Chapter Chapter Seven.

The Greys were more than angry at the loss of such a facility, it had been several hundred years old and they had established multiple research facilities within, including some of their highest ranking scientists and military officers. Fortunately not all, but certainly over 60 % and as such they wanted immediate revenge, only it was difficult because earth was protected by the Atlantions and it took time and careful planning to get their ships passed the Atlantion security.

Not only had they lost many of their top scientist, but also over 70 years of hybrid work, and a few thousand human hybrid embryos which they had kept in reserve. This had set them back over 100 years and forced them to revaluate their invasion plans. None the less the military leaders realised a quick strike was needed to establish dominance and power. The Greys decided upon a singular revenge attack and sent a cloaked ship passed the Atlantion security, and it detonated a 5,000 ton nuclear explosion directly above the North Polar Region.

The result was predictable and billions of tons of ice instantly melted, rising the water even higher, only the explosion tore an even larger hole within the ozone layer and exposed the area to greater solar energy from the sun. Atlantis responded immediately and detected the Greys ship trying to escape earth orbit, and destroying it. They had not realised the Greys could so easily enter earth space unobserved.

Their security was in need of updating, as the Greys were obtaining technology which could fool some of their sensors, also they had if truthful only been concentrating upon regions closer to human population and their home base and control centres. It had been a mistake to leave the Polar Regions so exposed, and it was decided in future for total global coverage, even if it meant having the humans using some of their technology.

Upon learning of the Greys action, Admiral McDermott demanded Simon be brought before him, as he wanted to know how this had come about. As Simon beamed down into the Admirals office, he could see that his old friend was far from pleased. “Simon dam you, how could your kind have allowed this to happen…, as millions will die by the rising water and we have no means of preventing it.” Simon never answered but walked over to the admiral’s cabinet and opened a drawer and pulled out his Brandy and two glasses.

Turning to face the Admiral he raised a glass and the admiral nodded indicating yes, and Simon walked to a chair next to the desk, and placed the glasses down. He sat within the chair and poured two extra-large measures of Brandy, and then handed one over to Lewis his friend. As he had been doing this he had been using his abilities to quieten the admiral’s mind.

“Lewis my friend you are very aware you yourself gave the orders for the assault upon the South Polar Station, this action within the North is retaliation, we warned your office of this possible action if you took such measures.”

He paused allowing his friend time to take in his words, and then continued talking. “We also warned you that the humans needed to increase your security within areas we are unable to cover…, and your department has been aware of this for over seven months now, and possibly as tragic as this incident is, it will force your ministers to increase global security and not rely upon us so much.”

Admiral McDermott took another drink emptying his glass, he then placed it upon the table and spoke. “Simon your people know how stretched my department is…, I agree the ministers have been withholding extra funding, and possibly this will force their hand, yet I have a feeling they will say you could have done more especially knowing the action we took, and delivering a devastating blow to the Greys.”

Simon laughed and Lewis looked at him. “Lewis you old fool, you do realise this meeting is been observed” said Simon quietly and within Lewis’s mind. “Nonsense” replied Lewis audibly, and without thinking, and then chastised himself mentally for been such a fool, however the damage was done, and if he was under observation, whoever it was would now realise he had been spoken to mentally.

Lewis just reached over and refilled his friends glass, “Lewis I am authorised to inform you we will extend our aid in new technology, as even we agree some of the Greys ships have somehow acquired advanced technology which we had not realised, this can only mean they have partnered with yet another alien race who is giving them advanced technology, and which had previously been unavailable to them.”

No sooner had Simon said those words when the phone rang upon the admiral’s desk. Lewis looked at Simon and smiled, “It would seem you may well have been correct,” he said seconds before answering his phone. Quietly he listened and then placed the phone back upon its receiver. “It appears you were correct, I apologise, Minister Armstrong is requesting our immediate attention.”

Simon laughed and raised a hand, and before Lewis realised what was happening both he and Simon materialised within Minister Armstrong’s office. As both adults appeared sitting in the two unused chairs Jennie stared in shock, as did the minister at this method of entry. “You requested my immediate attention minister, what is it that I can do for you,” stated Simon.

Suddenly alarms were sounding and the Marines came bursting into the office, but they were engulfed within a ray of light and they found themselves unable to move. As minister Armstrong looked around her office, she saw Jennifer and Admiral Lewis were also enclosed within the light, and they appeared frozen in time.

Simon smiled, “They are unharmed and will not suffer any lasting side effects, only momentarily confusion, but they will recover, now what was so important that you had to be so rude to an alien envoy, who is here to aid and assist your planet from invasion.”

The minister swallowed and breathed inwards and then exhaled, “I apologise Simon, please accept my apology, it was wrong and out of order for me to have spoken so harshly, but we have a serious situation, and which requires immediate remedy.” She paused and regained her composure, and as she was doing this Simon was himself been updated via a mental link with his orbiting ship above earth.

He grimaced and bit his lower lip, “AR, I now understand your dilemma, unexpected visitors” replied Simon. “It would appear these aliens are unhappy at the destruction of the Greys and are showing force, still you have no worry, yes they are massed for an attack, but I assure you they cannot succeed.” The minister looked at him, and wanted desperately to believe him.

Earth had over two hundred such interstellar ships at its command and all could be launched within minutes, however they kept a constant twelve ships always in high orbit, and rotated them every two months. Simon could read her mind and understood her fears. “They are another four hours away from earths deep space, and the ships and equipment you have are more than capable of standing there ground, also we will send another five of our ships to reinforce yours.”

But the minister interrupted, “They out number us by over twenty to one, we cannot fight off so many especially if the Greys….,” Her words were cut short as intelligence arrived informing her the Greys were also amassing their Amador of ships, and increasing the numbers to over fifty to one against the human defence.

“Dear God said the minister as Simon was himself updated, “AR, this paints a different picture, I am unsure we can stop them all,” stated Simon. As the huge fleet amassed, Simon realised that the Atlantions would survive simply by the use of their shielding, but he knew already that even they…, his kind could not stop so many, and that earth was about to suffer devastating losses.

As the huge fleet approached even closer to earth, five single unknown ships de-cloaked and the Minister was informed these unknown aliens were repaying the complement given of offering assistance when one of their single ships was under attack.

The minister was unsure of who they were or of what they were referring towards. But Simon knew instantly who they were, and ordered his kind to accept their offer of help and to thank them.

As the Greys became aware of the five ships which had materialised they tried frantically to break off the attack, but it was too late as ships after ships started exploding, and no amount of force directed upon these five vessels could destroy them. The aliens aiding the Greys were totally annihilated and not one single ship remained in tack. All…, every single life form aboard those crafts was destroyed as was their technology.

Over a third of the entire Greys fleet had also been destroyed before they had been able to pull out and vanish into another galaxy running for their lives. Not one single earth or Atlantion ship had needed to fire a single shot.

Atlantis received a video message showing the High Admiral of this small armada of ships. “We have repaid our debt, earth is precious to us as well, so keep that planet safe.” That was all that was said and the ships vanished as quickly as they had arrived. Simon turned and smiled at the minister, “Problem solved,” he said, and then he vanished and released his hold upon those within the minister’s office.

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