A Warrior's Love

Chapter 18: Marking you mine

(K’aalógii: Butterfly in Navajo)

Waking up with a yawn, Becky snuggled deeper into the hard warmth lying next to her. It was Wyatt, her mate who she was now fully mated too. She had to smile when she remembered his every touch, his every kiss, and every groaning growl he’s uttered.

Her first time being made love to had been everything a girl could want, plus more. Sure, there were a lot of fumbles because neither of them had done it before, but then they’d just let their instincts take over. From there, somehow, they’d just known what the other wanted and needed.

The second time they’d made love though… she had no words for it.

Wyatt’s wolf had taken over, his eyes golden, and though he had been gentle enough not to hurt her, he’d been slightly rougher than his human side. It had been so good though that Becky would be waking him up now for more if she weren’t sore.

Becky frowned as she thought about something, reaching up to place her hand on her shoulder. Why did he bite me though? It didn’t hurt, not really, and even now it doesn’t hurt even though I can feel the dents from his teeth.

“Good morning K’aalógii. How are you feeling?” Wyatt asked in his husky morning voice.

Tilting her head, Becky looked up from her place on his chest. She then admitted, “A bit sore, a bit hungry, and a whole lot happy.”

Rolling onto his side, Wyatt pulled her closer to him, giving her a loving kiss. His hand began gently moving down her back. The feel of his hand on her bare skin caused Becky to moan as her skin began to heat at the feel of his touch. She now wanted more, so she threw her leg over his thigh, pulling herself closer to him. Unfortunately, her stomach chose to growl hungrily at that moment causing her to groan in her embarrassment and hide her face in his chest.

Wyatt chuckled, saying, “Perhaps I should feed you now?”

“Yeah, might be a good idea before the monster in my belly escapes and tries to eat you!” Becky told him. She then gave a fake growl, grabbing his hand and nibbling on it.

Wyatt laughed as he stood, throwing her over his shoulder.

“Wyatt!” Becky screeched as he headed for the kitchen. She then informed him, “I have no clothes on!”

“So, I don’t either, what’s your point?”

“We can’t eat breakfast while naked!” Becky exclaimed.

They’d made it to the kitchen and he gently placed her down on a stool. He then asked, “Cereal?”

“Wyatt, I’m serious, I need clothes, and you need clothes!”

“No, K’aalógii, you don’t need them,” he disagreed, “you want them.”

Becky pouted at Wyatt, so with a huff, he gave in and left the room. When he returned Becky grinned because he was wearing a pair of pajama pants and was carrying a black t-shirt.

After placing the t-shirt over Becky’s head, Wyatt turned back to the cabinet and again asked, “Cereal?”

“Yes, please,” Becky replied.

Wyatt drove Becky to school that morning and although she was a bit nervous after being out for two weeks, she was also excited. Her arm was still in a cast and would be for at least four more weeks, but other than that her bruises were gone, and her stump was completely pain-free.

Wyatt pulled up right in front of the school and Becky turned to kiss him goodbye. Before she could lean in for a kiss, he asked, “Let me walk you in?”

Tilting her head, Becky looked at him puzzled. Why does he want to walk me in? Then she grinned. Who cares why, if he walks me in, I get to show off my gorgeous mate! So, she told him, “Okay.”

Wyatt walked around the car and opened Becky’s door. He then carried her bag and held her hand as they walked through the school corridors. Everyone seemed to stare.

Becky even saw some of the girls whispering behind their hands. Looking up at Wyatt, she saw he didn’t seem to be bothered by any of it. So, she asked, “So Wyatt, does this take you back?”

Wyatt shook his head, saying, “Not really, the school I went to was much smaller.”

“Hey, hey guys, wait for me!”

Stopping, Wyatt and Becky turned to watch Demi as she jogged towards them. Letting go of Wyatt’s hand, Becky gave Demi a hug.

“Well, hello Wyatt. What brings you to these hallowed hallways?” Demi asked with a grin.

Wyatt just raised an eyebrow at her.

“He really doesn’t talk much does he?” Demi huffed as she turned to face Becky.

Becky giggled then replied, “No. It’s alright though because I’ve found I really like the tall, dark, and silent type.”

Wyatt looked down, his eyes moving over Becky. She smiled at him and winked.

“Well, well, well, look here boys, gimpy had finally returned.”

Becky, Wyatt, and Demi turned as if they were one to look at who was speaking.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t ugly and his ugly wannabes!” Demi sneered.

“Oh, Demi don’t be mean. You’re just jealous because that man of yours will never be me,” Chad snickered. With a sneer on his face, he turned his gaze to Becky.

Becky straightened, her shoulders back and her chin lifted as she asked, “Why don’t you just move along Chad? No one here is interested in anything you have to say.”

Chad put a fake pout on his face before he asked, “I’m hurt gimpy, I thought you liked me?”

“Yeah, in the eighth grade, but I’m more then over you,” Becky informed him with honesty. At Chad’s words, Wyatt had stepped closer to Becky, placing an arm around her shoulders. She could feel how tense Wyatt was and she knew he was about to explode at the names Chad had called her. She also knew he needed to keep his calm because there were humans everywhere watching them.

With a growl in his voice, making it gruffer than usual, Wyatt asked, “Would you like me to take care of him for you K’aalógii? I promise to only hurt him and not make him bleed.”

Looking at Wyatt’s face, Becky knew this wasn’t exactly the truth. Right now, Wyatt wanted to kill Chad right where he stood, his wolf wanted blood for the injustice against his mate. She knew though that he needed to calm down. So, as she rubbed a hand lightly over his chest, she told him, “I know Wyatt, but he really isn’t worth your effort.”

Turning back, to face Chad, Becky took a moment to really look at him. Chad was blonde, blue-eyed, pale, and probably only stood at five foot nine. He was the total opposite of Wyatt in every way. Wyatt was dark; dark hair, dark eyes, tan and stood six foot four. A fully grown, mature male that had given her more love in the short time she’d known him then she’d felt in her whole life. Looking at Chad, she had to wonder what she’d ever seen in him.

“Oh please, what does your boy toy have that I don’t have hum...?” Chad snickered as a strange look crossed his face.

Becky frowned, trying to decipher the look, finally realizing it was...jealousy? No, surely not.

Demi laughed before asking, “Besides everything?” Then she turned to Wyatt. “You hear that Wyatt? You’re Becky’s “BOY” toy!”

Wyatt shrugged, unconcerned as he looked at Chad with a blank face.

“Chad, let’s get one thing straight right now. YOU are a boy; Wyatt is a MAN!” Becky corrected Chad. “Now if you will excuse us, we have places to be, places that are Chad free.”

“Ooh burn!” Demi said with a laugh.

Then, Becky took hold of Wyatt’s hand once more and they continued their stroll down the hall.

“So that was Chad?” Wyatt asked.

Giving a sigh, Becky lay her head on his arm as she replied, “Yeah. I’m beginning to wonder what I ever saw in him though.”

“Beats me,” Was Wyatt’s reply.

Becky gave a nod as she silently agreed with him.

Wyatt had given Becky a light kiss on her cheek before leaving her at her locker. He’d promised to meet her after school and when he left, she felt cold without his presence next to her. The bell rang before Demi could ask her any questions and Becky breathed a soft sigh of relief. When lunchtime rolled around though, she wasn’t so lucky.

“Come along young one, we must talk privately,” Demi demanded as she dragged Becky to the far end of the courtyard.

“Okay Demi, okay. Calm down please, no need to drag me!” Becky informed her with a laugh.

“Tell me everything,” Demi once more demanded.


“Don’t play innocent with me! That glow on your face and the huge love bite on your neck shows me that something happened between you and Wyatt. Am I right?”

“Yes, Demi you’re right,” Becky agreed. “I’m not going to give you details though if that’s what you’re asking for.”

Demi wrinkled her nose, saying, “EW, no! I don’t want details about your love life, just if you have one.”

“Yeah, I do. I just hope Mom doesn’t figure it out when we go to dinner tonight. I think Papa would be okay with it but Mom, her I’m not sure of,” Becky said as she grimaced at the thought of her mom’s reaction.

“Yeah, I get the feeling she’d rather punch Wyatt in the nose rather than have to look at him. Although, his nose might not be the target of her wrath if she finds out you’ve been doing the tango in the sheets,” Demi mentioned.

“Demi!” Becky almost shouted as she smacked Demi’s arm, her face heating up.

“What?” Demi questioned with a laugh. “It’s true, and I was trying to put it nicely.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever weirdo,” Becky said, snatching one of Demi’s apple slices.

“Seriously though, what will you tell your mom?”

“The truth, we both know I can’t lie to save my life,” Becky replied solemnly. “Besides. I think if I was to do that Wyatt might think I’m ashamed of him.”

“Hum... maybe, but it’s doubtful,” Demi disagreed while eating a fry. “Becky, he’s a hardened warrior, I doubt he wears his heart on his sleeve like that.”

“He may be a warrior, and in battle, I have no doubts that he is a force to be reckoned with, but...” Becky said as she shook her head negatively. She then almost whispered, “Demi, he’s like... well, almost childlike with his emotions.”

“Childlike how?”

“Well, he seems so insecure about a lot of things. Maybe it’s because he’s never interacted with girls or maybe it’s because of his inner battle with his wolf. I don’t know for sure, but I really think it would be very easy for me to hurt him emotionally. I don’t want to do that Demi, I love him, and I want him to be happy.”

“You do make him happy Becky; I saw that this morning. He may have kept his face blank, but when he looks at you his eyes show his emotions, they almost glow with inner happiness,” Demi said with a grin.

“Good. Now I just need to convince Mom that it’s all good,” Becky muttered, glaring down at her food.

“Good luck with that!” Demi snorted.

After a few moments of eating in silence, another thought hit Becky, causing her to look up. She then whispered, “Hey Demi?”


“When you and Jake first... um... you know, were intimate, did he bite you?” Becky asked feeling awkward as she felt her face heat up.

Demi looked up, her eyes wide and startled looking as she questioned, “Why would he do that?”

“I-I don’t know. I thought maybe it was something wolves did?” Becky admitted questioningly.

Demi frowned as she said, “Not that I know of. I mean, yeah, we bite in wolf form, for a wolf, it’s a bit like... foreplay, I guess. Okay, where exactly did he bite you?”

“My shoulder,” Becky whispered. She then pulled the top of her denim jacket down to show Demi her shoulder, which was bared by the spaghetti straps of her tank top.

“It looks more like the teeth marks of a wolf than a human,” Demi murmured as she scrutinized the mark. “I don’t know Becky, did it hurt? I mean it’s still there like he broke the skin, yet your skin is flawless, no sign of scabbing or anything like that.”

Pulling her jacket back up, Becky said, “No, it didn’t hurt, not really. I thought at first he was just giving me another love bite, but he didn’t let go until he was...” she cleared her throat as she felt her face become even warmer if that was even possible. Then, clearing her throat, she continued, “Well, until he finished. Then he kissed it or maybe he licked it? Anyway, you said it looked like a wolf bite and I know his wolf was out.”

Demi’s eyes widened as she asked, “His wolf was out? You’re sure?”

“Definitely, his eyes were golden and glowing,” Becky agreed, “it was his wolf.”

Demi shook her head, saying, “I just don’t know Becky. Jake never bit me even when he was in his wolf form. Well, I mean, he has, but he never left a mark like that. You need to talk to Wyatt about it. Did you show it to him?”

“No, not yet. I guess my hair covered it, so he must not have noticed it either. If he had, he probably would have said something,” Becky answered. “Demi?”


“Don’t tell anybody about it, not even Jake. At least not until I get a chance to talk to Wyatt, please.”

Demi nodded her agreement.

The bell then rang, and they headed back to class after dumping their trash.

When Wyatt came to get Becky, she was so happy to see him. She was now beginning to understand better how hard it was on Demi because it was like Wyatt had become part of her since they’d mated, and she was almost lost without him.

So, when she and Demi walked out of the school doors and Becky saw Wyatt standing talking to Jake she broke into a run at the same time as Demi.

Wyatt looked up, and although his facial expression never changed Becky somehow felt his excitement at seeing her again. His arms opened and Becky fell into them squeezing him tight.

“I missed you so much,” Becky whispered.

Wyatt’s gaze locked with hers and she saw that sparkle in his eyes that Demi mentioned at lunch. He softly murmured, “I missed you too K’aalógii.”

“Save it for behind closed doors you two!” Demi teased from a few feet away.

Becky snorted as she turned to look at her friend. Finding Demi attached to Jake’s side, she exclaimed, “Because that is so what the two of you do!”

Jake chuckled and throwing Demi over his shoulder, he started to walk off as he said, “We are today, later kids.”

Wyatt opened Becky’s door as Demi gave her a wave from where she was hanging over Jake’s shoulder. After waving back, she crawled inside the car. He then closed her door before walking around the front of the car to get in the driver’s side. Cranking it up he asked, “Hungry?”

“No, not really. I’m just ready to go home and put my feet up,” Becky replied before letting out a big yawn. “Sorry.”

Wyatt turned to give me a look before focusing on the road. “Are you feeling alright? You aren’t hurting, are you? I can take you to see the doctor if you are.”

“No Wyatt, I’m fine,” Becky reassured him. “It’s just been a long day after almost two weeks of rest.”

Wyatt nodded then, and after flipping the radio on he drove them home. When they arrived home, she insisted on carrying her inside. Once inside, he sat her down on the sofa, and when he went to leave, she grabbed his hand, getting his attention. He looked at her questioningly as he took a seat next to her.

“I want to talk to you about something,” she said softly. She wasn’t sure exactly how to start the conversation about the bit he had given her. So, she just took off her jacket and after moving her hair aside, she asked, “What is this?”

Wyatt cocked his head and looked as if he was about to ask what when he spied the bite. He took in a sharp breath as he reached out to touch it.


He looked up, meeting her eyes as he spoke, “I don’t...” Then he frowned as his eyes began shifting back and forth between brown and gold. “You are human and because of that, you won’t carry my scent after mating. I needed a way to show other male wolves that you are mine.”

“Alright. Well, how does mating show other males that a female is taken?” Becky asked. She then admitted, “I guess I wasn’t listening to this part when Papa explained it.”

Wyatt sat back and took hold of her hand as he said, “When the male and female mate for the first time it somehow changes the female’s scent. We wolves are all about scent, and when another wolf scents a male on a female it lets them know the female is taken. Or, should a female scent another female on a male, she knows he is taken.”

“I remember mates are announced to the pack when found. So, if they know someone is mated, why would another bother them anyway?”

He shrugged and said, “Some don’t care, and some have lost their mate and are looking for someone else to love and care for. I have a warrior who lost her mate in a rogue attack. For months she grieved and most thought she would not survive but she did. Then suddenly one day she stopped hiding in the shadows and started living again, but I heard her tell her friend she was lonely. She said the nights were long and cold without someone to curl up with. So, she went to visit a relative in the next pack, and when she came back, she had a male with her. It seems that his mate had died giving birth to their first child due to complications and he was lonely also. They are good for each other and have grown to love each other as they raise his child together and are soon to have their own.”

Becky nodded, that was understandable. So, she then asked, “So, since I’m human my body wouldn’t change and carry your scent like it would if I was a she-wolf?”

“Correct. So, my wolf took over and bite you. This will give you my scent, and a mark, that says you belong to me.”

Becky smiled at that and crawled over into his lap straddling him. She then teasingly asked, “Okay, so how about I mark you in return then, hum?”

Wyatt raised an eyebrow and asked, “How do you plan to do that? Your teeth are not nearly as sharp as mine K’aalógii.

With a smirk, she leaned over catching a good amount of the skin on his neck in my mouth. She then bit down lightly as she began to suck. This caused Wyatt to groan as her hands began to roam up under his shirt. His groan only encouraged her to suck harder as she began to feel the tingles between her thighs. Suddenly, she broke free of him to gasp as his hands moved down her backside. He pulled her closer to him until she could feel his arousal hard against the apex of her thighs. Throwing her head back, she moaned his name.

Wyatt’s answer to her moans was to pick her up and head toward their room.

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