Chapter Chapter Five.

The Greys had planned to relocate to earth over six thousand years ago, they had inhabited parts of China and the surrounding coast line including the Mountain ranges right up to Nepal. Only when the tectonic plates started to move and the earths structure drastically became unstable and the giant Ice Caps had started to melt, and they had realised their homes situated near to water were no longer safe.

The resulting meltdown had destabilised civilization and millions of humans were killed or forced to relocate, and those forced into slavery drowned as the waters rose and the aliens were eventually compelled to abandon their cities and homes upon planet earth. In time the ground eventually settled but vast areas which were once inhabited were now under water. Although this presented no real difficulty for the Greys with their technology. Humans were unable to adapt, and the aliens needed the humans as slaves to carry out physical work which was to their minds beneath them.

The Atlantions however simply uprooted their cities and relocated, as they used their huge space crafts as temporary homes and simply deployed them upon water, and build satellite colonies stemming from the central command ship. Also their technology was such that the Greys were unable to harm them as a collective force. This had forced the Greys to remain in an area far from their locations and severely limited their ability to recover.

As such the Atlantions became the protectors of earth and kept the Greys and others at bay, unless they formed an alliance with them, and could be trusted. However unknown to the Atlantions were a race of humanoid type creatures, and who had risen from a civilisation long extinct upon earth and who had taken to the stars over a million years before Atlantis came about.

They had lived within the region of Iraq and Syria, and ruled the area with technology unseen to the evolving tribes of their day. They came to a point within their evolution that the Iraqi faction declared a nuclear war upon its brothers and sisters in Syria, and forced them to evacuate and destroy their enemy from open space.

They had evolved and built crafts capable of space flight, such was their development that none had since, come close to their level of technical advancement. However the destruction brought about by the nuclear war had forced the Syrian civilization to abandon all it had created and they sought deep space as their home and refuge, and only visited earth for essential minerals which they occasionally required.

However they explored unchallenged deep space and colonised other planets and set up colonies and rebuilt their vast empire. By the time the Greys arrived upon earth the old intelligent life forms had long vacated and the few remaining Iraqi’s who survived were so few in number that they eventually died out. The sands had buried the remains of any signs of pre-civilizations, and in time they were so deeply buried they became lost to the sands of time, and that was when the Greys arrived, and they had no knowledge of the intelligent life which had once inhabited this planet.

The others as they became called, occasionally revisited earth and used their vast technology to observe the Greys and their attempts at enslaving the humans, only the Atlantions appeared to be an off shoot of their original race, and they observed them carefully abducting the occasional lone Atlantion, and genetically testing them to discover their true origin.

Incredibly they were in part Syrian human, but somewhere along their line an alien race of humanoid type life forms had arrived upon earth and mated with the survivors of those who had not escaped, as even the Syrians had been forced to leave distant satellite colonies behind, and those who never had access to such technology. But now they were no longer true blooded Syrian ancestors, and as such to be avoided for fear of polluting the true blood line.

This resulted in the Syrian race becoming known as The Other humans, as whenever they encountered Greys they immediately eliminated them and only genetic material found upon the scenes of devastation gave reason for the Greys referring to them as The Other human intelligence.

In time the name was shortened and after some one million years they were simply referred to as The Others. Only now they were feared and avoided by the Greys, as their technology could not come near to matching that of The Others, and they soon realised as long as they avoided their space and retreated even from a single ship, regardless of them possibly outnumbering them, then they knew they could survive.

They made the mistake only once of attacking an ‘Other’s’ lone ship, when it had been caught within a deliberate entrapment. Well they thought it was caught, however it turned out it had baited them, and the hunters and turned the tables upon them. One single ship destroyed some seven of their interstellar crafts and partly decommissioning another four, and before then lazily going into deep orbit with no fear or concern.

It had been a deliberate action and they had entrapped the Greys, and warned them they were no match for their technology, and if they persisted in attacking them, then they could easily annihilate them. When Atlantion observers had witnessed this attack by the Greys upon a lone unknown interstellar ship, they had observed wondering the outcome.

The commander of the Atlantion ship had even offered assistance, which the others had noted but refused, and warned the Atlantions for their own safety to remain at distance and unseen. This had confused the Atlantion Admiral, until a deep scan had revealed to them such advanced technology, the Admiral ordered immediate withdrawal of its craft and observed from safety the entrapment this strange craft had set upon the Greys.

As The Other’s ship slowly left the devastated Greys ships, it sent a message to the Atlantions, “Your actions of offering help saved your lives today, but be warned avoid our kind for fear of destruction”. The Atlantion Admiral had no hesitation in believing this strange ship and its captain. She had just witnessed what to her was an unwinnable confrontation, and she had a feeling the captain could have destroyed twice that number without been damaged.

This scared her, the deep space scan had been permitted and the readings showed a level of technology far beyond her understanding, and when reported to her superiors, they agreed she had been wise and fortunate to have tried to show mercy to an unknown life form, which could have totally destroyed her. However it was this which forced the Atlantions to forming an alliance with the humans and other alien races who were at war with the Greys.

All were aware of the Alien race who simply became known as The Others, and they avoided their region of space for fear of their lives. Some had secured trade but very few and those who had, were loyal 100% to these life forms, and refrained from conducting business with any others.

Only unknown to the humans and the Atlantions, the Others as they were called were already once again living and working upon earth, and had started to infiltrate their way back, into human society.

The Other’s had acquired the free voluntary services of a race of aliens who were themselves highly evolved, and passive by nature, yet had abilities equal to that of the Syrian race of aliens. They had created a pact of mutual protection and service with this race, and the Syrian aliens or The Others as they were called protected them and in exchange they offered to become a front so no other race of life forms would know who they were, or what they looked like.

The limited communications given warning alien ships to keep their distance, simply showed a tall ape like alien life form, hugely muscular and some four metres in height. The scans made by other life forms, had shown these were a highly intelligent life form, and their ships bearing a technology none could match.

So in time this became the perceived image which all thought these life forms resembled. Only unknown to them, the Others, had deeply infiltrated their way back into human civilization, and were preparing for the war they knew was coming.

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