Alkine Academy

Chapter Ora • 8

Two persons point of view.

She's getting to me.


I don't know how. I don't why. But she is definitely getting to me.

Inching her way inside my every fucking thought.

I've seen the way Cal looks at her. He's so pussy whipped over the girl it's absolutely startling.

Hell I even think Asher and Faron are starting to care for her in some tiny way.


I can't.

I won't.

I will be damned if I let some tiny little snip of a fucking girl be allowed to come in and destroy everything that I and my brothers have worked so damn hard for.

That's why I'm here right now.

In Cynthia's dorm room, with her on her fucking knees sucking my dick like the sweet little fucking whore she is.

She's always been my go to fuck.

I prefer her on her knees like this. With tears steaming down her puffy cheeks. Gagging on cock.

Gripping her long blonde hair in my fist, I force her head back and forth along my dick making her go faster. Deeper.

She's not a pro at this but bless her heart she tries.

I love to see her this way. I just can't help it. Some dark devious part inside of me enjoys having her at my mother fucking mercy.

Pushing out my power, she groans, reaching her hand down to her over stimulating clit. Trying desperately to find her own release.

Not gonna happen.

Bending my knee I force her hand away from her pussy.

"Only concentrate on me!" I demand of her. She groans but obeys my command.

She better if she ever wants to enjoy my cock in her mouth ever again.

Pushing her head all the way to me, I make her gag again, the sounds of her gagging and watching the fat tears rolling down her cheeks heat up my hard core senses.

Placing my other hand on her head, I gravitate her more closer to me. Pushing her head back and forth along my shaft roughly. I so want to push my cock all the way down her tiny throat.

"That's it, take it like the slut that you are." Closing my eyes, I relish the feeling of her warm mouth coating my dick. "Deeper bitch!" She's starting to become very useless. If the slut can't take all of my cock, then she's not getting fucked by me today.

"You think you would be better at this by now." I complain. Pushing my hips hard into her face.

It takes a bit for my release to come, but I do end up cumming eventually all in her mouth.

She swallows all of it down just like a good little girl. It's too bad she can't deep throat me. Maybe then I would deem to reward her.

Licking those plump lips, trying to turn me on.

Cynthia stands up from her kneeling position, her naked body on full display for me.

She seductively walks to me. Rubbing her hands along my chest. Staring down at her, I watch her every movement closely. But it's doing nothing for me. Closing my eyes concentrating as much as I can, willing my dick to get hard.

I just don't feel it.

All I can picture is Jaci. That damn girl has even gotten me sexually dysfunctional.

I try. Dammit, I do try.

I wrap Cynthia up in my embrace, pulling her to me. I won't kiss her. That I would never do nor have I ever done that for any fucking woman. It's just far too personal for me. I do however kiss her down her neck though, marking her as I suck in her skin in my mouth.

She sighs out with a hefty moan.

I even suck on her over sized bud. But still nothing. My dick just lays there shockingly dormant.


Pulling away from Cynthia harshly she gasp in surprise.

"I'm just not feeling it right now. I got to go." Pushing my flaccid dick inside of my pants, I rearrange myself, trying my fastest to get the hell out of here. Shocked that I can't even perform this simple little task.

Opening her door quickly but before I can exit, she just has to take a last parting shot.

"When you're able get it up again you know where to find me." Huffing at her stupidity. Not wanting her to think I can't preform my duties in the bedroom department. I leave her with one last warning shot of my own.

"Maybe if you lost some weight I'd be more aroused." That got her goat. I slam the door, walking away from her feeling contended.

What the actual fuck is wrong with me?

I don't care if she is plump, a fuck is a fuck! So why can't I get it up?

I've never had this problem before. As an incubus if one word got out about this incident it would totally destroy my reputation.

A bad ass incubus who can't preform? Who ever heard of a such a thing?

Exiting the Academy, standing on Academy grounds, it's like the fates were reading my very own thoughts.

There stands Jaci, in all of her fucking glory with Cal and Asher standing beside her.

Both of those fuckers have googly eyes for the little girl.

Cal has her wrapped up in his arms. Asher watches them both like a love struck puppy.

What is it with this girl that she has them both so wrapped around her finger? I just don't see it.

I've only ever seen her be affectionate with Cal though. But Asher keeps hanging around just hoping for a scrap off the table like a damn starving dog!

Poor bastard!

Maybe I can hook him up with one of my bitches.

That would cure of him of this false love he thinks he's feeling toward her.

Now that gives me a grand idea. Reaching into back pocket I grab my cellphone. Which bitch would Asher go for?

He's quiet, studious, but has the devil inside of him.

Yes! I think I have the perfect person for him.

"Hello?" The sweet voice on the other end answers.

"Willa?" She's crafty this one. Always at my beck and call. She can't get enough of me and would do anything I ask her to do. Like most women.

"Ora baby what can I do for you?" Hook, line, and sinker!

I explain to her exactly what I have on my mind. She happily agrees. I knew she always had a thing for Asher. We set it all up for later tonight. Hanging up my phone I feel excitement coursing though me.

I'll end this infatuation Asher has with her. Then I'll go to work on Faron. Cal maybe a lost cause already but I'm determined to find a way to end that bullshit also.

Look out Jaci darling. I'm coming for you.

And I always win.


So close.

So fucking close.

I'm in the hot tub with Jaci. Luckily it's in a closed heated room. I can't believe my luck.

I was relaxing in the tub. Trying to take my mind off of her and she just appears like a vixen from out my fantasies and in that bathing suit? Oh damn, that fucking drool worthy bathing suit, makes my dick hard just by looking at her in it.

With her fabulous body showcasing it for me I think my brain just decided to go on a relaxing permanent vacation.

When she climbed her sexy ass into the hot tub with me all of my civil thoughts flew out the fucking window.

She is so close to me.

Her arm grazes against mine, I'm so lost in my desires for her my switched just automatically flipped.

I positioned my self in between her luscious thighs. Tracing my fingertips along the swell of her breast. Those hypnotic blue eyes locked unto mine and I could see the overbearing lust hidden within them.

This will be our first.

Our first kiss. Our first heated touch. Our first at everything.

The anticipation inside of me is so fucking overwhelming.

Leaning in I get my first kiss with her and boy is it a doozy. The tingles. The sparks. They all fuse together with our tongues doing battle for a much longed for desired embrace.

Her small moan elicits a full out guttural groan from me.

Reaching my right hand inside of the top of her bathing suit I knead her oversized voluptuous breast. Grazing my thumb across her rock hard nipple.

I was so lost in the heated moment that I didn't hear the side door from the attached restroom open.

"Oh baby I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long?" Tearing my swollen lips away from Jaci, my eyes widen in complete shock.

Willa, Oras bitch, is standing by the hot tub with a glass of champagne in her hand and completely bare ass naked!

"Oh Asher honey did you invite company to join us? Couldn't you have picked someone a little bit more....prettier?" What the actual fuck? What the hell is she talking about?

Jaci splashes out of the hot tub so quickly I don't get a chance to explain this unforeseen situation to her. The look on her face breaks my heart. She looks so distraught and broken.

"You can have him I'm done with him...completely!" Jaci tells Willa, through tears that she is trying so desperately hard not to shed.

Jaci storms out of the room, slamming the door behind her, leaving me and a very naked Willa alone.

Turning my heated gaze to Willa I unleash on her.

"What the hell was that? Why did you do that?" Willa shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly. Not even slightly ashamed of her actions or of being nude. I climb my way out of the hot tub.

"Someone ask me for a favor." She takes a drink of the champagne.

Who the hell would ask her to this?

"Who," when she ignores me, I bare my fangs to her. She flinches back, the fear on her face excites me. "I asked who Willa?" She gulps. She actually gulps. I love the feeling of her fucking fear.

Stalking toward she lets out an ear piercing scream. Dropping the champagne all over the floor. I don't care. She destroyed everything I was working so hard for with Jaci in just a matter of seconds. She doesn't deserve any of my sympathy.

A crash of the door brings me out of hunting my prey.

Ora stands in the doorway eyeing Willa and I. His face shows his extreme guilt immediately.

My own fucking brother!?

He did this to me? How could he? Why would he?

Ora slowly makes his way over to his bitch. Standing in front of her, trying to shield her from me. He damn well should! I'm about to rip her ass to shreds.

"Leave!" He commands Willa. She doesn't hesitate for a second. Running bare ass naked for the door. I glare down Ora. So pissed at him at this moment for being so damn calculating and devious.

"Why?" He holds up his hands in mock surrender which pisses me off even more.

"I did it for you Asher. You were getting to caught up in Jaci. I wanted you to see that there's more pussy out there than just hers. She has you under some kind of influence. She's not worth it. I just want my brothers back!" His spiel does nothing to ease my anger.

We hear a light gasp. Turning my head to where it came from I see Jaci in the doorway. She heard everything he just said. Her eyes light up with pure fury. Shooting daggers from those eyes directly at Ora.

"How dare you! You want me away from your brother so bad? Away from you? You would stoop this damn low?Fine you get your wish! I'm leaving! I hope you're fucking happy!" She collides into Cal and Faron on her way out the door. I don't know what they each have heard but I'm betting they got the gist of it just by the look on their heated faces.

"What did you do?" The malice in Cals voice doesn't go unnoticed.

With all three of his brothers glaring him down with anger infused faces, I see Oras facade starts crumbling down brick by brick.

"Fine! I ask Willa to act like she just had sex with Asher to run Jaci off!" His confession only spikes my anger toward him even further.

"Why?" I grind out my question to him with my hands at my side folded into fist and pure fury lit within me.

"You know why? You all know why? This girl is doing everything in her power to tear us apart and I won't have that!" He has literally got to be fucking kidding me.

"You got that wrong dear brother. It's not her tearing us apart. It's fucking you! You are tearing us apart! With your backfiring little schemes and your hatred toward her it is only pushing us away from you! Not the other way around!" Oras eyes widen in horror. Good! He needs to grow the hell up! He's the eldest he shouldn't be acting like a fucking child!

"And one more thing. If she leaves because of you Ora. I'm leaving with her. So congratulations you actually did it. You tore us apart!" On that last note I gladly walk the hell away from him.

I push my way though Cal and Faron who look just as horrified as Ora does.

I don't give a good fuck!

My first chance with her and fucking Ora ruined it completely with his damn scheming.

Opening Cals bedroom door I see Jaci packing her little blue backpack on the bed, stuffing it full of her clothes.

Silently making my way over to her. I reach for her wrist trying to halt her packing. She jerks her arm away from my violently. I see the tears welling up on her beautiful blue eyes again. She sighs and turns away from me.

"Jaci it wasn't me. You have to believe that." I plead with her. With her back turned to me, I see her shoulders sagging.

"I know I heard Ora. I know it's not your fault but I'll be damned if I stay in a house where I'm not welcomed or wanted!" She grabs more clothes out of the dresser placing them on the bed.

"You are wanted. I want you. Cal wants you even Faron wants you here. Please don't leave us because of him!" I didn't do anything wrong.

"He's right. All three of us want you here. Please don't leave." I never heard Cal or Faron enter the room. They're both standing behind me, pleading with her with their eyes.

"I agree. I may not know you as well as Cal does but I like to. Please give us a chance. We're not actually that bad. Well maybe we are that bad but we're not with you! Stay!" I can hear the desperation in Faron's voice. We all stare at Jaci waiting patiently for her decision.

"Fine I'll stay but keep Ora away from me! One more slip up from him or anyone and I am out that door faster than Speedy Gonzales!"

Breathing a huge sigh of relief, I take a chance, walking to her I wrap her up in my warm embrace. She doesn't push me away, thankfully. She wraps her tiny arms around my waist, leaning her head against my chest. Propping my head on top of hers, I inhale her sweet aroma. Vanilla and a fresh sea breeze fill my senses.

I could stay wrapped in her arms like this forever if she would just allow me to.

Taking another giant brave leap, I incline my head capturing her sweet soft pink lips unto my own.

Groaning out from just her delicious taste, I plunge my tongue into her warm sweet welcoming mouth.

If this is heaven I never want to leave.

I could die at this moment and be totally happy with it!

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