Ace of Spades ( Mc No limits Book 2)

Chapter 20


The familiar pain in my wrists woke me up. My hands were tied above my head, and I felt the pain in my shoulders as I lifted my head. I saw the walls of a basement and took a deep breath - it was all just a dream. I'm still trapped with Ted, and none of this ever really happened. I just imagined it all, the community... my new life... even Ace. I must have gone crazy, I thought as I whimpered in pain, my feet barely touching the ground.

“Come on, you asshole, free my hands and then we'll see what you can do,” I heard a familiar female voice.

I looked to my right and met Ivy's eyes; it wasn't a dream. Like me, she was hanging from a hook with her hands tied above her head.

"Nora, wake up!" She screamed, and I opened my eyes from the state where I kept waking up and falling asleep. I propped my body up on my toes, feeling that one of my shoes was my only support. My eyes found hers again, and the image in front of me became clearer and clearer. A man hit Ivy hard in the stomach with his fist, causing her to scream in pain and me to wail even louder.

When he turned to me, I saw his face clearly... Ted! The already wrinkled face of the man who haunted me in my sleep, with angry eyes and dark circles underneath. He didn't look the way I remembered, not powerful... not strong. An old man who seemed sleepless, looked unkempt, and abnormal.

The flashbacks came back, and I remembered their attack as we were putting our things down in the shed. I froze when I saw Ted behind Ivy, and when she turned around, she was attacked by two men. A third grabbed me by the hair and covered a cloth over my mouth and nose. The last thing I saw before I lost consciousness was Ivy pulling out her knife and ramming it into a man's stomach.

"I want her to shut up!" Ted shouted, looking over his shoulder at another man holding his side. "Yeah? Then shut her up. The bitch attacked me with a knife!" the man replied angrily.

Ted's eyes looked evil at Ivy as he looked her up and down.

"David, I can't think like that! Get your men under control!" Ted shouted at a second man who looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

He was a much younger tall man, not muscular but skinny, with high cheekbones and dark hair, dressed in a suit.

"You should have thought better before all this shit happened. Ethan is going to kill you; you lost a lot of his men when the Feds stormed into the building and arrested them," he replied coldly.

He pushed his hair out of his face and sat down on the chair next to the door.

"I'll fix it," Ted replied nervously.

"Fix what? It was reported to me that the Feds were in all your houses! There's a reward on your head, you have a warrant out for your arrest. They know everything about it. Why did you bring them here?" he asked angrily.

"They can't do anything to me here! They don't even know where I am," answered Ted, pacing back and forth in the room.

"I've done my part of the work, and I'm here on orders; you're just doing shit!" this David  said coldly.

"I'll call Ethan... I'll explain, and then get everything sorted out," Ted said, confused and afraid. "Sure, you will," the man laughed and lit his cigarette.

"They don't know everything, I destroyed a lot! And i have important information for Ethan," Ted said.

"Don't know everything? They freed the women who were brought to the auction! Three are guarded by police in other states. One is luckily dead, and the other definitely won't survive, but they've heard enough from your bitch here," he said as he looked at me.

Ted's eyes fell on me, and he came towards me.

"Nora darling," he said as he touched my face, and I turned away from him in disgust.

"You're a sick fuck obsessed with that girl. You screwed everything up because of her. And Ethan is going to get you!" David said, laughing.

"You have to help me," Ted said to him while he was still standing in front of me.

"Help you? What's in it for me?" he asked.

" I promise i have important shit for Ethan..And you can get this one!" Ted replied as he jerked his head towards Ivy, who was still coming to from the punch to the stomach. David stood up and walked over to Ivy; he grabbed her face and looked at her, his eyes roaming over her body.

"Fuck off!" she shouted flailing wildly with her legs, and he grinned.

"I like her; it will be fun to fuck her attitude out of her head," he said and Ivy screamed as he grabbed her breast with one hand.

"You like it hard, chica?" he asked her and slapped her in the face.

"I'll kill you both!" Ivy shouted angrily.

"Sure you will, Wildcat!" David replied, laughing as he looked to the side at the man who was obviously injured and bleeding. "You hurt poor Steve. And I'm going to hurt you. Really... really bad," David said as he took a cloth from Steve and tied Ivy's mouth shut.

"Look at you... tame. I'll watch you cry as I fuck you over and over again until you become my little slut. That'll be fun!" He said, laughing and turning to Ted.

"Do we have a deal?" Ted asked tensely.

"I want her too!" said David and pointed at me.

"No! Nobody touches her but me!" Ted said, and it made me sick to my stomach.

"Then she should at least watch! Come on, Ted, you have to give me something more. After all, I'm saving your life," said David mockingly.

"Fine," Ted said angrily. "But you don't touch her," he added.

David looked up and down at me just like he did with Ivy before; my fear took over me again, and I was breathing heavily.

"What a shame," he said as he licked his lips.

"Do we have a deal?" Ted asked nervously.

David looked from him to me and Ivy and clicked his tongue.

"Sure we have," he answered him. "Sin Corazon is already here... I'm sending her to you to get the women ready. They're dirty... I like mine clean. You should call Ethan and sort your shit out. I'll leave you with your little slut tonight... Have fun. I still have something to do tonight. I'll come in the morning and finish it. I want to have my fun undisturbed. Some of us also have work that we can't mess with, Ted," David said, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

I heard David say something in Spanish into the phone as he walked to the door, and when he opened it, there was another man standing at the door holding his nose, which was bleeding. David turned to Ivy with a grin, looking from the bleeding man to her.

"I'll see you in the morning, baby; you've done a lot of damage to my man," he said as he winked at her and left the room.

Ivy mumbled something unclear, and I looked at her as Ted touched me.

"My darling... you are polluted by these savages," he said as he caressed my body.

"Do not touch me!" I answered him.

His face changed from a worried to an angry grimace.

"You belong to me, Nora! Your mother sold you to me for a shot in her vein. You are my property!" he shouted in my face.

"Fuck you, Ted," I said, and heard Ivy laugh.

"He touched you! You allowed him to defile you... that dirt. I'll clean you up again," Ted said to me, and I grimaced.

"He gave me what you couldn't. All those years of trying in vain... Do you have your blue pills with you?" I asked him, and he looked at me confused, surprised by the way I spoke to him.

I was surprised myself where I got this strength to answer him. I was never allowed to answer him or contradict him. He hit me in the face with full force, and I groaned in pain as I dangled from the hook.

"You're dirty!" he shouted in my face and took a few steps back. After a while, as he just stood there staring at me, a woman came into the room. She was short and thick with shoulder-length black hair and a large birthmark on her face. Her bangs fell to her dark eyes, which were slitted as she looked at us with disgust. She resembled a witch, and her voice sounded exactly like that. "What the hell is that?" she asked as she looked at me and Ivy and made a disgusted face.

"Sin Corazon... you have to get them ready," Ted told her as he left the room.

"I know, you idiot," she shouted after him, adding some Spanish words.

I looked at Ivy, who glanced at me and looked at my wrist. I remembered the bracelets we wore and looked at her bracelet that she was still wearing. Ivy nodded at me, and I understood what she meant. If they can really find us, then they will come for us. Ace will come for me.

"You dirty sluts... I have to cancel my vacation just because of you. What's the point!" the woman shouted and unpacked her things. "Bring me the hose!" she called to the door and laughed.

Two men came and took off our clothes, tearing and tugging until we were naked. It's not the first time for me to experience something like this. But Ivy was breathing heavily as the pressure of the water hit her. They rubbed us with soap and washed us; their hands on our bodies disgusted me. When the woman was finished, she dressed us in sexy lingerie and sprayed us with perfume.

"They're ready!" she called down the hall as she packed up her things. Ted came into the room, and behind him came the two men Ivy had injured with a mattress and camera in their hands.

"Look, darling… just like before," Ted said, and I whined. Please don't...

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