Alpha Alexa

Chapter 3

Alexa POV

After Sloane left, I finished packing my bag and took everything that I thought was important. I shoved a few pictures in the bottom. Mostly of Sloane and I and a few family pictures I had. I am not sure why I grabbed them, but something told me to. grabbed some clothes. It was summertime, so I wasn't worried about getting too cold until I could find a place to stay. I thre in a few toiletries and some snacks and water bottles. I then grabbed all of my expensive jewelry and threw it in my purse. “Jade, there is no going back once we go to the bank and sell this jewelry. Are you sure about this?”

“Yes, we need to leave. I am behind you all the way."

I grabbed my keys and took off to my car. My mom was coming up the stairs, but as usual, she didn't even acknowledge that passed her. I was able to not run into anyone else on the way to my car. I slid into the driver's seat and started it up. I was going to miss my Jeep, but maybe one day when I get on my feet, I can buy one. I pulled out of the driveway and the guards opened the gate as soon as they saw me coming. It wasn't anything out of the blue. I would go to town frequently. I drove in silence as I went to the bank. Once there, I got out and walked inside and waited in line. Finally, my turn.

“Welcome. How can I help you today?”

I pulled out my card and gave it to her, along with my driver's license.

“I would like to withdrawal everything in there”

She took my cards and driver's license and pulled my account up and clicked around for a few minutes.

“I am sorry mam, but your account is empty.”

“Excuse me, I should have a few thousand dollars in there.’

“It looks like your mother transferred all of your money out of there two days ago.”

“Thank you."

I turned around and walked back out to my car. I don't know why my mother would do this. She has never touched my account before. I completely forgot that she was even on it and could do that.

“Jade, things just got a lot more difficult”

“We can still do this. Let's go see what you can get for your jewelry.”

She was right, we could still do this, and I am sure we would have enough money to get out of this town. I headed across town to the pawnshop and went inside when I got there.

“Hello, what can we do for you today?” I was greeted by a lady when I walked in.

I opened my purse and dumped my jewelry out on the counter. Her eyes bugged out of her head when I did this.

“I would like to sell all of this, please.”

She picked it up and started sorting through it.

“Please give me an hour and I will have a total for you."

I spent the next hour walking around, looking at everything I couldn't buy. Not that there was anything I wanted. I did, however, need to go get a burner phone before I left. I would stay in contact with Sloane. She finally called me over.

“I can give you two thousand for everything”

“Fine, I will take it.”

She handed me cash and had me sign a slip of paper. I scribbled my name, so it wasn't legible. I walked back out to my car and headed towards the mall where I was meeting Sloane. I was going to miss her so much. She really was all I had in life. Maybe when this whole mess was cleared up, or I was stable, we could visit each other. I walked to our restaurant and found her waiting for me. I took a big breath to steady myself and gain control of my emotions.

“I thought maybe you weren't going to come!”

“Il am ten minutes early still. How long have you been waiting?”

“Like ten minutes. You know me always early.”

We both sat there staring at the menu. Neither of us knew what to say. I didn't know if I was going to see her again and I knew that she was thinking the same. The waiter came and took our order, and we were still silent. I couldn't take it anymore and finally spoke up.

“Please don't be mad at me”

“Iam not mad at you; I am mad at your family. I can't believe they would do this to you. You don't have to do this, you know, “I know."

We finished dinner talking about things we did as kids and all of our memories. Dinner was done, and she paid and wouldn’ take no as answer. I went to hug her, as I wouldn't see her again. After we hugged, she handed me an envelope.

“Don’t open it until you get home. I want you to have this. Please, just take it. Liam and I talked about it, and I think you nee this more than we do.”

I'shoved it in my purse, and we walked out the door and hugged her one more time, knowing this would be the last time. I made it to my car before I broke down in tears. I let myself cry and promised myself I wouldn't cry anymore. I had to do this. refused to be traded. I wasn't someone's pawn in life. I was a woman, and no one had any say over what I did with my life. I let my dad do enough to me. He wasn't going to do this either. I started my car and headed towards the pack house. I went as slow as possible, hoping that most people would be in their rooms by now.

I finally made it to the pack house and up to my room. There were things that I was going to miss. The food for one. The cooks here were great, and my friends. My family not so much. I would also miss the stability of having a roof over my head and knowing I had my next meal, but I will find a way. I will do this.

I went and took the last shower I would get for who knows how long. I took my time in there and shaved and washed my hai and just simply enjoyed the hot water.

“Jade, are you ready for tonight?”

“Yup, sure am. I'm tired, try to get as much sleep as possible. What is our plan?”

“Il am hoping to get to the bus station, and I will find a new place to go once there.”

“What was in the envelope that Sloane gave you?"

“I haven't opened it yet”

“You need to. You know, whatever is in there could change the outcome of what we're doing tonight”

“I know. I will as soon as I am out of here”

I cut her off and finished the rest of my shower in peace. I finally got out when I looked like a lobster from being under the hot water for so long. I stepped out and grabbed a towel and dried my body and then wrapped my hair up in the towel. I walked out of the room naked and to my closet. I found a sports bra and some leggings and got dressed in them. I went bac to the bathroom and dried my hair and brushed my teeth. It was time I couldn't put off opening the envelope from Sloane. Isat down on the bed and opened it up. A stack of cash fell out and a smaller envelope. I slowly opened it and found a note from her.


I'am pretty sure I know what you are doing, but don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. Either way, I want you to have this. You are going to need it. Please, just remember that no matter what, I am always here for you. I am just a phone call away. Please live your life happily and don't look back.

Love you


She had put two thousand dollars in the envelope. I had a total of four thousand now, and she was right. I did need this, but Iwould find a way to pay her back every cent. One day.

It was almost time to go. I threw the money in the bag with my other money and made sure everything was in there. I then sat down and wrote a note for Sloane.


Thank you. Please know that I love you. You are truly my family. I will never forget this, and I will get it back to you one day, somehow. Talk soon.

Love you


I puttin an envelope and snuck down to her floor and slid it under her and Liam's door and then walked back to my room. grabbed my bag and took one last look around the room.

“Jade, it's time. You ready?”

“Yes, we're going to jump out the window and shift midair, so strip down.”


“We can't go out the front door. What if someone sees us?”


I walked over to the window and opened it and stepped out and balanced on the ledge.

“Here we go Jade"

Itook a giant leap, and when I landed; I landed on all four paws. I picked up my bag with my mouth and headed for the border. I was going to have to be sneaky to not run into any guards. Jade was quick and went in between trees and hid when we heard the patrol making their rounds. It took us an hour, but we finally made it, and we were officially off pack lands. I continued on my way towards town. I just hoped I didn't run into anyone else. An hour later, I was at the edge of town. We shifted back, and I put on some clothes and threw my bag on my back and walked the rest of the way to the train station. Walking in and looking at the screen, trying to find the next bus out of here. I really didn’t care where it took me as long as it was out of here. I walked up to the counter to buy my ticket.

“Hello, how can I help you?”

“I need a ticket for the next bus out of here.”

“Do you have a destination in mind?”

“Nope. As long as it is away from here.”

The lady at the counter looked up at me and gave me a pity smile and typed something on the computer and then my ticket started to print.

“Here you go mam, it will be sixty dollars”

“I got into my bag and pulled out my money and handed it to her”

Iturned to walk away when she stopped me.

“Excuse me, but when you get there, and you need help, please go to the hotel in town and ask for Julian. He can help you. Just tell him that Mary sent you.”

“Jade, how do you feel about this?"

“It feels right to me. That town is in the mountains. We will still be able to shift, and we can go for runs. I cut her off and waited for the bus to get moving.

“Thank you” I told the lady at the counter.

I walked away from her and found that really weird. I didn't scent that she was a wolf, but maybe she was just a nice person who could tell that I was running away. I walked along the platform and found where I would load the bus and waited. I only had to wait forty-five minutes before it took off. I got on and found a seat near the front and sat down and got comfy.

I finally looked at my ticket and saw that I was going about six hours from here. I was headed towards a mountain city. It was a little bigger than here and I know it had at least one pack that was there. I quickly fell asleep and slept the entire time. We got there around six thirty in the morning. I grabbed my bag and stepped off the bus. It was chilly out here even if it was summer. That is the difference between here and my hometown. They were higher up and so it was cooler.

I grabbed my bag and headed for town, hoping to find a dinner to have some breakfast and coffee and when the town woke up, I would look for a job and a place to stay.

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