A Winter's Tale - Book I

Chapter Cold November Wind - Winter

Mother answered the door, wearing a gorgeous, floor-length green dress tied in the middle with a golden sash that ended in a bow at her back. Her bright green eyes smiled as she did, her arms opening to welcome me inside. I hugged her tightly, happy to see her even if we had just seen each other the day before.

Her long blonde curls fell to her waist, a bit longer than mine. She took on the perfect picture of a serene matriarch. If perfection had an image it was her. Yet still, she never made any of us feel less than perfect ourselves, always loving us in every good or bad moment. Uplifting and genuine.

"Mother, good morning. I've brought someone new."

She released me, her hands moving downward to clasp mine. Those eyes, a little lighter than mine, looked past me to welcome the newcomer. When her eyebrow raised slightly, unnoticeable if you weren't watching her closely, I knew she saw what I saw, but not like I saw it. She saw a large, attractive man, I wouldn't question that.

What she didn't see, I was sure, was a creature so majestic I might die to see him every second of every day of my life. She saw white, snowy hair and dark brown eyes. I saw hope, love, and a chest-filling desire to hold him close.

Moving to the side she welcomed us both in, waiting at the side of the door until we were fully past it so she could close out the snow and cold. She was tolerant toward the cold weather, but not as much as father and us kids.

"Welcome to the North Pole, my child. I am Mrs. Claus."

As mother reached out a hand to Reynard I saw how stiff he was. Was he nervous? Placing a hand on his arm I smiled up at him in encouragement, forgetting who we stood in front of for a moment. My mother, ever the watchful one, caught the familiar gesture but didn't say a word.

Reynard gently shook the woman's hand, his shoulders more relaxed at the feel of her hospitality.

"Would you like a hug? I try to ask, just in case you're not much for physical contact. Some of our family prefer their space."

He nodded and quickly answered as if he didn't want to offend her. Mother never lost her smile, her eyes bright.

"I don't mind hugs."

That was all she needed. Ever the loving mother figure, my mom was hugging him and welcoming him with warm words of reassurance. He was taken aback, I could see that, but no one could stay cold to my mother. Not the Matriach of Christmas. The warmth of her heart could melt any icy soul straight through.

He smiled and hugged her back, her stature shorter than mine. She looked like a small porcelain doll compared to him, and if it wasn't so sweet a scene I might laugh at the size difference. Instead, I was in awe at how easily my mother could calm his roughed edges with such a simple gesture of kindness.

"Rakkaani, oletko nähnyt vyötäni?"

I had wondered if my father would be home, but we were pretty early so it made sense. He was a slow riser, unlike mother. More of a night owl, to be honest. His Finnish was rough and groggy, his sleepy tone telling me he had either just rolled out of bed or was sleepwalking.

Mother released Reynard to head farther into the house, gesturing for us to follow. In their living room, a large stone fireplace stood as the centerpiece on one wall. Family pictures covered every available surface, the feel of it all warm and homey.

"Please sit, I will bring us some milk and cookies."

As soon as she was gone Reynard reached out to grab my hand, one eyebrow high on his face. He looked like he had just won the jackpot, his energy high and electric.

"Milk and cookies?"

I couldn't help myself, my laugh quiet as I nodded. I didn't want my mother and father to think I was laughing at them.

"Yes, Mrs. Claus is going to bring us milk and cookies."

His smile was brilliant, his hand remaining on mine as he took in every inch of the room.

"What are you thinking, my gorgeous snow man?"

That comment had him looking at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. I really wanted to know what he thought of all this, the home and pictures of my childhood. Would he share a place like this with me? Was that too much to ask for?

"Do you want this, Winter? The pictures, the cookies, your kids bringing someone home for you to meet?"

I couldn't help but smile.

"I want everything that a family brings. The love, the frustration, the tired nights and early mornings, the messes, the chaos, and above all else I want my babies to be happy. I want what my mother and father have, their fairytale, but my own."

That seemed to make him happy, his nod sure as he locked eyes with me. Would he kiss me, here in my parent's house? Did I want him to?

"Greetings young lad!"

The booming of my father's voice threw us both back into the present, Reynard's eyes going wide as I stood up to hug my dad. He was taller than me, a little over six feet, but still not as tall as the Yeti beside me.

"Father, this is Reynard. He found us during the blizzard."

Reynard was quick to stand as well, holding a hand out. He looked like a nervous wreck now, but there was no reason for such emotions here. He would understand that soon enough.

My father laughed, shaking his head and moving in to grab him up in a hug. Even standing shorter than Reynard my dad wasn't intimidated, his fatherly instincts strong and pure.

"Now, now you can't expect a little old handshake from me, boy. We're family here, no matter how long it took you to find us. Perhe."

He clapped the giant man on the back lovingly, separating to look up at the Yeti with bright blue eyes. It was a sight to soak in, Reynard's once unsure stance in shock but still much calmer.

"It means family in Finnish, my child. That is what you were meant to be and fate brought you here just for that, perhe."

I wasn't an overly emotional person, but the second my father spoke to Reynard that way I had tears flooding my vision. My man, large and rough around the edges, couldn't hide the tears that filled his eyes either.

"Thank you...sir."

Mr. Claus took a step back then, his smile warm and cheerful. I noted the way he looked from me to their newcomer, his eyes all-knowing. Thankfully before he could say anything more mother came in with a plate of cookies and two glasses of milk on a tray.

"Here we go, nice and warm to fight off that winter chill."

Reynard smiled, looking toward me as he spoke.

"I love the winter, chill and all."

That took both my mother and father by surprise as I stood dumbfounded beside him. Did he really just say something so corny and romantic? Angels above he was far too forward.

My father broke the silence, his laugh infectious as my mother smiled and sat the tray down on the table.

"Yes, yes. We all love the winter here, my boy."

The way my dad played off Reynard's comment was obvious, but it allowed us all to sit down in appreciation. Mr. Claus was the first to grab a chocolate chip cookie, his loving gaze falling on my mother.

"My favorite."

She rolled her eyes, giggling a bit.

"Oh stop, you say that about every cookie I make."

He shrugged, taking a bite.

"Every cookie you make is my favorite."

They both smiled at each other, reaching out to hold hands. That's what I wanted, that perfect moment of warmth and love. Could I have that with Reynard? Was I hoping for too much?

"So, Reynard, what brought you to us?"

My mother's attention moved back to the man sitting beside her, his hand holding a cookie. He looked down at the plate, then up at me.

"My father talked a lot about the North Pole and Santa Claus when I was growing up. In his stories, people like me were welcomed and given a home among other like-minded people. "

We all listened quietly, my hand moving to gently squeeze his arm in reassurance. This wasn't going to be easy, but he needed to know this was a safe space for his truth. His past. Setting the cookie back down he covered my hand with his, his skin hot as an ember.

"He passed away recently and I didn't know where else to go. I just thought if I could find this place, well maybe I could keep him alive for a little longer."

A tear was already rolling down my mother's cheek as she squeezed my father's hand for support.

"Oh you sweet child, I'm so sorry for your loss."

Reynard nodded, his hand trembling a bit over mine. He wouldn't look up, but his voice remained even.

"Thank you. Honestly, I didn't know if this place even existed, but I got caught in the blizzard and was lost. This light, bright, and orangeish? It led me here, to Winter's front door."

That's when he looked up, catching my father's eye.

"Except when I got to her house there was no light. I thought maybe it was a fire or a lantern, but there was nothing but her house."

Mr. Claus nodded, deep in thought.

"The North Pole is a magical place, my child. It only allows those it wants here to see it. Many of our people have said the same as you, that something led them here. For some, it is a light, for others it is a voice or a soft push on the back. No matter what brought you here, it was meant to happen just as it did."

I knew my father wouldn't lie, but that could mean only one thing. No other being living here had wound up at my door, stuck in my home due to a blizzard that quickly stopped by dawn. The world had pushed him into my lap, forced us together, and what my dad said just solidified the truth.

Reynard seemed to be thinking the same thing, his fingers lacing into mine.

"Thank you for having me."

His deep timber made my heart race, my mother and father smiling knowingly.

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