A Winter's Tale - Book I

Chapter Cold December - Winter

November slipped away, and December days came in with strong snowstorms and closing deadlines. I was busy with paperwork, toy charts, and meetings with my mother and authorities around the world. It was a very busy time of year.

When December twenty-fourth came my father was ready to go, and we all stood in the snow to wave at him as he went. Reynard was in awe, watching the legend himself take off in a sled led by reindeer and covered in red and gold paint.

"How does he do it?"

I had to hold in my laugh at the childlike wonder in his eyes. For such a big man he was truly adorable. We hadn't had a lot of time to get to know one another, most nights I spent leaning over a desk covered in papers and graphs. He was patient though, refusing to bother me.

He had taken to reading rather quickly, finding every book he could on the Yeti's. It was admirable the way he wanted to learn so much, until he picked up a romance novel. I will defend my stash of lover's books until the end of time, but he did find a rather lewd one.

It was one I had kept on a high shelf, out of my mother's reach, but he picked it out as if it had called to him. Before I knew it he was sitting across the desk from me, those brown eyes bright icy blue. All he had to do was lift the novel up in two thick fingers and I knew exactly why he was so worked up.

After that, he made it his mission to search out every book with romance in it and read it like a religious writing. Was he getting ideas, trying to figure me out, or just curious? I had no idea, but I felt like I might get to figure it out soon.

Placing a finger over my lips I shook my head, dropping back into the present. He was eagerly waiting for my explanation, but he wouldn't be getting one. Not anytime soon. Only my father, mother, myself, and Nicholas knew the secret behind the flying sleigh.

"Shhh, that's a secret."

He was shellshocked, looking from me to the sled disappearing into the night sky. I knew he didn't like that answer, but he moved on easily. He was being respectful, but his curiosity was still in overdrive. It was so sweet.

"He's really going to make it everywhere in one night?"

I nodded, my hand reaching out to hold his. I couldn't help myself. I wanted to touch him every second I could, soaking in his warmth.

"Yes. He works around time zones and has been doing this for decades longer than I've been alive. Don't worry, he's got this."

He nodded, waiting until the sleigh was completely gone from our sight before he looked around at the rest of the community. Everyone was out here, but he had already been given a tour and introductions. Outside of our family, a dozen or so supernatural beings were living at the North Pole, some more outgoing than others.

"Everyone comes out to see him off. Every year?"

I nodded, my smile bright as I looked over everyone in attendance.

"All of them just as curious as you, I promise."

His quiet laugh heated my heart up, filling it with love as he looked down at me with those molten irises.

"Do you know how the sleigh works?"

I shrugged, looking sheepish.


Suddenly I was off my feet, his arms cradling me to him as he headed toward the house. I felt eyes on us but only focused on him. I couldn't help but laugh, his look determined.

"I'm not saying a word, Reynard."

He couldn't stop his grin from spreading as I placed my hands on his shoulders.

"We'll see."

As soon as we got in the house I was jumping out of his arms, kicking off my boots and running for the bedroom. He laughed, doing the same before running after me. Before I could shut the barrier he was there, hand stopping the wood from slamming shut.

I backed away, smiling and trying not to laugh. Pointing a finger toward him I rushed out whatever came to mind first.

"I'm no snitch, Lumiukko!"

He raised an eyebrow, his laughter growing as he stepped toward me.

"I've been reading up on the Finnish language, pieni pupu."

I scrunched my nose, sticking my tongue out as I backed up a step.

"En vieläkään kerro sinulle."

He shrugged, closing the distance between us.

"Good, don't tell me. That just means I'll have to use drastic measures."

Drastic? What did that mean? The shimmering mischief in his eyes meant he was up to no good, and I was the target.

"Wait a minute, what if we just talked? You know, like we wanted to?"

He had my feet off the ground, my legs spreading wide to wrap around his waist as I grabbed onto his shoulders. My breasts bounced against him as he adjusted me in his hold. Gasping, my thoughts stopped in their tracks.

"I'll use my mouth, Winter, but not to talk."

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