Alpha Alexa

Chapter 2

“Ya, I am serious, but there is going to be some reassurance that I will be adding.”

“You can't be serious? What about your fated mate?”

“I am twenty-five years old and haven't found her yet. The council is breathing down my neck about a Luna. I need to shut them up.”

“What are you going to do if you find her after making this other girl your mate?”

“Easy, reject her”

“Which one?”

“My chosen mate. If I find my real mate, I will happily get rid of this other girl”

“You really have no soul sometimes” He said as he left my office.

He wasn't wrong. After my parents died, I lost all hope for happily ever after. I really didn't care. She would be a means to an end. He may not have been the one to kill my parents, but he played a hand in it, and I would take him down. If it hurt this girl in the process, then so be it. I am sure she is just a spoiled Alphas daughter.

“Colt man, you really are playing a dangerous game. You can't play someone's heart like that” My wolf Grey mind linked me. “Grey, don't you want to settle down and have pups?”

“Ya, but I want our mate, not some girl that you just bring home."

I cut my link with him and continued to look at the alliance. Alpha Ryan sent it over to me, but everyone knew that he was weak, and his dad still did all the work from behind the scenes. Between the two of them, they had run their pack out of money and that is what he wanted. When Alpha Robert's father had the pack, it was thriving and did great. We were once close with them, but that changed the day Alpha Robert had my mother kidnapped and my father went after them and had them killed, trying to take over my pack. He never did get his hands dirty, and I have yet to prove it, but I know that it was him.

He thought his daughter would be safe with me, but she wasn't. While beating isn't my style, she would have to prove her loyalty to me. Trust was earned and not given. She would work as an Omega for me, and do as I said until I could trust her and then maybe I would mate and mark her, I just hoped that she would be pretty otherwise she would just become an Omega for the rest of her life. I worded this alliance carefully so as not to imply that I would mate and mark her, but that she still belonged to me.

I put the alliance paperwork down and left my office. I needed to clear my head a little and relax. I was headed out for a run I would let Grey free for a few hours; goddess only knows he needed it. He was angry with me. I passed a few Omegas who bowed their head at me and continued doing their work. I made it to the back door when I heard her. Lauren. She was good for a quick lay, but that was it. I would never make her my Luna.

“Alpha Colter, where are you going?”

“For a run, Lauren, I will see you later”

I continued out the door and could hear her still calling after me, but I wasn't in the mood. I made my way out to the forest. We lived in the mountains. We were close to civilization, but had our own little community here. I had people that worked in the city, people that were in law enforcement and government offices. It made it easier when I had to deal with certain issues.

I finally made it to where I could shift in peace and run. I stripped down and called Grey forward and quickly shifted into hin His name was really fitting. He was a big Grey wolf. He was on the darker side. He was also a little bigger than most Alpha’s, but that seemed to be a family trait. We have all been that way.

He took off running as soon as we had shifted. He was running at full speed. Jumping over fallen trees and boulders. I let hir run for hours. He had great stamina and could do this for hours. It helped that I spent hours in the gym, and we also trained in wolf form a lot. I wouldn't be caught, not prepared. Once he was finally worn out, he headed back to the pack house so that we could finish writing up the alliance in the way I wanted it.

I shifted back and put my clothes back on and headed towards the house when I noticed that Lauren was out back and had probably been there since I left. I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. I was going to have a hard time getting rid of her. I walked to the door, trying to get past her as she was talking with a group of girls.

“Oh Alpha, can I talk to you please?”

“What do you want Lauren?”

“Can we talk in private?”

“Sure, let's 0 to my office”

We walked back into the house and headed to my office. I opened the door and let her in, and closed the door behind me. The second the door was closed, she made her intentions very clear. She came up to me and started kissing my neck. Unfortunately for me, I had been sleeping with her long enough that she knew how to get me in the mood really fast. I pushed her off me and led her to a chair and went to my chair behind the desk.

“What did you want to talk about, Lauren?”

“Wasn't it obvious that I didn’t want to talk?”

“I don't have time for this right now. You need to leave, please.”

She got up and came back over to me and kissed my cheek and said, “I will come back later and help you release some stress.”

She walked away from and swayed her hips as she went. She was beautiful. She had dark black hair and was tall and fit. Her legs went on forever and her tits were a nice handful. She had curvy hips that my hands fit on nicely whenever I took her from behind.

“Hey, you ready to finish this paperwork?” Mac mind linked me.

“Ya, come on up to my office”

He made it up to my office about five minutes later and just let himself in. He never knocked and always just walked in. There have been a few times that it caused some awkward situations, but I didn't care, it wasn't my mate. He and my Gamms Noah were the only ones who would ever get away with it. The three of us grew up together, and we had been best friends since before school.

“So, Alpha Ryan wants a million dollars and says that he will pay it back over a ten-year time frame, and while it is being pai back, he will send some people to work in some of my companies for free. He says that he can spare some Omega's and we can use them however we like"

“That doesn't even make sense. If he doesn't have the money to keep his pack afloat, how will he spare Omega's that aren't being paid? He won't be able to pay them.”

“I know. That is part of why I want his sister. She is the price.”

“Have you even seen her?”

“Nope, and I really don't care”

“What are you going to do with her?”

“She will be an Omega until I can decide if I want her to be my mate or not. That is why I have to word this carefully”

“How about this, in our alliance, I will offer one million dollars and help with protection when needed. In return, you will hand over Alexa Silver to me and you will also provide me with ten omegas that will be unpaid and work in my businesses until the money has been paid back in full with interest. When money has been returned, the omega's will be given back to their pack, but Alexa will become a member of the Full Moon Pack and pledge her loyalty to Alpha Colter for the rest of her life and at the time the money is returned in full, a new alliance will be formed, if both parties agree to it”

“Something like that is what we need. I need to make it clear that Alexa is mine, but I make no promises to her about being my chosen mate.”

“What do they think right now?”

“I casually mentioned that she would be my chosen mate and would be there tomorrow at four pm to sign this and take her home.”

“That was kind of lying"

“Ya, well, if they are desperate, they will sign it. Besides, if I know this pack like I think I do, it won't be a problem.”

“I really hate this pack. I hate that you are even helping them.”

“You know why I am helping them. I have to get information about my parents, and I know they are linked to it”

“I know, but I wish you would let that go just a little. Don't let your need for their justice blind you to other things."

“It won't. Read the changes I have made to it and make sure that you agree.”

I handed him the alliance paperwork and sent Noah a mind link to have him come look as well.

“Noah, can you come to my office? I want you to review something”

“Yes, give me a few minutes.”

While we waited for Noah, Mac gave me back the paperwork and said he approved it, but didn't like the idea. He got up to leave and Noah walked in as he walked out. I could hear him mumble good luck to him about this meeting.

“Hey man, what was that about?”

“I need you to look at this alliance before I send it over signed.”

I handed him the paperwork and studied his face as he read it. He looked surprised.

“Colt, man, are you sure about this? I personally think it is a bad idea”

“You want to take the daughter of the man you want to kill and give him a million dollars?”

“He iis going to pay it back and besides, if he doesn't, I have his daughter”

“Just what are you going to do with her?”

“I had a thought of taking her as my chosen mate, but I don’t know if I can do that, but for now, she will be an Omega. I am sure the spoiled Alpha’s daughter will appreciate it”

“I don't like it, but you're the Alpha, so I will do whatever you say."

“Good, you're in charge tomorrow, while we go sign the paperwork with them and retrieve our newest Omega.”

“Of course. What time are you leaving?”

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