
Chapter Homecoming

“Are you sure that I should be in here? I mean this really isn’t my business.”

The hundred of candles flickered as I pushed away from the circular table.

“Isn’t your business?” Aurora when I am gone half of this will be left to you. So this is exactly your business.” said my mother looking up from the pile of papers stacked in front of her. I sighed in resignation and then pulled my chair back up to the table.

“I know this isn’t exactly fun, but I think you would or should be interested in how we make our living.” she continued.

“I already know the basic stuff. You trade in gold and also give advice to other Coronas in the business, who then repay you by giving you a small cut of their earnings. See, I know enough, no need for details.”

“That isn’t even half of what we do. Do you know who our main trading partners are?”

“Yes those on the Council of the Sun.”

“Alright then, where are our main refineries? To whom do we sell? What is the average annual output in tonnes of gold we refine? What other fields have we diversified? Who….?”

“Okay! You have made your point, I know nothing about the family business but I still don’t see why I have to. I am not …. business oriented.”

“But you have to be. You are now the wife of the Grand Lune, Aurora. There will be people who will not only be depending on the advice of your husband, but they will be expecting you to be more than a pretty face. You will not only be representing yourself, but also me and the rest of the Corona clan. These are critical times and a lot is dependent on not only Rain’s actions and knowledge, but also yours as well.”

“Your mother is right you know.” said Dad.

“Isn’t that the norm?” I miffed as I looked around at the other spectators around the table. My parents and Alex all looked at me with slight smiles. “I guess there is no way to manoeuvre out of this. So what do I need to know? How do I run a family business?”

“Firstly, you should know it is a lot of work.” she started.

“Well the pile says it all and we don’t really have much time.” I said taking up one of the tightly packed folders as I flipped through it.

“Yes time is an issue.” my mother said as she came to sit beside me. “But we will try to get in as much as possible.”

“Yeah,” I moaned. I am about to earn a business degree in less than two months. How fricking, fricking great! My innocence was lost the night of my wedding, but my childhood just slipped out the front door.

The soft rays of the autumn sun were scattered into a million facets as they rocked with the waves of the restless ocean.

I sat with my feet partially buried under the sand and arms wrapped around my knees. It was close to the shoreline, too close, as the hem of my white dress floated and sank with the coming and going of the shallow tide. I didn’t worry about it too much as it wasn’t as if it was getting wet. Element-proof clothing were the lesser of the two absolute necessities in my life.

I closed my eyes briefly and inhaled deeply, enjoying the salty smell the breeze left in my nose and strangely too, on my tongue. I heard soft footsteps patterned by long, even strides coming towards me. I didn’t move as I already knew to whom they belonged. It was a rhythm that I had learned and would be hard for me to forget even after a thousand years have passed. And we did have a thousand years, probably more.

The beat came to a stop directly behind me. He sat behind me with his legs shifting into arm rest at my sides. It was only then that I released my arms and leaned back, resting my head against his muscled chest.

“How did you know that it was me? Your eyes were closed.” he said with a hint of humour in his voice.” as he brushed away a strand of orange-tinted hair that had fallen across my face.

“I’d know that horse-trot of yours anywhere I heard it.” I joked. His chest rumbled as he laughed softly.

“A trot? I’d always thought that I had a more dignified canter.” he laughed again.

“Canter, trot, same horse. Tomatoes, tomatoes.” I said lightly and then sighed.

“Is something wrong?” he asked as the humour had started draining out of his voice. I still hadn’t opened my eyes but I could imagine his forehead becoming creased by worry lines, the ones he wore around me so often.

“No, nothing really. I’m a bit tired from all the weeks of intense learning. I can tell you that my mom is worse than a slave driver. I am a fricking science-head all that business stuff was just annoying. I am so relieved that it is over with.” I sighed again.

“Are you sure that that is all on your mind?”

“Maybe it’s that and the fact that I can’t believe that this will be our last night here,” I said finally opening my eyes and ran my hand gently back and forth down the tight flexor muscles of his forearm. “Our honeymoon is finally over. It is time to go out into the real world again.”

“You are worried about the move?” he asked again in the same sobering tone. “If that is the problem, we could wait a few more days before we left.” he started.

“No, we’ll leave tomorrow. Everything has already been arranged and I’m not going to spoil it because of my selfish reasons. I just have to come to grips that I can’t have you all to myself all the while and I will have to be sharing you with a whole fricking clan.” my tone had started out serious but it slowly degraded into an unintended whinger.

“That’s what you are worried about? That I won’t have enough time for you, because that is not going to happen.”

“I know, I was just being silly. Let us not talk about this anymore, ok. Tomorrow is a certainty and we have responsibilities that we just can’t put off anymore.” I said turning to look at him briefly.

“No we can’t.” His face was set and his eyes were looking towards the horizon but I knew that he was looking much further away than that.

“Rain,” I said using his real name, as we’d both agreed to completely drop our human façade. I was now Aurora Laeyx North, the wife of Grand Lune Rain Esor North. The days of Thorn and Summer were to be no more.

We slipped now and then, but we both agreed that we should tie off all our human connections if we were going to succeed in our transition. It was still hard as those were our love names...that is, the ones we knew each other as when we fell in love. The one everyone used to refer to us collectively . Summer and Thorn, the pair, the set, the couple. It was the one I still used in my head though. He was forever going to be the Thorn at my side.

“Yes,” he answered.

“Are you scared?”

He finally looked away from the sea and then down to my face. “Scared? No. I am terrified.”

A slight smile appeared on my face. “Me too,” we both remained silent. “You want to go inside now? It is getting late.” I asked.

“I thought you would want to spend a bit more time out here in the sun. It will be setting soon.”

“I’ve had enough sun for one day. Besides I can think of better ways to end my day which doesn’t include watching sunsets.” I said softly as I turned to face him fully.

“Really?” he said giving me a devastatingly beautiful smile.

“Really. So are you coming inside?” I said as I my lips hovered close to his.

“Honestly speaking,” he said not move an inch closer.

“Honestly,” I whispered returning his tease.

“Hmm hmmm. I don’t think I can make it that far Aurora.” he said as he brushed his lips against mine.

“Honestly speaking,”

“Hmm hmmm,”

“Me neither.”

“Good,” he said wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me tightly to himself.

It was hard saying goodbye to my parents as they dropped us off at the airport. I knew that it wasn’t a forever thing and that I would see them again, but I was still sad as I knew was going to miss them. Caleb was missing as he’d already started college in Canada, trailing Susan of course.

Seidon was also absent as he was already in Ireland waiting. He had to ensure that everything was in place when we got there.

Rain and I had no luggage as everything we needed had already been shipped ahead of us. He only carried a light jacket with him. I also carried one, not because I was afraid of getting cold, my marriage to Rain had already eliminated that threat, but because he said that it might get chilly up north and we needed to blend in with the crowd.

The only other piece of luggage I carried was a small handbag which held our passports, tickets, IDs, cash and a pack of gum.

It was weird all the stares we got from the onlookers as we walked through the airport. It wasn’t as if we were wearing anything out of the way. Rain was wearing faded jeans pants with a plain white tee, layered by a crisp tan shirt and a matching blazer. I on the other hand, was also wearing jeans which were neatly tucked down into fawn-coloured boots and white blouse. My matching wool sweater was draped over my hand which clutched my handbag. Both of us had pulled our hair back into a low ponytail at the back and the only jewellery we wore were our Galusion gem necklaces which were both safely hidden under our clothes.

I could understand the looks that Thorn was getting. He was nothing less than beautiful, even in plain old jeans. I’d watched the faces of some of the women as their mouth dropped open and as they stared on in awe at the sight of him and others whose face turned up into a frown when they saw that I was walking beside him. I intentionally held his hand, flashing the wedding band he wore in their direction and watched as their frowns deepened. I snickered softly to myself at their reaction. Rain turned and looked at me wondering what it was that amused me. I just told him that women were funny. He didn’t seem to get what I was talking about but he accepted my answer anyways.

We didn’t have to wait in the check-in line as we’d already done that online. Luggage wasn’t a real issue either, the only time we had to wait in line was to collect our boarding passes and that didn’t even take much of our time.

After we found our seats, Thorn excused himself. He said he needed to check about something, I wasn’t sure what but I didn’t give it a second thought. It was my first time flying anywhere and after I’d seen that Rain hadn’t come back as yet, I decided to busy myself with whatever compartment or fandangle I found hanging around.

I seemed to have attracted the attention of a man on the other side. First, he’d just looked up briefly from the magazine he had in his hand and then he put it down and turned to face me.

“Hello,” he said giving me a slight smile that caused small lines to appear around his eyes. He really wasn’t old, he was more in his late thirties, early forties. He looked like the travelling businessman with thousands of frequent flyer miles type. He was wearing a suit, expensive it seemed, a huge gold watch and had a laptop case perched beside him.

“Hello,” I said returning his smile. I watched confused, as is eyes widened then come back to a more conformed look as he stared in my face.

“It is you first time flying I see?”

“Is it that obvious?” I asked.

“Yes,” he said laughing and I laughed along with him. “If you are travelling, first-class is definitely the way to go. I am Robert by the way.”

“Well I am happy you approve Robert. I am Aurora.” I wondered if I should have given him my real name, but then dismissed the thought. We were leaving behind all human pretences anyway. Not that he knew that, but Rain and I were making a new start and I didn’t see the harm anyways. “So business trip huh?” I asked.

“Yes, I am an investment banker. You? Business or pleasure?” he asked.

“Both,” I replied. He seemed to be waiting for me to continue, but when I didn’t he moved on to the next question.

“Is someone else going to be sitting beside you?”

“Yes, my husband.” I saw his face sink at the mention of Rain. “He just went around the back.” I said pointing behind me. As soon as I did, I saw Rain reappearing through the curtains. “Oh, there he is.”

“Aurora sorry I took so long. Is everything alright?” he said looking at me and then at Robert.

“Everything is fine. This is Robert, he’s an investment banker.” I said to him. “Robert, this is my husband Rain.” I said making introductions.

Rain walked over to him and they shook hands. “Good to meet you Robert.” said Rain stiffly.

“Same here. You do have a lovely wife.” he said peeking around at me and then at Rain.

“Yes, thank you. I know.” he said coming to sit beside me and leaned over kissed me on the lips. I was taken by a bit off guard but I managed to kiss him back.

“Well I hope you two enjoy the flight.” he said again taking up the magazine and turning away from us.

“I am sure we will.” said Rain also turned away from me but he took my hand holding it up to his face. He had a slight smile as he slowly twisted the wedding band on my finger.

“Why are you so smug?” I asked.

His smile widened. “Men are funny.”

I laughed a bit too loud and then controlled myself immediately. So he did understand my territorial gesture earlier.

“You aren’t the only one who is allowed mark their tree.” he continued in jest.

I rolled my eyes and moved closer to snuggle on his shoulder. He wrapped is arm around me bringing me to rest on his chest instead. “Not that I would have even allowed him to get that close to pee on me. Figuratively of course.” I smiled.

“Is that a promise?” he said as he buried his head in my hair.

“I married you didn’t I? That was in our vows. Of course, it is a promise. That is by far the silliest question you have ever asked me Rain. Don’t you trust me?” I said holding up my head to look at his face.

“Of course I do?” he said staring back into my eyes.

“Then why?” I asked confused.

“I am a bit insecure. Sometimes I don’t feel like I deserve you Aurora and if I mess up, I want to be sure that I will always have you. It is a bit selfish, I know. But when it comes to you I never want to have to share.” he whispered softly as he wore this intense look on his face.

I smiled softly and then pulled his face to rest on my forehead. “Men are funny.” I smiled. “It is kinda cute that you are jealous though.” I laughed and he rolled his eyes. “If you want to hear it again, then I promise that I will always be yours.”

I was flattered, humbled and bothered at the same time. If he felt that way, then how the hell was I supposed to feel? I was just happy that he felt that way about me, although it probably wasn’t anything close to the possessiveness that I took of him. If there was one thing I was sure about and it was that there was nothing he could ever do to change how I felt about him.

I was bothered because I had the sense that this was coming from a deeper place. I felt as if we were approaching some looming catastrophe and that there was nothing that I could do about it. This thought caused a ripple of fear to run through my spine. Instinctively, I draped my arms around his neck. He looked down at me once and then wordlessly pulled me in closer and ran his hand down my back.

He’d felt my fear. Or maybe I’d felt his. It was hard to make the distinction sometimes. There were some things we couldn’t hide from each other. I closed my eyes and settled on listening to the steady thrum of is heartbeat. I tried to fall asleep but I couldn’t as the fear, though somewhat reduced with me in his arms, was still there.

“Aurora, Aurora . . . Summer,”

“Hmm,” I answered still a bit groggy.

“We’re here.” he whispered into my ear.

“London?” I asked slowly opening my eyes. I blinked twice as I tried to get them to focus.

“Yes, it’s time to get off.” I muffled another yawn.

“That was quick.” I finally regained full control of my senses and straightened up in the chair. I was in London! The full realization of this hit me and I slid quickly over to the window, pulling the short blue curtain away. I pressed my face up against the glass. “I can’t see anything.” I complained.

“It’s night. Ten hour ride remember and they’re six hours ahead of us.” said Rain.

I checked my watch. It was now twenty after eight and we had a ten o’clock flight. That meant it was past two in the morning here.

“Come, we should get going.” said Rain suddenly taking on a businesslike tone.

“Ok,” I said pushing back the knob in after adjusting the time. I grabbed my hand bag which sat on my lap and slid out the seat before coming to stand beside him. I briefly looked over to where Robert was sitting. His seat was empty.

“He left already.” said Thorn. “We should hurry.” he motioned for me to step in front of him.

What was with him since I got up? I stepped in front of him. “Excuse my excitement for flying into another country for the first time.” I grumbled.

“That isn’t my fault. Now is it.” he rebuffed. I stopped and turned to look at him, not believing he had just said that. His expression was hard and he didn’t even look at my face.

“What’s up with you today?” I didn’t understand why he had suddenly become so insensitive.

“Sorry. It’s nothing.” he looked down at me, his jaw twitched to one side.

“Well it seems like a whole lot a nothing.” I said becoming slightly piqued.

“Summer can we have this conversation when we get home. Right now we need to …”

“Leave, right.” I said finishing his sentence and stormed ahead of him. I could hear him muttering softly to himself. It was when I reached inside the airport that I slowed down as I realized that I had no idea of where I was going and then stopped. I watched as he strolled up to me and then brushed past me like I wasn’t even there.

I followed behind keeping a brisk pace as to keep up with his long strides as we pushed through the crowd. Rain and I hadn’t had a serious argument since we started dating and I had the burning feeling that that was going to change tonight. He was right though. This was neither the time nor the place.

We boarded our next flight to Dublin. The journey was a lot shorter. First class again. Still Thorn decided that he wasn’t talking mood and I left him to brood. I settled on plugging in the headset and watched a movie. Some chick flick that everyone knew how it would end even before it started. I really wasn’t into the movie that much. Occasionally I would peek over at Thorn. Of course I’d already forgiven him for the way he was acting earlier . Malice and Thorn were two things that couldn’t coexist with me.

I took his hand and brushed my thumb lightly over it. He looked at me and gave me a slight smile. I took that I was forgiven too. He took my hand and kissed it. He then rested it on the seat, him not letting go.

“Where do we go from here?” I asked as we exited the airport.

“We’ll travel further east to Galway Bay and then go by boat to Tir na n-Óg.” As he said this the wind picked up, causing a few loose strands of my hair to wisp across my face. “Our ride is over there,” he said pointing to a black car parked further down the lot. As we got closer I saw that the driver was leaning on the door. He was wearing a heavy trench coat and a hat. His arms were folded and I didn’t see his face as it was held down, is chin resting on his chest.

On hearing our approach he held up is head.

“Naeht? What are you doing here?” I asked surprised.

“Well that wasn’t the greeting I was expecting from my sister-in-law. Especially one who I haven’t seen in three months.” he said smiling.

“I’m sorry, it was just that I was expecting Seidon. How are you doing?” I said going over to hug him.

“I am good. Married life seems to suit you well.” he said looking into my face.

“Yeah, I guess so.” I said little embarrassed.

“Everything is fine right?” he asked a frown starting to cross his face as he looked at Thorn and then back at me.

“Yeah, I’m just a little edgy about what is to come.” I said looking back at Thorn. I pulled away from his hold.

“Well you shouldn’t. Everything is fine. So lighten up. The weather here is already a downer.” I smiled slightly. A few drops of water landed on my face. “You better get in before it gets heavier.”

“Where is dad by the way?” asked Thorn as he came to stand beside me.

“Something came up and he had to go to London. Nothing serious though. We should get going as your kingdom awaits.”

“Yeah,” said Thorn as he opened the door for me to go in and Naeht hopped in the front.

“So what have you been up to in the last three months?” I asked he turned on the wipers and drove off.

“Nothing really, mostly travelling. I’ve been staying here in Ireland since last month. Met a lot of interesting people along the way. You?”

“I’m fine I guess. A nervous wreck but okay. I’ve learned quite a bit from my parents and from Seidon. My swordsmanship has improved significantly.”


“I could probably beat you if it comes up to the task.” I jibed.

“You sound confident. I might have to test that for myself.” he laughed.

“I promise I won’t disappoint.”

“If you say so, my queen.” he turned and winked at me before looking ahead. “What about you brother, anything new?”

“Nothing since the last time we spoke.” said Thorn who didn’t even move his face which was pressed up against the window.

The rest of the journey continued pretty much the same way. Me and Naeht catching up and Thorn staring out the window. This drive was a lot longer than I was expecting and I soon fell asleep again.

When I got up, it was late morning. Not that I got any indication from the lighting as the heavy tint of the vehicle prevented that. The overcast weather didn’t help either. It was the crunching sound of rubber against gravel that woke me up.

I pulled myself up and peered out the window. We were near a beach of the sort. It wasn’t like the ones I was used to back home. Here it was mainly rocks and huge cliffs that lined the shore instead of white sand.

“We are almost home,” said Thorn as he exited the car and walked around to my door “Shall we?” he asked in a light tone as he held the door open for me.

“Yes,” I said climbing out of the car. We were at a boat yard, with hundreds of small boats dotting the waterfront. There weren’t however a lot of people around.

Thorn walked out on an old jetty which seemed that it would be swallowed by the ocean any minute now. “Are you sure that thing is safe?” I shouted as I was competing with the breeze.

“No not really, But what’s the worst thing that could happen? I drown?” he said with a smile that made me realize how silly my concern had been.

I pushed a stick of gum into my mouth and watched as he walked towards me. He wasn’t smiling, but he somehow seemed happy. It was like he was in his element. The grey skies, dark water and gusty wind all seemed to suit him. It was like he belonged here. Nature, the sea, the atmosphere were all welcoming him home.

“There is our ride.” he said motioning to an older man in his fifties walking up towards us.

“Isn’t Naeht coming with us?”

“No, I have some more business to take care of here first, but I will be over soon enough.” he said coming behind us.

“A face I thought I would never see again.” said the old man in a rough Gaelic accent.

“It has been a while Marc, it is good seeing you again friend.” replied Thorn.

“Well I must be going.” said Naeht. “Aurora, brother.” he said tapping us lightly on our shoulders.

“Bye Naeht,” I said turning to watch his retreat. He flashed his lights once and I waved as watched the car drive away. I brought my attention back to the older man who was now standing very close to us.

“Yes it is indeed. Your other two companions I’ve been seeing a lot of quite lately, but you seemed to be keeping away. Was that one of them I saw just driving off?”

“Yes, it was.”

“You must be the one who’s responsible for his absence.” he said turning to me.

“Yes, for the most part.” I laughed. “It is good to finally meet you.” I said shaking his outstretched hand.

“Marc, this is my wife Aurora. Aurora this is Marc.”

“Wife! You really have been busy Oisin. In all my years and I do mean years, I still haven’t wed and you barely older than a sapling have found the altar. Not that she isn’t well one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen in years. I’d probably marry her too if you hadn’t beaten me to it.” he said continuing to stare at me.

“Well thank you Marc, but there is much more to my wife than her beauty. And I go by the name Rain these days.” said Thorn with a huge grin.

“Rain , is that the real one this time?” he said finally taking is eyes off me.

“Yes, I think it is a lot safer for you to know it now and I think I owe you even that.”

“Well that name is becoming bloody common in these parts. The same name of the new Grand Lune.” he said musingly. I couldn’t help but to look at Thorn who was trying as hard as me to hold back a smile.

“Is that so,” said Thorn.

“Very much so. Well I think you two would like to get on with your business instead of talking to me whole day.”

“We are tired as we’ve been travelling long.” replied Thorn.

“The boat is behind there as usual.” he said pointing to a cliff.

We followed him quietly to the place he spoke of. I wasn’t too pleased when I had to get my feet wet. I might be married to a Lune, but I was still very much a full-blooded Corona. I soon saw the boat docked only a couple chains from where now to wooden pier. It had a sleek, black finish and it looked very fast.

“I see you took my advice.” said Thorn.

“Yes I did. Business has picked up since then. Who would have thought that people would rather swim than to travel in my Old Faithful.” he laughed and Thorn joined him. I didn’t get it, must have been an inside joke.

Thorn hopped in first and then helped me on. Marc then joined us in the vessel. He untied it from the pier and then went around to the controls.

I found a seat at the side. I didn’t feel like standing as my last boating experience didn’t recommend it. I was right about the boat being fast, as soon as we started we were a mile out from land. I took the gum out of my mouth and popped it into the wrapper which I put into my bag. The sweet taste was already gone and it had already done its job as a morning breath buster.

“Have there been any movement around these parts lately?” asked Thorn.

“Always with the questions,” he said turning to Rain. “Yes you see more boats carrying cargo not people to the island. I’ve noticed that some Guard members moving back and forth too. More than they usually do.”


“I guess it has to do with the new Grand Lune. I hear he is supposed to be heading this way finally. All the movement confirms it.”

“You mentioned the new Grand Lune, what else have you heard about him?” asked Rain.

“Not much, but I hear he is a young one, a direct descendant of Mond. And that he is married to a Corona supposed daughter of the Grand Corona too. It was not by just meeting either. I hear the marriage was arranged in the traditional way even with promise bands. That part I got see. Promise bands between Lunes are rare enough, further more between a Lune and a Corona.

“Some question his age and ability to lead us, but age is just a number and besides what do they know. Ay was running our clan into the ground. The royal family was running dry on resources due to his countless poor decisions. People were beginning to complain. And when Omayra took over she wasn’t doing much better.”

“What about you? What is your opinion?” I asked.

“I don’t particularly agree with their views. As I see it anyone strong enough to kill Omayra is good enough for me. I know from experience that it had to take more than common sense to get rid of that one. But what do I know, I’m just an old man.” he said looking at me briefly.

“Tir na n-Óg approaches, it is strange that the island hasn’t changed you as yet.” he commented.

“I don’t think it can change me much further.” I said as I looked at the approaching cliffs.

The boat slowed. “I assure you it changes every Lune that approaches its shore back to their true form.” he said bringing the boat closer to shore.

“Marc, what did I do to ever give you the idea that I was a Lune?” I asked with a smile playing at the edge of my lips.

“You’re a human?” he asked as is eyebrows became knotted in confusion.

“Hardly,” said Thorn who hopped overboard and then helped me down.

“You would think Lunes would recognise a Corona when they saw one. Especially since they were hunting us for centuries.” I said to Rain.

“I would think so too,” said Rain joining my jest. “No wonder they weren’t successful.”

“That is a possibility Rain.” I continued.

“You, you, you are….” said Marc as signs of confusion disappeared from is brows, being replaced by enlightenment.

“It was nice seeing you again Marc. It is nice to know that I have at least one ally on this rock.” said Thorn as he took my hand.

“Yes it was definitely a pleasure meeting a friend of my husband.” I said waving to him. He gave me a slight wave but it was obvious that he was still in shock.

“Wait!” he called out to us. We stopped and turned. “I would very much like to see the promise bands if you don’t mind.” he said walking over to us. “I am very curious as I haven’t seen one since my grandmother died.” he said.

“Oh, okay,” I said. I looked over at Thorn who didn’t seem bothered by the request. I held out my hand and I gently twisted the ring that Min had given to me, leaving only the thin silver band. Thorn did the same, revealing his gold band.

“Just like I remembered, but in gold I’ve never seen.” he said looking at our fingers and then at our faces. “Thank you for indulging an old man, Your Majeties,” he said smiling.

“You are as young as buck.” I teased.

“Ah, don’t let the smoothness of my face deceive you my queen. I am as old as time itself.” he laughed.

“Even so, we are always willing to indulge a friend,” said Thorn as he said as he took my ring slipping it back on my finger and I did the same for him. “I think we should be seeing each other more often.”

“I hope it is indeed so and under good circumstances.” he smiled. “I must bid you farewell then Your Majesty and to our lovely queen.” he said nodding once before turning away and moving towards the boat.

I looked at Thorn and smiled and he returned the gesture. “Our new home awaits.” he said as he led me away from the shore and towards the cliffs.

July17, 1984

It has been a little over a month since I left Tir na n-Óg and still there is no sign of the traitor. I’m currently in France where it is hot and miserable and I find myself longing for the icy stillness of home. I should take comfort in the fact that I am no longer alone. My king not only gave me a mission but a small, unexpected companion.

I face a decision whether or not I want to carry it to full term. I am not mother material, there is no question of that. Still, somehow I want it.

Yet if I fail to eliminate the threat, I myself would become the target of elimination. Would I dare expel a child of royal blood from my womb? The act itself would be considered high treason and I would be no better than the criminal I sought.

It is early days still and who would know? I have a mission to complete. I am a soldier. I know a thousand ways to kill a man but zero about bringing one into being. I cannot trade the known for the unknown. Being a soldier I have a task to fulfill and nothing not even my own seed would come in the way of that.


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