
Chapter Dragonfly

“I know you said that it was grand, but this, this is!”

I said as I stared wide-eyed at the huge palace.

“My sentiments exactly.” he said as he waited patiently for me to get over the frenzy that the building had spun in my mind.

He’d been up here already, but I still didn’t see how he’d gotten over the beauty so fast. That was just unnatural or maybe it was the kingly reserve that was taking over. I probably should start exhibiting some regal calm but the building was making it so hard.

“I wonder where everyone is? I was expecting anything else but a quiet welcome, even with our unannounced arrival.” he said quietly.

“That is true, at least one guard should be on duty outside. We should go inside to see what is happening.” I said as I looked up at him. He only nodded.

We climbed the steps leading up to the huge, silver door. Thorn turned the knobs quietly and the doors silently gave way. It was dark, darker than I expected, but thinking about it now this whole place was this way. It is after all, built under the cover of tonnes of hard, granite rock, with only peep-holes of rare sunshine being allowed in.

We stood in the hallowed halls and again I was made to gasp as the doubling flight of stairs ascended way over our heads, terracing all four levels of the building. There were arched chambers pointing in opposite directions at our left and right, but we ignored them and continued forward towards the stairs.

“Where do we…”

“Shhh,” said Thorn cutting me off. “Listen. Do you hear that?”

I stood quietly and did what he asked. “I hear voices. Sounds like an argument. But it sounds like it is coming from back there.” I said pointing to the passageway going to the left.

“Let’s find out what’s going on.” said Thorn as he headed towards the source of the racket, me close at his heels.

We walked past what seemed to be a multiplicity of doors, each securely locked. The navy blue carpet lining the floor hushed our footsteps as flew down the hall. We came to an abrupt stop in front of wooden door. Thorn again tried the locks but they were closed this time.

“It looks like we might have to blast ourselves through this one.” he said looking at me.

“Are we sure we want to be destroying property so early on?” I asked.

“I don’t think the owners will mind very much. Do you mind doing the honours?” he said chauffeuring me towards the lock.

“Not at all,” I replied as I felt warm energy building up within my body and surging towards my hands. With a sharp burst surging from my limbs a small hole appeared in the door in the space were the locks once sat.

“I was hoping for a banging entrance but this will do.” he said with a slight smile on his lips.

“We might own the place but that doesn’t mean we should be frivolous with our resources.” I said pushing the doors open. “After you.” his smile widened and he stepped ahead of me.

We were in a large circular arena, fitted with stone desks and a hundred plus startled Lunes, all staring at us and hands on the hilt of their swords.

“I apologise for the disruptive entrance, but the door was locked and I was attracted by the noise. I simply couldn’t resist, especially since there was no one there to stop me. The last time I was here, it was hard for me to get into a yard’s breadth of this building. That was only a few months ago, I wonder what has changed since then.” said Thorn. “I’d wanted a quiet homecoming, but it being this quiet, causes me to have great concerns.”

I saw two of the hooded figures moving swiftly towards us. “I really wouldn’t do that if I were you.” I said stopping them in their tracks. “In fact, gentlemen, ladies you look a bit tense how about a seat.”

“And why should we listen to anything you have to say. Why would a hundred and fifty members of the Guard be intimidated by the two of you. You are the ones who should be afraid of us.” said a gruff voice coming from the middle. The speaker pulled the hood of his white cloak down, unveiling his face.

“Fear and intimidation were never my intentions. I was going more for mutual trust and respect and also to make proper introductions.” answered Thorn in a very diplomatic tone.

“Introductions, really and who might you be then?” he said with a hint of amusement in his voice.

“I go by many names. My real name however is Rain Esor North, descendant of Grand Lune Mond Esor North and this girl as you put it happens to be my wife Aurora Laeyx North, daughter of Grand Corona Sonya Laeyx. But you may also refer to us as Your Majesties.” finished Thorn.

The low hum that had been circulating around the room was suddenly squelched. One by one the white hoods fell from the silver and black heads as all eyes were now focused in our direction. The face of the speaker registered shock as his mouth remained open from the last word he spoke.

“Your Majesty…” he started. “Forgive me but I didn’t know…” he stuttered.

“Not knowing is hardly an excuse Diego. No one higher ranked than you spoke, so under whose authorisation did you see it fit to insert yourself as the spokesperson of the Guard. That soldier is an act of insubordination and you do know the consequences of such, notwithstanding the way you addressed our new clan leader.” said a voice stepping out from the shadows. On reaching the centre of the room, he took off his hood. It was Vitali. I knew that I’d recognized the strong Russian accent.

“Your Mjaesties, I apologize for the behaviour of the Guard. This in no way represents us as whole and I can assure you that he will receive just punishment.” he said as he gave a slight bow.

“And what exactly would that be?” asked Thorn.

“Immediate dismemberment from the Guard and a life of exile from our community, which if he doesn’t follow would lead to instant execution.”

Rain tapped his chin thoughtfully and then sharply looked at Diego, whose head was looking towards the ground. He then looked back at Vitali. “Death, ”

“It is the law, Your Majesty,” he replied.

“And the law must be followed, I agree but I have something else in mind for that one. The law could be bent depending on who is calling in the favour. Do you agree?” he said.

Vitali nodded. I frowned slightly as I didn’t know where this was going exactly.

“There are worse things than a threat of possible death.” he said addressing the gathering. “Life can be worse than hell itself. Or so they say.” he paused. “Diego how do you feel about serving as my personal guard? Before you answer, you should think long and hard about this. As you can imagine I am not what exactly what you would call neutral territory. You could face triple the amount of danger than if you were expelled.” I didn’t think it possible for the room to fall even quieter than it already was, but it did as everyone seemed to be awaiting his answer.

“I am grateful that Your Majesty has shown mercy toward me and it would be a great honour to serve as your personal guard.” he said bowing slightly.

“I am happy with your decision. It would be such a waste to lose another soldier. But you see my pardon as mercy...we’ll see about that part.” he then turned to Vitali. “On entering there was an audible uproar coming from the room. What was that about?”

“A wage dispute. There is a rumour circulating that the treasury has almost run dry and they’ve gathered to express their concerns about their future. Perhaps you would like to address the issue?” Rain nodded.

“It has come to my attention that many of you here are concerned with the rumours about our treasury being nearly empty and what that means for your future. Firstly, I must say that the stories you hear are not rumours. It is no secret that our last two leaders have squandered a fortune that has been accruing for several thousand years in less than half a millennium. One of his greatest ventures, one which I regret was searching for me and my family.

“Despite this I can assure you that you need not worry about your future. I see brighter days ahead of us. I bring to the table not only my plans or insight, but also my own assets. What is mine is yours and what yours is mine. With this I do not mean a socialist system, that is the furthest option from my mind. But what I am hoping to establish is a social partnership. Where there is equity and equality among every single Lune.

“Many of you look at my face and all you see is my youth, a mere boy, as I know you have said among yourselves. However, my youth does not equate to naivety and foolishness. As you will come to see that the number of years I have under my belt in no way represents how old I really am.” he smiled and then continued.

“These are just words to most of you, the soothe sayings of a politician trying to calm an angry mob. However, I say to you that these are my promises and as you know the concept of empty promises does not exist for our kind.”

“My king if I may speak?” I said coming to stand beside him. He nodded his ascent and gave me the floor. I stood quietly at first as I watched the faces of all those around me. “My husband and yes, my king has outlined his commitment to serve this clan and with your input, help to restore it to its former glory. Yet what is my role? You may ask. I am a Corona, true and very proud I am of my heritage. But I am also a part of you, as such you also have my commitment and loyalty.

“So far we’ve only presented evidence of our destructive forces when work together, if the dethroning of Omayra could be used as such an example. I then implore you to imagine what those forces could do when put towards constructive endeavours.” I paused. “Again, these are just words. They can be taken any way you want them to. We ask not for your immediate approval, nor your loyalty, as neither should be freely given, but earned. What we do ask for is your time, patience, ideas, commitment and service.” I said coming back to stand beside Thorn.

I didn’t know where all those words came from. I wasn’t exactly the motivational speaker type, but I somehow felt that it was my duty. I now had to accept the fact that my actions not only bore consequences for myself but all those I represented.

This last summer had brought a lot of changes in my life. Quick changes that changed me. I was no longer a nymph and I had skipped the chrysalis phase. I had become a full fledged dragonfly.

“I believe that everything has quieted down?” asked Rain.

“ For now. That was a very convincing speech that the two of you produced today and it was very timely. Things were getting out of hand before your entrance.” replied Vitali.

“Don’t congratulate us just yet, we still have a hard road ahead.” said Rain.

“Yes you do and I do not begrudge you your position, Your Majesty. I don’t know who would.” he chuckled.

“There will always be others wanting this.” said Thorn.

“That is true.” he replied. “My Lady these are your quarters.” he said pointing to the door to the left. “Some changes have been made to your specifications.”

“Changes?” I questioned.

“Actually, it was to my specifications. You share some of our gifts, but you are still a Corona. I had to ensure that you would be comfortable here. Would you like to see it now or should we continue with the rest of the tour?” he asked.

“I would very much like to see it now.” I was curious to see what he had done with the room as the endless corridors of white, silver and ice was becoming a bit monotonous.

“Okay,” he said turning to face Vitali. “Could we continue the tour at a later time. It has been a long day and we’ve travelled far.”

“Yes of course,” he said bowing. “Diego,” he said as he was walking away.

“Actually, he stays. His duties begin now.” said Rain and Vitali nodded his assent before continuing down the hall. “If you may,” he said holding the door open for me. I stepped inside.

I had long accepted that I would be living in an ice castle probably for the rest of my life and that there were certain things that I would have to give up, but now I see that my self-sacrificing mindset was for naught.

The first thing that caught my eye was the large fire blazing under the huge wood and stone mantelpiece and their reflection off of the highly polished wooden floor . In front of the fireplace sat two chaise lounges with matching ottomans and a low centre table.

The four poster bed was the centrepiece of the room and it was surrounded by night tables at each side, a bookshelf covering a whole wall. The sheets, curtains and upholstery were all white and it reminded me very much of home.

“You have a view of the lake from here,” he said as he walked over to the windows and moved the curtains, looking outside.

“Thank you.” I said walking over to stand beside him. “You didn’t have to do all of this you know.” I said looking outside through the window. The view was indeed beautiful as black water shimmered with each ripple that moved towards the banks.

“Like I said earlier, I want you to feel comfortable here. Besides, it isn’t for you alone as I see myself spending a lot time here after a hard day’s work. It will be like my little getaway.” he said as he turned to me.

I smiled as he gently brushed his fingers down the side of my face. “We should get on with the rest of the tour and then call it a day.” he said stepping away from me and again adopting the businesslike tone that he’d used earlier. I was confused to why the sudden change but I just followed him out of the room.

“I believe that you know the rest of this palace very well,” said Rain as he addressed Diego.

“Yes Your Majesty,” he said looking at Rain. “I am one of the few the castle guards.”

“Really, it is lucky that he picked you then.” I said.

“It appears that way Your Majesty.” he said giving me his attention. “Shall we,” he said ushering us forward. I nodded and followed as he and Rain led the way.

I listened quietly as Rain quizzed him about everything about his life. Like about his training, how long he’d been in the guard, whether or not he was married or had children, his closest acquaintances on the guard, the year and place where he was born. And although the questions were prying and an invasion of his private life he answered each one of them without hesitation.

“I am curious,” I started. “I thought I would have seen Dmitri tonight. He and the captain seemed inseparable when they visited us last.”

“Do you mean the lieutenant?” asked Diego.

“Yes, is he still about?”

“Not at the moment. He had obtained an extended vacation and left only a few days ago.” he answered with so much devotion as if he were eager to please.

“A vacation, is that so. I guess we all need a rest once in a while.” I said softly. I then put the matter to rest as it really wasn’t that important. I was just satisfying a trifling curiosity.

The tour took us about another two hours as we walked into every bedroom, library, gallery or storeroom in the place. I was not too pleased when I found out that Thorn’s chambers were two floors above mine and there were no elevators. I found it even more embarrassing to know that since we had separate bedrooms, every time we well, wanted to have private time, the whole palace would know as we’d be walking to and from each other’s rooms. I really wished that I could meet the person who invented the practice of a king and queen having separate chambers so that I could tell them personally how stupid their idea was.

After all the walking I was dog tired and I was dying to have a bath and to change the clothes I was wearing. My feet hurt from the high-heels and my skin itched under the jeans. Although I’d slept most of the way getting here but I was still tired. I tried as much as possible to suppress the huge yawn that was building but to no avail and had to stop a few paces behind Thorn and Diego so they wouldn’t hear me.

“Are you alright Your Majesty?” asked Diego as he turned and looked at me.

“Yes, I am fine just tired. I’m not as fit as you males of the species.” I smiled slightly as I walked up to meet them. “I would really wish to retire now.” I said to Rain.

“You could stay with me tonight up here as your room is a long way off.” said Rain looking directly at me.

“Okay,” I said softly and blushed a little when I saw Diego looking at us.

“You’re off for the rest of the night, be here by six tomorrow morning.” he said to Diego.

“Thank you,” he said with a slight bow and quickly retreated down the hall and disappeared down the steps.

He took my hand and we walked back to his room. It was much larger than mine and understandably so. He was the Grand Lune. The windows, all glass covered half the room and gave a full view of the forest, lake and waterfall and grand piano also made out of glass stood close to it. The room unlike mine remained unmodified with ice being the main material used. There were also furnishings of ash and silver but the bed which I now sat on was soft, warm and felt feathery.

I quickly kicked off my boots and pressed my feet against the cool floor. “Relief,” I sighed. “Your bathroom is through that door right?” I said pointing to a small alcove in the wall. He nodded. “I am going to take a bath, you want to join me?” I asked.

“I thought you said you were tired.” He said crossing his arms and leaning on the bed post.

“I am, that is why I was hoping that you would be there to wash my back.” I said lowering my tone.

His smile widened. “Sounds tempting, but I have some other issues to clear up tonight.” I closed my eyes as he pressed his lips against my forehead.

“Can’t they wait until tomorrow?” I asked.

“They can, but it’s best if I deal with them now.”

“Oh,” I said getting up off the bed and walked towards the bathroom.

“Aurora,” he called after me.

“Yes,” I said turning quickly hoping that he’d changed his mind.

“Some of your clothes are in my closet over there.” he said indicating towards the structure with is chin.

“Oh okay,” I said a bit disappointed.

“I will see you later.” he said as he walked towards the door. I only nodded and watched as he exited.

I closed my eyes and inhaled the scented bubbles as they floated around me in the bath, if I could even call it that, as it seemed more like a mini swimming pool. I was thinking mainly of my day and trying to make sense of Thorn’s hot and cold behaviour. I didn’t even know what I was doing wrong. I didn’t do anything wrong if I did he would have told me so or the old Thorn would have. The old Thorn? Was there a new Thorn or had the new Rain persona taken over?

I thought baths were supposed to be soothing but this felt more like torture. I swam over to the drain and unplugged it before stepping out of the bath. I gathered my clothes from off the floor , stepping carefully as to not slip. I tiptoed over to the towel rack and slid one around myself before walking back towards the room.

I pulled the scrunchie out of my hair allowing my locks to fall around me. My clothes were where he said they would be and after getting dressed I crawled into bed. I wondered how my parents were doing. It has been three days since I last spoke to any of them.

Although we were in the middle of nowhere land, I was happy that we still had all modern conveniences at our disposal. I stretched over to the cordless phone sitting on the night table and punched in her number. At first the phone rang without an answer. The second time it just went straight to voicemail.

“Hi mom, dad. It’s me Aurora just calling too tell you that I am ok. We got here safely and well I miss you both. Tir na n-Óg is beautiful. Say hi to Alex… I mean Min. Okay then. Call me when you get this. Bye.” I looked at the phone for an extended period. No call backs.

I finally put the phone back on its hook and flung myself down on the bed, burying my head in the pillows.

The door opened and in walked Thorn, my old Thorn . He came over and sat beside me on the bed.

“I am sorry,” he said.

“For what exactly this time,” I asked sullenly.

“For everything I’ve done and for everything else that I might do.” His head was held down, not looking at my face . “I don’t want to hurt you.” he said taking my hand in his. I felt something wet fall on my hand. Tears. His tears.

I sat up immediately and clung my arms tightly around his neck. He rested is head on my shoulder and I could feel the wetness on his face soaking through my clothes and dampening my skin. “It is okay. It’s okay.” I whispered in his ear. “I love you. I forgive you. It is okay. It’s okay.” I continued whispering.

“I don’t want to hurt you.” he said again. This time taking my face in his hands causing me to look directly into his eyes which were slightly reddened from crying.

The door opened again and we both turned to see who it was.

“Thorn?” I said confused.

“Yes,” they both answered.

I pulled away from him and looked back and forth at the stranger and the man that sat in front of me as they were perfect clones of each other.

“I’m sorry Summer,” he said softer now. “I don't want to hurt you.” said the Thorn closest to me.

“But I must.” said the Thorn that had just walked in.

Like smoke the Thorn closest to me disappeared into thin air, leaving just me and the stranger in the room. I watched fearfully as he approached me, with the precision of a predator stalking his prey.

I could fight back, but I didn’t. Not that I ever could. He was my Thorn. A thorn about to puncture my heart.

I twisted my head around to the other side and opened my eyes. He was still asleep and his arm was thrown around me, holding me firmly in place. I slowly turned to lie on my back trying as best as possible no to wake him. I then carefully slid his hand off me placing it at his side.

I then tiptoed out of the room and headed for the bathroom. I slid the windows open and stooped on the ledge. “I said I wouldn’t do this again,” I said and jumped out the window.

Two sturdy, white wings appeared at each side of me. I said I would never shift into an owl again but in these dark lands, it was sorely fitting. I just hoped that there weren’t any mice around. I shook my head at the awful memory.

I directed my flight towards the waterfall. It would be easy enough to find my way out of here as the story Rain told me when we entered would be a big help. I flew all the way through the cave and came to a stop only when I reached the final wall. Where I changed back to my humanoid form.

I now realised that Thorn had told me how to get in but not out of this place. I searched the wall carefully for any little hole or crevice that may be a possible lock but I had no luck finding any. I moved over to an internal wall of the cave and sat on small boulder. I stared at the door wondering what I wanted to do next.

I could always blast it open but it be such a waste to destroy thousands of years of shifter ingenuity and that would leave Tir na n-Óg vulnerable to any unwanted intrusion by humans or other life forms. Not to mention the noise. It would probably alert the Guard, who would think they were under attack.

I chewed on my lower lip and then spat it out. “Looks like my adventure ends here.” I said as I slapping the rock slightly. To my surprise the door slowly started to move out of its place.

What were the chances of me hitting the right place. I got up and quickly moved to the opening.

“Naeht?” I said looking at the person standing in front of me. I guess I didn’t open the door.

“Summer, I mean Aurora.” he said with equal surprise. “What are you doing here?” he asked as he stepped in.

“I just needed to get some sun and I couldn’t get out.” I said. “Oh no the door closed.” I moaned as the circular slab slid back into place.

“No worries you just push that cylindrical block right there.” he said pointing the jutting slab beside the door.

“Oh,” I said and moved over to it and pushed as he’d instructed. I waited for the door to open. “I’m going for a walk. You can tell Rain where I am if he asks.” I said stepping outside.

“He doesn’t know you’re out here?” he asked again.

“No, I didn’t want to wake him.”

“He is not going to be happy when he wakes and you’re no there.” he said following me out.

“I know, but he’ll understand.”

“l better come with you then.” he said.

“Really you don’t have to. I am fine. This is a safe haven right.” I smiled.

“Right, but I am still coming.” he insisted. “My brother might forgive you easily but he would probably have my head if I left you out here alone.”

“Fine, suit yourself.” I said changing into a falcon heading straight to the top of the cliff.

I heard heavy wings behind me. I perched on a narrow ledge and then changed just in time to see a huge eagle carrying a small pouch in its claws coming to land behind me.

“You Lune men are so stubborn.” I said as I looked out at the sea. Only the very top of the sun had made it over the horizon.

“We have to be especially when dealing with hard-headed Corona women.” he said from behind me. “You should probably move further away from the edge.”

“What’s the worst that could happen? I fall? If only I could make wings magically appear so I wouldn’t be dashed against the awaiting rocks.” I said swinging my legs causing a few pebbles to fall into the ground below.

“Like I said, hard-headed. It seems my brother’s sarcasm is catching.” he said coming to sit beside me. I laughed. “So what is your real reason for running away? Married life not what you expected?”

“Who said anything about me running away?” I said turning to him.

“I call it as I see it.” he said still not looking at me.

“Well you clearly need glasses.” I turned back to look at the partially risen sun. “I just need some time to think through things alone, but I guess that wasn’t meant to be.”

He laughed. “Sorry for the intrusion but…”

“Yeah, yeah your brother would have your head.”

We remained silent for a while. “Have you done thinking things through yet?” he asked.

“No, but thanks for disturbing my thought process.” I jibed.

“Seriously though Aurora, what is really going on? You still haven’t answered my question about your married life.” he said.

“My marriage is fine. I am just confused.” I started.

“About what?”

“About what exactly is my role here. Yes, I am here to help Rain, but in what capacity? To everyone else I’m probably just some Corona he married to fulfill some prophecy.” I lied as I already knew my role her. I in fact had outlined it very clearly to the Royal Guard last night.

“You know that isn’t true. You don’t really believe that do you?”

“No, I guess not. I don’t know.” I sighed again and got up. That was partially the problem. My major problem was that I had a dream about my husband wanting to kill me and my dreams particularly the nightmares usually came true, in one twisted form or the other.

The truth was, I was afraid. I however didn’t know if I was afraid for myself or for Thorn. If I was gone he would be gone too.

“Where are you going?” he said looking up at me.

“A walk. I would tell you not to come but you’re still going to follow me.” I said starting across the rocky top. I decided that I was going to walk the entire perimeter of the island. At first the sharp edges of the rocks digging into my bare feet made it hard for me to walk but I eventually got used to it.

“Be careful.” said Naeht after I lost my balance slightly and old on to a nearby boulder to regain it.

“I’ll be fine.” I said. The wind seemed to be picking up and it blew out my hair and the loose white dress I had on around me.

“I really wish you would take your walk closer in land.” he said.

“Is it really making you that nervous?” I said hopping lightly to another stone.

“Yes it is.” he answered. I watched as another frown appeared as I jumped to another rock. “Aurora please.”

“Okay, I’ll move.” I said coming to stand beside him. “Happy now,”

“Yes very,” he said. He said it with so much emotion that it made me uncomfortable.

I sat down to avoid his intense gaze. I was beginning to think that it was a bad idea for the two of us to be alone like this. It seemed too personal and I think this meeting probably held more meaning for him than it did for me.

“It must be nice knowing that you are the owner of all this.” he said looking out at the sea.

“Partial owner. Rain has the main stake in this.” I said.

“Come on quit being so modest. Admit it is good having all that power and people doing what you tell them to do.”

I smiled. “Alright I admit it. It is good to be the boss.” I said resting my head on my knees.

“That’s your place here Aurora. You are the boss whether my brother knows it or not. He would do absolutely anything to ensure that you are happy. He’d probably even give up this place if it meant getting you back.” he said.

“You think so?” I asked.

“I know so. I’ve lived with him longer than you have. Before you he was a self-obsessed prick who didn’t give a damn about what people thought about him or what he did, as long as he thought it was right.”

“He is not self-obsessed.” I snapped.

“He isn’t now, but he was. You changed him. You became sort of his soft spot. He is a different person than he was before you entered his life. Some might say you made him soft, but I say you made him better.”

“I don’t think so. He was always that way. It probably wasn’t the right time for him to show that side of himself.”

“Summer you know what your problem is, you don’t see yourself very clearly. How important you really are. I thought Rain would have at least told you that. I guess he hasn’t changed as much as I thought.” he said as he walked away from me.

“That is not true.” I said walking behind him. “He does tell me. Almost every day too.”

“Really, then why are you up here on two hundred foot rock clearing your head?” he said turning to face me.

“I don’t know. I guess I haven’t started believing it as yet.” I said softly.

“Well it is about time you start.” he said dropping his voice. He then continued walking over to his pouch that sat close to the ledge.

I followed him slowly and then went to sit beside him. “Thanks,” I said.

“For what?” he said still sounding a bit tense.

“For the talk I needed that. It helped me to put things back into perspective.” I said without looking at him. He didn’t answer. He was right though. I was Rain’s soft spot as he’d put it and I knew that he wouldn’t hurt me. My dream was wrong. After all it was just a stupid dream and everyone knows that not all dreams come true.

“What’s in there?” I said indicating towards his pouch.

“Nothing important.”

“Then why are you clutching as if your life depended on it?” I smiled.

“It does. I meant nothing important to you.” he said in a lighter tone. “You want to see?”

“Sure,” I said leaning over to look. “Candy?”

“Not just any sweets special sweets.”

“Yeah right.” I said rolling my eyes. “What’s so special about those?”

“They’re a knockout.” he said smiling to himself. “You want one?”

“No thanks, I’ll take your word for it.” I laughed.

“I insist.” he said as he offered one of the silver wrapped sweets.

“Really I’m fine.” I said refusing him again.

“I really insist.” his voice taking on a harsh tone.

“And I said no thank you. What’s with you and the sweets?” I said as I slapped his hands away. “I think I am ready to go home now. Rain is probably up by now and I don’t want him to get worried.” I said getting up.

“And you are not going anywhere.” he said grabbing my foot and pulling it from under me causing me to hit my head against the rocks.

He then came to stoop over me and forced the thing in my mouth. It wasn’t even a sweet at all. It had this bitter yet piny taste to it. Evergreen oil. I tried spitting it out but the solid as soon as it hit my tongue simply melted away.

The poison was very potent and it only took seconds for it to take full effect. I immediately felt my entire body growing weaker.

He appeared as a dark shadow over me. His cold breath caressed my face as he spoke. “I don’t want to hurt you Summer, but I must.”

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