Acts of Grace: A Brother’s Best Friend Romance (Men of WRATH Book 4)

Acts of Grace: Part 1 – Chapter 9

After a couple of minutes of giving Hudson the silent treatment, William struts in looking like a deflated balloon.

Hudson doesn’t miss it either, “Uh-oh. Why the long face? Your ex giving you problems again?”

William groans as the heels of his palms rub his closed eyes. “Ugh. Does that woman ever stop giving me problems? Surprisingly, though, my mood has nothing to do with Heather and everything to do with a nosy sister.”

My forehead crinkles. Ashley is many things but nosy isn’t one of them. “What happened?” My voice comes out sounding gruff even to my own ears.

“Nothing. Don’t pay attention to me. Anyway, have you dug up anything on why she high-tailed it to Dallas last week? Was it that cheating bastard, Brad?”

“Seems to me like the pot is calling the kettle black.” Hudson singsongs before taking a bite of the massive turkey sandwich he unapologetically made himself.

I smirk, the man has a point, but it’s not in my best interest to agree right now.

I’ve come up with a plan on the fly, something to get me closer to Ashley and figure out if that asshole is still trying to get her back.

“Last I checked, Brad stopped calling yesterday. He’s been ringing her non-stop trying to win her back but then went off-grid all of a sudden. Very unusual for a man at his level of society. Not only that, but I have an inkling that there’s more to this man than meets the eye. Everything about him and how he came into Ashley’s life seems… convenient. Way too convenient.” I fill William in on the news as I try and sound as calm as possible even though this whole situation has me feeling murderous. Last thing I want is for William to take over this job and handle the situation himself.

Being the control freak that I am, I don’t trust anyone with Ashley’s safety—not even her brother.

I mean, you can’t blame me. So much has happened in the last couple of months, from Bella getting attacked, to William’s ex having some sort of supernatural hold over the divorce judges. I’m not taking any chances that Ashley’s well-being falls between the cracks.

Clearing my throat, I make my demand clear, “I’ve got a solid lead on what could be the problem with Brad. I’d like to shadow her for a bit and see if the target tries to reach out again. We can’t be too safe, especially with what we’ve uncovered in Bella’s case.”

Williams’ arm reaches the space between us and his hand pats me on the back. “Thank you, brother. You’re right. I definitely don’t want to drop my guard, especially with Ashley. I knew I could count on you.”

My stomach recoils at that. God, if he only knew what I’ve done to his sister. “Great, I’ll get started today as long as you don’t need me here. Hudson has some new info he needs to go over with you.”

“Yea! We have an email address for the person going back and forth with the judges. Seems like there might be a reason why they’ve all sided with your ex.” Hudson speaks excitedly, forgetting that he has a mouth full of deli meat and cheese.

William’s eyes widen comically and his brows practically hit his hairline. “What!? Well why didn’t you say so?! Let’s head to my study, and Titus, keep me posted on Ashley. I want to know what’s going on and what we can do to keep that fucker, Brad, away.”

Cocking a brow, I give him a solemn nod. “You’ve got it.”

Trust me, there’s nothing more I’d rather do than keep the fucktwad far away from my little treasure.

A man who cheats is not worthy of Ashley.

Scratch that. No man is worthy of Ashley.

Not even me.

Especially not me.


I’m closing the door to my rental car when the passenger door flings open and a very serious Titus slides in.

“Excuse me?” I scoff.

“You’re excused.”

“That wasn’t a literal question, Titus.”

His brows raise and a slow smile graces his luscious lips. “Wasn’t it?”

Blowing out a raspberry, I scowl. “What are you doing in the car, Titus? I thought I made it very clear I didn’t want company.”

“I heard you, but this is a new city. It’s not safe for you to be prancing around.” He flails his hands as if doing so will somehow make this ritzy part of California all of a sudden turn into a mafioso infested bordello.

“I never thought I’d have to tell you this, but did you forget that I’m the kid sister to WRATH securities? There’s no way in hell I could ever go anywhere without someone watching my back. Ever since I came home, William has been playing the overprotective brother to a tee.”

Titus growls, “If only the pathetic team in Florida had gotten the same memo.”

My eyes narrow. “In Florida? What are you talking about? I thought I only had a team for special occasions there. William has always kept a detail on me. Even before you guys formed WRATH, but it was never as extensive as it is now… or was it?”

Letting out a sigh, Titus presses himself against the headrest. “I don’t know why William hasn’t told you about this, but seeing how he’s placed me in charge, I think you need to be in the loop.”

“Okaaay.” There’s something in his tone that sends a lead ball straight into my gut.

“You know why Bella is living with William now, right?” His hand reaches over and pries one of mine from the steering wheel.

“Yes. Bella had someone trash her car, and with Aiden being away for work, everyone thought it safer for her to stay with someone from the team. It made sense for her and the twins to stay with William since she was caring for my niece, Harper.”

Titus’ lips roll inward, his mouth forming into a thin line as he nods. “Mhm. But there’s more. We think the person who did it is the same person who killed your father. The gun used on your father was the same gun used to shoot out Bella’s tires.”

My free hand flies up to my hand as I gasp for air. “Oh my god. The same gun!?”

“One and the same. We aren’t sure why or how the two incidents are linked yet, but we aren’t taking any risks.” His eyes look past me, the color going from a light aqua to a dark indigo. “This is why you’ve always had a detail. And now that we have even more to worry about, there’s no way in hell your brother wouldn’t want you covered at all times.”

Memories of my father’s body flash before me and I shudder. The sick monster who did that to him is still free, and despite my brother’s extensive security team, they’ve yet to locate the person behind Dad’s violent and tragic death. It’s as if they’ve vanished, never to be brought to justice.

Titus’ face is full of sadness as his hand caresses my tear-stained face. “Shhh, min skatt. I’ve got you. Always have. Always will.”

He repeats those words he’s whispered once before, forever embedding themselves into my heart.

There’s so much I don’t know about this man and there’s nothing I wouldn’t give to make the darkness in him go away.

I don’t know what’s caused it but I sure as hell know I need it gone.

My free hand reaches over, caressing the rough stubble across his strong jawline. “Talk to me Titus, what’s really got you worried.”

“You.” His voice comes out thick and husky, but his words have me blinking twice.

“Me? What about me?” I’m about to pull my hand away when he grabs it with one of his bringing it to his lips and kissing it softly.

“You. I worry about you getting swept up in the chaos, becoming a casualty of whatever this psychopath has in store.” He plucks my index finger, gently nipping at the pad. “I worry that your dumb-as-fuck ex will somehow manage to win you back and drag you back to Florida.”

“Me?” My breath hitches, as I try and take in a breath. The intensity of his stare paired with the sensual actions his mouth is playing on my hands has me at a loss.

“You.” Titus sucks in my index finger, swirling it around in his warm mouth, the velvety feel of his tongue reminding me of all the naughty things it can do.

The pop of my finger being released from his mouth echoes through the stillness of the car.

His eyes find mine and it’s as if we’re caught in each other, unable or unwilling to move.

In one swift movement Titus reaches across, wrapping his thick hands around my waist and hoisting me over the center console. I groan as soon as my dress rides up and my aching core lands positioned right over his steel length.

“The feeling is mutual, little treasure.” Titus’ skilled hands travel up my body, ending tangled up in my hair. Our lips clash together in a violent and needy kiss, starving for one another. Nothing feels close enough.

Rolling my hips, I start to build that delicious friction which promises a sweet release. My hands reach down, trying to undo his belt but one of his hands stops me, his grip tightening around my wrist.

“Ashley.” His voice is hoarse, my name sounding like a plea from his mouth. “As much as I want to impale you with my cock right now,” his eyes flicker back to the house. “It’s probably not a good idea to start something we can’t finish. If William—”

My body shudders at the sound of my brother’s name. “Enough of William. He doesn’t own me and last I checked I was a grown-ass-woman who can do whatever she wants.” Cupping Titus’ face in my hands, I cock a brow and smirk. “Are you telling me that the strong and domineering Titus is afraid of doing whatever he wants?”

His eyes grow cold and I feel a sudden shift within the cabin. Dropping my hands, my face tilts toward the window. “I see. You don’t want me. At least not enough for it to matter.”

My chest aches as a tear I had no idea I was harboring rolls down my cheek. I’m about to open the car door when Titus’ hand grips my face, bringing it to his, punishing my lips with a bruising kiss.

His free hand goes to my back and presses me into him as he juts his length into me, letting me feel just how much he wants me.

Moaning into his mouth, I feel electrified, my whole body tingling with euphoria.

“I want you more than I want air.” His voice rumbles as his lips trace down my neck, placing nips along my collar bone. “You are my addiction, Ashley Hawthorne. The one thing I’m not supposed to have but can’t stop thinking about.” His tongue peeks out, licking the hollow between my neck and shoulder, causing my whole body to erupt into goosebumps. “If death is the price I have to pay, then so be it. This moment is worth every second of bliss.”

My body arches and I release another moan into the air. His fingers have found their way to my damp panties, pushing them aside and running them along my slit in one smooth movement.

“My god, Titus. Yes.” I let out a half growl half grown, needing him inside me already.

“Yes, what, min skatt?” His digits linger, hovering above my swollen nub, gently rubbing circles and driving me mad.

“Yes. More. Yes. I’m yours. Yes. Please.” I’m spitting out incoherent fragments of words, hoping one of them is the open sesame to the treasure trove of pleasure he possesses in his hands.

Titus’ mouth finds mine, his tongue licking the slit asking for entry, but my greedy mouth wants more. Sucking his tongue, I try and soak him in. His scent, his breath, his sounds. I want all of him, and even then, it won’t be enough.

Two thick fingers find their way inside my core and I contract around them, biting his tongue as a multitude of nerves dance in ecstasy.

This is heaven on earth, this man’s embrace, his undivided devotion to my body and its pleasure. I couldn’t be any happier.

He begins to slowly pump his digits in and out of me, making me ride his hand with every push and pull.

“Fuck, Titus. This feels so good.”

Like a record player halting to a screech, tapping on the window has me jolting back. As soon as my eyes look out the window I see the back of Hudson’s Henley.

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.

My entire body is on fire as the heat of embarrassment washes over me.

“You two might want to move this show elsewhere, William is about to come out any minute and I doubt you’d want him finding out about you two like this.” Hudson speaks toward the home and away from the car. I could not be more thankful for this courtesy right now.

“Ten-four.” Titus’ commanding voice is stoic, not an ounce of shame or panic to be found.

Just as easily as he plucked me from my seat, he lifts me up and carries me back over the console, squeezing my thigh in reassurance as he knocks on the window. As soon as Hudson turns around, Titus gives him a two-finger salute.

Not waiting for a second chance, I push the start button, revving the engine and getting us out of dodge.

That was insanely close. Too close.

I’m not ashamed of what I feel for Titus, but that’s definitely not the way I’d want William to find out about us.

If there even is an us.

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