Chapter Chapter Six.

Chris Culvate and Jennie had become true friends, well in fact more than friends, as such the staff were pleased for both of them, but especially Chris as he had been popular, and the internal staff felt pleased he had found love, and someone who could cope with his limitations of lack of useable legs. They also thought that the two made a good couple together, however internal politics eventually meant either Jennie or Chris would have to move to another department.

As it turned out it was Jenny who was promoted upwards, and she became the personal assistant to Lewis McDermott, handling all top secret communications and becoming privy to the highest of above Top Secret documents and meetings. Simon was pleased his planned infiltration of the headquarters had gone well, and he now had a human hybrid working directly within, and who could report back via her alien side, and keep their forces updated to the human’s intentions. Yes he could read the humans minds, but only if in line of sight, and the higher management from the Prime Minister and selected cabinet members, plus unknown others were usually not approachable or available to his kind.

It was not that they never trusted their partners…, well truthfully they just wanted to be sure, as past experience had shown them, even the closest of friends could turn against you, so they simply wanted to be prepared, and having a hybrid operative directly within the control centre serving the highest ranking military officer, meant the Atlantions were kept within the loop.

As it turned out Simon had suspected the ministers above that of Minister Armstrong were keeping secrets, and that he was been prevented access, as the humans were possibly now aware that selected aliens had the ability to read minds. Hence the severe and very restricted recruiting process. So his kind had long planned to implement selected hybrid operatives within the administration structure, and try to have them promoted upwards into positions where they worked directly with those in charge.

However this had been proving extremely difficult, and there was an unknown source somehow restricting such ultra-high promotions, but then such positions rarely became available. Yet Simon was pleased as this was the first time he had secured an operative within the high command, and he hoped in time Jennie could become promoted yet again further up the chain.

What he had not realised or known was he was under observation, and by a life form by far older, wiser and more intelligent than him, yet it was aware of his race, and that they were genuine peace keepers and had been protecting the earth for millions of years. So he was tolerated and understood for his actions, but he was watched none the less.

Lewis McDermott had received intelligence of the Greys, and of their interest in the South Polar regions. Intelligence gathered had shown that supposed cloaked ships had been entering the waters and it was suspected there was an underwater hive station either under construction or already in existence, so he had dispatched seven nuclear stealth submarines, and had them pre-positioned along a pre-arranged corridor.

It was another five weeks and three days before they registered a first contact, and cross referencing its position of entry and eventual place of rest was carried out by five of the seven submarines, while the remaining two remained inactive and quietly unobserved even by their own forces.

In the course of the next 17 days, twenty-eight alien grey space ships were seen entering and only three exiting. Admiral McDermott now had his intelligence confirmed and acted upon, and giving immediate orders for total destruction, as he suspected this was where his beloved daughter was being held and he knew she could never be rescued. Yet he also was aware he could end her pain, even if it meant global warming and a melting of ice caps, such was his resolve.

However his advisers informed him that such an action would in fact have a reverse affect and possibly bring about a nuclear winter within that region as the suns energy would be blocked out and only temporary melting would apply.

In truth he cared not, as he wanted revenge, and his daughter was there and possibly thousands of other humans who were suffering from children to adults. So he gave the order and the submarines attacked with nuclear weapons, two nuclear explosions detonated under the deep ice caps, and totally destroyed some twelve miles of deep ice, and instantly annihilating all life within that area.

The ice melted and the waters rose, along with earth tremors and tidal waves, then as everything subsided another two nuclear explosions were detonated as reports that part of the aliens Grey facility had survived.

Unknown to Lewis McDermott he had delivered a devastating blow upon the Greys, not only had he destroyed some 25 ships, there had been another eleven already there and over twenty thousand Grey scientists and military leaders using the facility.

Although it was not their only facility, it was by far the most important and heavily staffed. The media channels reported an underwater volcano had erupted and the devastation was a direct result. What was not reported, was the loss of five nuclear stealth submarines, and how the ice caps came to melt so suddenly, nor of the alien colony living under the South Polar regions, and loss of all marine and human life within that area.

It had been a costly decision, yet Admiral McDermott knew it had to be done. There was no telling just how many Greys were there, but if his intelligence was even 50% correct, then he had dealt a devastating blow to these monstrous creatures who wanted total annihilation of all human life, well other than the slaves which they treated extremely poorly, and whose life span was measured in months, and not years.

Jennie walked over to Chris and sat upon his lap, she had her hips to either side of his legs and she undid his shirt buttons, and kissed his chest. “So my love how was your day,” she enquired. Chris shuddered in anticipation, especially as Jennie started wiggling her hips. “Oh…, umm…, well I would say not as good as tonight’s going to be, but then we will just have to wait and see,” he replied. “Oh is that so…, well then I will need to ensure you enjoy yourself then won’t I.” replied Jennie with a smile.

Later they both lay upon the carpet within their apartment and Jennie reached over and took a sip of the wine within her glass. “I had a disturbing day, McDermott ordered a nuclear strike upon the Greys under the South Polar Caps, and the media news channels are reporting it as a volcanic eruption. Only the waters are estimated to rise another thirteen inches as a direct result, as the second nuclear strike took out a further three miles of deep ice.”, she paused as she took another sip of wine.

Chris took a slow drink of his Brandy and coke, and looked at Jennie and kissed her upon her forehead. “It cannot be easy been responsible to so much secret information, if I did not work within the same department, I would find all this knowledge fanciful and just too much to believe.” “I know” replied Jennie. “I find it difficult myself especially as the intelligence that Admiral McDermott received estimated some 15,000 plus Greys were based there and over some 5,000 plus human test subjects.” She shuddered at the thought of so many humans including children been held captive and experimented upon.

Chris comforted Jennie, “You can always share with me, you know that, we are partners and it is not as if I am not cleared for such information…, anyway it needs only be between the two of us…, and no one else needs to know, and if it takes away the stress…, then I am here for you either way, you decide,” Said Chris.

Jennie looked at him and smiled, “Is that so, could you not also be here for something else,” she said as she straddled his hips once again and pinned his shoulders to the carpet with her hands. Chris laughed, “Gad woman, you have more energy than the Duracell Bunny.” Jennie giggled, “That’s not all rabbits are known for,” she said. The rest of their time was left to the pleasures of the night, then in the morning they showered, dressed and prepared for yet another day.

Chris received an unexpected email from Minister Armstrong ordering her to report directly to her by 11am. She looked at Admiral McDermott and inquired if she had done something wrong. He just smiled and shrugged his shoulders and carried on with his work. As 11am approached Chris waited outside Minister Armstrong’s office, and her secretary smiled at Chris. “The minister is running only a few minutes late, she will see you soon,” she said.

Chris breathed in, smiled back and then exhaled, at exactly three minutes passed 11am, a buzzer sounded and the secretary looked at Chris. “You may go in now, the minister is ready to meet you.” Chris stared at the door behind the secretary and slowly composed herself. “Thank you,” she replied and got up and made her way to the door. It opened automatically, and only then Chris saw a camera observing her every move.

What surprised her was she never walked into an office, but a small corridor, and it had yet another door and military armed check point to pass before she could enter. As she approached the desk a military officer looked up and the two Marines behind him, pointed their weapons directly at her. “Please do not be alarmed Miss, we are also here for your protection, would you please stand next to the white marking before my desk,” he paused momentarily.

Looking at Chris he spoke again, “Soon a bright light will engulf you, if you could keep still it will not harm you and enable us to clear you much quicker Mam.” Chris stood still and a blue light engulfed her just as the Marine officer had said it would, it was not unpleasant and kind of felt a little sensual, but then it was over and the marine smiled. “You may enter now Mam… good luck,” he said with a smile.

Chris breathed in calming her mind and walked passed the desk and officer, “Thank you sir…,” she replied and then passed the two marines who had lowered their weapons and entered the office. Minister Armstrong smiled as she entered, “Come in…, excuse the security but we can never be too careful…, come and take a seat,” she said. As Chris made her way over towards the desk and sat in a comfortable looking executive looking chair.

Minister Armstrong smiled, as there had been three open chairs to choose from, she had wondered if Chris would choose the best and most comfortable, as this showed confidence and ease at the situation. “I imagine you are wondering why we called you here,” stated the minister.

Chris smiled, “Well either I have somehow unknowingly done something wrong, but then I believe others would have dealt with it, or possibly there is something of importance which you need to discuss with me,” replied Chris. The minister looked at her and the secretary walked in carrying a tray with a selection of tea and coffee, as she placed it upon the desk, the secretary turned and faced the minister. “Will there be anything else Mam.” “No you may go…, and please ensure we are not disturbed.” “Yes Mam,” replied the secretary who then turned and left the office.

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