Chapter Chapter Ten.

The Greys had amassed and were basically licking their wounds, the defeat had been substantial, and the loss of their alliance had caused rifts within high command, however they had acquired technology and they knew their scientists could adapt it and create new technology to be used in their defence and attack upon earth.

When word eventually reached the alliance aliens home world that their kind had been destroyed, and their alliance with the Greys was a failure, also with the Greys losing over a third of its entire military fleet. The leaders immediately informed their cousin race, a by far older race of genetically modified hybrid warriors who had split from the Greys over a million years past, but still kept trade alliances and at time inter married among their species.

This news deeply disturbed them and they in turn had formed an alliance with a race of beings which were more machine than organic genetic flesh, and could best be described as a Borg type race, and over 9/10th machine, and been created by highly advanced quantum nanorobotics technology. The cousins to the Greys feared attack and annihilation of their kind, to their eyes and way of thinking, some life was better than no life, and they knew they never had the technology to defeat these, The Others as they were called.

So they agreed to become subjects to the Borg type race known as the Borgets, and they subjected also the entire Grey alien nation to the Borgets, so that they could become greater subjects and a new race by far stronger and technologically advanced. This action resulted in over Twenty Trillion Greys becoming subject to a new master and a total transformation of their bodies and minds.

The Cousin race also became Borgets subjects and they although smaller in numbers were by far a superior race to their cousins the Greys, and they numbered in some Five Billion warriors who became transformed in to fearsome mechanical warriors. Never before within the Greys history had they reached such a level of high technology, and even if it had cost them genetically and meant forming a new alliance, they now knew they were to be feared and felt confident they could amass a quick attack to regain control of earth.

However their Borgets Queen was a singular warrior and by far stronger than those under her mental control, she withheld the revenge attack upon planet earth, wanting to gain intelligence and test their new powers before committing so much to an unknown warrior race. These The Others intrigued her and she wanted to learn more, such technology pleased her and her kind thrived upon manipulating new technology and adapting it to fit their specific needs.

It was only a matter of time and she now knew of the area of space these life forms protected and inhabited, and wanted to test their abilities against some of her scouting ships and warriors. So the Queen ordered a fleet of 100 interstellar ships to enter The Others space and await the result.

As the Bourget ships approached The Others space, a lone solitary ship defended the area while calling upon back up. Incredibly it took out some forty seven of the Begets ships before it became damaged enough to force it to withdraw, only as the Borgets advanced a further seven of The Others ships materialised and destroyed the Borgets crafts.

The Queen observed the gathered intelligence and realised these creatures were using a quantum nanorobotics disruptive type of technology never before seen by her kind, and she realised for now and until she could duplicate it, and that she would not win a war against these creatures, none the less in the future it would be a different matter entirely.

As the injured Others ship was escorted back to safety the Captain realised he had faced a new and unknown enemy, and ordered his team to beam aboard any remnants of the crew, so they could be studied and they could gather intelligence in who and what they were fighting, and whom had attacked their space.

Upon examination at first they only saw mechanical parts and this caused a level of confusion, until organic parts were later found attached to mechanic appendages at a bio quantum level, and they realised just what the crew were and in whom they were coming up against.

Some were part genetic Greys, and others were of different alien races, but all were connected at a bio genetic quantum level, and they soon discovered the Nano technology which united and held these life forms together. It was resilient and even trying to secretly infiltrate its way into the mainframe computer, and the leaders of The Others beamed all from the injured ship, and destroyed their own damaged craft so the nanorobotics could not succeed with their instructions to infiltrate and affect them.

Nanorobotics was a technology The Others was very familiar with, and they had implemented much of their nanobots directly into their own technology, only these Borgets were operating upon a different and as of yet unknown frequency, and quantum code which appeared to enable these miniature robots to overwrite any quantum code they came up against. It was disturbing and The Others realized they had come up against a foe of near equal technology and strength, and if it infiltrated into their systems they faced possible annihilation.

Immediate orders were given to build a separate research station and investigate into the gained technology and intelligence, but without directly working upon the actual nanobots. Such Nanorobotics technology was a priority and needed immediate attention, in the mean while they strengthened their outer patrol and ensured there was never fewer that nine ships at any one time, seven for patrol and two remaining at stealth, and to either offer assistance or summons immediate help.

This enabled them to keep the boarders secure and gave them the time so desperately needed to acquire this technology and find a way of over writing it so they could utilise it and turn it against their enemy. Time had been in their favour as over the multiple millions of years there numbers had grown and they occupied six actual galaxies, as such their numbers ranged into Quindecillion’s, so they were confident enough to stand their ground against a possible invasion, yet they still needed to ensure not one single ship was compromised.

Even if this meant doubling or even quadrupling their patrols, they just needed time to get to grips with this technology and to also start gathering intelligence upon who and what their new enemy truly was, and from where it had originated. They gathered their immense resources and sent out scouting parties, and also using their aligned alien contacts. It was imperative earth remained unchallenged as they were aware at its current sage of development, it was unable to fight off such an invasion.

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