Alkine Academy

Chapter Jaci • 10

Smut warning! 🚨

When Asher told me of Oras deception. I cried.

I cried a lot.

I knew he hated me but I never thought that he would go this far to push me away.

But this was the final straw that definitely did break the camels back.

I warned them all that if something liked this happened again I would leave. I will not stay where I'm not wanted.

That's why I'm packing my things up. No matter how much the other three want me to stay, I just can't do it.

I can't live in solace.

I have no peace. It's a repetitive cycle and I can longer bear it. I won't.

So if fleeing is what I have to do then that's what I will do. So be it.

I'll return to my Uncles home for awhile. Just until I can find other accommodations.

I have some money left in my savings from my parents insurance policy so I will be alright for a while.

Maybe I can just rent a small place until I can finish the Academy. Either way I'm not staying here a moment longer.

I just can't.

Luckily none of the guys are here they're off doing whatever it is they do. Probably something secretive or evil.

I tried to talk to Cal before they left but he just ignored me. That hurt the most. I thought we were much closer than that. I thought he cared for me.

Apparently not.

Grabbing my backpack and suitcase off of Cals bed, I give the room once last look. Sighing, I leave behind my heart and my mates.

I bumped into Starla a few days later.

She offered me a room at her place. I jumped right on it. It's not too far from the Academy and at least this way my mates can't find me.

Or at least that's what I thought until I heard the doorbell ringing.

When I opened the door, Asher stood in the doorway looking so pathetic. He has dark circles under his eyes and paler than usual but that's not what caused him to look so pathetic. It was the cuts and bruises that coated his handsome face.

"Asher what happened?" To my astonishment, he stumbles into my arms, I catch him before he was able to the hit the floor.

Asher is breathing erratically, but what causes my alarm is the slight gash on his neck. Blood is flowing out of the gash profusely. I try to wake him but unfortunately he remains unconscious.

In my panicked state, I try my best to maneuver him into the living room so I can lay him on the couch. It takes a few minutes but I was able to do it thankfully.

With Asher on the couch, I place my hands on his gash, using all of my concentration, the white light appears under my hands. I close the cut quickly.

Grateful that at least this time I didn't faint. I watch Asher lay there in his unconscious state. Wondering what might of caused this.

I need to call Cal.

Maybe he will know what happened to Asher or least be able help him.

Dialing Cals number it keeps ringing until it goes to voicemail.

Ugh! Hearing the tone I leave a brief message.

"Cal! Asher is hurt. I don't know what happened but you need to come and get him now!" I tell him where I am then hang up the phone.

Sitting beside Asher on the couch. Time goes by very slowly. Waiting patiently for Cal to come or call me back. But my phone never rings. All there is silence. Dead silence.

Asher starts to stir awake after a while. Blinking a few times he looks directly at me and smiles.

His smile confuses me at first.

"What happened?" I reach my hand out grabbing his. Asher reaches his other hand up to his neck. Rubbing his hand across the area where his cut previously was.

"Fight." His gruff but simple answer doesn't placate me.

"With who?" Asher hesitates, his gaze leaves mine searching the room. When his eyes finally meets mine again he has an abundance of worry behind those irises.

"Cal. He's been on a rampage." That shocks me. I thought it would be Ora as his answer. He seems to be the most violable suspect. But Cal?

"Why would Cal do this to you?" I've only ever seen the softer of Cal. Why would he hurt his own brother? It makes no sense.

"You." What?

"Why? Why would he hurt you over me?" Asher stays quiet for few seconds. I thought after a while that he wasn't going to answer my question. We just sat in silence staring at each other. Then when he finally speaks guilt consumes me.

"He can't handle losing you. He not only blames Ora he blames Faron and I as well. We got into an argument over you. I wanted to come and talk to you about everything but Cal thinks that you should come back to us of your own free will without our interference. That if you cared for us even if it's only minuscule that you would be with us now."

"I don't know what to say that Asher. I do care for you but I can't stay there. Even if I wanted to come back, Ora wouldn't stop his crusade. He would go to the council and out me. I can't take that chance. Plus he doesn't want me there you know that." I try pleading my case but Asher only gets more irate.

"Don't you see that's just it. If you run, just like you apparently have, then you will never be able to change Oras mind. You will never be able to be a part of our lives like we want you to. You will let Ora win. Why would you even want him to win? Fight for us! We would for you!" I drop my hand away from Asher's after hearing his pleas.

He's right. In a way.

I should fight for them. Like he said they would fight for me. But I don't know how to change Oras mind, as much as I want to, I just don't know how to do it. If I did, I would have tried already.

"If there was a way for me to change Oras mind...his attitude toward me. Then I would come back to all of you happily. But I just don't know how!" I basically beg for Asher's understanding. Then I see the sparkles in his eyes.

"I might." That gets my attention.

Asher doesn't realize how much being away from them has hurt me also. If there is a way I can make Ora see me as someone who won't ever hurt them or betray them. As someone he can look to as being at least a friend then I would gladly return to them.

Asher goes into deep detail on how I can win Oras trust or hopefully get him to see me in a different light.

After he finishes telling me of his plan I invite him to stay over with me. I'm actually surprised that he accepted.

Starla has only a two bedroom home but I told Asher he can sleep in my room. That perked him right up right away.

We never heard back from Cal. He ignored me and my message. We waited for hours to hear something from him. But we got nada. Zip. Zilch.

I'm so frustrated at him for his lack of response but in the end I can only blame myself for it. Maybe I shouldn't have just given up on them so damn quickly and left? Maybe I should've fought for them more? Maybe? Who knows? All I do know is that I at least have to try.

But soon he will see that I am and will do everything I can to be with them.

Even if it kills me.

After dinner Asher and I went to my room. Starla went to hers. I took a shower and now I'm on the bed waiting for Asher to finish his shower.

With a test tomorrow on developing light, I've been studying on the bed while he's been preoccupied.

Asher steps out of the bathroom in just a light blue towel around his waist. My eyes widen. My heart rate quickly accelerates.

My clit tingles suddenly from the view. I roam my eyes down his body from the top of his wet head all the way down to his v that goes into the towel. My eyes stay locked on that delicious view. Hearing his laugh my eyes snap to his. He caught me ogling him, practically drooling from his sexy body and those firm abs.

"Want me to remove the towel to give you a better view?" With a smirk on his gorgeous face, I can't seem to form words. I just give him a suggestive nod.

He drops the towel from around his waist. Standing there looking like a Greek god. Did I say I was drooling? I'm practically salivating at the sight of his enormous cock.

Asher stalks over to me slowly, his eyes are full of hunger. Throwing my textbook on the floor I hurriedly remove my shirt and panties.

Climbing on top of the covers on the bed, I do my own stalking. Making my way in between Asher's legs. My target: Asher's giant one eyed wonder worm.

Wrapping my hand around his harden cock, I start stroking it up and down gracefully. Keeping my lust filled eyes directly on him.

With a half grin to him, I lower my head, with my tongue I trace the tip of his head licking off the precum from his slit. Tangy!

Opening my mouth I swallow his cock down my throat. He has a giant ass dick. When my lips manages to touch his base he groans, grabbing my hair he fists it in his hand. Bobbing my mouth along his shaft a few times I pop his dick out. Taking my tongue I lick his long shaft from top to bottom. Grabbing his balls with my other hand I begin to massage them lightly. Just knowing I can get him so aroused from my single touch makes me feel so euphoric.

Swallowing him whole again, he pushes my head down on his rod, wanting more. I oblige him greedily. Suctioning in my cheeks, I slide up and down his dick rapidly just like a tire pump.

"Fuck Jaci! I'm about to cum baby!" His warning doesn't falter my actions. I keep deep throating him until he loses control and cums all in my mouth. "Fuck!" Hearing his roar makes my pussy even wetter. If that's even remotely possible.

Asher throws me back into the bed, climbing in between my thighs. I can't help but to release a slight giggle.

Licking his cum off of my lips, he gives me another guttural groan.

Asher latches his warm mouth on my hard as fuck nipple. The feeling is so enticing I throw my head back moaning. He sucks in my perky bead into his soft inviting mouth. Grabbing the back of his head, I push him closer to me, craving and wanting more. He releases my nipple, leaving kisses down my stomach as he lowers hisself to my molten over heated core.

When his tongue licks my over sensitive clit, I arch my back off the bed, savoring every lick and suck that he assaults my vagina with. The sparks alight inside of me. It only takes a moment for me to feel the tingles that has me exploding my juices all over his tongue. "Fuck Asher!" Asher has a magical tongue there's no denying that fact. I feel like I have entered Valhalla.

He crawls in top of me after my mind blowing orgasm, granting me with a remarkable smile. I can see my honey all over chin and mouth. Lowering his head our mouths collide, when his tongue embraces my own I can taste my own forbidden liquid.

The kiss has my mind so fogged up that I never noticed him reaching down to slide his expanded cock deep inside of me.

He is so damn big. He fills me to completion. I've never felt so damn full. Cal is big but Asher is huge! "You're so fucking tight Jaci!" Asher groans. No you're so fucking huge! I want to yell out to him but he starts pummeling into before I can even get the words out. As if I could anyway.

When he starts pumping in and out of me I lose all of my self control in a heated blaze of glory. Fuck it feels so damn good. He's furiously grinding into me, hot and heavy. Hitting dick deep into my walls. The power of his pivots into my dampened walls has me convulsing around his supreme cock, clenching it so tightly that I scream out his mother fucking name. "Asher!" The inside of my pussy keeps vibrating around his massive cock. Totally tantalizing me. Loving his magic wand, I'm totally under his spell.

Asher groans out "Dammit!" Then spurts his fiery liquid all into my overwatered walls. I can feel the mixture of his semen and mine dripping haphazardly out of me. His dick keeps twitching sending strings of cum all in me.

Asher can fuck that's for damn sure!

I've never had it feel so damn good before.

Breathing heavily after our sexual escapades, I wrap my arms around his neck, bringing his mouth down to me for another igniting kiss and trust me it's not disappointing.

They say that having sex doesn't qualify as love but I think they're absolutely wrong.

I think I just fell totally head over heels in love with Asher. That may make me seem a bit vulnerable but I don't even care.

All I care about at this very moment is the loving man wrapped up in my arms that's delicately kissing me and has me so fired up for another round.

Not that in complaining!

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