Alpha Code

Chapter Chapter Nineteen

[Kin's POV]


I am more then overexcited but I could feel Ra'ne's hesitation and his clouded feelings about what Arion had just told us. I didn't want him to feel like this. I wanted him to be just as happy as I was. I had always wanted my own family and now I was getting just that.

I was getting everything I had ever wanted but I still felt like Ra'ne was not happy about any of this. I knew he was probably scared because of what had happened to him, but I would never allow anything to happen to my ember.

I leaned down and captured his lips with mine for a moment as Arion came over with some things. Arion quickly explained everything Ra'ne and I would need to know about the pup growing inside of my little ember, then he quickly took his leave. Before closing the door he looked at me with worry and disappeared.

That told me he needed to say more but because of my parents being in the room he could not share everything. I wanted to get this family meeting over with. And quickly.

I turned back to my dad, making sure to keep Ra'ne in my lap and my arms around him. "What else have you come here for dad? I know its not just a simple matter of wanting to meet Ra'ne." I said seriously, looking at him and mom.

Dad sighed as he leaned back in his chair even further, years gaining on his face as he looked over to me. "Ironclaw has called the Council and they are demanding an explanation I do not have. Even with Arion and Callum's testimonies no one believes that you did not attack their Luna in a fit of rage." dad said getting a shocked look from me and a scared squeak from Ra'ne.

"T-that's n-not w-what h-happened." Ra'ne stammered out, his little body beginning to shake a little in fear.

"Little one I don't doubt you nor my son. However, I have nothing to stand on without information." dad said softly, as he looked to Ra'ne with a soft gaze.

He had always been a mystery to me. I saw a flash of longing in his eyes before it disappeared and he put his hand in my mom's. Oh yeah something was not right but I had bigger things to worry about.

"What have they said after Ironclaw's Alpha claimed I attacked his Luna?" I questioned.

"Grissa is claiming that she had lead you to where Ra'ne was being held and you attacked her before he could reach her. She is just fine, but does have a few healing scratches." dad said shaking his head. He knew there was no truth to anything they were saying but I knew the Council would believe anything Grissa had to say.

"And did Callum say that I had told him to take his little bitch and leave? I had every intention on killing them both in that hall, but the amount of blood I was smelling was unsettling me and I had to reach Ra'ne." I said, a growl in my voice as I remembered what actually had happened.

That night I had wanted to rip the both of them apart limb by limb but Julius was howling in pain deep in my head. I could feel him slipping from me and I raced for the room that held our salvation. Ra'ne.

"He did, and they took both sides into consideration. That is why they are sending Elders to both Packs to find the truth. If Grissa is found guilty of torturing members of his own Pack he will be stripped of his Pack and rank and cast aside to the Waste Lands. If they find him to be telling the truth Ra'ne will have to return to them." dad explained as he sank further into his seat.

"They will never have him. I will never allow my ember to be taken from me and the Council and Elders will see that I had nothing to do with whatever they have plotting over there." I said as I held Ra'ne that much closer to me.

"They want my power. They always have and I refused to give them anything, so they beat me." I hear the soft words but I know they are not coming from Ra'ne but Skie. They were soft but they held anger beyond anything my little Ra'ne could ever hold.

"Power?" mom asked curiously as she looked at me and then Ra'ne.

They didn't know what my little ember was and I was not prepared to share everything about him to them but it looked like I might just have to tell them. I wanted to keep the fact that my Mate was a Sentinel to myself until I had to introduce him to the rest of the Pack but I suppose it was going to come out eventually.

I looked at my parents and sighed, before standing, with Ra'ne in my arms and leading everyone out of the room. I headed to the main part of my living quarters and sat on the largest sofa as my parents settled in to the other seating areas.

'Callum, Solon, can the two of you please come to the sitting room right now. I do not want to explain this more than once. I have had enough of this shit from Ironclaw.' I mindlinked my brothers and within seconds they were both coming through the doorway, serious looks on their faces as they took seats of their own.

"Now that everyone is here. Solon and Cal know some of this and even Ra'ne has some clue as to what is going on but here is the run down." I said looking at my parents seriously.

"What is so important that you have not only hidden him away but kept a secret from us?" mom questioned me as she stared at Solon seriously. She had a serious aversion to having the Shadows here and having Sol in the same room with her was setting her on edge.

I sighed a little, this was going to be more than just a little difficult. "Mom, calm down. Sol is like a brother to me, he is here to protect my Mate." I said getting curious looks from everyone in the room. "As you all know at one time the Sentinels were all over this world helping to keep the Balance." I said looking at Ra'ne with love as I leaned into his hair.

"Yes, their kind was our ruling class. They always made sure to keep the Packs in line and everything ran smoothly. I remember a time when things were not so chaotic. I was still a pup myself but I was there when it all ended and the Rouges took over." dad said sadness filling his voice and eyes. He was remembering the times before all this madness. This darkness that had taken over the Were kind.

Rouges had overtaken over Pack, Clan, Coven, and Herd that existed. The Sentinels couldn't keep up with their growing power and in the end they had disappeared. Their King and Queen dead. No Heir to take their place and their people almost extinct, the Sentinels vanished without a trace. Allowing the Rouges to converge on all Were kind.

The BloodStar Pack was one of the last Packs that followed the Old Ways. We kept to our True Path. The one the Goddess meant for all of us to follow. We were not just Wolves, but all of Were kind filled BloodStar ranks. It was one of the last bastions of Hope for the people who needed it.

And we would never fall. We now had Ra'ne. The next Sentinel King. I sat in that room with my two bonded brothers, my parents and my Mate and explained all of this to everyone. I knew Ironclaw would come for Ra'ne. He was Grissa's prize for killing the Sentinel King.

However, that was never going to happen. I was never going to let that beast touch my sweet little ember.

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