A Winter's Tale - Book I

Chapter Winter Song - Reynard

It was a lot to take in, I can't lie. I met Mr. and Mrs. Claus, the spirit of Christmas themselves. It was the stuff of legends, but they didn't look like the faces in children's books. They're young in appearance, just like Winter and I. They're immortal, so it makes sense, but I had pictured them as a little old couple.

Mrs. Claus is shorter than Winter by a few inches, maybe more. She's petite, a doll of a woman. The curl of her blonde hair mirrors the texture of Winter's, her eyes match her daughter's. The sprinkle of freckles over her nose matches Winter's as well, their relation undeniable.

Her heart, the kindness and compassion she shows, is also just like her child's. They both smiled like twins, cried for me, and held their respective men in support and compassion. I am always in awe of how easily they act like a family, a system of support and devotion.

I was biting into a cookie when the front door flew open, the wind strong as a few bodies tumbled through. Grunts echoed all around as the three newcomers rushed in and shut the barrier to block out the snow.

"Good morning!"

A singsong voice called out happily as the three smiled up to their parents. The second they caught sight of me those smiles fell, eyebrows shot up, and their jaws dropped. Mrs. Claus stood just as Winter did, both of them speaking in unison.

"Nicholas, Jack, and Yukio, good morning. This is Reynard, our newest community member."

Everyone acted as if the two women mirroring each other was completely normal. They took turns moving close to shake my hand and welcome me, their eyes remaining large for a little too long. I stayed sitting, not wanting to intimidate them more with my size. I noted that Jack was almost as tall as me, taller than the other man with them.

"My name is Nicholas, I'm the second oldest to Mr. and Mrs. Claus, after Winter."

Had she told me she was the oldest child? The oldest of ten? That had to be a lot to grow up with. Had she enjoyed it? Was it tough to have so many other kids to live with? I would have to ask her about it later.

"It's good to meet you. I'm Reynard, an only child."

The man raised an eyebrow at me, clearly intrigued.

"Wow, that must have been something. Being the only one must have meant being spoiled rotten."

Winter narrowed her eyes at her brother, his brow furrowing in confusion. She was obviously trying to hint at him to shut up, but he wasn't getting the message. Poor guy.

"I wasn't that lucky, unfortunately."

The man looked back at me, his dark green eyes soaking in the look on my face. What did he see in my eyes? Pain, anger, frustration at the world? What was I feeling? Everything, too much all at once.

His lips turned downward as he reached out a hand as if to shake mine. I gave him mine, confused as to his intentions, but then he surprised me. He held my hand in a strong grip, covering the hold with his free hand as he spoke.

"I'm sorry, Reynard. I spoke without thinking."

With that he released me, the surprise I was feeling evident to Winter apparently. She moved to my side, her hand resting on my arm once again. She had been doing that a lot lately, but I didn't mind. It felt right, supportive, and kind.

"Forgive him, he means no harm. We grew up with the love of mother and father, so he forgets sometimes that not everyone's life is as good as we have it. I can only hope that yours will be full of the same light now that you're here, with us."

I wanted to kiss her so bad it hurt, but I didn't want to embarrass anyone or mess this up. I needed her family to know I was a good person, and that I meant well by their daughter and sister.

She must have noticed my intentions because she leaned in to whisper, a glint in her eye.


With that she released me, leaving my longing as hard as granite in my pants. She made her way to the woman standing by her mother, her sister Yukio. She was pale as snow, her hair a bright blaze of fiery red, her eyes just as bright a blue as their father's. It was amazing to see such a stark difference between the sisters, but their mother seemed to even the picture out as she was a mix of them both.

They were smiling at one another, hugging. They all seemed so natural in this homey environment. I stood to the side a bit, taking it all in. Was this the norm here? It was truly the perfect environment for children, but how many did Winter want? Would it scare her if I said I wanted a big family like hers?

When the tallest man, Jack, came to stand at my side he was quiet for a moment. Was he watching me watch his sister? How did he feel about me? What would I do if one of them didn't like me? Would that be a deal breaker for Winter?

"I'm glad you're taller than me, but watch out. These shorties will be asking you to grab stuff for them like there's no tomorrow."

He was smiling, clapping me on the back in a friendly gesture just as his dad had earlier. I couldn't hold back my smile, looking sideways at him.

"It can't be that bad."

Before he could speak Mrs. Claus was calling for him, her hand pointing to a shelf on the wall. It was just out of her reach, and though I was pretty sure Winter could've helped her my woman smiled and moved to the side. Out of the way.

"Jack, sweetheart, will you hand me that glass statue from up there?"

He winked at me, shaking his head and heading toward his mother. I couldn't help but laugh, crossing my arms over my chest. If that was the worst thing I would run into here I would gladly take it.

When Winter joined me again she was quick to ask how I was feeling and if I needed some time to rest or recoup. Shaking my head I felt ready for anything.

"This is nice, actually. New, for sure, but not bad at all."

Her smile was sweet as candy.

"That's good to hear."

She stood by me in silence and I could feel the tension building up between us. Was something on her mind?

"Winter, you ok?"

She looked a bit surprised at my concern, then smiled and waved it off. Was I just thinking too much about things?

"Of course, I'm perfect."

I couldn't stop my grin, my hand touching her lower back.

"I already knew that."

She rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

"Oh stop, you know that's not what I meant."

She's perfect, a woman made of fairy dust and dream sand. She had to be a siren, Aphrodite reincarnate. Her beauty, her brains, she was the complete package. Still, she remained humble, which only made her more perfect.

"What are you thinking about?"

She shrugged, thinking over my question for a minute too long. The worry on her face was obvious, her eyes locking onto mine.

"Mother wants me to draw up a plan for your house immediately."

My house? They were planning on building me a house? Did they do that for everyone? It made sense, but I had only just gotten here. Besides, I wanted to stay with Winter. Being in a house away from her would only be torture.

"I don't want a house, Winter."

Was my tone too stern? Eyes that were not hers looked over to us, watching. She reached out, touching my arm gently.

"It's ok, we can talk about it later. Don't worry over it."

I nodded, her smile making the tension ease from my shoulders. When I looked up I noticed why I was feeling so tense, Nicholas's dark green eyes locked onto me like a sniper. I could only nod his way, his gaze all-knowing as if he could read my mind.

"I'm going to head outside and get some air."

The gorgeous woman beside me nodded, but the worry in her eyes remained. I didn't want to stress her or any of them out. I just wanted to come out and tell all of them my true intentions, that I wanted Winter for myself. As a lover, a partner, and a mother to any kids we had.

I didn't have a lot of social skills, no idea how to handle family gatherings, and I felt a little lost. When it was just her and me I was fine, but with so many eyes on me I was starting to feel like a freak show again. They weren't those people, from my past, I knew that. Still, it stung a little.

Out in the snow, the cold biting against my face, I was able to breathe normally. Looking up at the sky was all I could manage as I thought of what used to be. Mother, my family, and father. All of it was gone and I was at the North Pole, but I felt wrong somehow. Why?

"It's a lot at first, isn't it?"

The strong voice behind me wasn't a surprise. I had heard the door open and close a moment after I came out. I had simply ignored him, hoping for peace and quiet.

"I'm not used to it."

Silence answered, snowflakes melting into my jacket and skin, catching in my hair. When he spoke again it was with empathy and understanding.

"There is no judgment here, Reynard. We won't be mad because you feel a certain way, or see life through a different lens."

I had heard almost that exact thing from Winter. This guy was the second oldest, meaning out of all the siblings he had known his older sister the longest. Would he protest if he knew the truth? How would he really feel about the no-judgment rule then?

I kept my gaze on the distant mountains covered in snow, my arms crossed over my chest.

"I love your sister and I want to stay by her side."

Did that come out too demanding? Too rough? Shit, what if I offended him and he hated me? Would Winter side with him? Of course she would, he's family.

"I know."

That was it? The surprise widened my eyes as I turned to look at him. He was smiling, shrugging a bit before his eyes looked away from mine and off into the distance.

"I have visions, blurred dreams of the future. Normally they revolve around my father's yearly worldwide trip, but a few nights ago I saw you. My sister is an amazing woman, strong and kind beyond reason. She has wanted a family of her own for a long time now. If you bring her happiness who am I to stop that?"

Visions? It felt good to have him on my side here, but I wasn't about to skip over his ability like it was normal.

"Do you all have abilities?"

He shrugged, his smile turning into a grin as he locked eyes with me.

"That's not for me to reveal, but I'm sure if you ask they will answer."

With that he headed back inside, leaving me to think of my magical woman and our possible future. Could it really be this easy? I spent fifty years being hated, used, and then thrown away the minute I lost the one person who really loved me. I go through all of that, only to immediately end up here with the woman of my dreams?

It just seemed too surreal. Surely I died out there in the cold and this was just the afterlife. She was my angel, my guide to another world. A better world. Or she was the daughter of Santa Claus, which was just as believable as angels.

With a sigh I pinched my own arm, reassuring myself that this was all real as the pain hit. Then I took in another calming breath and waited in the snow for a sign of what to do next. I knew I wanted her, a future here with her seemed easy, peaceful, and perfect. I couldn't turn that down.

A winter song, written around my heart. That is what she is to me. Love, longing, lust, need, devotion, loyalty, and hope. Everything.

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