Alkine Academy

Chapter Jaci • 5

I honestly can't believe I did it.

I feel so wanton.

When we finished I hit the door running.

To afraid of what he might think of me. Even though I knew I had to do it, I still felt embarrassed.

Though we did talk on the phone later about everything. I really like him.

I can't believe I just blurted it out like that and by the look on their faces they couldn't either.

But I don't regret it. I did what I had to do and unfortunately I had to do it sooner than I wanted to but that's the price I have to pay to be able live here freely.

It really wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Cal had a way of making me feel really good about it and myself. He looked at me with such desire that it loosened my resolve to where I could actually enjoy it.

No, it wasn't bad at all, in fact, it was awfully delightful.

Lost in my musing I didn't realize I was so late for my first class.

Dashing to Development Studies, I hope the professor isn't too upset with my tardiness.

Great impression for the first day!

Yanking the door open, everyone in the class jolts their head toward me. Feeling really embarrassed now, I turn my attention to the professor.

She's giving me a stern look.

Albeit I am guilty of being late but her look has me bouncing on my feet.

"Thank you for joining us Ms. Demonas will you please grab a seat so we can proceed with our lesson for today." Nodding my head shyly I search the enormous class room for an empty seat. The entire class looks like it's set in a cathedral type of sitting. The student placement is up a few steps away from the actual flooring.

Noticing an empty spot by a girl with Snow White hair I dredge my way up to her.

Sitting beside her she grants me with a sweet smile.

"Hi I'm Starla." She whispers over to me. With a smile I introduce myself. She notices my bracelet right away.

Wrapping her fingers around my wrist she reads the engravings. Her eyes widen then looks across the room. I turn my head in that direction and see Ora sitting there three rows down from me. Of all the luck. Cal told me about Ora. How he's reluctant to have a mate. Advising me to just ignore him that eventually he will come around but by the look he's sending me right now I don't think I can bring myself to believe him.

Starla drops my hand instantly, giving me a sympathetic look.

I want to tell her that it's fine, that I can deal with his reactions to me but the professor interrupts me before I can.

"Alright class. Since it's the first day we will start you all off on an easy project. Today we will be dealing with magical runes. How to draw and paint them on your body. You will need a partner for this particular activity. When I call your names please come to the center of the room and join your partner to begin your lesson." Great! Inside of my head I keep repeating the same mantra. Please not Ora. Please not Ora.

She calls out students in groups of two. Ora is second in the line with his last name being Alkine. He gets paired up with Cynthia the school advisor that was suppose to help me my first day here, thankfully I wasn't chosen to pair up with him.

When I hear my name being called out I rise up from my seat gingerly. She calls out my partners name next a Max Dinus. I search the classroom as soon as I enter the center of the room.

He walks down the steps slowly, when he looks directly at me, I'm mesmerized.

He is what one might define as a hunk!

His tats are so sexy. With his long hair and babydoll face, I'm transfixed. He blesses me with a megawatt smile. He's deep penetrating dimples make him look even more handsome. My one thought when I see him gallantly walking toward me is: why couldn't he be my mate?

"Hi I'm Max." Swoon! His voice is so deep and haunting.

"Jaci." I blubber out with a slight giggle. My face is definitely feeling flushed.

"Ok class grab your paintbrush and magical paint palate. Paint the rune of choice onto your partners body and please class do not give me any lip about having to remove your shirts. This is a supernatural Academy after all being nude is part of the process for us all." She announces distractibly. Remove my shirt?

I watch as everyone begins to remove theirs tops without having any shame. Diverting my eyes from them all, feeling a bit apprehensive, I look into Maxs eyes. He's smirking at me, aware of my shyness.

"It's ok you still have your bra on right?" Nodding my head to him, "well just think of it as a wearing a bathing suit. Ok?" Exhaling a nervous breath, I remove my shirt slowly.

Dropping it on the floor beside me, I dare a chance and look up at Max. What I see on his face is so unexpected.

He is eyeing my desirably. I drop my gaze to his lower parts and I can tell I'm affecting him. With widen eyes I look back up at him, his smirk on his face sends chills through me.

Max squats down in front of me with his paintbrush in his hand and the paint lying beside him on the floor.

Directing his gaze up at me he gives me another sexy smirk. When the brush touches my stomach I feel the light feathery touches of the paintbrush and the coldness of the paint on my skin. Closing my eyes I enjoy the pleasant feelings shooting through my body.

After a few enticing moments go by I never realized that my emotions was directly affecting the entire classroom. When I opened my eyes everyone was breathing erratically, some were even rubbing their hands all over others bodies.

Glancing down at Max, I am shocked at his display. His eyes are filled with lust. He dropped the paintbrush on the floor. Reaching his hand up quickly he grabs my jeans and pulls me to him. Rising up from his position, he starts groping my breast over my black laced bra.

Trying my hardest to get out of his grasp, I suddenly feel a strong tug on my arm, jerking me out of the classroom.

I get dragged into a janitorial closet. The door slams behind me. Turning around swiftly, the light above me flickers on.

Beside me stands Ora. He's glaring down at me angrily. I can't understand why he's so upset with me.

"What the hell Ora! Why are we in a damn closet?" I demand, gritting my teeth.

He rolls his eyes.

He fucking rolls his eyes at me!

Of all the nerve!

"You're not use to your powers yet are you sweet cheeks?" Of all the condescending-wait what? How did he know?

"I don't know what you mean?" I act innocently.

"Don't give me that. What happened in that classroom just now was because of you!" I have no idea what he's talking about.

"What do you mean?" He scoffs at me.

"You're a succubus aren't you?" I nod my head.

"Well then that would explain it. You got wrapped up in your erotic emotions sending out pheromones to everyone in the fucking class. You got everyone on there horny as hell!" My eyes widen from his explanation.

I can do that? I had no idea.

"Well I didn't mean to!" I reach for the doorknob, trying to make my escape away from my over intensifying mate. But as my luck would have it he stops me before I can exit. Placing his big brawny hand over mine. I feel the tingles instantly. I jerk my hand away from his like he shocked me.

Glaring up at him, I see his dark orbs shining with a hint of silver and red in them. I never asked Cal what he or his brothers were. I thought it was being to personal on my part but looking into Oras eyes just now maybe I should have. They look almost unrealistic. They turn back to their original dark chocolate brown state almost instantaneously.

"Well of you didn't get so fucking horny over Max then it wouldn't have happened!" I open my mouth for a rebuttal but close it again quickly. He's right. I did get all riled up over Max and his painting. But I'm my defense it was very stimulating.

"Why are you so upset about it anyway? From what Cal has told me you want nothing to do with me so it shouldn't bother you if some guy gets my juices flowing now should it?" He stares at me with a disapproving look. Well fuck him and his attitude. I don't care what he thinks about me, mate or not!

"Now if you'll excuse me I need to get back to class!" Reaching for the doorknob again I don't get a chance to make contact with it.

Ora slams my back against the door so hard it rattles. He has my wrist in his hands, he places them above my head. Holding them very tightly. He leans his head down close my ear.

"It doesn't matter if I want you or not my brothers unfortunately do. So be a good little girl and stop flirting with every fucking guy you meet." He takes one of his hands lowering it to my jeans while the other stays wrapped around my wrist. Ora slides his hand down my jeans, turning his hand he inserts one of his long fingers deep inside of my core under my panties.

"What are doing? Get off of me!" I try shaking out of his grip but he's too damn strong. With his long digit inside of me he just gives me a laugh, a deep low vibrating laugh. Taking his finger from my core he brings up to his mouth, sticking out his tongue he licks my juices off of his finger. I just stare at him transfixed. He closes those deep chocolate orbs and growls.

"I just wanted a taste and you taste delectable. No wonder Cal bragged about fucking you." His disgusting words should have me throwing a damn tantrum, instead it strangely turns me on. It's like he has a this magical ability to make me lower my senses.

"What are you?" I desperately growl out. He grants me with that deep guttural laugh again.

"I'm an incubus sweet cheeks." That figures. No wonder he can send my senses into overdrive.

"Let me go!" Instead of obeying my desperate command he lowers his head to my neck, sucking myself skin into his warm mouth. I cant help it, when he does this I moan out in desire. Cursing my traitorous body. I know he did it just to mark me. Which makes me even madder. I'm not his to mark dammit!

"You act like you don't like this on the outside but on the inside I can feel your hunger. You want me. Admit it." Not in this lifetime buddy boy!

"I do not want you Ora. Let me go!" He stares at me truly amazed by my statement. Hasn't anyone ever been able to deny him!?

"What?" He's stunned reaction makes me laugh this time.

"I said let me go! I don't want you Ora! And I never will!" Why would I want someone who doesn't want me? I have to much respect for myself to deal with that type of humiliation. I maybe a broken doll but I'm not a broken woman.

"You are joking right?" I think I broke him!

Furrowing my brows, I stare deep into his eyes.

"No I'm not. You don't want me. So why would I want you. You think I'm going to bow down and beg you to throw me a few scraps from your table? If you do think that then your sadly mistaken. This bitch doesn't need your scraps!" I put so much malice behind my voice I think it actually shocks him.

He drops my wrist, staring at me like he's lost in a daze.

Ignoring him completely without a trace of sympathy for him, I reach for the doorknob and finally exit the small janitorial closet. Leaving a stunned Ora in my wake behind me.

The bell chimes above my head dismissing my first class already as soon as I exit the closet.

Standing in the middle of the hallway with students running rapidly around me, I feel so forlorn.

I hear Ora exit the closet behind me.

Turning to him I see his expression hasn't changed. He's just as stunned as when I left him.

Feeling slightly guilty for being so crude, I walk up to him, rising on my tiptoes. I kiss him gently on the cheek. He still looks a bit stunned though.

Dropping back on my heels I can't resist leaving him with one last remark.

"It's ok Ora. I may not want you but I'm sure there is someone around here who does." Batting my eyelashes at him. I truly feel vindicated.

Ora thought that all women would bow down to his bad boy ways. Falling to their feet to worship him.

I may be a bit a shy and tad innocent but I do know how to be a my own bad ass bitch. When I want to.

And Ora just got a taste of it!

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