Chapter Chapter Eleven.

Admiral McDermott had been escorted back to his office and as he sat going over the intelligence reports of what had recently transpired, Simon beamed into his office. “Dear Lord man please give a person warning before you do that, you nearly ended my career and life, as I thought I was about to have a heart attack”, said the Admiral. Simon smiled, “Sorry my old friend, but I thought you would like to know the PMs Office have agreed you were not to blame and they will not be taking any action against you.” “I should bloody well hope not…, they could hardly blame me for you abducting me and taking me directly into the minister’s office,” replied Lewis.

Simon laughed “It was hardly an abduction…” but Lewis cut him short, “What else would you call it, one minute we were talking in my office, and before I could stop you, as you took me and materialised me within the minister’s office.” Lewis was upset and felt he was justified and Simon could see his action had truly hurt his friend’s feelings, even if it had been unintended. “Lewis I apologise, next time if there is a next time…, then I will try and give you warning first,” he said.

The Admiral looked at his friend, “I should bloody well hope so, apology accepted and anyway, for what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, I thought your kind was pulling out of the agreed partnership and leaving us to the mercy of the Greys.”

His snide remark made Simon flinch. “Yes…, well it is for that reason I have come to say good bye.” The Admiral flinched and was taken aback, he had not thought the Atlantions would truly pull out, and Simon saw he had got him. “Oh sorry Lewis you misunderstood me, I was not about to say we were pulling out, only I have to go away for a few days and…,” Lewis cut him short. “You bastard you got me, and I just know you did it on purpose,” he said.

Simon put his hands up in surrender, “Ok, OK I apologise… but joking aside we have a serious problem, as our long range sensors have detected a new threat and it attacked those other aliens who have come to your rescue, and one of their ships lost and was later destroyed. On all accounts some one hundred unknown interstellar ships entered The Others space, and a single ship confronted the whole bloody armada, incredibly it took out near to 50 of their ships…, well 47 were destroyed and some three damaged, none the less that is formidable for one single war ship, even we do not have that type of technology or ability.”

The Admiral looked shocked at this news, “What happened,” he inquired. “Well The Others came to its rescue and destroyed the invaders, totally annihilating them, however something strange happened after that.” Simon paused to give the Admiral time to take in his words, as this was important intelligence. “Well one of our ships was just out of range but had offered assistance as soon as it could arrive, but our offer was denied, and our long range scans showed the injured ship was fully recoverable…, yet they destroyed it only moments after beaming aboard debris.”

McDermott looked startled…, “I know we were going to beam aboard some of the debris ourselves to gain intelligence, but once we saw what happened we decided to not proceed and gathered intelligence from long range scanners.” Admiral Lewis looked at Simon. “Well don’t keep me in suspense what did you find…, as it must be of importance for you to draw it out like this.”

Simon laughed. “Forgive me old man I keep forgetting the difference between our two races…, as we like to draw out a story in such events…,” “Get on with it God dam you,” retorted Lewis. “OK, ok well it appears this new alien life force is almost 90 plus % machine and created from organic samples.” “What …, a bloody Borg…, you are pulling my leg,” retorted Admiral Lewis laughing.

Simon looked confused, “Borg…, what is Borg it is certainly something we have never heard of.” Lewis laughed some more until he realised his friend was serious. “Dear God man…, do you mean you are telling the truth, impossible, it can’t be, and the bloody Borgs are only a figment of some screen writers imagination and not real living entities.”

Simon was confused, “I have no idea what you are talking about, you are not making sense to me old man,” The Admiral blinked. “Gad man you are serious…, I apologise…, as the Borg are a name some sci-fi program gave to a race of mechanical and part flesh life forms…, dear lord you mean you were being serious…, that’s …, not possible…, is it?” Stated the confused and surprised admiral.

Simon looked at his friend, “All I can tell you is the truth and I am been serious regardless of this Sci-fi stuff you are talking about, these life forms are real and they are extremely dangerous, as we have only recently discovered they consist of a highly evolved Nanorobotics life form, and which is far in advance of anything your earths defences have…, as such we are having to update your technology with science, and which we had preferred your civilization at this point in time within your evolution…, well let’s just say it presents even us with problems in sharing this type of advanced technology, but if we do not, then earth will certainly fall,” stated Simon.

Simon was fully aware the admiral’s office was under observation, so he had a cloned copy of himself explaining the very same information to the PMs Office. It also served his purpose to shown there was more than one version of him, as he had a suspicion at some point in the future the humans were intending to turn against them. He wanted to confuse and make them nervous, as at their level of their technology, such cloning was only in its absolute infancy as regards earth’s technological development. It also presented another problem, as even if the humans kidnapped him or killed him, they now had no way of knowing if it was a clone and just how many cloned copies were in existence.

History had proven humans were devious and not to be fully trusted, as their tribal factions like Russia and America, Korea and even China, had shown within their passed history conflicts and spies stealing technology, and even declaring wars. He felt justified in his caution, and was sure from within Space Command, that there were those sharing intelligence with outside factions.

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