Acts of Salvation: An Age Gap Romance (Men of WRATH Book 2)

Acts of Salvation: Chapter 27

I don’t think I’ll ever get used to being in one of these. Flying private definitely has its perks. My hand traces the supple leather of the seat I’m in, in awe of its craftsmanship. It’s so buttery soft I want to rip off my dress and rub against it like a cat in heat.

“Do you like it?”

Looking up, I see the intensity in Ren’s eyes. Unable to formulate words, I simply nod.

“This is where you belong, Cass. You’re so precious, you deserve to be surrounded by nothing but the best.” Ren grabs me by the hips, pulling me onto his lap, my legs straddling either side of him. “With me, you’ll never want for anything. I promise.”

Our lips brush together, and my incessant inner dialogue can’t help but ruin the moment. “What’s the catch?”

At my words, Ren freezes, pulling away from my lips. His eyes are squinty, making him look boyish if that’s even possible. “What makes you think that there’s a catch? I want to take care of you, Cass. Give you a home. Make you happy. Make you mine.”

“But I already have a home.” My words are like a slap to his face, and immediately I know I need to rectify my wrong. “What I mean is… why is it so important for me to live with you?”

If I were being completely honest with myself, I’d let him know that it was the whole control issue that scares the shit out of me.

Fuck it. Here goes nothing.

“Look, my dad has always controlled my mom. He wouldn’t even let her go to night school.” I shake my head, knowing I probably sound like a damaged nut case, listing the transgressions of another man completely unrelated to the one sitting before me. “When you do things like tell me what I can and can’t do, it freaks me out. It makes me think you’re trying to control me.”

I feel Ren’s body soften from its previously tense state. “Cassie, this should go without saying, but I am not your father. If I ever make a decision as far as you’re concerned, it’s because I want what’s best for you—not what’s best for me. It doesn’t come from a selfish place.” He strokes my hair, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. “The reason why I want you to move in is because it’s safer at my place. I can keep a closer eye on you, especially since we still don’t know who broke into your place and trashed it.”

My heart picks up its pace tenfold. “What did you just say? I thought they caught the people who were harassing Bella.” I’m truly confused, how did I not know this? “When did you find this out?”

Ren tightens his grip on my hips. “Right after you left me.”

My chest aches at the memory, but a couple of seconds later his words finally register. He’s known for months!

No doubt his words were chosen with care because my first instinct would’ve been to jump off his lap for such an omission. But the reminder that I shattered his heart for doing the same thing I almost did again, helps keep me in check, toeing the line from sanity to insanity.

Taking in a centering breath, I gently let him have it. “You can’t keep those types of things from me, Ren. If we’re going to work, you need to include me on anything that involves my health and well-being. What if I’d been attacked because I didn’t know to be on the lookout?”

“You should always be vigilant. You’re a beautiful woman, little angel, and there are some very sick people in this world.” Ren runs his hand up my back, weaving his fingers into my hair and softly pulling. “But that’s a moot point now. You’re mine, and I take care of what’s mine.”

His declaration of possession should scare the shit out of me but I can’t help but glow, basking in the light of his love. I am his and he is mine.

“Okay, so that resolves my moving in with you.”

Ren takes his free hand and runs it up my ribcage, stopping just below my breast, his thumb gently caressing its underside and making me audibly gasp.

“Mhmmm.” Ren moves his hand up a little, letting his thumb flick my hardened nipple over the material of my sundress.

So distracting. I find myself slowly rocking back and forth over the bulge in his jeans. “Wha- What about the job situation? You told me to quit. What was your excuse then?”

I’m half listening, half reveling in the sensation of his cock applying pressure to my clit.

“Hmm? Oh, I thought you didn’t want to work for the douche. Didn’t he cross the line on multiple occasions?”

“Okay, so you’ve got a point there too…” I nip at his lip and he groans. “But next time, instead of telling, try asking.”

“Bite me like that again and I’ll ask you anything you want.” Ren places both of his hands on my ass, lifting us both from the seat and carrying us toward the rear of the plane.

“Where are we going?”

“To bed. I’m not keen on sharing what’s mine with the flight crew.”

My eyes go wide with surprise. “There’s a bed?”

“Yes, and before you ask. You’re the first.”

I bury my face in his neck, trying to hide my reddening complexion. “How’d you know what I was thinking?”

“What can I say, I know my little angel.” Ren pushes on a panel, the secret door exposing a small yet comfortable room with a large bed to the right.

Without warning, Ren flings me onto the bed, eliciting a squeal from me. Oh, yes. If he wants rough, I’ll give him rough.

I wrap my legs around his waist and bring him down onto the bed, rolling him over just before impact with the mattress. Ripping open his white dress shirt, I scrape my nails down his chest and onto his abs. The red trails of possession marking him as mine.

I lick the indents of his delicious washboard abs, complete with that panty-melting ‘V’ leading me straight to the most impressive cock I’ve ever seen or felt. A quick glance up lets me know that tongue session wiped the smirk right off his face. Much better.

Hunger. His eyes burn with it, consuming him to the point where the muscle in his jaw tics as he anticipates my next move.

“Baby, if you don’t do something quick, I’m bound to rip that little dress right off and have my way with you. Fuck the foreplay.”

My chest rumbles with laughter. He wants me as bad as I want him. Good.

I unbuckle his belt, sliding it out of the loops with one smooth jerk, eliciting the most satisfying sound. Woosh.

Giving Ren a sultry smile, I fold the leather in two and snap it taut.

My stomach flutters at the vision before me. This typically groomed man, all disheveled and ready to play.

Upping the ante, Ren bites his juicy bottom lip—our smoldering eyes connecting and sharing a thousand words with that one glance.

Unable to hold back any longer, I lower myself onto him and trail the material of the leather along his side. Grabbing both of his hands, I secure them with the belt positioned above his head and take his mouth—my tongue urgently seeking its other half.

Mine,” I whisper into him.

Yours,” he breathes into me.

A single tear rolls down my face as I realize the gift this man has just given me. Here he is, the epitome of domineering. An alpha male to the max, and he’s given me full control over him. He’s laid his heart out on the line time and time again, and to top it all off, here he lies in a vulnerable position, declaring himself as mine.

All of the things I’ve feared would be my downfall when it came to Ren are the opposite. They are blessings and letting myself have them boils down to one word. Control.

Ren possesses an inordinate amount of wealthand if I were being honest, that scared the shit out of me.

The reason why I despise the wealthy isn’t because of the money itself, but because of the power and control it affords them. They lord it over like power-hungry fiends, callous toward those beneath them.

I’d seen this repeatedly throughout my childhood as my mother waited tables, served as a hotel cleaning lady, and later in life, a nanny—almost every one of her employers exuded these horrible traits. Given the opportunity, they would exploit those beneath them, using their money as the proverbial whip and demand unabashed control.

Pair my disdain for wealthy people and a man who’s favorite pastime is telling me what to do, and it’s no wonder I was running for the hills. But no more. Looking back at all of his actions, I see the truth. Everything he’s done, it’s been for me. To protect me. To make me happy.

Sure, he’s bossy, but his actions are never selfish. He always puts me first and it’s about damn time I showed him the same.

Lowering myself between his legs, I wrap both of my hands around his magnificent cock, licking the salty bead of precum off the tip.

“Mmmmm. Delicious.” I lick my lips as Ren releases a hiss, a mixture of pleasure and agony.

Slowly but firmly I begin to stroke the velvety skin of his shaft up and down in a rhythmic motion, reveling in how his hips buck with every pass.

“Angel, please. Suck my cock and put me out of my misery.”

His words have me giving him a sensuous grin. Darting my tongue out, I lap at the warm red head before finally putting him out of his misery and taking him fully into my mouth.

Hollowing out my mouth, I suck him in deep, savoring the musky taste that’s all him.

Ren releases a feral growl as I take him in deeper, the tip of his thick cock touching the back of my throat. He bucks into me but stops himself, letting me be the one in control. God, I love this man.

Rewarding him, I swallow even deeper, never ceasing my circular stroking up and down his lengthy shaft.

Fuuuuuck. I’m about to blow, baby.”

I withdraw my mouth immediately, the look of shock on his face quickly replaced with one of ecstasy as I lower my pussy down onto his cock, pumping myself up and down while grinding on his root each time there’s friction.

“God, you’re beautiful like this.” Ren’s ravenous eyes rove over every inch of my exposed flesh, his mouth opening wide with every roll of our hips.

Our sweaty bodies create the most delicious sounds as our pace becomes urgent.

Meeting me thrust for thrust, I lift both hands toward Ren’s head, running my fingers through his thick hair and pulling.

Reaching his face forward, he takes one of my breasts into his mouth suckling and biting at the nipple.

And that’s it. That’s all it takes. I’m spiraling down the biggest climax my short nineteen years have ever gifted me with.

As soon as his massive erection slid into my wet channel, I stood no chance. My body was primed to within an inch of itself and all it took to make me unravel was this sexy man’s mouth on my nipple, the sensation of which shot straight down to my clit, exploding every single nerve ending in my body.

With a violent shudder, I contract and release over and over, the sensation driving Ren to his breaking point and causing us to reach our peak together. Never in my wildest dreams had I ever thought sex could feel like this. So completely and utterly consuming.

The world falls away and all I feel is Ren’s breathing, his chest rising and falling to the rhythm of my heart.

My heart.

That’s what this man is, and as sure as I know the sky is blue, not a day will go by where I let myself live without him.

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