Angel’s bliss by Dripping Creativity

Chapter 42


Ava had just drifted off to sleep when she was woken by loud voices and people moving around downstairs. She frowned and got up; she had gone to bed in one of her more risqué nightgowns after what Zane had told her. As she didn’t feel like showing it off to the rest of the house, she took one of Zanes hoodies and pulled it on. She opened the door and to her surprise she looked at Ryders back, he was standing in front of the door. 


“Miss A, please go back inside the room and stay there,” he told her, only turning his head to glance down on her. 

“What’s going on?” 

“Nothing to worry about, go back to bed,” he said. Right, like Ava was some dumb bimbo. Something was obviously wrong, and Ava refused to be taken off guard again. If there was danger coming, she would be prepared for it. 

“Ryder, you 

are going to tell me what is going on or so help me god I will perform a vasectomy on you,” she said, she knew threats were how these men communicated to establish some kind of rank. She just hoped her threat was good enough. Ryder looked at her with uncertainty. “Is it Zane?” she asked. She could see that it was, a cold fear grabbed her. “Is is he alive?” she asked. 

“Yes.” Ava felt relived flood her system. 

“Is he hurt?” she got no reply, but she could see that he was. “Are other hurt as well?” There was another silent yes. “Are we under attack?” Ryder drew in a deep breath and rubbed his eyebrows. 

“We don’t know. The boss was ambushed, he phoned back to tell us. One seriously injured and the rest of them just has minor injuries. But we can’t be certain if this place is the next target so we have mobilised all defences and we are preparing to take care of them when they get back, it should be any second now. The doc is on his 

H way.” 

“Thank you, Ryder,” Ava said, walking past him and hurried inside her own room. She could see the relief on his face, and she knew he thought she was just changing back to her room for the night. She felt sorry for him. Five minutes later she opened her door again, she was dressed in jeans and a t–shirt, her hair in a braid and her stethoscope around her neck and the small watch she used when she worked was pinned to her chest. She had made her way past Ryder before he had realised that she was back. 

“Miss A! What are you doing?” he asked as he hurried after her down the stairs. 

“I’m going to help, you have multiple casualties and only one doctor,” she told him. 

The boss told me to guard your door,” he told her as he caught up with her at the bottom of the stairs. 

“Be my guest, I’m just not going to be inside the room,” Ava said. 

“You know that’s not what he meant,” Lucke objected. 

“I don’t know a thing, except that you need my help and I’m not going to sit upstairs and do nothing when I have the knowledge to do something,” Ayn said. 


“He isn’t going to punish you, he is going to punish me for not following his orders,” Ryder told her. 

“Go up 

and stand in front of my door and I will take the blame for tricking you,” Ava said. 

“The problem with that plan is since he likes you, your punishment would probably be enjoyable. Mine won’t be.” 

“Ryder, do you want Zane to like you?” Ava teased. 

“Dear lord no, I have enough trouble dealing with a sane human,” he said before realising what he had said. He paled. 

“Don’t worry, it stays between us,” Ava said, chuckling as she looked around trying to get her bearing. The ground floor was filled with men carrying guns. Not the small guns she had seen Zane and the boys use. No, this was what she, in her complete lack of knowledge, would call assault rifles. The scene reminded Ava of what happens when you poke an anthill with a stick. She saw Anna come walking with an armful of bedlinens. 

“Anna,” she called out, Anna stopped and turned towards her. 

“Miss Ava, you should be in your room,Anna started, and Ryder grunted in agreement. Anna looked Ava up and down. “But I’m guessing that won’t be happening.” 

“No,” Ava agreed. 

“Well, come along, we are setting up in the living room,” Anna said. Ava followed her and saw the big room had cleared of couches. They had all been pushed against the wall to create space in the middle of the room. Several tables had been set up and the maids and some of the men were covering them in white bed linens. Someone was assembling IV stands; another person was stacking dressing materials on a table and a small autoclave hummed on a bench. Ava was impressed. 

“How far out are they?” she asked Anna. 

“About five minutes from the main gate,” Anna said. 

“And the doctor?” 

“Ten if he ignores all the traffic laws, more probably fifteen.” 

“That might be an issue. But we just have to make do until he gets here. Does anyone else have medical training?” Ava 


“No, but most of us have experienced situations like this,” Anna said. 

“Good, then we will just wait until they arrive. Ryder, make sure they got a clear path from the front door to the living 


“Yes, miss A,” Ryder sighed. A while later Ava could hear the screeching of wheels and then shouts. She took a deep breath and got into work mode. She could do this, gunshots weren’tunusual in the E.R. She saw a group of men come walking, Zane was leading the group, after him came Jax, carrying an unconscious Tom. All of them had minor injuries and looked bloody, but Tom was the only one that looked seriously hurt. 

“On the table,” Ava said, pointing towards a table. 


“Ava, what are you…” 

“Not now, Zane,” Ava interrupted him. Jax had placed Torn down on the table and Ava started to examine him. 

Where is the doctor?” Zane demanded to know. 

to know: 

“On his way,” Anna told him. She stood close by Ava, waiting to be told what to do. Ava saw that Tom had a gunshot to his shoulder, he was bleeding heavily despite the efforts of someone to pack a shirt to the wound. He also had a blunt trauma to the back of his head and smaller wounds. 

“I need scissors, we need to cut his jacket and shirt off,” Ava said. She didn’t know who she was asking, but she assumed someone would listen. Anna handed her a pair of scissors and then she walked to the other side of Tom and started working on that side as Ava did her side. 

“Ava,” Zane started, she shot him a quick look and then got back to her work. If they didn’t get the bleeding under control, Tom might not make it until the doctor got there. As the gunshot wound was freed, Ava felt on the back of the shoulder but couldn’t find an exit wound. That was bad. She wound have to cut out the bullet, that would cause more bleeding. 

“Do we have any blood bags?” she asked. 

“No,” Anna said. 

“IV fluids?” 

“Yes, saline,” Anna said. 

“Okay, we need to put in a line and start pushing it in him,” Ava said. She was handed an IV needle and did her best to work fast to put it in. Once the bag was hung, she focused back on the wound. Someone placed tools on a small table and put it next to her. “Any news on the doctor?” Ava asked. She didn’t want to have to do this. 

“His just arrived at the gate,” someone informed her. Thank god, she thought and instead of cutting into Tom, she pushed a rolled up piece of gauze into the wound. She focused on gathering as much information as she could while she waited. A tall, skinny man walked inside. He looked a bit shabby, but he walked with determination and had a doctor’s bag in his hand. Everyone made way for him. He stopped by the table, opposite of Ava. 

“Well?” he asked. 

“Man presenting with a gunshot wound to the right shoulder, only entrance wound, no exit. He has a trauma to the back of his head, no bleeding. Several minor injuries, blood–pressure seventy over fifty and pulse ninety–three.” 

“Thank you, nurse. Finally, some competent help, I appreciate you taking my feedback on that at last Mr Velky,” the doctor said as he made his way over to/Avas side of the table. She moved to stand so she could assist him. “Yes, excellent work,” he said when he examined the temporary tampon she had jammed in the wound. “E.R experience?” he y asked. 

“Yes, doctor, three years,” she said! He hummed and nodded as he started working. Ava assisted him and she found she liked working with him. He was good at what he did and soon he had extracted the bullet, repaired the muscles and closed the wound. He examined the head and grunted. Ava took Tom’s pulse and was grateful it had gone down, and his blood–pressure had gone up. She let the doctor know


“He will make it,” the doctor told Zane. 

“Thanks Doc, Any permanent damages?” 

“No, but he will need physio once he is healed to regain full mobility in the shoulder,” the doctor said. Ban grunted and nodded. “Good job, nurse. Do you stich as well?” he said

ed as Ava started cleaning his wound. 

Chapter Comments 

Dianne Rundle 

Ryder objected 



Jeesszz, now Ryder is Lucke? Its getting a bit annoying, the wrong names all the time 





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