Acts of Grace: A Brother’s Best Friend Romance (Men of WRATH Book 4)

Acts of Grace: Part 1 – Chapter 8

It’s been a week since I last saw Titus.

One week since he said he’d be watching out for me in place of my brother, yet I’ve not seen his face or heard his voice once.

“What’s up with you?” Bella’s lips are pursed into a half-smirk. “You look like someone peed in your Cheerios.”

Trying for a diversionary tactic, I change the subject altogether. “All of the kids are down for a nap—at the same time. Can you believe it?!” I sit next to her at the kitchen island, praying she doesn’t go poking into my mood again.

“Ha! You’ve managed to bag a unicorn.” She reaches over, patting my shoulder as her eyes fall to my earrings. “I’ve been meaning to tell you, I found one of your earrings back at the house in Dallas. It’s really pretty and I’m sure you’ve missed it. It’s a gold leaf with a black pearl in front of the stud backing.”

My brows push together as I try and remember. “Huh, that doesn’t sound like anything I own.” Something akin to hurt and jealousy flash behind her grey orbs. Interesting. “Bella, is everything okay?”

“Yeah. Sure, of course. Why wouldn’t it be? I was just thinking about the boys’ birthday party coming up. I’m designing some of the party decor as well as the invites.” She swivels her laptop toward me, showing me her work. “Do you think the other members of WRATH will come for their party?”

Surely this will pull the illusive Titus out of hiding. He doesn’t miss out on holidays or parties. Never has and I doubt he’d start now. “I know Titus will be out here… visiting Aiden of course.” My cheeks flush red. Why on earth would I be a keeper of that man’s schedule. “I’m sure they’ll all be coming back up here at one point or another, so why not just make it one big scheduled visit as opposed to various individual ones. That way we can pen in the boys’ party.”

William walks into the kitchen, heading for the fridge, and I’m glad this awkward exchange has been interrupted.

“Hey.” My brother’s deep voice rumbles in greeting.

Turning toward Bella I see her eyeing him like he’s a prime rib special at our favorite restaurant. Uh-huh. I definitely need to look into this some more.

Not because I’m a Nosy Nellie, but because this could only spell disaster if she didn’t really know about our family history.

Bella turns toward me, undoubtedly feeling my gaze as her pink face would indicate. Slamming her laptop shut she gets up from her stool. “I’m beat. Going to see if I can lay down for a bit while the kids are napping.”

As soon as she’s cleared the threshold to the hallway, William attacks. “What were y’all talking about?

I roll my eyes, “The twin’s birthday party and whether or not the team will be able to make it out here.” Pursing my lips, I press on. “She did, however, get really weird when she asked me about a missing earring she’d found at your house. She got this strange look on her face when I told her it wasn’t mine. It almost looked like jealousy.”

I like Bella, and the last thing I want is for her to get hurt. If she is getting mixed up with my brother, I think she’s in for a world of pain.

“I wonder what that was about.” William shrugs as he takes a big swig from the orange juice container. The man doesn’t even like orange juice.

“Hmmmm.” My eyes flick between the jug and him. “You know it would be a terrible idea for you to hook up with her, right? She’s thirteen years younger than you. Thirteen.” The words taste like chalk in my mouth. Here I am, giving my brother shit for something I’m guilty of doing myself. I’m only three years older than Bella, making me a decade younger than Titus. Titus, who also happens to be William’s friend. Looking up at the ceiling, I go for broke on my hypocritical tirade. “Not to mention she’s your best friend’s niece and friend’s daughter. A friend who’s in a coma. Oh, and let’s not forget that you have a deranged ex who won’t let you go. Do you really want to bring her into that mess?”

God, I hate playing the devil’s advocate. I’m never a cock-block, but someone needs to look out for Bella. I don’t want her getting run over when the truth comes out. Because let’s face it, darkness always gives way to light, and the truth always comes out.

William slams the fridge door. “There’s no bringing her into anything because there is nothing going on between us.”

I scoff. There’s not a snowflake’s chance in hell I believe what he’s saying. “Brother, all of those reasons don’t even come close to touching what the real problem would be. The whole situation between our parents is the big whopper and what should be your biggest deterrent. Does she know about our dad? That’s all sorts of fucked up.” I shake my head and close my eyes, willing the memories away. “If Bella were to find out, she may never want to speak to you again. Do you really want to risk building a relationship only to have it fall apart on you? You’d have that big secret looming over you at all times. Waiting for the other shoe to drop.”

“What big secret?” Bella asks as she steps back into the kitchen.

William’s head jerks toward the sound of her voice. “I thought you were going to take a nap.”

“I forgot my charger.” Bella raises a brow as she picks up the laptop charger still attached to the outlet under the kitchen island. “So, what’s the big secret?”

Pulling a Titus, William goes from casual to dick in two seconds flat. “My father’s death. As you can see, it’s none of your concern; and if it’s all the same to you, I’d rather not talk about it.”

Poor Bella is caught off-guard by his emotional whiplash, “I-I’m so sorry. I had no idea.”

Regret swims in William’s eyes as he gives her a curt nod and walks away. “Mhm. I’ll be in the study.”

Grabbing Bella’s hand in mine, I give it a squeeze. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I promise. He just has a lot of decisions weighing on him.”

She gives me a timid smile, her eyes downcast. “You’re probably right. I should try and get some rest before the kids are up. It’s a miracle they’re still down.”

“Hey, Bella?” I call to her as she walks away.

“Yeah?” She looks back, her sad eyes full of light.

“Let’s have some girl time soon. You’re an amazing woman and I’d like to be friends if that’s okay with you.” I laugh, thinking of all the fake friends I’ve made along the way. “It’s so hard to find kindhearted genuine people. All the friends I had back in Florida were phonies and the girls in Dallas… well, let’s just say the circle we run in is vicious.”

Bella lets out a snort. “Oh my god. You can say that again. The Dallas elite is really just a civilized pack of hyenas. Waiting for the next carcass to drop so they can pounce.” She purses her lips and smiles. “So, yes. I would love a girls’ night.”

I clap my hands together, smiling from ear to ear. “Okay, just let me know when and I’ll make sure we get the guys to watch the kids.”

“Hah! I’d pay money to see that.” Bella lets out a giggle as she walks into the hallway.

She really is such a lovely person. I definitely wouldn’t be opposed to her becoming family, as long as my brother came clean about our history.

It’s the hiding of secrets that really irks me.

Like my ex. The fucking asshole didn’t have the decency to tell me he wanted more than what our relationship offered.

Nope, he chose to go outside of our arrangement for some extracurricular fun.

Arrangement. That’s exactly what that relationship was. Sure, I had moments of happiness, and I even grew attached to the comfort of having a partner.

Thinking back, I was more so in love with the idea of settling down, having a stable relationship and someone to count on.

But let’s be honest, that was all fake. There wasn’t a moment of truth involved in my life. From the fake friends who all knew Brad was going around behind my back, but never said anything to my face, to the Dallas debutantes who line my address book.

That stops now. No more investing in worthless relationships. I don’t have time for that shit.

Groaning into my hands, I turn my phone and look at the million-and-one messages I’ve received from Brad.

Hovering over the button, my finger reluctantly presses Play.

Baby, I’m sorry. It was a mistake. Please let me make it up to you.


Baby, please pick up the phone. I’ve been trying to reach you but the line goes straight to voice mail.


Baby, she meant nothing to—


I’m so sorry. Please, I’ll never see her—


Ashley. Stop being a bitch. Mistakes happen. I’m giving you some space because that’s clearly what you want right now, but this isn’t over.

There he is. The real Brad. “Well, good luck trying to reach me, asshole. I’ll be avoiding you like the bubonic plague.” I roll my eyes at my phone as I turn the damn thing off.

“Who’s the bubonic plague and is that today’s equivalent of cooties?”

My eyes flick up at the masculine voice, “Hudson?” My breath catches when I see he’s not alone.

Titus stands stoically behind the playful Hudson, such a stark contrast to the void expression on Titus’ face.

“How did you two get in here? I didn’t hear the doorbell.” My face flushes and voice pitches like a schoolgirl, caught off-guard by her crush.

Titus steps in front of Hudson, “The guards let us in. So, are you going to answer Hudson’s question? Who is the bubonic plague and why are you wanting to stay away from them?” His cold eyes caress me with a violent sweetness. The combination of the two contrasting emotions creating a kink in my armor, lowering my defenses.

Unfortunately for him, I quickly remember our last interaction and how he’s not spoken to me in over a week. “That’s none of your concern. You should know better than to eavesdrop.”

With a raised brow and a smirk, Titus walks closer. His frame looms over mine as he lowers his mouth to the shell of my ear and whispers, “Careful, little treasure. If you speak to me like that again, I’ll be forced to spank that attitude out of you.”

My body shudders, remembering the delicious sting his hand can bring, but it’s the deep growl in his voice that has my panties soaking wet.

“You two need to get a room already.” Hudson rolls his eyes as he raids the fridge. “We came to see William about some new info your lover boy uncovered.”

“He is not my lover boy,” I quickly spit out, embarrassed by the term he’s awarded Titus. Needing to gain some distance from both men, I volunteer to fetch William. “I’ll go get him. I was heading out anyway, so I’ll be out of your hair.”

Titus’ eyes narrow and his mouth begins to open. Before he can say anything, I hold up a hand. “I’m going to the store and no I’m not meeting anyone. Security will be with me so there’s no need for anyone else to come.”

Titus’ face puckers as if he’s just taken a bite out of a lemon, meanwhile Hudson chuckles. “Told you, brother. You shouldn’t have gone through her phone. Now you’re going to have to really beg for it.”

“Shut your mouth, Hudson. Don’t make me remind you of your promise.”

Shaking my head, I walk away from my biggest temptation. Listening to the two WRATH men verbally spar only serves as a reminder that whatever fantasy I concocted in my head could never be, no matter how bad I wish it so.

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