Ace of Spades ( Mc No limits Book 2)

Chapter 19


As I walked down the street to the safe house, I had a smile on my face in anticipation of spending the evening with Nora.

We all worked so hard to finish the house, and I was very grateful to the Prospects. When we finished the ground floor, the rest went pretty quickly, the guys were skilled fuckers, and the work was divided up and done quickly.

The only thing left was painting the walls after we cleaned everything. Nora picked out light colors that made the house even more beautiful. We only painted the bedroom dark red because she ordered black furniture for it. She called it our red room and I laughed.

When I was painting the kitchen, I saw out the window and looked at her as she planted flowers in the front yard. Mom promised to help her, but Alice had to go to the doctor, and obviously Doc couldn't do that, so she had to go to Laguna Beach for an appointment, and Drew was still asleep, so Mom was up watching her at their house while Wrath was busy with Nora's restaurant.

Nora was so happy about our home that I wanted to work more and more myself to get it done sooner. I thought about our lives and the love we had for each other and smiled at the memory of when we recently used our red room for the first time and I made her cum on the floor.

Ivy came to help her with the flowers. The women became very close friends, and over time they had a bond that was called bitch power, as Ivy called it.

I loved how Nora settled in so well and got along with everyone. My doll became so strong, and I was so proud of her.

I decided to go to my parents to get things that I could prepare for us as I left the street. John brought me fresh vegetables from the garden to use for cooking, and we chatted a bit as we sat in the shade of the veranda.

"The house looks good, Ace," John said as he sat down next to me, putting two beers in front of us. "Thank you, I tried hard. There's still a little work to do, and then we'll be done. The only thing missing is the furniture," I replied.

"It seems serious between you," he stated, and I grinned.

"It's serious... I want to marry her and start a family," I said, and he looked at me beaming. "That's good, Ace, I'm proud of you," he announced as he took his beer.

I thought about what I could cook to at least come close to what Nora always prepares and looked up when I saw Duke running in our direction.

"What's up, Trashboy?" I asked him, but my smile faded when I saw his serious face.

"Andrew, where is Nora?" he asked out of breath, and when he said my name, I knew something was wrong.

"At home, she plants flowers with Ivy," I said and stood up.

"Come quickly!" he shouted, and I ran after him as he started running down the street towards our house. A few of our men ran behind us with weapons drawn, and I heard King yelling as we ran. My heart was beating so fast that I could hear it pounding in my ears. Duke arrived first and burst through the front door.

"Nora!" I called through the house when I didn't see her in the front yard.

"Nora! Ivy!" Duke called and went out the back door. "Fuck! Holy shit, Ace!" Duke called out, and I followed his voice as it took me to the tool shed.

I saw the shovels mixed up, and all the tools were on the floor. There was some blood on the doorstep. One of Nora's sneakers was on the floor and Ivy's bloody knife. It all pointed to a fight. "What the hell is going on?" I asked Duke, who pulled out his phone and looked at me.

"King... they have Nora... and Ivy was with her... they have both of them," he said, and I looked at him in shock.

I sat in front of Void as he looked at the screen and typed around. His eyes darted from the screen to me, and I knew I was making him even more nervous, but I couldn't help it. King called church, and we all sat in Void's room as he tried to locate Nora and Ivy. The surveillance cameras that were played to us showed masked men parking at the northernmost point of the community walls by our house and they were getting out of a van. One of them destroyed the camera, and after that, there was only snow on the screen.

I now understood why our men were with weapons in the street running behind Duke and me, and King yelling around the clubhouse.

"They're moving, I can't get an exact location until they stop," Void said nervously, and I looked at King, who was pacing around the room.

"Tell me again," I said to him.

He stopped and looked at me, "Tom called... Ace, they were in Ted's house and found the videos that Nora mentioned. They found everything she said - all the houses, all the rooms, everything... In one of the location houses, Ted has a wall full of screens where he watches the women. There are at least 10 more captured women," King said stressed.

"Ted is obsessed with Nora, he has been looking for her since we freed her. He had photos of Tom on the wall and was probably stalking him when he was here. He was looking for an entrance, and apparently he found it. Tom called to warn us when they couldn't find him... too late," Duke said when King couldn't talk anymore.

I nodded... I understood it well. That bastard got my girl, and I was still sitting there, waiting for some damn information from Void that I was again staring at.

Storm and Ink sat next to Duke, who played with his knife while Gears and Wrath stood at the door. King looked out the window and took a drag on his cigarette. He was in the same situation as me and could understand me best. We all waited for something nervous, but when Void stopped typing, we all turned to him, and he grinned as he said, "Got you!"

I stood up, and King walked to the desk, standing next to me as we looked at Void.

"Tijuana... Mexico," Void stated, and King turned to me.

"Let’s fuck them up," he said, and I nodded.

Kidnapping my girl was already his death sentence, but King's Ol' Lady too was a double death sentence. This was no normal rescue mission; this was a personal attack on us and a declaration of war on the club. I listened to King give familiar orders, and everyone immediately got up and started preparing to attack Ted.

"We'll get them back," King said to me, and I looked into his eyes.

"I don't care what Tom says, I'm going to kill that bastard," I announced, and King grinned.

"Not if I kill him before you," he answered me.

Minutes seemed like hours as I waited at the SUV. We had been in Void's house waiting too long for a location, and it took at least that long to get to Tijuana.

"Take your damn gear with you and be ready in the SUV, we're leaving in half an hour," King said to us in this room.

We had to leave all our personal belongings behind, no trace to the club. Our fake IDs and the protective clothing we had for every mission. All familiar routine, but this time it was much more personal.

I saw Nora's clothes lying on the bed that she had taken off in the morning when I went to change, and my heart beat faster. I saw her face in front of me, her bright eyes and the little dimples that formed when she laughed. The memory of our last kiss went through my mind, and I took a deep breath. I'm going to fucking kill him!

I changed my clothes and stood ready at the car; the boys were already coming to them and were waiting for King and Void.

Doc went with Wrath, Storm was with Ink, and Gears was waiting for King. I'll go with Duke. Each of us took a prospect in the car who showed himself to be ready. In total, there were thirteen of us men who were ready to drive.

King came towards me and talked to Alice on the way, who was on her way back home. Void had a whole suitcase with him with equipment, and Erin quickly ran next to him as he gave her instructions.

Erin was crying, and he calmed her down briefly only to get into the SUV.

"We'll stay in touch... Get in!" King shouted loudly, and we followed the instructions.

The cars drove off one after the other, as usual in a familiar formation and stormed through the entrance gate. We drove past Alice, who was coming home, and her eyes caught mine as she looked at me in shock.

"We'll get them out of there," said Duke as he drove off.

"I know," I answered him and looked out of the window.

Nora fought so hard to get better and have a chance to take control of her life. All the nights I listened to her cry flashed through my mind, and how many times she had thrown up... how badly she had fought when she got here. Ted was about to destroy everything she had fought for... what we all fought for... and make Ivy go through the same thing... no fucking way.

"Ace?" I heard Alice's voice over the radio while we were still within range.

"Alice, I'm listening," I replied as I held the radio in my hand.

"You'll bring them back to us... promise," she said sobbing, and I took a deep breath.

Alice knew that I had never broken a promise in my life, and that's why she demanded it.

"I fucking promise we'll take them both home," I replied to her.

"Nora called us her family," Alice said crying.

I looked at Duke, who gripped the steering wheel tighter and pressed the accelerator harder.

"I promise, Alice," I said and looked through the window again as a tear left my eye.

I'm coming, doll... I got you, I promised.

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