Acts of Salvation: An Age Gap Romance (Men of WRATH Book 2)

Acts of Salvation: Chapter 26

The past ten hours have been insane. It was a mad dash to get to the boys’ boarding school before the front office closed for the day, and once we were there, it practically took a visit from the pope himself to have the twins be released in our care.

Granted, it’s nice to know the kids are cared for when they’re at school, but given the fact that Ren is listed as a guardian with the ability to withdraw them if necessary, it all seemed like a bit of overkill.

If you ask me, the prep school screamed more of ‘upscale penitentiary’ than learning institution.

By the time we got into the Cape, it was a little past midnight. I helped Ren get the boys settled in their room and ended up passing out myself during story time. It was the cutest thing ever. Since we didn’t have any books with us, Ren made up an impromptu fairy tale involving a princess and a magical tree.

I’m not gonna lie, seeing him with the boys stirred something inside me, waking up a maternal clock I didn’t even know I possessed.

Adding to the swoon-worthiness, Ren carried me to his bed and let me sleep in, only waking me up when it was absolutely necessary. Given the fact that William is proposing at sunrise, it’s at the ass-crack of dawn, but still…every minute counts when it comes to sleep.

Especially when I’ve been charged with keeping the boys out of trouble until the proposal. I’m pulling both twins’ hands, trying to keep them behind the small hedge of shrubbery lining William and Bella’s vacation rental.

I know with certainty that if I weren’t holding on to them they’d have blown the surprise by now.

“My sweet Isabella. If you could only see what I see. You are more than enough. You are everything, and if you let me, I will spend the rest of my life showing you how worthy you are.” William shifts, dropping his arm from Bella’s side. “Open your eyes, baby.”

He’s dropped down onto one knee and in his right hand is a small box.

“Yes. Oh my fucking god, yes!” Bella jumps on William, depositing endless kisses onto his face. “How? How are you so perfect?”

“I didn’t even ask the question yet. I had a whole speech prepared.” William chuckles.

“You can tell me later after you fuck me senseless. This calls for celebratory sex!”

I bite my lip, trying to stifle a laugh. Ren’s been recording this whole time and I’m surprised he’s managed to stay quiet. It can’t be easy seeing his baby niece getting proposed to by his best friend. Especially not with that exceptionally colorful commentary.

Clearing his throat, Ren finally chimes in. “Well, this is going to make a great story for the grandkids.”

The boys—seeing Ren’s comment as their cue to party—beeline it straight to Bella, snickering the whole way there.

“Oh my god. When did y’all get here?” Bella wipes her tears away.

“We flew in on the jet last night.” I shoot her a salacious smile while popping open the bottle of champagne I’d brought with me. “How about you come inside and we settle for celebratory mimosas instead of the sex, at least until we’ve all cleared out?”

“Yes. Of course. You guys realize I had no idea you were here, right?” Her cheeks redden as she brings her hands to her face.

The boys—not having any of it—tug at Bella’s hands, exposing her face.

“You said fucking!” Matt singsongs before both boys bust into a fit of giggles.

Bella pulls them into a tight embrace. “How did you two get here?”

“I picked them up from New Hampshire last night. I’m their emergency pickup, and this definitely qualifies as an emergency. It’s not every day we see a grown man propose to a teenager.” Ren is quick to answer, and it’s not lost on me that I was omitted from this telling of events.

To be honest, I’m not sure if I should feel offended or relieved. Maybe a bit of both?

First, he didn’t mention my going to pick up the boys. And second, didn’t he just propose to me? I’m nineteen and technically still a teenager. My head spins at what that could possibly mean.

Does he regret asking me?

Fuck you.” William’s cursing pulls me out of my thoughts. Looking toward him, I see him shove at Ren. “You’re just jealous I found my forever and you’re still out there playing the field with nothing to show for it.”

Unable to help myself, my eyes seek out Ren’s. In that one split second, our eyes connect, sharing a million questions.

Needing some air, I quickly slip away and head toward the front of the cottage. I need to pull myself together. I didn’t come this far with Ren just to throw in the towel at the first sign of trouble. So what if he didn’t mention me to Bella? Now is hardly the time, given the current state of celebration.

I’m about to sit myself down on the entryway bench when I notice a form making its way up the path to the home.

Oh my god.

I rush to open the door, refusing to let this man ruin Bella’s special day. Standing my full five-foot-two, I cross my arms, barring his entry.

Aiden, Bella’s dad, gives me a contrite smile. “Cassie, hi.”

“Aiden.” I don’t budge, nor do I reward him with a smile. The way he kicked Bella out after all she sacrificed for him makes him one of my least favorite people. Ever.

Holding up his hands in a placating gesture, he moves a step back. “Look, I’m not here to cause any trouble. I figured everyone would be here after the jet landed at Chatham Air Field.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Okay, so you knew the jet was here… but how’d you know who’d be here?”

He gives me an uneasy smile. “I’m a Navy SEAL, Cass. Not much I can’t figure out.”

I’m not amused. Seeing that I’m not budging, he hits me with an emotional one-two I can’t refuse.

“Look. I messed up with Bella, and not just recently. A lot of soul searching led me to see how I failed her as a father. She continuously gave herself to me and I selfishly took. Never worrying about what she needed. I’ve wasted precious time with my only daughter. Please, Cass. Don’t let me waste another second without righting things with her.”

Gut. Punched. I’m a girl with daddy issues. There’s no way I’d deny him entry after that speech. As soon as he poured his heart out to me and admitted to being in the wrong, I was a goner.

Bella deserves a chance to have a good relationship with her only remaining parent. I’m definitely not going to stand in the way of that if what this man is saying is true.

Finally breaking my stance, I step aside and motion him in, but not before issuing a warning. “Navy SEAL or not, if you hurt her one more time, I’ll personally see to it that you never see her again.”

Walking into the home as if he’s been here before, he gives me a warm smile and nods in agreement.

I let him walk ahead, not ready to join the group just yet. I’m about to sit on the bench again when a strong set of hands wrap around me from behind. Melting back into his chest, I breathe his scent in. Ren.

“Little angel. Why’d you run off?”

His words are like a soft caress, sending shivers rippling across my skin. I close my eyes, wanting to live in this moment forever. In his arms, nothing can harm me. I’m invincible.

His lips on my neck have my eyes shooting open. “Ren. What if someone sees?”

“Let them.” He continues to trail kisses onto the top of my shoulders.

“But if you don’t care, then why’d you omit that I went with you to pick up the boys?” I turn in his arms, needing to see his face.

He’s grinning wide. “You can’t possibly think I’d want to hide you?” He takes my face in both his hands and kisses my lips. “I didn’t want to hide you Cass, I just didn’t want to break into William and Bella’s big moment with a big announcement like ours.”

“Oh, yeah? And what announcement would that be?” I bite the corner of my lower lip, trying not to smile.

“That we’re in love.” Ren waggles his brows playfully. “And that you’re officially moving in with me.”

My jaw drops as I look up into those gorgeous eyes of his. He’s dead serious. Not a hint of amusement to be found. “What?”

“You heard me.” He turns me, slapping my ass before gently pushing me toward the living area where everyone else is gathered. “We can hash out the details on the flight home. Apparently, the rest of the crew is staying on the Cape for the weekend.”

“And what if I wanted to stay and party too?” I turn to look at him, offering a teasing glare.

“You can’t. You’re going to be too busy moving into your new home.”

I shake my head, unable to say another word as we rejoin the celebration. Heading toward Bella, I look back at him one more time.

This is far from over, buddy.

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