Alpha Code

Chapter Chapter Eighteen

[Ra’ne’s POV]

Kin’s parents were just staring at us while he was telling them about how he had found me. I could see the sadness in his eyes and in the way he moved. He was hurt by something he couldn’t have known about nor have stopped at the time. Skie and I had known that we would suffer in this life at the beginning but that we would also have a better life after we had found our Mate. It was an unwritten law that Mates should always love and care for each other but Kin took that to another level and it did not bother me in the least.

He had brought us so much in the short time we had known each other. When we had been healed and he had made love to us it was the best feeling in the world and I never wanted it to end. I love Kin, more than my own life. I would do anything for him.

I was picking at the food on my plate when suddenly I felt sick. I jumped from Kin's lap and ran to the bathroom slamming and locking the door behind me before throwing up all the food I had just eaten. I heard Kin hammering on the door and yelling for me to open it for him. I was so not in the position to do anything at the moment so he was just going to have to wait a minute.

I wanted him with me but I didn't. I wanted him to stay on the other side of the door because I didn't want him seeing me like this. He had already seen me at my worst and it had hurt him. I was still puking and thinking about keeping my Mate out of the room when his warm hands were suddenly on my face.

"Are you all right my ember?" his soft voice called to me through my hazy state.

I just whimpered a little as I settled onto the floor, sitting back on my knees and away from the filled toilet. I don't think I had ever thrown up so much food in my life. I had never had that much to eat so probably not.

"Arion will be here in a few moments to check on you love." I hear Kin coo to me, his arms wrapping around me as he lifted me from the cold floor.

I shook my head and tried to grasp the floor again. I needed the cold. It was soothing and I did not want to move from its soothing feel. "P-please.." I whined softly.

"Oh, baby, I'm taking you to the dining room where there is an air vent. You will feel cold air right on you I promise." Kin said to me as he moved quickly.

His parents were still sitting at the table but when we came back into the room they both stood, looks of worry on their faces. "How are you feeling little one?" Kin's dad asked gently as Kin sat down under the air vent like he had promised. I felt the blasting air right on my face and it felt amazing.

"I don't know what happened." I replied still not willing to look him in the eyes.

He was Kin's father. He was an Alpha and he scared the living hell out of me. Skie wanted to challenge him and I wanted to hide in the darkest corner. I wanted none of this. I wanted to stay alone with Kin. I didn't want to have to deal with anyone else. Even having Solon around freaked me out sometimes. They had only been here for two days and I was going on overload and if it hadn't been for Kin and Skie I would have had a complete meltdown by now.

I was not handling all of this very well. Not at all. The worst part about it all was that I was hiding it all from Kin.

I knew Kin could sense my inner turmoil but he had never pushed me into telling him what was going on with me. He knew that I needed to do this on my own and in my own way or I would never get it.

The sound of running feet alerted me to Arion's approach. I could smell him coming too, thanks to Skie and I rejoining. He smelled like medical herbs and mint which kind of made me smile a little.

It was something a father would smell like. At least that was what I always thought a real dad would smell like to me. Arion had already done so much for me, and he had given me advice when I hadn't asked for it so he was very father-like.

When he rushed into the room, he stopped in the doorway, a look of worry in his eyes as he looked at me in Kin's lap. "What happened?" he asked, a little out of breath but no less calm and demanding.

I blushed a little. "I don't know." I replied leaning into Kin further than before. I was so embarrassed by all of this. I felt like I was being watched and it was not a comfortable feeling.

Arion looked up to Kin who nodded, before he came over to me, his hands glowing with his Healing magics. It was a warm feeling as his magics covered my body. I leaned into Kin with a sigh, closing my eyes. Skie was doing just the same but he was trying to reach for Julius.

It was a strange feeling for our Wolves to actually be reaching for each other mentally and it made me giggle a little. Arion was methodically checking me for anything out of the ordinary and when he was done there was something in his gaze that had me very curious.

"Well??" Kin demanded as Arion went to his medical bag to pull out a few things.

"The Future Luna is fine. His body is still adjusting to having so much food available. This however, was not a case of him over eating. It's a case of the pup not liking what their momma ate." Arion said getting a shocked gasp from Kin, his hands flying to my stomach. Like he was trying to feel the baby.

I looked up at Arion in total shock, "I-I d-don't understand. I didn't think a male could get pregnant." I said bluntly, getting a sharp giggle from Kin's mom.

I felt a little out of place, like this was something that could actually be possible and I'm not losing my mind. It was Kin who answered me, his voice calm but I could tell he was holding in his excitement.

"You are a special type of Wolf, my ember. You are able to reproduce. It's not uncommon but it's not an every day occurrence either. Don't you worry about a thing. I will keep you both safe and Arion will be right here to check up on you if anything else happens." Kin said as his buried his face into my neck, inhaling my scent like the Wolf that he was.

The feeling sent shivers down my spine, and I reached back to feel his hair mixing with mine. A smile on my face.

"I am giving you orders to eat more frequently but not as much unless you feel like you and the pup can handle it. You need to rest as much as possible because your body is not only changing to accommodate the pup but you are still trying to heal yourself." Arion explained as he came back over to Kin and I.

A pup.

A real life breathing crying pup.

How in the HELL am I going to do this!!!!!

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