Chapter Chapter Nine.

Admiral McDermott entered the war department and was escorted to his appointment. As he entered the office he was pleased to find High Admiral Jenkins awaiting him, but then he saw seven representative alien and cabinet ministers seated within the room, and his heart sank. Admiral Jenkins looked at Lewis, “Come in and please sit over there,” said the High Admiral as he pointed to the one remaining empty chair.

Lewis sat and quietly awaited his fate, but he saw Simon smiling and then heard a quiet voice within his mind, “Relax my old friend you are not here to be reprimanded,” said Simon, and Lewis immediately felt a weight been lifted and his heart rate slowed to normal. “Right now we are all here, we need to discuss the security breach within Minister Armstrong’s office and the even more important situation regarding our lack of secure coverage, as it appears our rather embarrassing lack of foresight has resulted in over a third of all low lying land becoming flooded. The United Kingdom has lost Norfolk and other areas, also part of London is flooded and under siege…, there flood gates could simply not hold back the rising water, and all tube travel is lost, plus thousands of homes and human lives from across the world,” stated High Admiral Jenkins.

Admiral McDermott spoke, “What about us how bad is it,” he enquired. The High Admiral grimaced, “We have lost New York and parts of LA, plus all other low lying land…, it is far above our previous estimates,” he said. Lewis McDermott nodded his head understanding his High Admirals discomfort.

There was a feeling of uneasiness within the room, and it was Simon who spoke next. “I will not rub it in that you were warned, however I will state we have technology that if applied within the next 48 hours could, and note… I only said could, re-stabilise the situation, and bring about a miniature nuclear winter…, it will last for some thirteen years, but that said the Pole caps will re-freeze and the flooding will diminish, enabling you to recover and no further loss of land to the rising waters.” “Accepted” stated Admiral Hughes. Simon paused allowing his words to take effect and then continued talking before he could be interrupted again.

Looking directly at High Admiral Jenkins, Simon spoke. “As for you’re so called security breach, you have been specifically informed many times, if you miss use your language, then we cannot be held responsible. Immediately to our race means exactly that. Immediate appliance of an order or request, and you should have known that. Minister Armstrong was at fault…, not I or Admiral McDermott can be held responsible for obeying an immediate Order.”

He paused again and read High Admirals mind, “No sir Admiral McDermott had no say and I refuse to allow you or your superiors to hold him responsible, he had no control or say in the matter, as his superior High ranking officer, he had no say in the matter, as I transported him and myself in immediate appliance of the request.” High Admiral Jenkins went to protest but one of the aliens representatives within the room stood and spoke next.

It looked High Admiral directly in the eyes, “Sir your race is at times insubordinate and intolerable in your attitudes. First you were warned of the consequences of your actions, and your lack of foresight is your own responsibility, as is your disobeying direct instruction of use of language, should you persist, then I am authorised to inform you that Atlantis and my race will withdraw all further cooperation and leave you to the mercy of these Greys, and good luck in trying to contact or communicate with these so called The Others. We have been trying for some fifty plus years, and they come only when they want to, and no amount of pitiful lack of technology will save you or your kind.”

At that Simon and the alien beamed out of the meeting leaving Admiral Jenkins stunned. As he looked at the remaining alien representatives they also beamed out showing there disgust. There was now only three left within the room, and the High Admirals phone rang. He grimaced and picked up the phone, after some seconds he replaced the receiver and dismissed the meeting, he had been called direct to the PMs Office to account for why the meeting had failed and the Atlantion team had reported it was on the point of pulling out.

Jennie was meeting her new employers and finally got to put a face to the voice within her mind. “Hello Jennie and welcome, we have been so looking forward to having you working with us,” said a small thin looking lady. Jenny could hear her both audibly and within her mind at the same time, it was so strange, and then a separate voice spoke within her mind. “This is Sandra and she is my direct representative of whom you will be only answerable to…, not even your Prime Minister can override her authority, nor can he order you to obey him.”

Jenny blinked as her heart rate increased, “It is alright my dear, just be calm, we understand this can be over whelming and we assure you the alien side of your nature is totally unaware of what is happening, we intend to assist you in developing a section of your mind which it can never enter, and from there you can be sure whatever happens with us will remain unknown and unreported.”

As Jennie calmed her mind, the lady before her continued talking audibly so the alien side of her could hear all that was been said, and she outlaid the nature of her new duties, where she would work, health plans, allowances and whatever else was required to know, so she could carry out her functions effectively. “No worries my dear you will have an assistant with you for the first three weeks, and who will guide you and be there if you are unsure, but after that you will be alone and as said report directly to me, do you understand.”

Jennie nodded her head as she also heard the last few words been spoken to her by the other voice in her mind, she had been told to ignore the audible voice and pretend she was listening, while the inner voice within her head explained to her what was happening, and why she had been chosen. As she started her new job, Jennie felt a calm coming over her and recognised it as been the alien side of her, it was pleased with her new appointment and informed her so. “You have done well Jennie, Simon will be pleased you have fitted in and been promoted, you have worked hard and deserve this promotion, also we can now watch and learn just what the humans are planning, we do not think they will turn against our kind, but it is not unknown or beyond their abilities,” stated the conscious alien side of her mind.

Jennie almost flinched as she fought to regain control, “Be gone it is difficult enough to be here unsure of my duties and having you talking in my mind, leave me to become acquainted with my new position and communicate only when necessary,” said Jennie. The alien side of her conscious realised it was stressing Jennie and immediately released its hold upon her mind, and took a quiet place just gently observing and recording all that was been said and done.

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