Chapter Chapter Eight.

As Minister Armstrong regained control of the situation she had to stand down the emergency alert and forcefully order the Marine Officer and his two subordinates to return to their station. “I am sorry Mam but I cannot do that… you are aware of security procedure,” stated the Marine Officer.

Understandably they were agitated and had realised that both Simon and Admiral McDermott had entered the minister’s office without been security cleared by them, and had entered without passing them or using the only door to her office. The minister had to liaise direct with a General Hughes before he gave the direct order for his team to stand down, had that order not arrived, then they would have held all within the office prisoners until they could be cleared by security, as it was realised selected aliens with Atlantis could mimic another humans appearance.

It took time to fully verify the invasion threat was truly over and photos were been sent along with what had been long range video feed, showing the devastating destruction of the entire unknown alien fleet, along with a mass of destroyed Greys ships. What surprised Minister Armstrong was the sheer destruction, and it was almost to her eyes as if the very matter of the ships had simply dissolved, as not even control panels were left in tack, everything within had simply become like large pebble size grains of sand, and were only just holding together by a magnetic charge, but could drift apart by even a gentle force.

As the minister viewed the reports which had been coming in via her computer, she turned and went to dismissed Admiral McDermott, but her phone rang and she answered as the ring tone indicated it was from the cabinet office. “Lewis please remain…, you also Miss Wilson,” said the minister as she then lifted the phone to her ear. Jennie looked across to the Admiral and could see he was as confused and stunned by events as she was.

Jennie also realised she was not security cleared for such Above Top Secret Files, or events which had just taken place. Heck she was unsure if the Admiral was, as he appeared equally surprised by the events which had just unfolded. Yes he was responsible for his fleet and working with the Atlantions…, but these other aliens were another matter and she was unsure if even Admiral McDermott or the minister at that had been aware of them.

A voice in her mind spoke. “You are correct Miss Wilson…, however I want you to remain calm as the other side of your nature is unaware we are talking and we want to keep it that way…, do you understand.” Jennie blinked and was momentarily confused. “Concentrate Jennie…, and do not allow your fear to take control,” said this strange and unknown voice from within her mind.

As Jennie looked around the office it was so strange, as Admiral McDermott was unaware of the voices within her head and seemed focused on his own thoughts, and while the minister was engaged within a lengthy phone conversation. “Who are you thought Jennie, praying the other side of her mind could not detect these thought conversations? “I am here from Level 15, and to help you develop your brain and teach you how to utilise your mind, and decompartmentalising it, so the alien within cannot hear or become aware of your actions and our conversations,” came the reply.

At that Jennie became aware the minister had stopped talking and she heard the office phone been placed into its cradle. As she looked towards the minister Jennie could see she was agitated. “Admiral McDermott, the war office requests your immediate presence, and a car is waiting for you, and to take you directly there.” McDermott swallowed as he knew such a direct summoning was not good news, he got up from his chair and made his way out of the office, as he did there were five Marines and one officer awaiting him to escort him directly to his new appointment.

The minister turned her gaze back to Jennie, “Please Miss Wilson I can only apologise that you were caught up in this unexpected charade, it was unprofessional and should never have happened.” Jennie thought for a few seconds. “There is nothing to apologise for Minister, it is the nature of the job we are involved in…, I agree it was above my security clearance, yet you handled the situation incredibly well, and I felt secure and sure all would prevail in its own time.”

The minister looked at her and smiled, “Your profile was correct, you truly are calm within a storm, a rare quality and one which in part is why I called you here for this meeting.” The Minister paused still watching Jennie’s reactions. Jennie showed no sign of flinching or concern, so the minister continued. “Miss Wilson it has come to our attention that you possess well above average qualities which certain ministerial departments are seeking, and as such I have been ordered to offer you a promotion and if you accept, then it is effective immediately.”

Jennie blinked and had wondered why she was here and had suspected it could be a promotion, but she had not heard of any openings and was unsure if it could not be something else. “Thank you Mam am I permitted to know what I am been promoted into,” she inquired. The minister smiled, “Yes a vacancy has arisen directly within the PM’s office to liaise with the Prime Minister and the Alien security section, you will be directly in line with the highest ranking cabinet ministers and alien representatives we have, and in addition be privy to Above Top Secret and for Eyes Only Files.”

Jennie now looked slightly fazed. “Where will I be based and would it be out of order to enquire upon the salary increase Mam.” The minister laughed, “As for where you will be placed, it will be here upon the top floor, as for the salary increase it will be a level 9 along with all that goes with such a level, and effective immediately, do you accept and is there any further questions.”

Jenny gulped, “I accept Mam,” she replied not believing this was happening. “Excellent please sign this document here…, and here, and here.” As Jennie signed the minister pressed a button upon her desk. “You may enter now, please have Miss Wilson escorted immediately to level 15, and ensure she has all she needs for her comfort and to start her new job.” The Minister then looked at Jennie, “You have chosen wisely Miss Wilson, although you do not realise it, as of now Admiral McDermott is effectively in rank, under you and he can no longer order you to do anything…, but no worries you will soon learn your duties, I am sure of that.”

At that five Marines entered and one officer, and they escorted Jennie to her new office. The Marines were still on high alert after the security breach by Simon and Admiral McDermott, and Jennie surmised this was why he had been summoned to account for what had happened.

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