Alkine Academy

Chapter Asher • 7

"Ok class listen up! Today we will be learning about our fallen heroes, the healer species, once known as the great divines. From their subsequent loss of population to their overzealous power hungry nemesis, causing their unfortunate extinction. We are going to delve into the who, what, where, and why?" I drown out Professor Radens teachings.

Side eyeing Jaci from across the classroom. Her attention is solely focused on the Professors ramblings. She's so enraptured by what he's saying.

But my attention is solely on my beautiful mate.

We moved into our sanction house quickly. It's only been a week since our sporadic move and everyday Jaci has been mainly keeping to herself.

Only coming out of Cals room to eat and socialize every great once and while.

Cal has always been by her side most of the time. She sleeps in his room with him also. He's the only one of us that she will actually give the time of day to. Lucky bastard!

Ora has most definitely fucked our relationship up with her right from the start. I just wish she realized that we didn't feel the same way about her as Ora apparently does.

Watching her from across the room I feel a sense of loss. I've never actually had her but her abandonment toward my feelings makes me feel like that she thinks that I'm not even worth trying for. I can only hope to change her mind.

Professor Raden draws me out of my musings.

"Mr. Alkine, you will be partnered up with Ms. Demonas." I have no idea what he's talking about but I perk up immediately.

Thank you Professor Raden!

At least someone was listening.

Now I just might have a chance for Jaci to finally see the real me and not what she seems to perceive me to be.

I'm nothing like Ora!

Switching my gaze from the Professor to Jaci. I view her from across the room. She never graces me with a look but I can tell something is bothering her, she's starting to act a bit anxious.

Jaci starts to fiddle with the paper in front of her. Her pen rolls off onto the hard linoleum floor. She starts to reach over for it but the guy sitting next her beats her to it. He's flashing her with a flirtatious smile that shockingly is getting me riled up!

I'm not what you call the jealous type. I don't even act like my bothers. Showing off their dominance in front of others.

I'm mainly the quiet type until my brothers need me to handle someone that they want to disappear or to be offed quietly.

One single solitary bite is all it takes for me to snuff out any living thing. I suck their essence right out of them. Delighting myself on the energy. They thrash around and try to fight it. But it's inevitable in the end. I kill them all without showing mercy or even giving them a thought. Hell I don't even blink. It just comes naturally for me.

When I devour a soul of my victim I can see all of the details of their life flashing through my mind. It's an unfortunate side effect that I have to deal with but after awhile I've learned it live with it.

If I devour a soul of a supernatural being, I can steal their powers for twenty four hours then it dies down and slips away from me eventually.

I have the choice to devour their souls completely or just a fraction of it. But in most cases with them being in our clutches I do it completely.

I feed off the deliciousness of them.

The chime blares out loudly dismissing the class that I've barely paid attention to. Far too distracted in my own far away thoughts.

Hurriedly I catch up to Jaci, finally being able to catch up to her right outside of the classroom door. Grabbing her upper arm gently, I try to get her attention.

"Uhm..I wasn't paying attention in class what are we suppose be working on?" I confess my inattention innocently. She blesses me with a rare and sought out smile.

"We have to do a report on the extinction of the healers with a slide presentation." She actually giggles at me. With the tingles running through me from my touch on her arm plus the addition of her beautiful smile she flashes at me, I'm basically a fucking goner.

"Since it our last class would you mind taking me to our home then we can start on our project together?" The excitement that fills me up just from her suggestions is over exhilarating.

"Sure." And even though we don't touch each other after deciding what we should do. I walk along behind her exiting the Academy very happily.


My pretty little precious eyes.

Since the moment I saw her I knew I had it have her.

I viewed her in class the day she spiraled out of control.

That's the day she crept into my mind I haven't been able to stop thinking about her since then.


My pretty little precious eyes.

My one weakness.

My one desire.

My one craving.

My heart beats frantically whenever I'm around her.

I got to touch her today if only for a brief moment. It was all I needed for the time being.

Soon! I tell myself as I watch her walk side by side with her mate down the hallway.

Her beautiful smile.

That luscious body.

Her pretty little precious eyes.

Everything about her screams out to me.

One day soon I will have her in my clutches. Ravishing that body like I know her stupid fucking mates can't do!

They don't deserve her!

Only I do!

She was made just for me and I for her.

She is my drug.

My addiction.

She is mine!

My pretty little precious eyes.

One day soon!


"So when was the last healer killed?"

We're both in the study, sitting on the beige carpet, with our textbooks and notebooks opened in front of us on the oak table.

Sitting side by side.

I've grazed against her a couple of times. To hesitant to make any further moves. I don't know if I can handle her rejection if I try to make a move on her too soon. We're just now to the point where we can actually have a conversation. I don't want to push her away. Not when I'm making such progress now. I can't afford to.

"Eight years ago. There hasn't been a reporting or sighting of a healer since that evil vampire Darcus killed the last known survivor." She has a bit of edginess to her voice. Whatever it is that is bothering her about this report I don't want ask her about it. I honestly don't want to mess up what we have been able to accomplish so far between us.

"Ok." I modestly tell her. Hoping not to provoke her about this subject any further.

"I'm sorry," she sighs dramatically, "my aggravation has nothing to do with you." Jaci places her tiny hand on my upper leg, sending sparks straight to my groin. My dick jerks of its own violation.

"Want to talk about it?" She drops her hand away from leg unto her own lap, staring at me with consideration. The loss of her touch doesn't go unnoticed.

"It's just that..." in the middle of her explanation we hear loud noises coming from the living area. We both jump up from our seated positions, running frantically to the other room.

Ora and Cal are carrying Faron. Ora has his upper body in his hands with Cal carrying his lower half.

Faron is profusely bleeding all over the carpeted floor, the mixture of the red blood droplets on the beige carpet flooring is a deep burgundy a plain contradiction of its original color.

There is a giant jagged cut on Faron's lower abdomen, starting right under his ribs and ending at his pelvic. Tremendous amounts of blood is pouring out of his side.

"What the hell happened?" Ora and Cal place an unconscious Faron on the black patterned leather couch gently. Ignoring Jacis hysterical cries.

"We need to call a care technician." Cal grunts out after standing up beside Faron. Looking down at him with an over abundance of concern on his face.

"Now!" I jump from Cals determined toned. Reaching into my back pocket with trembling hands for my cellphone.

"Stop!" We halt in our tracks staring straight at Jaci.

She kneels down beside Faron's unconscious body. Placing both of her tiny hands across the gash on his stomach.

Closing her eyes firmly together, she starts rocking her body back and forth in a squatting position. Deeply concentrating on whatever she seems to be doing. Her hands are instantly covered in Faron's blood but it doesn't seem to bother her.

A faint white light with light blue tones appears suddenly underneath both of her hands. We all stare at her in unbelievable fascination.

The light under her hands begin to dim shortly after it just appeared out of nowhere.

"Grab me a wet towel!" Jaci screams, when she breaks out of her trance. Ora jumps into action running off to retrieve the towel.

He returns fairly quickly, handing Jaci a wet white hand towel.

Jaci cleans Faron's off the blood from stomach.

We all gasp.

The only sign that Faron was gutted is a small light pink outline of the former cut that he once had.

Jaci stands up from her kneeled position, without ushering a word or looking at anyone, she walks over to the kitchen disposing of the now red blood soaked towel in the trash dispenser. Turning to the kitchen sink she begins to wash her hands clean.

Ora, Cal, and I just gawk at her the entire time she is cleaning her hands, amazed at what has just transpired before our very own eyes.

Tearing my gaze away from Jaci, I look over to Faron, he's still unconscious but amazingly completely healed now.

Walking over to him I kneel in front of him just like Jaci did formerly. Checking for a pulse on his neck, I feel the slight pumping of blood rushing through his veins. I sigh in relief.

I'm in complete and utter awe.

"You're a fucking healer? But how?" I ask her, still in awe of what she just showed us. They all went extinct, there's not been a known healer that anyone has known about for years. I'm rocked to my very core knowing that she is a divine. With this knowledge I now see why Liam was so worried about the council founding out about her. If they do they will use her for their own personal gain and we just can't let that happen.

She healed Faron with such ease and without a care that we learned another secret about her.

Jaci dries her hands, turns to us all, the sighs out drastically.

"I'm a tribrid?" Her confession leaves us all basically flabbergasted.

"Fuck!" Ora lashes out, startling Faron awake.

He blinks a few times, trying to focus his eyes, jerking back quickly. He reaches down to his stomach, noticing that there is no longer a gash in it, his eyes widen then jerks up to mine.

"How?" Faron ask, I tear my gaze away from him, looking directly over to Jaci, he follows my eyes direction looking over his shoulder to her.

Exhaustedly Jaci starts to explain, "I am a succubus, a witch, and a healer. I'm a tribrid. I'm so..." her eyes roll into the back of her head, "Shit!" Ora cusses while he rushes over to her catching her before she is able to hit the hard floor.

Jaci fainted right into his arms.

Ora picks her up bridal style. "I'm taking her to your room." He tells Cal, we all follow behind him worriedly.

She just saved my twins life. I don't know how I'm ever going to repay her. She'll need our protection now more than ever.


She's like a precious gem that we now need to keep buried.

"She saved my life Ora have a little respect for her." Faron demands.

Ora is trying to change Jacis clothes while she's still lying on the bed unconscious.

He finishes dressing her, covering her up with great care.

"I'm not looking at her Faron! I'm just trying to make her more comfortable. Where's Cal with that damn rag?" I'm actually surprised Ora even wants to anything nice for her. By the way he's treated her so far it's really unexpected coming from him. Watching him be so gentle with her only confuses more.

"Here I got it!" Cal hands the warm rag to Ora. He gently rubs it along her face with such a delicate touch. It's starting to feel awkward with the way he's acting around her now.

"Is she ok?" Cal ask Ora, clearly over distraught about her. It's kind of amazing to see my brothers act in a such a way. They claim to be these tough bad ass men but I can see the gentler side coming out of each of them even Ora which is truly astonishing to me.

"I'm sure she's fine her healing Faron probably took too much out of her, that's all, so please stop worrying so much Cal!" Ora places the wet cloth on top of Jacis forehead.

"She saved my life." Faron exclaims more than a few times now repeatedly.

"This is why the council is after her." I tell them all. But I'm sure they already have to come the same conclusion as I have. "We have to protect her. More now than ever."

"I'll protect her with my life." I don't doubt for a second that what Faron tells us is true. After her saving his life he may feel like he's indebted to her now. An obligation that he won't take lightly.

"Me too." Cals resolve comes from being head over heels in love with her. He can deny all he wants but I can see straight though his charade. It's written all over his face and embedded in his hazel eyes. Cal is truly in love with her. I'm a bit envious of him right now. I want to be closer to her than I recently am. I just don't know how to go about doing it.


"Will you guys shut the hell up. No one is going to give their life for hers. Not if I can help it." The last sentence of Oras statement was said more to hisself than to any of us.

He is so damn confusing sometimes. One minute he's treating her like a porcelain doll and the next he acts like he can't even stand being in the same room with her.

Like now, he's tracing his finger along her the side of her cheek very tenderly. He is a contradiction in many ways.

I honestly think he is far to scared to let her in for some unapparent reason. I know he thinks that Jaci will more than likely double cross us but I fortunately don't.

She opened up to us about her being a tribrid after all. If she can trust us with her own secret why can't he see that we can trust her with our own as well.

"Let me know when and if she wakes up?" Ora laughs, standing beside the bed. Trying to act like he doesn't really care about her and quickly exits Cals bedroom.

See, just like I thought: contradiction.

"Don't be an ass!" Cal tells him before he was able to exit the room. Ora just ignores him. Cal walks over to sit beside Jaci on the bed. Softly caressing her hand.

Pure love.

I so want and need what he has with her.

Could she love me? A silent killer?

My own horrid doubts have plaque me since I learned about us having a mate.

I need to take the initiative and just go for it with her. Stop letting my inhibitions get in my own damn way.

"Do you love her?" I ask Cal. I have to know if my suspicions are right. Because if he can love her and she loves him in return then maybe she can love me also.

Just maybe.

His eyes lock onto mine, staring at me confusingly.

"I don't know. I guess I do. I mean...I do have strong feelings for her. She's very...special to me." I think he is actually in love with her but he doesn't realize it just yet. The realization will hit him sooner than he expects it will. "I know I don't want to lose her." I can see that he is truly smitten with her. Rather he wants to admit it or not.

Glancing over to Faron.

He's eyeing Jaci with concern. "Do you think you could love her?" His eyes never once strays from her.

"If she would let me in. I guess I could love her. We will just have to see what the future holds for us I suppose." It's basically the same exact thing I've been thinking all along. Maybe it's a twin thing? Who the hell knows. "But I'm willing to give a try." So do I.

All I do know is that I'm willing to give this mating thing a chance. I want to know what unconditional love feels like for once.

I didn't get it from my fucked up parents that's for damn sure.

I know my brothers love me but it's not the type of love that I'm searching for.

I want an all consuming, ravenous, never ending, I would die for you: type of love. Filled with total abandonment and overloading passion.

One that can bring you to your knees.

One that can truly defy anything.

"I need to love her and I want her to love me." With that confession, I walk over to the other side of Cals bed. Sitting down beside her, I softly trace my fingertips along her arm.

Feeling the sparks within me helps me make my final decision.

I will do the same thing that Cal and Faron claimed to do earlier for her. I would give my own life up for hers in a second. If she would just allow me to love her like I want too.

I would never betray that love.

If she could just love me.

I'd treasure her like the bright gem she is.

Like I so desperately want her too!

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