Ace of Spades ( Mc No limits Book 2)

Chapter 21


I lit another cigarette as I stood leaning against the car next to Duke.

"What's taking him so long?" Duke asked as he played with his knife and looked at King, who was pacing nervously.

"He will come," Void replied and looked at his screen.

"Are they still there?" King asked him, and Void nodded.

"What are we waiting for?" asked Ink, who got out of his car and stood next to Storm, who looked at him as he watched the prospects.

"Weapons, Kid... King has contacts who supply us with weapons. What do you think, that you can just carry weapons across borders?" Storm asked him.

"This is his first time across the border," said Wrath, looking for shadows.

"I sometimes wonder how you got patched up," Duke said, laughing.

"I'm sorry," Ink replied nervously.

"Leave the boy alone, he saved you when you were playing hero," Doc added as he opened his water bottle.

"It's all good, kid, you're young. When I was 22, all I did was fuck and drink," Duke said with a wink.

"As if it were any different now," Wrath said, laughing.

King's eyes caught mine, and he nodded in the direction I saw a pickup truck coming from. We stood in the middle of nowhere and waited for King's contact person; we probably still had half an hour's drive ahead of us until we got to Nora and Ivy.

"As I said, he's coming," said Void, who also saw the car.

The car stopped in front of us, kicking up dust as the driver's door opened, and a man climbed out.

"Rey mi amigo, welcome!" he called out to us as he walked up and shook King's hand.

Juan looked exactly the same as he did when we last saw him a few years ago. A cheap copy of Antonio Banderas or, as Duke called him, Antonio from Wish.

Fate brought us together when we rescued the daughter of his club president on a mission. The then young Carmen ran away from home because of rebellion and unfortunately ended up in human trafficking. Since this event, King and Alejandro Lopez have had a special relationship that definitely grows beyond legal matters.

“Do you have everything we need, Juan?” King asked, and the man grinned.

"I actually have way more than you need, Rey... King, whatever. My boss owes you a lot after you saved his daughter. Our men are waiting for you in Tijuana." He said, and King grinned. "Alejandro hasn't forgotten," Duke said, laughing.

"How could he forget it, amigo? He talks about it every day. A Club that saved his daughter. Biker brothers, that's what he calls you," Juan replied proudly.

He pointed to his truck, and Duke and Storm walked over to look at the weapons.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Duke shouted as he showed me the heavy guns.

"Everyone take your weapons and then go!" King ordered, and the men went to Duke who took care of everything with Storm.

I grabbed a few weapons and looked at Juan's machete that he had attached to his belt. He followed my gaze and took it to give to me.

“But I need it back,” he said with a laugh, and I nodded.

"Fucking shit," Duke said as I walked past him, and he looked at me as I got into the car and he followed me.

Juan drove up in front of us and we saw men on the road every few miles standing in cuts and nodding at us. Alejandro had our back and kept the roads clear until Tijuana where we stopped at a meeting place.

"Today is the day I pay everything back, my friend," Alejandro shouted when he saw King and greeted us.

He was an older man who was muscular with a full beard that was completely gray like his hair, which he had braided .

"What can you tell us?" asked King, shaking his hand.

"The location you gave me is outside the city. A warehouse owned by a...let's say questionable man. I just sent men there to watch everything. One left the building and drove into the city. Sin corazón is now in the building... that means they are preparing the women," said Alehandro. "Who the hell is Sin Corazón?" I asked angrily.

"She's a henchman, I know that much. I don't know what she does exactly," he answered, and I nodded.

"She's preparing the women before the auction goes!" we heard a female voice, and a petite woman came towards us with a sniper rifle over her shoulder. Her dark hair was braided, and she wore sunglasses with a big smile on her face.

"Carmen Lopez?" King asked as he saw the woman smiling at us.

"It's Carmen Alvarez now," she said laughing, looking at the muscular man who came to her side. "She got married and is hunting these pedophiles and human traffickers with her husband. After you saved her, my daughter dedicated her life to it," Alejandro explained with a grin.

"I heard your wife is kidnapped. We're here to help," Carmen said, and King looked at me.

I looked back at him with a grin. Our group of 13 men quickly became a group of more than 50 men, and Carmen was like all of us, hungry for blood.

"Let's fuck them up!" Duke shouted and laughed.

Alejandro's men were in their places and waiting for instructions when we arrived. The men surrounded the building, and we saw guards standing at the front door. In total, I counted around 15 men who were around the building, but I didn't know what was inside. Men were loading something into a truck and seemed to be busy and didn't notice us at all. Carmen and her husband went to the roof opposite the building, and when she gave the signal over the radio, we knew we were all at our posts ready to attack.

I was nervous and didn't know how Nora and Ivy were doing. The thoughts in my head were racing, and fear spread through my body. It's different when you're personally affected. I was sure that my otherwise cold expression was revealing my emotions. I could see it on King too, even though he hid it better. I had to stay focused for Nora. Sweat dripped from my face as I put on the balaclava and stared at the building.

"Ace, we have to catch Ted alive to see who else knows about us," King said to me, and I looked at him.

"When we're done, you can do whatever you want," Duke said to me, knowing that I wanted Ted's head.

"Ace!" King said, and I looked at him.

"I understand, King," I answered coldly.

"We are ready for your signal, King," said Alejandro.

"Rock and roll, baby," Duke said, laughing.

"Well then let's go!" shouted King.

It was already evening, and the darkness was our ally as we crossed the fences unnoticed. It took us too long to get here. Minutes like hours... hours like days, that's how it seemed to me.

The building was two stories with a lot of land around it. A high fence kept everything safe, and they thought no one would ever attack them with their cheap security cameras.

Void laughed when he saw this, and in a short time, he simply turned them off.

"What a damn joke," he said as he gave the go-ahead to run closer after turning it off.

It was an old industrial building that was obviously only used for illegal transport and sick shit. We watched as the men loaded weapons, ammunition, and lots of explosives into a Truck.

If shit  happens, not only will we be dead, but Nora and Ivy will be dead too.

As we stood in front of the building hidden behind cars, I looked at Duke. I could see his grin through his balaclava and nodded to him to the sky. He looked at me confused as a helicopter took off from the roof, and I looked after him in panic. What if Nora and Ivy had just been taken away.

"That was Corazón, she left with a man," I heard Carmen say through the radio that was in Alejandro's hand.

Duke looked at me when he noticed that a large group of wankers were standing together at the entrance as the Truck drove off while we were hiding.

We waited for the Truck to move far enough and watched the man bilding a circle and talking.

As soon as the truck drove around the corner we knew that Alejandro's men would stop it and take the contents. It was time to get started.

Duke wiggled his eyebrows at me  and laughed as he ran a couple of steps in front the cars.

"Buenas noches hijos de puta," he shouted loudly as he fired the RPG, and we threw ourselves into cover for protection.

Duke's evil laugh drowned out the ringing in my ears, and he pulled me to my feet, pushing me forward. We didn't have much time. Soon the police will show up with all the noise Duke was making, But he took out everyone in front of us, and we stormed the building.

Before me was a sight of destroyed walls and human body parts scattered in all possible directions.

"Fucking shit!" Doc said as he turned around, and he seemed to be panicking.

"Gears!" King shouted, pointing at Doc who seemed disoriented. Alejandro's men and Gears  took care of Doc, while we ran through the destroyed door that was torn into pieces, giving us access.

We shot at anything that was still moving, and as we cleared the ground floor, our men scattered and looked for Nora and Ivy. I remembered Nora's words when she told me that Ted always kept them in basements and looked around for a staircase that led to it.

"King!" I shouted when I saw the stairs, and Duke and he immediately followed me as I ran towards it. I heard shots behind me and the screaming of the men who were paying for their atrocities. But none of that interested me now. I knew that Alejandro's men, together with our boys, would destroy the whole shit place, and I only concentrated on what was important. I just wanted to get to Nora and ran down the stairs without thinking.

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