Acts of Salvation: An Age Gap Romance (Men of WRATH Book 2)

Acts of Salvation: Chapter 25

The last thing I thought I’d ever be doing was helping my best friend propose to my niece.

But here I am. On the firm jet, flying from California to Texas and then out to the east coast where I have to spring my nephews out of boarding school and then drive them over at the ass-crack of dawn to the Cape.

I mean, proposing at sunrise in the Cape is a hell of a lot better than proposing to the girl you love under a tree… at a gas station… fifty feet from a dumpster.

I run a hand across my face. Fuck. No wonder Cass freaked out. I knew she was skittish as hell and then I have to go and pull an asshat move like proposing in the worst possible location.

Speaking of Cass, William mentioned she agreed to meet the rest of the crew at the hanger. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited.

“Would you like another drink before we land, sir? We’re about to descend,” the flight attendant interrupts my thoughts of Cass, adding to my annoyance.

“No, thank you.” I drink the last bit of Jack and hand her the tumbler before returning my attention to the window—back to thoughts of Cassie.

Little angel, have you missed me as much as I’ve missed you?

My stomach knots and I’m not sure if it’s the change in cabin pressure or if it’s the impending meetup with the woman who built me up only to tear me down.

The wheels unfurl before making contact with the asphalt of the runway, bringing me that much closer to an answer.

No matter what happens on this trip, I have every intention of finding out what possessed Cass to cut me off as if I didn’t mean a thing to her.

Regardless of how shitty my proposal was, I didn’t deserve the cold shoulder she served me with.

I must’ve been lost in my thoughts longer than I thought because the cabin door is lowering and I immediately hear Titus and Hudson arguing over a bet they’ve placed.

The first one to cross the threshold is Ashley, William’s sister, toting the now two-year-old Harper, her adorable pigtails swinging side to side as Ashley bounces her on her hip.

“Hey, how was the flight from Cali?” Ashley asks as she places Harper down on one of the captain chairs.

“Uneventful.” I give her a quick smile. I don’t mean to sound like an ass but there’s only one thing on my mind and she’s stepping into the cabin this very moment.

My eyes rove over every inch of her. God, she’s a sight to behold. Wearing a jersey maxi dress and wedged heels, the woman looks like something straight out of a magazine.

She must feel my burning stare because her eyes find mine and there’s no doubt that she feels the electricity charging between us.

“Cass.” I greet her with a lone nod, trying to keep my expression neutral.

Surprising the hell out of me, she struts my way, seating herself next to me. It’s clear I’m unable to hide my reaction because she softly giggles.

“Hey, Ren.” She smiles and it’s as if all the crap I’d been thinking before vanishes in a puff of smoke. “You’re looking good.” Her cheeks flush, and I wonder if I’ve stroked out or something.

My brows come together, and my mouth is slightly agape. She’s acting as if things are gravy between us, but last I remember, she took Bruce from our place without even saying goodbye and then sent someone to pick up the rest of her things so she wouldn’t have to see me.

“I’m sorry, did I miss something?” Hudson interrupts our intense stare-off. “Because from where I’m standing, the tension between you two would suggest there’s been a lot going on that wasn’t shared with the team.”

“Quit it, Hud.” Titus attempts to rein in the instigator of our motley crew.

I love my friends as if they were my own flesh and blood, but sometimes they can be such a pain in the ass. Like now.

“What? I was simply making an observation. It’s not like everyone hadn’t noticed it. I was just stating what everyone else was thinking, out loud.”

“Hudson, you were being rude.” Ashley arches a brow, and though I’m grateful for her backing me up, I know she’s just put herself directly in Hudson’s line of fire.

“I don’t think you want to jump in on this, sweetheart. I’ve noticed the looks you and Titus have been giving each other.”

Titus stands, getting directly in the path between Ashley and Hudson. “I suggest you keep your comments to yourself or I’ll personally see to it that the stint you just did in Bumfuck Arkansas becomes a permanent post for you.”

I chuckle, knowing how much Hudson hated being on that job. He’d let us know through our group email at least once a day.

Taking Titus’ threat seriously, because the man does not kid, Hudson finally calms his ass down and zips his trap.

Looking back toward Cass, I see that her cheeks are flushed. No doubt she’s probably embarrassed from being called out by Hudson. I take her hand in mine and gently squeeze. “You okay?”

She brushes her thumb back and forth against my fingers, the sensation sending a direct jolt to my cock.

Down boy, now is not the time.

“Much better now, thank you.” She smiles coyly at me as my own eyes widen a little in surprise.

Not only is she okay with me touching her but she’s touching me back and flirting. I must be in some sort of alternate reality.

“Cass, are you feeling well?” I don’t want to come off as unappreciative of her affection but I’m genuinely confused.

“Yes.” A look that could be read as contrite flashes across Cassie’s face. “I was hoping we could talk at some point during this trip.”

Fuck yes, we can talk. We can do all the talking you want. I’m tempted to carry her into the jet’s bedroom but that would definitely send Hudson into a tailspin. “Of course. Maybe you can join me on my trip to pick up the boys later tonight.”

“I’d like that. I’d like that a lot.” Cassie blushes before withdrawing her hand from mine and pulling out a book from her bag.

I pull out my phone and try to focus on emails, a vain attempt at distracting myself from what just transpired, but it’s pointless. No matter what I do, nothing will detract from the fact that this is going to be one very long flight.

I sit behind the wheel of the Escalade I’ve rented to take us to New Hampshire, where the boys are in boarding school thanks to my brother’s recent freakout. He hasn’t been the same since his brain injury and even though I wish the twins were living close to family, I think that for now, this is what’s best.

“I take it Aiden doesn’t know you’re picking up the boys?” Cassie looks at me with amusement dancing in her eyes.

“Bingo.” I point a finger at her and wink. Being playful with her like this just feels right. Setting my resolve, I decide this needs to be our new norm and I’ll stop at nothing to make it happen. “Disowning Bella and cutting her out of the boy’s lives was wrong, and he should know better than to think that I’d stand by him. Thankfully for William and Bella, I’m an appointed guardian in their school’s release forms.”

“I really hope your brother comes around. It would be a shame for him to miss out on more of Bella’s life just because he’s being bull-headed.”

We stop at a red light before getting onto the highway, looking over at Cassie, I can’t hold back any longer. Placing a hand behind her neck, I pull her face to mine, depositing a bruising kiss where teeth clash and tongues tangle in a desperate attempt at being closer.

On the same wavelength, Cass unbuckles her seatbelt, crosses over the center console, and straddles me in the driver’s seat.

Her hands dig through my hair as she brings our faces together. “I’ve missed you.”

Needing no further invitation, my hands slide underneath her dress, pulling it off in one fell swoop. I press her bare chest to mine, kissing her lips, her chin, her neck—trailing my way down to the most beautiful pair of tits I’ve ever seen before taking one into my mouth and suckling it like a man starving.

Cass arches her back, grinding herself onto my erection and moaning my name as if it were a prayer.

I’m so hard, my dick has made an appearance at the top of my trousers, begging for its release. As if reading my mind, Cass set’s me free before sliding her panties to the side and lowering herself onto me.

Fuuuuuck. I was not expecting that, and it takes everything in me not to come right then and there.

Somewhere in the background, I can hear a horn honking, but I’m too far gone in Cassie to care.

I grab her hips and rock her into me, creating a rhythm only we understand. With every push and pull we tell a story. A story of missed moments and apologies, tears and sorrow—but most importantly, a story of love.

Our eyes lock and in that moment, I’m back home. Where I belong.

Our frenzied movements are fast and furious, needing to get deeper, closer—seeking that moment where our bodies and soul become one.

I don’t think I could ever get enough of this.

With a shuddering breath, we climax together, hanging on as if we were each other’s life raft. And to be honest, in this moment, that’s what she is. My tether to a life worth living.

“I’m sorry.” Cass goes to move off of me but I anchor her down with both hands on her hips.

“Don’t move.” With one hand still firmly gripped on her, I maneuver the car off to the side of the road. “Now, tell me why you’re sorry.”

“For jumping you like that. I swear I haven’t been with anyone since us. I’m clean.” She looks away as if pained.

Pulling her face back to mine, I tell her the truth. “Neither have I.”

The look of shock that registers on her face has me furrowing my brows.

“But what about Becca?”

“What about Becca?” She looks about as confused as I am. “Did she say something to you that would make you think I’d been with someone else?”

“She didn’t have to say a damn thing. The fact that she was topless in your kitchen while you showered in the other room spoke volumes.” Cassie attempts to remove herself from my lap but I’m not letting her go that easily.

“Ohhhhh no you don’t. You don’t get to jump off after that bomb you just dropped.” The pieces start coming together, slowly but surely. “The day you picked up Bruce. Is that when you happened to find Becca?”

Cass nods. She must be fuming since she can’t even form words.

“She’d been by to drop off a file for me, I was about to fly to California on an assignment. She’s always had a key to my place since she waters my plants when I’m out of town.” Cass’ eyes narrow at this revelation, but I’m just getting started. “When I’d come out of the shower, she looked a bit disheveled but I didn’t think anything of it. Especially when she told me you’d just been by to pick up Bruce and didn’t want to see me or say goodbye. After that bit of news, the last thing on my mind was the appearance of her top.”

Cass’ mouth is hanging wide open. “That fucking bitch. I’m gonna make her pay…”

“Don’t. Leave this one to me. She crossed a line when she fucked with the woman I love.”

Cass’ eyes sparkle and a tear escapes the corner of her eye. Bringing her face closer, I kiss it away. “Shhhh, baby. I can’t stand to see you cry.”

I’m still holding her head against mine when I hear it.

“I love you too,” her words come out so low they’re barely audible, but they’re there, out in the open.

My chest swells, wanting to drown in them—reveling in the three consonants, four vowels, and one indisputable meaning. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to hear those words.” I kiss her forehead before pulling her away. “And we’re still not done talking. But right now we need to move this car off the shoulder and get back on the road.”

Cassie laughs as she crawls over the console and back onto her seat. “Hey, at least we didn’t get arrested for public indecency.”

A chuckle escapes me and it feels so damn good to be this light and carefree again. “Yea, but it’d totally be worth it if we did.”

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