Alkine Academy

Chapter Faron • 6

"She had everyone in the Academy horny as hell!"

I still can't believe it.

All the students started getting antsy at first. Moving around in their seats like they were trying to scratch an itch that they just couldn't reach.

Then out of the blue they jumped from their seats basically attacking each other. Hands were roaming and people were groaning.

I sit back thinking I was going to get to see a live fucking porno go down in the middle of the damn classroom. Even Professor Zed was rubbing against, Clare, one of nerds in class.

It was a sight to see and I was so enjoying it till someone flicked a switch and suddenly everything just stopped.

Students looked around like they were in a daze, clearly confused about what just occurred. Some were embarrassed but then others did actually enjoy it, like me.

"Same in my class. I knew it was Jacis doing it because it didn't affect me but it was absolutely entertaining." Asher exclaims excitedly.

We're stuck here in our dorm room till Ora returns from his errand, whatever that may be, Asher, Cal, and I have been discussing our mates hi-jinx for the last twenty minutes. Cal doesn't seem to happy about Jacis situation apparently. From the looks he's been giving Asher and I, he doesn't seem to happy about a lot things concerning Jaci.

Asher has his nose in a book again, with Cal sitting beside him on the sofa and as per usual I'm in laying sideways in the chair, tossing around my football.

Bored out of our fucking minds just waiting.

"Wonder what else she can do?" I mumble to myself. Jaci doesn't seem like she's had her powers too long, if she can't control them. But there's something else about her that just seems off. It's like she's hiding something from us. But I just can't put my finger on it. Cal has talked to her more than either of us has so maybe he knows what's up with her.

The lucky bastard has already fucked her. Talks to her not nonstop since then. He's always on the phone with her. Out of all of us I didn't think he would be the one to start catch feeling for her first. I always thought it would Asher who did. It must have been some damn good pussy if Cal is a enamored with her already.

"Cal what do you know about her?" He pauses texting on his phone to look up at me, finally with a discernible look.

"She's seventeen. She's an succubus. She likes reading and volleyball." Not exactly what I wanted to know.

"No I mean about her abilities." My drawn out question even gets Asher's attention. He's just as curious about Jaci as I am.

"Like I said she's a succubus." How can he not see that there is far more to Jaci than what he actually thinks.

Before I could go further into my inquiry, there's an obnoxious banging on the our dorm room door.

Cal goes to answer the door. To our surprise it's Mr. Demonas in the entryway. I stop tossing my pigskin immediately. It's not usual for Liam just show up at our room for any reason. His visit can only be about one thing: Jaci.

"What do want?" Cal asks him very rudely. Liam just ignores his attitude, walking right pass him not wven bothering waiting for an invitation.

"Where's Ora we need to talk." Cal closes the door behind him while eyeing Liam.

"He's not here he had to run an....errand." Liam looks disgruntled. He walks to the center of the room, combing his fingers through his hair. I wonder if this has to with Jaci and her uncontrollable but hilarious desires today?

"Why haven't you claimed Jaci at the Headmasters office yet?" Well I didn't see that one coming.

Cal stands in front of the door with his arms crossed and legs spread apart staring down Liam with a look of pure disgust on his face. Asher and I just keep watching them both our eyes flicking to them back and forth like their in a tennis match.

"Why should we?" Cal disrespectfully ask Liam. Before Liam could make his rebuttal Ora crashes the door behind Cal. He eyes the situation perilously. Shutting the door behind him, Ora walks around Cal, standing directly in front of Liam.

"Why are you here Liam?" Ora crosses his arms just like Cal. They are so much alike sometimes it's fucking scary.

"I was just asking your brothers why you haven't claimed Jaci yet." Liam doesn't back down from Oras defiance. This shit is starting to getting really interesting.

"Why should we?" He repeats the same question as Cal did earlier.

"Because she is your mate. Do you need another reason? Why haven't you requested your housing sanction?"

"We're perfectly fine here. Why would we need to move?" Liam is getting really aggravated at Ora.

"She...needs your help." Now my interest is definitely peeked. I sit up straight in my seat. Eyeing both of them curiously.

"Why would she need our help Liam? What are not telling us?" That question comes from Cal. His expression shows that he's full of worry now.

"Just claim her at the office so you can get your housing. Please." Liam doesn't want to divulge his secrets. But I have a feeling that Ora nor Cal will let it go so damn easily.

"Not until you tell us what's going on!" Cal isn't going to take none of Liam's shit. He should know this about us already. The bad boys at Alkine Academy have never taken anyones shit before and we sure as hell aren't going to start now.

"I...can't." Ora laughs at Liam's predicament. He walks around Liam sitting down in the chair directly behind him. Propping his foot on top of his other leg, with his fingers temples, staring up at Liam with glee.

"Can't or won't? If you need us to move into the sanction housing with Jaci because she needs us. Then you're going to have to explain to me exactly, why." Liam searches around the room staring at each one of us pleadingly.

Something is definitely going on with him.

"Fine! She needs your protection." His confession has us all now wondering what the hell is exactly going on? Rising from my seat I make my way over to the sofa beside Asher so I can see Liam's face better. I want to see if I can see any deception. I'm a fucking pro at reading people. If Liam is lying I'm the one who would be able to sniff him out.

"What does she need protection from?" I ask, Liam hesitates.

"I..can't tell you." That's not going to cut it and I think he knows it.

"Fine it you don't want to tell us then get the hell out of our room!" Ora demands of him. Desperation fills his face. He starts pacing the room frantically.

"Fine! She needs protection from the council." Shit! I really didn't see that one coming either.

"Why would she need to protect herself from them?" Liam again is hesitant. If he needs our help he's going to have to get over his hesitancy.

"She's unique." I'm so tired of this bullshit!

"If you need our help Liam you're going to have be more forthcoming about what's exactly going on with us. Otherwise just get the hell out of here!" Everyone in the room is basically shocked that I'm the one that's demanding answers from him.

"How much?" Ora ask, with a devious smirk on his face. What the actual hell is doing?

"What?" Liam is as confused as I am.

"How much you will you pay us for protecting Jaci?" I'm surprised that Ora could be so conniving. She is our mate! She deserves our protection. Is he fucking crazy?

"I don't understand? Why would you want to charge me for protecting your own damn mate!" Liam ask Ora with a petrified look on his face.

"She's their mate. Not mine and if I'm going to protect someone then I get paid for my services Liam and I don't come cheap and I love all my presidents!" Of all the fucking nerve! I may not know Jaci as well as should but I do have some compassion in me. Apparently Ora doesn't even have an ounce of it. What happened to him to make him so damn calculating and devious?

"I'll do it." Cal walks over to Liam but he's staring down Ora defiantly.

"Free of charge." Cal adds.

"I will too." Asher stands, walking over to stand beside Cal and Liam. I glare down at Ora. He's watching Asher and Cal like he doesn't even recognize them anymore.

"So will I." Crossing my arms, waiting patiently to see how Ora will react to all of us.

"You can't be serious! All three of you will move and risk your lives for a girl you barely know?" A girl we barely know? That may be true but she is still our destined one. We can't just blatantly leave her to her own devices. Not if it's the fucking council after her anyway.

"I'll go to the office with you Liam." Cal ignores Oras barb, strolling to the door with Liam directly waking behind him.

"Cal!" Ora screams but Cal keeps walking. Liam closes the door quietly behind him.

Silence ensues between the rest of us after their sudden departure.

What's left to say. Ora can fixate all he wants on hurting Jaci but I won't be apart of his damn devious schemes.

"I can't believe that you two would be willing to go along with this crazy ass situation. I can understand Cal in a way, but you two? You don't even know her! Why would you break apart what we have going on here?" Is this why he's acting so foolish? Does he seriously think we would breaking apart any of this? We've been loyal to him for so many years now. How can even think we would do something so viscous?

"We're not breaking up anything Ora she needs our protection, why are you being so hardheaded about this?" Asher ask, plopping back down on the sofa.

"We don't even know why she even needs our protection. Besides, correct me if I'm wrong but Faron I believe your still in a committed relationship, right? Why would you want to protect Jaci so badly if you still have a girlfriend?" He's right. But he's trying his hardest to find some way to keep us from doing this for Jaci. I know him to well, he can't fool me. Throwing out accusations trying to deflect from our current situation will get him nowhere, in my view.

"I'm going to break up with her." Leaning back in the sofa, placing my hands behind my head. I watch Ora laugh at me cunningly.

"Yea ok and just when do you plan on doing that exactly?" Furrowing my brows, I'm determined to prove it to him. Grabbing my cellphone from my pocket I open it up Pantas number. Typing out a text to her quickly.

F: We're over.

Two simple words should fix the issue promptly.

Ora laughs at me again purely enjoying this.

"You sent her a text? Are you crazy? Panta is going to go nuts. Why didn't you just call her?" Asher ask worriedly, I know Panta is sometimes crazy but she wouldn't actually do anything nuts like he's suggesting.

P: what the hell Faron? You can't break up with me over a damn text. I'm coming over!

F: don't bother. I said we were over and I mean it.

She doesn't reply so I pocket my phone eyeing Asher and Ora. They both are looking at me clearly stunned that I actually had the balls to break up with her.

Feeling accomplished, I form a giant smile on my face.

"You're in trouble now?" Before I was even able to reply to Asher's comment. The door burst open suddenly, shattering it into little fragments all around the room. All three of us duck for cover. Asher and I shield ourselves behind the sofa. I can't see where Ora went but he's no longer sitting in the chair.

"Faron Alkine come out and talk to me face to face you coward." Fuck me! I'm such a damn idiot. I should've known she wouldn't let me go that easily. Panta has always been one step away from being a total psycho.

Gradually standing from my hiding place, I bravely eye Panta from across the room. She sending me deathly daggers through her eyes.

"You asshole! How dare you break up with me through a fucking text! Who is she?" If looks could kill I would be dead man already.

"Who? There's no one!" I lie like a fucking rug.

She cackles at me, stomping her way over the broken door debris on the floor coming heatedly toward me.

I like to take this moment to thank the fates for choosing Asher as my dear sweet and loyal brother.

Asher jumps up from his hiding spot, edging his way in between Panta and I. Glaring Panta down fiercely.

"Back off Panta or I will fucking kill you and you know I will do it. One bite from me and it's all over." Panta hesitates knowing how deadly Asher's bite can be.

She eyes both of us aggressively.

"I'll get you Faron. Better keep your eyes open because you'll never know when I'm going to strike." Panta leaves out the broken doorway. Thank fuck!

I quickly grab ahold of Asher and hug him fiercely. I may be a bad ass but that bitch is way beyond fucking scary.

Ora finally makes his appearance behind us. Laughing his ass off at the odd situation. Breaking apart from Asher I set my heated gaze on him.

"Thanks for the help." He continues to laugh, the fucking prick!

"What happened?" A sweet little harmonic voice breaks through our revelry. Jaci stands in the doorway with Cal directly behind her. They both look around at the damage on the floor.

"Just a misunderstanding." I dubiously tell them. Her beautiful blue eyes latch into mine. A small smile creeps into her face.

"I'm going to go pack now." Cal tells her, walking around her.

"You're really doing this?" Why can't Ora get it through his thick fucking head that we would basically do anything to protect Jaci?

"Yes. Who else is moving in with us? We were able to get a four bedroom home that's the largest they had available." He doesn't have to ask me twice.


"Me!" Asher and I say in unison.

We all turn to Ora, waiting.

"Fine! If you're doing this I'm doing it with you." He hesitantly agrees with a fierce look of resignation. "After all someone has to protect the three of you from her." He just had to get in a last word. Didn't he?

"Oh hell no! Cal you said he wasn't going to be living with us!" Jaci actually surprised me with her declaration.

Apparently she surprises Asher and Ora as well by their furrowed brows I can see their astonishment.

"What? Scared of being too close to me sweet cheeks?" Ora says suggestively but to my surprise Jaci doesn't fall for it.

"It's the other way around and you know it." Well fuck me! I've never known a woman who could actually turn away Oras advances. With him being an incubus he can influence any damn woman to his whims. But surprisingly he can not do it with Jaci.

That's fucking why he's been acting this way?

"You can't influence her?" Its rhetorical but Ora replies to me anyway.

"Shut the fuck up Faron!" I bust out laughing bending over holding my stomach. I laugh so hard tears start to form in my eyes.

"That's why?" I can barely get the words out between my laughter.

"I said shut the fuck up Faron. It's not that damn funny!" Oh but it is. Ora has finally met his fucking match and I'm going to enjoy every fucking second of it.

"Is it true?" Asher ask him curiously. With an overwhelming seriousness to his face. Asher's question sobers my laughter up instantly.

I didn't realize that if Jaci can deny Ora and his powers then he wouldn't be able to influence her in anyway, and that could be actually really devastating to all of us.

"Yes!" Ora grinds out, we jerk our heads around staring down at Jaci.

If he can't influence her then we are all in some deep shit. What if for some reason we have a falling out and she divulges all of our secrets?

Our killings and violence could have each one of us sentenced to death by the council obviously. Now I completely understand why Ora is being so difficult about Jaci.

Liam wants us to protect Jaci but maybe it's us who needs protection from her, after all?

This shit just got extremely complicated!

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