Alpha Alexa

Chapter 4

Colter POV

“Mac hurry up, we need to go. I want to get this over with and come home,” I mind linked Mac because I had no clue where he was.

“Iam on my way, give me five minutes,” he replied back.

He finally showed up and we headed to the car. He got in the driver's seat and took off as I reviewed the alliance paperwork again. I was a little OCD with these things. I wanted to be prepared for anything that could go wrong. I even had a van full of warriors following us because I was always prepared. Mac didn't even know they were coming.

“Dude, Colt everything is good with that alliance. We have reviewed it so many times. Just sit back and relax a little, would you?”

“I can't sorry, you know how I am.”

He just turned on some music and ignored me the rest of the way. I will say the drive here is always nice. It's completely through the mountains and the scenery is always nice. After two hours of silence we finally arrived and were stopped by “guards at the gate. Mac rolled his window down and waited for them to approach.

“Please state your business here” The guard said as he came to the window.

“We have a meeting with Alpha Ryan. We are Alpha Colter and Beta Mac from the Full Moon Pack.”

You could see that he was mind linking someone.

“You can enter, please follow the driveway to the pack house” He said.

Mac put the car in drive and worked his way to the pack house. We finally pulled up in front of the pack house and you couls see that they didn't really take care of the outside but if they were short on money, I would guess that would be one of the first things to go but it looks like they haven't done anything with it in a long time.

“Dude, this looks like ruins” Mac said before we got out.

“Yes, I am not sure what is going on here, but I think we need to ask more about their finances.”

The front door opened, and Alpha Ryan and his Luna Aubrey stepped out.

“Welcome, Alpha Colter, Beta Mac." He said.

“Let's get this done with, I have other matters I need to handle at home.” I grumbled to him.

We followed him inside and you could see that at one point they had spent lots of money on the pack house. It had lavish woodwork and thick lush curtains hanging up and expensive artwork on the walls. It looked like they hadn't given it a good cleaning in a long time though. There was dust everywhere and the floors were dirty as well. We continued to follow him to his office and when we entered his father and mother were there waiting for us, along with his Beta.

“Hello Alpha Colter, I am Alpha Robert, and this is my Luna Cheryl, and this is my son's Beta Liam.”

“Nice to meet you, this is my Beta Mac."

We shook everyone's hands, and I noticed that Luna Cheryl had on very expensive jewelry and her nails were done and her hair was also freshly done. If they were suffering for money these things should not be getting done and the jewelry should £0.I continued to look around the office trying to take in everything I could and get an impression of this place.

“Mac, something seems off," I mind linked him.

“Agreed, do you see the old Luna, and how they introduced themselves as the Alpha and Luna. They technically shouldn't even be here”

“Let's get this started.” Alpha Ryan said.

I pulled out my file that held the alliance I had typed up and handed it to him. He opened it to start reading it, but his dad took it out of his hands like a child. Both Mac and I looked at each other like are you kidding me.

“I see here the deal about my daughter Alexa, but there is no mention that she will be your Luna.” Robert said.

“Thats correct. She will be mine to do what I want with. If down the road I decide to take her as my chosen mate, then that i what will happen.”

“That was not the agreement we had on the phone.” He said getting angry.

“True but I had time to think it over and I don't know your daughter and I won't walk into this blindly. For all I know she is a spoiled Alpha's daughter, and I will not have someone like that as a mate. I need an equal”

“You know nothing about her! She is a good person.” Alpha Ryan said defending his sister.

“Look, I don't know her. I don't even know what she looks like. So, until I get to know her, she will not be my mate. Take the deal or leave it. I don't need what you are offering.’

“You would be lucky to have my sister” Alpha Ryan said as he stood up and walked over to a bookshelf and grabbed something. He walked back over to us holding a picture in a frame. He shoved it at me to take.

“Look, she is beautiful and smart and kind and strong. You are lucky to have her”

I00k the picture, and it was a family picture that was a few years old. It looked to be from Alpha Ryans mating ceremony, sc she had to be older now, but she was beautiful. Even Grey perked up and was very content looking at her. She had the blues eyes I had ever seen and blonde hair that was almost white. It was cut short but looked good on her. She was tall and slender but looked to have muscles on her. She defiantly did things to me below the belt even just this picture of her.

“Like I said, as of right now she will have a place in my pack. Until I get to know her, and we will see what happens, but she will be welcomed and treated fairly.”

“Fine, but we expect to be able to see her and for her to visit us.” Cheryl said.

“Once trust is earned, she will be able to do that. Until then she doesn't leave my pack without me.”

“Fine, you have a deal” Robert said.

“I am sorry, but you are not the Alpha, the choice is up to your son the Alpha of this pack” I said, challenging him.

I knew this would piss him off, and that was my intention. He wasn't the Alpha, and someone had to make it known. If he didn't want his son taking over, he should have never stepped down.

“I still have a say in this packs business and my son will listen to me." He bit back at me.

“I will agree to it” Alpha Ryan said.

“Before we sign, I would like to meet the ten Omega's that will be sending to my pack as well as your sister.”

“Not a problem.” Alpha Ryan said.

You could see that he sent a mind link out and it wasn't long before there was a knock at the door. Alpha Ryan told them to come in and ten men walked in. They didn't look to be in half bad shape and were on the younger side. They would be able to work and that is all I wanted.

“Thank you, they will do. Are any of them mated?”

“No, they are not, and they all know the expectation and have volunteered for this."

“Now where is your sister?”

I could see that he was mind linking again.

“I am sorry she isn't answering me. Let me go up to her room.”

“I will go with you."

“That's not necessary.” Alpha Ryan said.

“No, I insist in case she tries anything.”

We both got up and walked out of his office and headed up the stairs. I followed him up three flights of stairs and when we got to the Alpha's floor Grey perked up. The closer we got to her room the stronger her smell was and it was nice. It was really nice actually. Strawberries. Alpha Ryan knocked on her door but there was no answer. He knocked again and waited but still no answer. He finally tured the knob and walked in and I followed behind him. The second I walked into her room her scent was so strong and it had Grey purring.

“What the hell Grey?”

“I don't know but I like this smell. We need to meet this girl now!”

Alpha Ryan was walking throughout her room, closet and bathroom looking for her. I walked over to her desk and saw a picture of her, and I guess a friend and she had defiantly grown up since the other picture I saw. She was gorgeous. Her hair had grown out some and her muscles were much more defined and her big blue eyes and small nose with red pouty lips. This girl was doing things to me, and I hadn't even met her but judging off my wolf's reaction we needed to, and we needed to soon.

“I am sorry Alpha Colter, but I am not sure where she is."

“hat do you mean, you don't know where she is? How do you lose your sister?”

“Well she is an adult and can do as she pleases.”

“Find her now” I roared at her. I was losing patience with him and fast.

“Let's go back to my office. Her best friend is on her way there. If anyone knows it will be her”

slid the picture of her into my pocket like a creep and followed him out. As soon as we left her room and closed the door Grey was mad that he couldn't smell her as strongly anymore. We walked back to the office and when we walked into the office there was another, she-wolf that was sitting on the Beta's lap. It must be her best friend.

“Alpha Colter, Beta Mac, this Alexa's best friend and also Beta Liam's mate, Sloane.”

She stood up and shook both of our hands.

“It's nice to meet you both. How can I help you?”

“Where is Alexa?” I growled out.

I was losing control of my emotions and I needed to get a grip on them. This wasn't how an Alpha acted, especially not me. “am sorry, I do not know. We had dinner last night, just the two of us and when we left the mall, we went our separate ways I haven't seen or heard from her all day. I did send a few texts and mind links but got no response.”

“I want to know where she is now. If she isn't found, then we don't have a deal”

“I assure you we will find her, Alpha Colter” Cheryl said.

“Why don't you guys go with Beta Liam and his mate and go to the dining hall and have something to eat and a drink."

We got up and followed them out of the room, but I was angry and so was Grey. I don't know why this girl had me so worked up and I hadn't even met her. I planned on making her suffer some just being the daughter of Alpha Robert, but I got the feeling that this girl had a lonely life. The way her parents just handed her over even without the promise of her being Luna really had me wondering what could be going on here.

We had made it to the dining hall and sat across from the Beta and his mate. Some Omega’s came out with dishes of food and drinks. They sat them down in front of us and it was sandwiches with potato salad and chips.

“Please, tell me about your friend? I would like to know more about her”

“Why. You bought her! Do you even care about people's free will, or choice? What about her second chance mate?”

“What do you mean second chance mate?” I asked.

“Her first mate died.”

“HOW?” I growled out. Grey was pushing to the surface, and I was trying to push him back, but it wasn’t working very well. She scooted closer to her mate and laid her head on his shoulder and didn’t answer us.

“I asked how he died and if I don't get answers soon, I will call the council and have this whole pack investigated.”

“Alpha Colter, can you please take a walk with me, I think this conversation is better in private?” Asked Beta Liam.

I stood up leaving Mac with this girl and the rest of our lunch. He led me outside and towards the tree line. I got the sense

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