Alkine Academy

Chapter Cal • 9

I have to talk to someone.

My mind just can't stop it's racing.

Maybe I'll go see Liam.

After the fiasco that Ora tried to pull with Asher. I couldn't wrap my head around the why?

Why would Ora go to such great lengths to get rid of Jaci?

It's was crude and ineffective, but he did manage to accomplished one goal from it.

He hurt Jaci.

That shit isn't going to fly with me.

Then I think about the conversation I had with Asher.

When Asher ask me if I loved her it through my thoughts into a tail spin.

Did I?

Do I actually love her?

I know I care a great deal for her that I can't dispute. But love?

No I don't think it's love!

What do I know about love after all? I do know that I love my brothers. I would give my very life for either of them in a heartbeat. But the type of love Asher was talking of I don't even think I have that type of love in me. I just don't know what I want out of our relationship. Shaking my head to rid myself of my thoughts, not truly knowing what I want out of all of this or what I want from Jaci.

But for right now, I do know what I want and I want justice.

"Is she prepped and ready to go?" I ask the terrified doctor.

After entering our torture dungeon that's well placed under the Academy. No fool would ever be able to find it. We created a false door as a bookshelf in the boiler room.

You have to know exactly what to move and how to move it on the bookshelf to even get the door to open. If you don't know what your looking for there's no way you would ever find this place.

Faron and I kidnapped this fucking doctor after what Willa tried to pull with Asher we both wanted justice for her and for him.

"Yes sir, it shouldn't be long now." The stupid bastard better know exactly what the hell he's doing.

Walking over to a leaning Faron against the dungeons wall, Faron is watching the doctor doing the medical procedure on Willa with a deep fascination while smoking a joint and talking to Max that's standing beside him.

Max has worked for us for a years but after the stunt he pulled with Jaci with the rune painting in class, I can't seem to bring myself to trust him like I use to.

"Give me that joint!" Snatching the spiff away from Faron, I crush it under my boot on the stoned floor. Disgustingly frustrated at the lack of Faron's willpower.

"Hey man what's your problem?" Faron ask me, glaring at me with red rimmed eyes. Shaking my head in disapproval at his antics, I lean beside him observing the doctor operating.

"I need you sober and functioning not high off your ass! We can't let Ora find out what we're doing here, there's no telling what he would do if he found out that one of his bitches is being dealt with!" I mumble it out so lowly, trying to make sure that Max can't hear me. He's loyal to our brother far more than he is to any of us. Mainly because Ora would likely kill anybody that pisses him off or disloyal to him.

"Fine." Faron grumbles but I choose to ignore his attitude.

I just sit back watching the creepy doctor do his shit with my mind going directly to concentrating on Jaci and my erratic racing thoughts from earlier.

If somehow or someway I could end up loving her would it be such a bad thing?

Ora is fighting so hard for us to push her away and honestly deep down he may just be right in a sense. Maybe we should just let her go?

But I don't think I could ever give her up now though. I don't think I could anyway.

What ever happened to me just wanting to ruin her?

I should have just fucked her senseless then left her alone. That's what I originally wanted had planned. So what the hell suddenly changed?

One night of amazing sex with her led me to where I am now.

After that night I just couldn't shake her. Couldn't get her out of my head.

Our little late night chats on the phone along with our text was something I started to look forward to each and every night.

I got to know her.

Which was something that I never thought I would do with any woman.

But she changed my opinion quickly.

Do I love her?

Could I love her?

Like Faron said before. I guess only time will tell. All I do know right now is that I can't walk away from her. Not now.

Not ever.

Feeling a light pain on my side brings me out of festering thoughts.

Faron's nudging me in the ribs laughing.

"What!" I grumble to him.

"Max was talking about the rune painting." Like I give damn about Max and his adventures with Jaci. Just talking about that shit is enough to set me off.

"So what?" Can't Faron tell that I just don't give a fuck! Sometimes I think Faron smokes to much damn weed for his own damn good.

"I can understand why you guys are so crazy about her. She's fucking hot man!" Max lowers his head, looking around Faron so he can see me. Is Max a complete moron, taking about Jaci that way in front of me? The guy has balls I'll give him that.

"Just do your damn job man and stay away from Jaci. Unless you want to be the next person on that table? You better listen to me wisely. She's ours and she sure as hell is none of your damn business!" Max scoffs, while Faron shrugs his shoulders dismissively, "And don't ever let me hear anything about you touching her ever again. Got it?" Pushing off the dungeons wall, I glare over at him.

The prick needs to learn his place on the totem pole. Which is far beneath me.

"Easy man he was just joking!" Faron tries comes to Maxs rescue.

"I'm just saying man. She's ours. Mine! Nobody else is allowed to touch her, ever. I don't care if it's even for a class project. Do I make myself perfectly clear?" Max nods his head, shutting his mouth quickly, in a straight firm line. As long as he understands not to go near her he may just live to see another fucking day. Maybe?

"All done sir." Finally! Giving Max one hard and final look, I turn my attention to the creepy ass doctor.

Raising my hand, with my palm up toward Faron, he digs in his backpack for the wad of cash I gave him earlier.

Taking the money from him, I stroll over to the doctor, placing the money in the palm of his hand.

"Not a word or you'll be next. Thank you for your services." Slapping the doctor on his back, he flinches. "Faron escort the good doctor out." At my command Faron rushes over quickly. They both exit the dungeon leaving me with Max and Willa.

Looking down at Willa I can't help but to feel strangely happy. The staples on her lower abdomen look awfully painful.

"Max! Take this bitch back to her dorm room before she wakes up. Leave this letter somewhere visible so that she can locate it." Reaching in my front pocket of my jeans I pull out the crumpled letter. Unfolding it, I read the statement written on it. I paid a guy to write it out for me earlier this morning. I wish I could see the look on her face when she actually reads it. Realizing just what has happened to her.

Handing the letter over to Max I take one last look at Willa laying on the bed unconscious.

She's really not a bad looking girl but she should have never tried to cross me or my brothers or even Jaci for that matter. This is what you get when you fuck with an Alkine!

We always leave a reminder.

Leaving Max alone to preform his duties I walk out of the dungeon remembering what I had told the guy write on the letter. Knowing how much it will shock Willa when's she reads it. I smile devilishly.


You want to play childish games?

How's this for a kicker?

Acting like a child has repercussions.

Now you can never have children!

You can thank me later.


That should teach her!

Bumping into Faron on my out, the fucker is smoking yet another joint. With a humongous smile on his dazed face.

"Another one Faron? Dude you're going to fry your brain!" Faron chooses to ignore me.

"Did you give Max the note?" He asks me curiously.

"Yep! That will teach the bitch to stop acting like a baby!" I tell him gleefully. Snatching the joint from between his fingers, I inhale it deeply.

"She deserved it!" Faron quips.

We both walk out the dungeons secret doorway, laughing together at our devious accomplishments.

"Come in."

This is the last place I thought I would ever be.

Walking into Liam's office I seriously thought for a second that I was losing my damn mind.

There sits Ora, in the chair in front of Liam's desk, he looks so disheartened that it actually takes me a second for my brain to register that it was actually him that I am seeing.

His disheveled appearance caused me to pause in the doorway just staring down at him.

Why the hell is he here?

"Ora?" He glances at me briefly, completely ignoring me, returning his attention back to Liam.

"Maybe you should take a seat and join us Cal?" Liam tells me, gesturing to the seat right beside Ora. Slowly I make my way over to them, carefully sitting beside Ora. My eyes never straying from him not even for a second.

His disposition seems off along with his appearance, I stare at him closely

trying to figure out just exactly what the hell is going on with him.

"Would you like to tell him or shall I?" Liam's voice is hard to decipher. He sounds aggravated but weary all at the same time. When Ora doesn't reply to Liam's question choosing to ignore Liam altogether, I found myself getting far more frustrated than I honestly should.

"Tell me what exactly? What the hell is going on Ora?" He still refuses to speak a word to me. Turing my gaze from Ora to Liam, Liam sighs, bowing his head dramatically. From that movement alone I knew that whatever Ora is in here for isn't going to be remotely good. Liam then locks his tired eyes to mine. I just knew the next words he was going speak would change everything completely.

"Ora here has threatened to go to the council and inform them of Jacis situation if I don't accept his offer." I snap my head to Ora. He still fucking refuses to look at me.

"What offer?" I tighten my grip on the wooden arms of the chair that I'm sitting in.

" seems that I will have to take Jaci away from the Academy to reside somewhere far away from here or else Ora here will blab everything."

I fucking see red!

Jumping up from my sit I wrap my hand around Oras neck, dragging him up in a standing position. Doubling up my fist, I punch the bastard square in the nose!

I hear Liam's chair scrape across the floor in a flourish, I continue to punch Ora in his fucking face. Not caring where the hell my punches end up landing.

Liam tries his best to break us apart. Pulling on my arm to try to dislodge it from around Oras neck.

That shit ain't happening.

I throw Oras ass across Liam's office his back crashes against a small shelf causing the items on it to fall unto the floor.

Liam rushes over to check on Ora kneeling down beside him.

I could give a fuck less!

I turn on my heels and walk the fuck straight out Liam's office, slamming the door behind me so forcibly it shatters the small window that was in the middle of the door with Liams name plastered on it.

I end up at the local nightclub.

Drinking my ass into an oblivion.

Sitting on the barstool, tossing back drunk after fucking drink.

My knuckles still have Oras blood on them. The bartender keeps eyeing me wearily. I just growl at him ordering a shot of whiskey.

This is where Asher finds me hours later.

How the hell he found me I will never know. Probably due to his weird little vamp senses. I'm too fucking buzzed to care anyway.

He takes the stool next to me. Orders himself a drink also. For a while we don't speak, just tossing back our drinks, the music from the jukebox keeps playing the same old tune.

It's kind of fitting for my current mood. I Won't Back Down by Tom Petty playing on repeat. It seems kind of foreboding.

"Want to talk about it?" Asher finally breaks the silence.

I don't know if it's because of my mood or the whiskey or even if it's the same song that keeps playing but I unload all of my secrets to Asher.

By the time I'm done with my confession, I'm not the only one upset about Oras deception.

"What the hell? What are we going to do? We can't let Ora keep doing this. We definitely have to find a way to resolve this and soon." I agree with what Asher is saying but I have no idea to resolve this conflict.

Ora will keep finding ways to push Jaci away and there's nothing we will be able to do about it.

He's always been the leader. He's always called the shots. He's the one we've always leaned on with us defying him on the Jaci matter, only fuels his determination more.

He's not going to give up on this.

He won't.

"Maybe we should just listen to him. Let Jaci go. He won't stop till he accomplishes his goal. You know him Asher just as well as I do. Ora has no stop in him. Once he sets his mind to it he just can't let it ever go. It's useless." I grimace, my statement starts to leave a soar taste in my mouth. Throwing back another shot just to chase the taste away.

"So you're going to give up that easily? You really had me fooled. I thought you were braver than that. You're a coward Cal. Guess I was wrong." Asher slams his shot glass down on the bar. Standing up from the stool he shakes his head at me in disappointment. Leaving me alone to drink my worries away in solitary.


I hate that he's right. I hate that every word he spoke to me is the truth.

I'm a coward.

Giving up so easily on Jaci and bowing down to Oras ridiculous commands.

But what else can I do?

There has to be a way ti resolve this, I need to fight for I want. I need to stand my ground.

And I won't back down!

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