
Chapter Vessel

October 31, 1984

There is more than a noticeable bump in front of me now. I couldn’t do it. I had reached as close as the doctor’s office, but when the nurse called for me to go in I froze and then ran away. I couldn’t kill my baby, I didn’t have the heart to take its life. An unknown life that already mattered more to me than my own. I left France that same day and took the train to Spain. I didn’t care where I ended up, but I knew that I couldn’t go back to Tir na n-Óg and that my days as a soldier had ended.

I must admit that these past few months were the most relaxed I’ve had in my whole existence. It was liberating to know that I had no one but myself to answer to. To myself and to my baby, as he has me running to and from the bathroom.

My new freedom and my baby aren’t the only new things in my life. A few days ago I was sitting at a café and I was approached by a waiter. He asked how my husband and baby were doing. I told him that I didn’t have a husband but my baby was doing fine. He asked if I was otherwise attached. To which I responded no. I then asked him who he was and why was he asking all those personal questions. I was surprised when he told me that his name was Seidon and that he wanted to ask me out for dinner as somehow he knew that we were right for each other.

I couldn’t help myself but I laughed. As I thought this man was certainly going mad. When I finally sobered up, he was still standing there waiting for an answer. I asked him if he was serious. To which he answered ’yes‘. Naturally, my next question was why. There were so many other women out there who weren’t even with child, so why did he have to choose me. His answer was simple ’because those other women aren’t you.” He again asked me out and the oddest thing happened.

I said yes.

He will be picking me up tonight. I am a nervous wreck I didn’t know why or how I’d gotten myself in this mess. He was very handsome for a human and much younger than my last partner, but I knew that wasn’t the reason. It was like I couldn’t say no. There was something intriguing about Seidon. I wanted to solve the mystery behind the man. Or maybe I was just curious to see what kind of a person he really was.

Curiosity killed the cat, yet I still couldn’t help to wonder what is in store for this feline.


The pain hit hard at the back of my head.

Hard enough to wake me up.

I twisted suddenly and covered my face with my hands and waited until the pain slowly receded.

“Aurora,” I called. She didn’t answer. I removed my hands from my face and turned to the side. Her alarm clock was the rising sun as she was always woke at the crack of dawn and usually sat in bed waiting for me to get up. But it was the first time ever that she wasn’t there. She always waited.

“Aurora?” I said removing the sheets from around me and stood up. No answer again greeted me. I stalked into the bathroom it was empty and nothing moved except for a flagging curtain at the open window. I moved towards it and looked outside. There was nothing out of the ordinary happening out there. I pulled my head in and then closed the window.

The gem I remembered. I had taken it off last night and put it on the night table beside me. I hurried into the room and searched the table but it wasn’t there. I opened the drawer, searched the floor beside it and under the bed, but it wasn’t there. I knew that it made no sense for me to search the other drawers in the room as I knew where I had left it, but I did regardless. I strode into the bathroom and searched the clothes basket. I shook out the clothes on the floor. Something hard fell out. A gem, but it was the wrong colour. Summer must have accidentally dropped it in here after her bath.

I pushed it into my pocket and cleaned up the mess I’d created before walking back into the main chamber. I grabbed a shirt and threw it around me before heading through the door where I found Diego waiting. “How long have you been here?” I asked.

“Since six like you ordered,” he answered.

“I don’t order, I ask. It is all up to you whether or not you want to do it. The way you choose to answer is your prerogative as long as you know that there are consequences that come with your choice.” I said. “What time is it now?”

“Half six,” he said.

“That means the meeting with barons is in six hours. They will have to wait.” I said to myself.

“Is something wrong Your Majesty?” he asked.

“Not yet but it is coming,” I said. He seemed confused by my answer. I have been having these strange feelings that something was not right ever since I got on the plane and headed here. It had caused me to snap a few times at Aurora. Which I knew that she didn’t deserve. I’d seen that I had hurt her, but I just couldn’t shake the feeling from my mind.

“Did my wife happen to pass?” I asked.

“Not since I have been here,” he said.

“Do you mind searching every room in the castle to see if she is there?” I said.

“Has she gone missing? Should I alert the rest of the Guard?” he said coming closer to me.

“I don’t want the Guard involved. They have other duties to perform.” I added in a hushed voice. My wife was my responsibility. “I am going for a walk,” I said as I headed down the hall.

I couldn’t help but to check her room first to see if she had gone there but the room was empty. Tir na n-Óg was a big place and I had to search every inch of it to see if she was there. I don’t know how I could live with myself if something happened to her.

Five hours had passed and still, my search yielded naught. I had scoured every one of the holding rooms not attached to the palace, the forest, games field, the cave, and the entire perimeter of the island. I now stood on top of the cliffs as I looked out at the open sea. For some reason, I felt that she had been here.

I kicked a stone out into the awaiting ocean but its splash was concealed by the beating waves. My sense of impending doom seemed to be heightening with each second that passed and I didn’t know where else to look or what would be my next move. I felt like a clay pot. Empty, cold, broken. My other half was missing and I felt myself leaking away slowly. I knew she wasn’t dead, I could still feel her fire burning, but it was burning very low.

I noticed a small vessel moving towards the shore. I wondered who it was. I changed quickly and dived towards the ground. I changed and waited for the person to dock and debark. It was my brother.

“Rain, I didn’t expect to see you out here isn’t the meeting with the barons in an hour. I thought you would be busy making preparations.” he said as he walked up to me.

“That has been done since last night.”

“You still haven’t answered my question as to why you are out here?” he said folding his hand.

“It is Aurora,” I said.

“Is something wrong with her?” he said taking on a sudden tone of concern. It still irked me to know that my brother cared for my wife more than he should. I feigned indifference for my family’s sake but I never stopped watching him. I knew that no one could get over someone that quickly, especially when that person was Summer.

“I hope not or I might be led to commit murder.”

“I don’t like where this is heading. Rain what is going on?” he said as the lines deepened in his forehead.

“I woke up this morning and found that she was not there. I have searched everywhere but I still couldn’t find her.”

“She is gone! Did someone take her?”

“I don’t know, but she is missing,” I said sullenly.

“Didn’t you check the gem?” he asked.

“I would have but it is gone too,” I said putting my hands over my face, dragging them down. “It is like everything is spinning out of control.”

“So what are you going to do?”

“I am going to get ready right now and I’m leaving. It is obvious that she isn’t here so I have to look elsewhere.” I said as I started back for the door.

“You can’t leave now the meeting is in less than an hour.” he said holding me by the shoulder.

“I don’t really have a choice.”

“You can’t miss this meeting. It is too important. Rain you can’t end up losing your wife and Tir na n-Óg in the same day. I am sure that Summer wouldn’t want that.”

“What do you know about what Aurora wants? You thought she wanted you and look how that turned out. I am going to look for my wife and that is final.” I pushed his hand off of me and continued walking back to the palace. I knew that was a low blow but I didn’t care. My only concern was finding Aurora and bringing her back here.

“So you are just going to drop everything and go searching for her. All the years of work that our father put into you getting you here is just going to go up in smoke,” he shouted after me. “You don’t even know where she is going or where whoever it was has taken her. This meeting today is pivotal for the rest of our future. I say you go to the meeting and then try to find your wife. You have a whole army who could do that job for you.” I stopped to hear what he had to say. I knew he was right but it just wasn’t right for me.

“I don’t know but I get the feeling that you are trying to stop me from finding whoever took Aurora,” I said turning to face him.

“You have said a lot of absurd things to me brother, but that was beyond foolish,” he said as this he stormed towards me. “Here,” he said pushing a piece of paper into my chest. “I was trying to avoid this, but your damn arrogance left me no choice. Your wife was not abducted, she ran away.”

“That isn’t true. Why would she do that? Summer isn’t exactly the running away type.” I said as I unfolded the piece of paper.

“I saw her on the way over here. She seemed out of sorts and mentioned something to me about not knowing what exactly her role was here and she needed some time alone to think and she asked me to give that to you.”

“What?” I asked as I just couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

“Read it, she probably had more to say to you in that letter,” he said pointing to the piece of paper I held in my hand.

At first, I glanced over the script. It was written in her hand, but the words were flashy as if written in haste. It read:

My Dearest Rain,

I am so sorry to have to talk to you this way, but I was in a hurry and I needed to leave. You weren’t there before I went to bed so I had to do it this way. I am fine, really. I just needed some time to think. All this, Tir na n-Óg and being in control thing, I am just not ready for it. It is like I don’t know where I belong when I am there. I feel trapped and out of place. I knew we had always imagined the two of us working as partners helping to run things, but I guess I am not my mother. That is, I don’t think I am cut out for leadership or that amount of responsibility.

I know that this is sudden and that I should have given you a heads up, but I knew that you would try to talk me out of leaving. If you are looking for your gem, don’t worry. I took it as I didn’t want you to find where I am. I am so sorry to be putting you through all of this, but I just need time. I really do not know how much time I will need or for how long I will be gone but you should know that I do love you. You are and always will be my one true love.

Forever Yours,


I read and re-read the letter as I couldn’t believe that this was happening. Naeht was telling the truth she had left. I stooped slowly until I sat abruptly on the ground. It seemed like everything around me was spinning and that nothing in the world made sense anymore.

“She left and also took my gem. Said that she didn’t want to be found.” I said as I stared blankly out at the breaking waves.

“I am sorry,” he said coming to stand beside me and rested his hand on my shoulder. “Did she say where she was going and if she was coming back?” he asked.

“No, she said she needed time. I don’t know how much. Time, as we know, could stretch until eternity.” I felt his hold tighten on my shoulder. “I think it is time for us to head back in. We have business to take care of.” I said pushing myself up off the ground and the both of us walked wordlessly towards our world.

“Your Majesty, I am afraid to report that I didn’t find her majesty anywhere,” said Diego running up to me as I was about to enter my chamber.

“Don’t worry, I found out that she wasn’t abducted. She just needed to take a break, you probably will not be seeing her around here for awhile.” I said dryly.

“Did we do something wrong? Is she not pleased with something that happened here?” he asked.

“No, we did nothing wrong. This is something she needs to sort out for herself. If anyone asks, tell them that she is on an extended vacation.” I said as I entered the room and closed it behind me.

I read the letter she had written to me again before stuffing it into the night table drawer and slamming it shut. Don’t worry she said. Was she going crazy? How was I not to worry when she does something like runaway in the middle of the night. That was exactly the kind of thing that caused me to worry.

She said that she needed time for herself. I didn’t even think that was a possibility given the kind of ties we had to each other. Or maybe the knots were tighter on my end. I don’t understand why she would leave after spending less than a day here. I don’t think I could have upset her so much with my behaviour for her to pack and leave.

It didn’t make sense. Then there was my brother who so happened to see her when she was leaving. That seemed too convenient to be a coincidence. Then again, there was the letter, her words. Her words that somehow seemed forced. I should be grateful to him that he had seen her before she disappeared to God knows where ever. Or I should hold him as a suspect for her disappearance. What was I saying? My brother may be a lot of things, but he wasn’t a kidnapper.

I took the letter out once again and skimmed over the lines as by know I already memorized every word. I always told myself that I would always respect Summer’s wishes, even if she wished for me to leave. But that was way before she disappeared and now I knew that I was too selfish for that. I needed her here and if I have to lose everything including my life, I would find her.

I shed my shirt on the floor as I walked towards the bathroom.

It was late evening already late evening as the bulk of my day had been occupied with signing new contracts and giving my opinion on possible divestment plans for them to go forward. I put down the document I was reading as I heard a slight tap on my door.

I’d barricaded myself in the library as I had no desire to return to my room at this moment. It was a much easier task to sift through hundred page documents than to think of my missing wife. There was the tap again.

“Come in,” I said. I hadn’t the desire for company and I had asked Diego not to allow anyone in, unless it was urgent.

“Someone to see you, sir. He says he is your brother,” said Diego.

“Let him in,” I said looking back at the papers on the desk.

“You’ve been here less than a day and already they all seem so devoted to you,” said Naeht as he looked at Diego who closed the door.

“That’s probably because I haven’t given them a reason not to be, at least not yet. We both know how fickle emotions are.” I said without looking at him.

“That is true,” he said sitting in a chair at the far end of the room.

“Have you heard from our father? I have been trying to get a hold of him for a while now but he isn’t answering any of my calls.” I said signing my signature to another document.

“Not since you arrived here,” he said as he grabbed a book from the shelf and flipped through the pages not showing much interest.

“You would think we were in the Bermuda triangle as it seems like everyone is suddenly disappearing,” I said with a sharp laugh.

“I noticed that most of the Guards are still here. Aren’t you going to send some of them to find her?”

“No. Summer is my responsibility,” I said still not looking up. “And she also said that she needed time alone.”

“And exactly how much alone time are you going to give her?”

“A week and if she isn’t back by then, I’ll go and search for her myself.”

“What if you don’t find her? What if she doesn’t want to be found? How long will it take before you come back here?”

“I don’t know,” I said putting down my pen and looking at him. “And why are you so curious about what I am going or not going to do?”

“Despite what you think, I do care about what happens here. Like it or not both you and Summer are my family and your well-being matters to me.”

Summer maybe, but I knew that my brother wouldn’t blink twice if I got hit by a bus. “So are you referring to the fact that if there is a revolt that not only does the boss die but also his immediate family?” I hissed.

I leaned back into the chair and watched with my arms folded as he walked up to my desk. “That hadn’t even crossed my mind, but now that you brought it to my attention, yes that can be of great concern but I trust that you will do the right thing and stay here until she comes back. Summer is a self-determined woman, who if she doesn’t want to be found, there is nothing neither I nor you can do to find her.” his voice dropped and he sighed loudly. “I know that you are worried and it is like I am asking you to do the impossible as I know what she means to you. She is your life, I get that. You might not be able to leave Tir na n-Óg because of your duties, but I can. I know you don’t like it, but you know how much I care for her and that I would do anything in my power to find her and try to convince her to come back. She isn’t after all running from me.”

“Are you saying that she is running from me?”

His eyes said it, yes. “What I am saying is that I would have a better chance of getting her back here than you.” he paused. “I am not asking your permission to do this. I am just letting you know what my intentions are.”

I sighed heavily. “You have a month. After that, don’t even think that you can talk me out of leaving.” I said sullenly.

“That is all I need,” he said with his dark eyes staring back into mine. “So how did the meeting go with the barons? I bet they wanted an arm and leg from you,” he said as he walked back over to the chair.

“I was expecting the same thing, but obviously things weren’t going so well for them as Mond’s ideas and advice hadn’t been working too much in their favour over the years. They were more in a conciliatory mode and they listened to what I had to say. Not that they wanted to take advice from a child, but they were desperate and had run out of options.” I said slightly amused.

“I bet they were.” he smiled. “Did you get to ask them about the guns and mercenary services that we have been known for?”

“I did, but obviously that was Mond’s territory. I’ve already asked for the records to be found. I just hope that he didn’t have them back at his keep in Jamaica. As it would be a hopeless venture to find out who he was dealing with. It is important that we tie off those acquaintances real quickly as I don’t want our name being associated with their kind anymore.”

“You seem to have your work cut out for you.” he said getting up.

“You are welcome to stay the night,” I said.

“I better not as I also have my work cut out for me as well and I think we would prefer if I started as soon as possible.”

I nodded and watched as he exited the room. I waited. “Diego,” I called and he entered.

“I want you to follow the gentleman just left the room and report back to me,” I said briefly looking up from the papers I had in my hands. He looked puzzled at my request. “I’m just eliminating all possibilities.” the look faded.

“Yes Your Majesty,” he said as he left the room.

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