nodding. “I’d like that Aria, and I’m grateful. However, just not right now. I have too much on my mind at the moment.”

She then looks squarely at me, as if with a new perspective or something else. Her eyes dart over me, examining me. “You really do look beautiful as you are now.”

I smile, swishing my tails on the stone floors. “I’m kitsune, so I guess it’s natural.”

She smirks softly, really looks at me, with her eyes fluttering on the verge of tears. I want to rush up and hug her, but she then wipes the burgeoning tears from her face. I can tell she’s in pain, not physical, but emotional, something I know all too well.

“We really should talk soon,” she says softly.

I nod, “My mom is also here if you need her.”

She chokes up, wanting to say something but stops. I know what I said cut deeply into her, but it’s the truth. Rachel Rivenfeld is my mother. Part of me knows Diana wants to rebut it, like she did back in the summer. However now…now things really have changed once more.

She nods softly before turning back down the tunnel. As I watch her, I start to see part of her body as to dissolve slightly or break off into dust before quickly reforming itself. I nod slowly, knowing its meaning.

I then peer over to see Silvi standing into doorway. I smile warmly, happy to see my dragonic sister up and about. I smirk, “My big sister is always protective of me, no matter what.”

She grins, “Of course. I’m glad to see your smile after what’s been going on. It always suits you.”

I giggle softly, knowing nearly everyone has told me that at least once. I then look to her, feeling that something’s a bit different about her. Silvi seems…bubbly, which is the completely opposite of my sister.

I grin deviously. “So…it would appear that you and Tanith are getting rather close.”

She huffs and walks over to me, ruffling my hair. “Mind your own love life you silly hatchling.”

I giggle, seeing her cheeks actually blushing. It’s not often I do, but when happens, it means I really struck a chord with her.

She rolls her eyes as she shakes her head. “I ran into Viktor while out in the city. He says he wants to see you when you get a chance.”

I nod slowly, pulling out a piece of paper and starts to scribble on it. I turn and look to the wolves. I nod softly and copy the note and hand them to the least injured. “Please take these to where Titalos and Myl’thai are,” I tell them. “You know their scents.”

The pair of wolves nod as they take the notes from me and leave. I sigh softly, looking to my sister. She smiles, stroking my hair, “I will take care of Tanith. And using the radio would seem a little rude, so good on you.”

I nod. The rest of the wolves all gather around me. I smile to them, knowing they are ever so close to me.

The following morning I wake up early and get dressed. Nothing fancy; jeans, sneakers, tee shirt and a hoodie. This isn’t a formal meeting, well it is but dress codes aren't really necessary for this.

I head down to the study, fighting the urge to yawn. I really shouldn’t have stayed up as late as I did playing with the wolves. Even Silvi joined in on the fun, flying around the den and taunting the pack.

As always, I’m accompanied by Fenris and Athena. They smile to me wrapping their tails around mine. I smile, stroking their fur. I then look up, seeing the doors to the study open and with whispers coming from within.

As I turn, I see Viktor walking about talking to Lords Ashlan and Syr’athil. I watch as Master Andriy mulls around the Study, peering at the books on the shelves. I already know he’s been delving into the library here, it made me smile watching him appear like an eager schoolboy. I then see Tanith talking to Tulther and Isolde as the trio stands by the lit fireplace.

I smirk softly as everyone then turns to me. A few softly bow their heads to me while the other merely smile warmly. I look to them. “I think the room’s a bit crowded.”

They smile. I then feel arms wrapping around me, peering up to see Kerrigan smiling to me. I smile back, feeling her embrace. I look back to Viktor and Lord Syr’athil. “I’m so sorry for your losses. I also apologize for not coming to see any of you after the battle.”

Viktor smiles warmly. “My Lady, while I am truly moved by your words, there is no need to apologize for anything.”

Lord Syr’athil nods in agreement. “They gave their lives freely, and died with honor. You have offended no one Your Highness. We shall grieve for our fallen, knowing they will be laid to rest here, an honor we grant onto them.”

“What is more important Miss Aria,” adds Lord Ashlan, “is that you are alive and here with us. For that, we are truly grateful.”

I nod slowly, feeling my wolf parents and Kerrigan holding me tighter. The lilith then turns me around, looking down at me. “Are you alright Aria? I know I haven’t come to see you much in the past couple of days, so I got worried.”

I smile, “Oh I’m doing fine. It’s nothing a good round of sushi couldn’t cure.”

The group laughs as we round the couch and take a seat. I look up to Tanith, smiling softly to him. He actually blushes slightly, knowing I talked to Silvi last night. I peer over to Tulther and Isolde, they look a little worse for wear, but alive nonetheless.

I look up at the desk behind where Andriy is standing, still feeling Serasfall’s presence here. I sigh softly, still missing her.

“Now,” starts Viktor, “we’re all gathered here, representing the various parties involved in the battle and Dewloura itself.” Tanith and Lords Ashlan and Syr’athil all nod in agreement.

It’s a rhetorical statement, yet an obvious way to start this meeting. It sets a good tone and I don’t mind him leading it off, seeing how he’s the one who called for it. Well…to be fair, I think he initially just wanted to talk to me. However I instead made it into the meeting we’re in now.

Tulther also nods, “We have authority from our father to represent our coven along with Aria here.” I smile softly, grateful to both of them and my grandpa.

“And my parents have tasked Andriy and I as the voice of the Court,” adds Kerrigan. The vampire nods as well, smiling warmly to me.

Viktor nods, then looks to me, “Are you sure you would not like your mother present for this?”

I smile, “Thank you Master Titalos. But I know she’s already watching.” I motion back towards the door, with a watchsphere hovering near it. “Plus I have my parents here with me,” motioning to Fenris and Athena.

The truth is I actually did as ask her last night, but she stated that this meeting really involves me. Yet she did state that if I do need her, then all I had to do was say her name.

Mom, thank you for always being so close to me. You’ve never once let me down. Even though you’re not in the room physically, you’re never too far away.

Viktor nods and smiles.

I look around again, seeing all eyes trained on me. I feel slightly nervous being once again the center of attention. I really don’t like it though, often wishing to simply melt away and go unnoticed by the world at large. Well that clearly ended at the start of last summer. And now here we are, sitting in a study halfway on the other side of the world, which also seems to be waiting on bated breath for what comes next.

He then clears his throat, looking more official again. “Now onto the matter I originally had planned to speak with Her Highness alone, yet now I see her wisdom in us all gathering here. We must decide on what to do with Drakthul and Laevatain.”

He looks to everyone as they nod. I sigh softly, watching everyone. “Since we are here in Dewloura, I purpose we follow the laws still laid forth by our ancestors. Granted we don’t have a formal government established at the moment. I have contacted the colonies as well and they have all agreed that the laws then are the same today.”

I nod slowly. Well, that’s another thing I should be grateful for thanks to Serasfall’s tutelage, a crash course on Dewlouran laws. So while I know my fair share, there might be a few I’m not aware of. And to contact the colonies for legal advice was a wise call. It makes sure they’re aware of what’s going on and nothing is done rashly. However…the ultimate decision lies with us, or rather with me.

He nods, “As such, according to the laws, both houses should be executed for their crimes against not only Her Highness, but to Dewloura itself for siding with Nethune in this past war.”

Treason. I slink back into the couch. Celes and I both were accused of it by Selene, yet we managed to break free of it due to Fall itself occurring. Again, he does have a point but it just doesn’t sit well with me.

“Viktor,” chirps up Kerrigan. “I think that might be too harsh of judgement, especially one to be carried out without a trial of sorts.”

He nods, “I agree. In truth it’s merely one possibly.”

He then looks to me, “Ultimately, as Her Highness has undoubtedly surmised, the decision rests with her.”

Yikes he’s good. I lean back further in the couch, resting my head on the back. I breathe slowly as I look to all of them. My gaze then lowers, sighing. “I just don’t know. I mean…I don’t want to kill them. There’s already been too much pain and blood spilt.”

There’s another reason why I don’t want them killed. While they did try and kill me…three times, they’re still descendants of the founding houses of Dewloura. There’s simply too much of a legacy to simply kill off. That’s what Selene and Nethune wanted to do to Shyair.

In a strange way…both houses are like kin to me. I’m not going to straight up declare them my family or anything. Dear God that be way too weird.

Kerrigan leans in and strokes my hair. “I know cutie. You already know my parents and the rest of the Court are aware of what happened during the battle and are waiting for what happens next.”

She then pulls me close, “They will abide withwhatever decision you make.”

I nod slowly, “This is a bit too much for me. I’m only sixteen.”

Everyone nods slowly. This is an incredible amount of pressure to put on a teenager. Who by all accounts should be rather attending school or shopping in a mall right now, not deciding the fate of two ancient families.

Tulther leans over to me, “Perhaps you should rest a bit more Aria. Then we could convene again.”

I smile softly to him but shake my head. “Thanks Tulther, but no. We have to discuss this now.”

To be honest, the past couple of days have been full of rest, although also full of reconnecting with friends and family. Each night since the battle has been spent having dinner with everyone, telling stories, and even introducing them properly to the wolves.

Lord Syr’athil crosses his arms as he leans back in his seat. “Not to put even more pressure on you Your Highness, but the fact does still remain that you are the heir to the throne. Therefore, you must pass judgement. We can only discuss and advise you.”

I sigh, nodding. Kerrigan pulls me close to her and holds me as she begins to rub my arm. Normally, someone might think she’s gotten too close and could influence me. However, it’s not really the case. Kerrigan might be in love with me, but even she’s smart enough not to do something like that. She’s merely offering emotional support.

I then begin to listen as the others begin discussing other ideas. They range from simple expulsion from Dewloura to completely stripping them of their heritage and rights to the city itself. Many of the ideas are in line with Dewlouran law. A few, like offering reparations seems a little light so it’s quickly dismissed.

The tension is actually rather thin and with little to no real arguing aside from Viktor racing the occasional stinks about the abuse both houses would levy on his. Can’t say I blame him for his animosity towards them over the centuries.

Lord Syr’athil is right though. I am heir to Dewloura and its leadership, but am also beholden to its laws and customs. I lived under those laws for four months, and learned and experienced a few of those customs myself.

I sigh softly as thoughts run through my mind. So many ideas come and go, while also realizing things right now could have been really different if the battle had turned out not as it did.

I peer over to my bonded wolves as they rest in front of me. I smile, reaching out with a tail to each and hold theirs. They turn and smile back to me, offering the love and support of parents.

As I watch them, something slowly pops into my mind. The wolves, houses, Dewloura itself, it’s all based on the same thing. Wolves and humans both came together. There’s something from all our pasts, a custom or more importantly, a truth from the very beginning. It’s what started it all, and what might be the best solution to this problem.

Although its one I feel the same as my ancestral sister and mother did every time.

I hold up my hand as the discussion continues, only for everyone to see it and quickly quiet down and all look to me.

“What about the wolves?” I chirp up. “They’re a part of this too, in fact from the very start. So perhaps it’s in them we might find the answer to our problem.”

Everyone looks stunned as Fenris and Athena each stare at me. I nod slowly to them, the very answer may be right in front of me.

Viktor’s eyes dart about as he thinks, looking to his counterparts. Both the dragon and elf lords each nod slowly to him and all three to me.

“It…might work my Lady,” he says. “As you are now the new caretaker of the wolves and of Shyair, you would know of a way.”

I nod. “I do have an idea that might work. However, it may not sit well with everyone if to goes the way I think it will. There is a possibly that it could turn out poorly.”

“What do you mean miy uchen’?” asks Andriy.

I take a deep breath and begin to explain my idea, going into a few details not exactly recorded in official Dewlouran texts. Both of my wolves look to me with sheer awe at my plan, with Athena appearing both confused but proud. Fenris nods softly, though he can tell my slight disdain for it. I will admit it’s turning my stomach a little the more I go on.

When I finish, the room grows silent. Everyone looks to the other, with some whispering. Kerrigan continues to hold me while my wolf parents smile and lay their heads into my lap. I smile to them, stroking them.

Lord Syr’athil is the first to raise his head to me. “A bold and rather ingenious idea Your Highness. To be fair…I never would have conceived it based on the law.”

Viktor nods, “Agreed, however it’s not a law to begin with. An ancient truth,” he then looks to me, “you truly are a daughter of Shyair my Lady.”

I blush softly, smiling.

Lord Ashlan seems to be pondering it over a bit longer before nodding and looking to me. “Well done my student. If this is your plan, then you have my support.”

Viktor and Lord Syr’athil look to each otherand nod, smiling to me. I sigh softly, nodding as I look to Andriy, Tulther, Isolde, Tanith and finally Kerrigan. They each smile and nod to me.

I nod again, knowing this really is a batshit insane idea. It’s also playing on another dumb idea, but one that actually holds some merit.

I smirk softly, when it happens, it might as well be a formal event giving the gravity of it. Also being one, it means ceremony, in a slight fashion.

Andriy nods, “Ladies and gentlemen, I do believe we have our solution. I do suggest however we conduct it in the morning. That way we can address it with on a full day’s rest.”

No argument there.

We all nod and then rise from and then leave. I spend the rest of the night talking with Mom and the others about tomorrow. They agree with my plan, with my mother adding a few caveats that I don’t disagree with.

And so…the night falls and tomorrow another chapter could be written.

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