Chapter Chapter Four.

Minister Armstrong bit into her lower lip and felt the pain her colleague was facing, she had herself lost a daughter, only to a road traffic accident, but the pain was the same, and she related to what Admiral McDermott was facing. Agreeably it was kind of different as Minister Armstrong had gained closure, but that was to be denied Lewis McDermott, simply because he knew his daughter was not dead, and would suffer untold humiliation and pain, that was the one difference and no amount of human comfort could hide those thoughts.

It was for this reason Minster Armstrong had engaged the service of Simon, he had a unique ability of comforting the mind and shielding it from pain. All of his species had this ability, only Simon was the chosen representative to liaise with the humans and assist them in instigating alien technology into human weapons, crafts or technology.

As Simon comforted Lewis’s Mind, he held him gently shielding the thoughts of pain, and giving the man time to adapt and accept the news. He was an intelligent strong minded individual, and after only some seven minutes he regained his thoughts and took back control, allowing Simon to release his mental hold upon his friend. “Thank you Simon, but I no longer require your help, I have put aside that memory using the techniques you showed me, and I am in control now.”

Minister Armstrong looked on not wanting to interrupt him, until she was sure he was once again mentally stable. Simon released his mental hold and control upon Lewis, and watched as his friend re-composed his mind and took full control of his emotions and thoughts. They were at war, well a secret unannounced war, and which only the governments knew about and those with the highest secret clearance.

Lewis McDermott knew that he could no longer afford such luxury as to grieve the loss of a daughter, and he shelved the emotion, forcing himself to remain in control. He was also aware that in part the enemy had tried to destabilise his mind, and take him out of the equation, hence why they targeted his daughter. Only he was stronger than that and refused to give in.

Simon could read his thoughts and knew instantly it had been a mistake of the Greys to have carried out this abduction and intrusion. As it had made Lewis stronger and now even more determined than ever to not allow the Greys a victory, heck he had been a formidable opponent before, but now he was dangerous, very dangerous and held a determination that even Simon would not want to come up against, as often decisions were made which normally would have been avoided, in case of loss of innocent human lives.

He had seen this before from within his own kind, and understood the driving force which took hold of them, no mercy would be shown and his mind would become focused and sharper than any razor, and set upon destroying his enemy in any way open to him. As strange as it was, this sad and tragic abduction had been a fortunate event, as it had turned the tables to the human’s favour, and sharpened and focused the mind of the one person the Greys should have avoided pissing off.

He understood the Greys had taken a gamble, a chance snatching and had hoped it would destroy the head of Alien research, only they had miss judged the man’s mind. Yes he had assisted indirectly in showing him how to control his emotions, but a lessor mind would have failed and have broken down, and been forced out of service, losing the humans a valuable resource. Only it had failed and strengthened their target in ways they the Greys, were soon to discover and regret.

Minister Armstrong listened to Simons words, within her mind, “He has come out stronger than you could imagine, your plan worked, I just hope for your sake he never will discover the truth, and that you acted alone and without authority, and informed the greys who his daughter was, and where she would be.” Armstrong breathed in deeply, and held her breath while she looked at Simon and then at Lewis McDermott, then she exhaled and spoke within Simons mind. “That is why we chose you to liaise and work alongside these humans, ensure he never discovers the truth,” she ordered and then got up and left the room.

As Simon took in her words he cringed at the thought of failure, yet he liked Lewis, they had been friends for years, and he had been against the plan of abducting his daughter, knowing it could backfire in ways his leaders had not realised. The one thing he had learnt was humans were adaptable and could focus their minds with incredible brutality if pushed too far.

They were no longer the simple minded creatures which they had once been, and his leaders failed to understand they had evolved beyond the point of understanding. He himself only discovered this as he was responsible for liaising with them and had lived among them for hundreds upon hundreds of years, and while his leaders only remembered the simple tribal factions which they faced when inhabiting Atlantis.

Now the humans were stronger, and if pushed they united and became a formidable force, and this is now exactly what had happened. Word had already leaked out that Admiral McDermott’s child had been abducted, and those loyal to Lewis McDermott were pissed off, and they were angry and wanted to avenge their friend and leader.

Jennifer or Jennie as she was called and known to her friends had sought out employment, Simon had aided her and prepared the way, and an interview was arranged within the defence agencies, as a junior field officer, having to undergo training in Langley. She passed all tests and with an incredible 99.8 percent pass rate. Her only mistake had been a deliberate one so she would not score a perfect 100%.

The next tested her IQ, and rated it at 163%, giving her instant access into the next level of recruitment. All biological and DNA testing reported her 100% human, only they had no method of testing her mind, to see if it was under an alien influenced. They even carried out Brain scans and cat scans, and no alien influence was discovered other than an exceptionally high and active mind.

The physical training was strenuous and demanding, and Jenny made the first twenty to pass, and coming in at 18th for physical fitness, but it was a pass and none the less and helped to divert suspicion. As such she was sent to the next stage, and constantly recruits were been whittled down and graded for positions of employment.

The next test was unexpected and an unusual one, incredibly it resembled something similar to the Men in Black comedy film when Will Smith was taking the test for recruitment. Only in this case it was for real and slightly more complicated and involved. Incredibly Jenny failed and the failure secured her a position within the Alien research section, under Admiral McDermott’s command.

Unbelievably those who passed the test were led away expecting promotion and killed, as the test was set in such a way that it exposed alien operatives, the Atlantions had set it up and controlled the final tests, as such they had direct access to the candidates minds and could tell if it was compromised in any way other than by them. Jenny underwent seven months of training and was positioned directly as a supervising field operative responsible for controlling those within the field of this alien war.

Operatives who fought in space, and sought out compromised humans, while all along she worked with the humans within command and quietly read their minds, and becoming aware of secret plans they were hatching, and all along undetected. Unknown to Jennie her other mind was passing on this information while her conscious mind led a normal but unusual life. It was from here that Jenny met Chris Culvate, a dull looking quiet operative from within her works department, and working as one of her managers responsible for collating intelligence and fitting pieces together like a giant jigsaw, but with no direct photo to guide you. It was complicated and delicate work, and required a very high rate of concentration.

Chris was nothing special to look at, and had at one time been a field operative, but had become compromised and escaped only losing the use of his legs. In normal circumstances that would have been his end. Only his mind had saved him and his employers had the Atlantions heal his injured spine, only it had for some unknown reason refused to fully heal, but he had gained partial use of his legs, but not enough to walk, and with the use of a wheel chair he was able to still be a valuable operative, only now working from within, and no longer in the field.

Jennie had reported to him one day when her usual manager was away at a meeting, and something within Jennie’s mind felt empathy and a link to Chris. Instantly her alien side focused all of its ability upon him, but only saw a truly human mind and nothing to be concerned about. It was Atlantion policy to ensure the human hybrids were happy and not stressed too much, so the alien side of her had no objection to a friendship forming, in fact it actively encouraged it, knowing it would assist Jennie in building friendships and not becoming compromised.

As such Simon arranged for Chris to become Jennie’s new departmental manager, a promotion for Chris yet well within his mental abilities. Soon they started sharing lunch within the canteen and within six months they had become an item together and officially going out with each other. Rules were been broken but an exception was made, and Simon had cleared the way with management, as they had not wanted to lose two valuable operatives.

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