Angel’s bliss by Dripping Creativity

Chapter 43


“I was needed,” Ava told Zane. 

“Who told you that?” 

“No one, but I’m not stupid. I knew something was wrong when people started behaving like ants, and then it was easy to figure out my help was needed.” 

“I have to punish Ryder for disobeying my orders,” Zane told her. 

“Don’t do that, Zane. He did try to make me stay upstairs. I just didn’t let him. It’s my fault,” she said. 

“Angel, he is twice your size. If he had wanted you to stay in a room, you wouldn’t have been able to get out,” Zane pointed out. 

“And if he hadn’t let me out, there is a possibility we would have lost Tom,” she countered. Zane gave her a hard look, but she refused to give in on this. After cleaning up his wound, she knew it didn’t need stitching, but some surgical glue would help the healing. “I’ll be right back,” she said as she walked over to the supply table and rummaged until she found what she was looking for. 

“Ava, this is serious. What if the people who ambushed us targeted the mansion?” he told her as she glued his wound. 

“Zane, have you seen the amount of men with seriously big guns?” 

“It only takes one stray bullet,” he told her. 

“So I’m just supposed to sit up in my room whilst my friends die in case some random bullet may or may not find its way to me?” 


“Fudge that. Everyone has their limit, and that is mine. I will not sit idly by when people I care about are injured. Would you leave your men to be killed if you could help them?” she asked. 

“Don’t even fucking think that. But they aren’t your men.” Ava felt the remark hit home. She didn’t think Zane had meant to hurt her, but for the first time he had made her feel like a temporary guest in the mansion, someone that didn’t belong. And even though it was true, it hurt. 

“They may not be, but Tom and Ryder risk their life for me. They take care of me and are kind to me. That means something. They aren’t my men, but they are my friends. There, all done. I need to help the next one,” Ava said, fuelling her anger with her pain. Either she let herself get angry or she would cry. She had done enough crying lately. She walked away from Zane and started helping one of his men she hadn’t met before. Half an hour later, all the men had been treated and Ava was back to checking on Tom. He had stabilised and Ava felt better, even though he still looked pale. 

“He is stable enough to be moved to one of the guestrooms,” the doctor said as he joined her by Tom’s side. Ava nodded. 



Someone should call his wife,” Ava told him. 

“Mr Velky will have sorted that. You did a good job today.” 

“Thank you, so did you. You are skilled,” Ava said

I am,” he agreed, making Ava smile. She was used to working with doctors with healthy egos. 

“Is your contract with the family exclusive, or would it be possible to retain your services for other clients?” he then asked. Ava looked at him. Was he offering her a job? 

“Exclusive, I’m afraid,” she said.. 

“That’s a pity. I would have offered you good money,” he said. 

“She is not available for outside consulting.” Ava heard Zane’s voice from behind her. 

“So she said,” the doctor told him. “He can be placed in a guest room. You don’t need me anymore. Your nurse can handle things from here. I’ll expect my payment as usual. Have a pleasant evening,” the doctor said and then he was walking out of the mansion. Ava looked as he walked away. She felt Zane lean in over her shoulder and she tensed up. 

“I hope you remember what I told you would happen if you disobeyed me,” he whispered in her ear. Punishment. The word bounced around in her mind, causing an equal amount of curiosity and fear

“I haven’t disobeyed you,” she blurted out. Zane huffed. 

“You refused to listen to Ryder, despite knowing he had direct orders from me.” 

“Your orders wear unclear,” she tried. 

“Don’t try my patience, Angel. You knew what I meant and you chose to disobey.” 

“Yes,” she confessed. 

Good girl. I will enjoy punishing you. But not tonight. Neither of us is in a good place for that. You have helped enough for tonight. You did good. Thank you. Now go up to my room and go to sleep. If you’re not in my bed when I come upstairs, you will not like what happens. Understand?” 

“Yes, Zane. Can I just tell Ryder one thing before going upstairs?” 

“You are pushing your luck, angel.” 

“It won’t take long, I promise. Please Zane,” she asked. 

“Fine. But don’t make me regret it.“, 

Thank you, Zane,” she said and hurried to find Ryder before Zane changed his mind. She found him helping Anna stuff dirty linens into a laundry bag. 

“Ryder, can I have a quick word?” she asked. 


“Sure, Miss A,” he said, and they took a couple of steps to the side

“You need to call Gabriel and let him know you are okay. He will see the news in the morning and he will freak if you don’t let him know you are fine,” she told him. 

“Isn’t it best you do that? You’re his best friend.” 

“He knows Zane wouldn’t let me go to a place like that. He will know I’m safe. It’s not me he will be worried about,” 

she said

“Oh, okay. I guess I can do that,” he agreed. 


“Thank you, and Ryder, don’t just send a text. Call him. It’s important,” she said. He nodded, and Ava was happy it. She said goodnight to him and headed upstairs, not willing to risk getting even more on Zane’s bad side. Ava took a record quick shower and crawled into his bed with still damp hair. She didn’t realise just how tired she was until she felt her head hit the pillow. She fell asleep almost immediately. A while later, she felt the mattress dip, and she became half awake. “Zane?” she asked, having a hard time forming words. 

“Go back to sleep, Angel,” he whispered as he pulled her into his embrace. Ava snuggled into him and did as he told her. 

The next morning, she woke up later than she used to. She was alone in the bed and when she had gotten herself ready and gone downstairs; the dining room was empty as well. 

“Master Velky and Mr Jax are in Master Velky’s office. He told me to make sure you eat a proper breakfast and then you can join them,” Anna told her. 

“Thank you,” Ava said and started eating of the warm breakfast Anna had served her. As she walked back upstairs, Jax was coming out of Zane’s office. 

“Morning Ava. Thank you for your help yesterday,” he said with a smile. 

“Morning, Jax. It was my pleasure, as I have the skills I might as well use them,” she told him. “How are you feeling today?” she asked. 

“Better than I deserve.” After her conversation with Jax, she continued to Zane’s office and knocked on the closed door. 

“Enter,” she heard him calling. Ava opened the door and walked in. Zane was sitting behind his desk and he let his eyes sweep over her. “Perfect timing, Angel.” he told her. “Close and lock the door and come over to me,” he said. He had never asked her to lock his office door before. Not even when they had been intimate there. Ava knew this meant, and considered running away. But it would only land her in more trouble. Instead, she closed the door and turned the lock until it clicked. She slowly walked towards him

“Good girl, 

are yo 

you ready for your punishment?” he asked. Ava drew in a shaky breath. 

“Yes,” she said, but she sounded uncertain. 

“Come here,” he said, holding out a hand. She walked closer to him and took his hand. He pulled her into his lap. 


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