A Warrior's Love

Chapter 17: Love me

(Ayóó anííníshní: I love you in Navajo)

(K’aalógii: Butterfly in Navajo)

Becky and Demi just sat for long moments staring at Wyatt, slightly dazed by his words.

Becky was the first one to break the silence by clearing her throat and asking, “So, was your dad mad that he didn’t get to give you his name?”

“No. He knew when he accepted my mother as his mate, if she became Alpha, she would not be able to take his name. He also knew that this meant any children she bore him would have to be given the Stone name also. It was for the good of the pack,” Wyatt said.

“So, I’m curious, what was your father’s last name?” Demi asked then.

Wyatt gave them what passed as a smile in his book, then said, “Ironically it was Naabahii, which is Navajo for a warrior.”

Demi crossed her arms and gave a huff as she rolled her eyes.

Becky giggled as she bounced up onto Wyatt’s lap. Then, as she rubbed her hand over his cheek, she exclaimed, “Ah, that is so cool Wyatt! So, your name would be Wyatt Warrior-Stone, with a hyphen of course! Yeah, I like it, can we give our babies that name?”

“Oh-kay, I think that’s my cue to leave,” Demi said with a laugh as she jumped up. “I’ll see you tomorrow at school Becky, let me know if you need a ride!” Then she quickly scooted out the door.

Wyatt swallowed hard, it took everything in him not to lay Becky down and ravish her right then. He had been trying so hard to keep his hands, and other things, to himself, but the closer to her eighteenth birthday it got the harder it was. His wolf wanted his mate! He wanted her naked and under him, naked and eager, naked and...

Yeah, all those things plus a few more and all of them include her being naked, his aroused mind thought. The thing was, Becky hasn’t given any signs to him that she’s ready for any of what he wanted. I might be filled with desire and need for her, but I’m not going to force her into something she isn’t ready for.

“Wyatt, are you okay?” Becky asked, her voice pulling him from his thoughts.

Wyatt gave a slight nod. He wasn’t though, not really because he was aroused and felt as if the slightest touch would cause his shaft to shatter. I needed her off my lap, NOW, he thought as he quickly moved her off his lap and onto the couch. He then stood up and headed for the door as he muttered, “I-I think I’ll go for a run.”

“But didn’t he already go for a run?” Becky mumbled, seemingly to herself. Then louder she said, “Wyatt, I’m hungry, would you like me to start something for us while you’re gone?”

And just like that Wyatt, and Wyatt's wolf forgot about themselves and focused on their mate. She is hungry, and we will feed her. So, changing directions, he headed, not for the front door, but the kitchen. He paused for just a moment and said, “You stay, I will fix you something. What would you like?”

Becky poked her lip out in a pout as she said, “I’m not an invalid anymore Wyatt, I can help.”

Wyatt groaned internally, poking out her lip out like that makes her look even more enticing!

“Wyatt? Are you alright?” Becky asked her pouty look changing to concern. She then demanded, “Tell me!”

Walking back over to the couch, Wyatt sat down as he told her, “Becky I don’t... I’m not good with words, much less feelings, but you are my mate so for you I will try.”

“O-okay, is it something bad?” She asked in a whisper.

“No, it isn’t bad, it’s just that I want you fiercely,” Wyatt informed her. “The closer your birthday gets the harder it is to control my desire for you.”

“Oh... I... but....” Becky frowned, her face turning bright red as she then huffed. “Is there a reason you’re waiting? I-I mean, we never actually talked about it, but sometimes...”

“Sometimes what?” Wyatt asked her gently.

Becky bit her lip as she watched her fingers trace circles on his thigh. She then stated, “Sometimes I want to do things with you, but I’m scared to. I don’t know anything about guys Wyatt, so I worry that I’ll do the wrong thing, yet even now I want to kiss you and stuff.”

“Then why don’t you? If you follow your feelings, you can’t go wrong,” he encouraged.

She looked up then to say, “Earlier, when I rubbed your cheek before Demi left, I wanted to kiss you. You tensed up though so, I thought you didn’t want my touch, Wyatt.”

“Oh, I want! I want to kiss you breathless. I want to strip you naked. I want to see, and touch, and taste, every inch of you. I want to know what it feels like to possess you in every way a man can. That’s why I was tense Becky because you have never shown any signs of being ready for that,” he explained. Her eyes had gotten wider as he spoke, her face redder, and her breathing more erratic. He could even hear her heartbeat as if it was about to pound out of her chest.

Then she was climbing onto his lap, her hands cupping his cheeks as she said, “I do Wyatt, I do want you! I want you to show me how to love, even as I show you how to, and together we will be perfect.”

That was all it took, he couldn’t hold out anymore even if he had wanted to, and he didn’t. He wanted her with every beat of his heart, so with a growl, he stood up with her in his arms and headed to the bedroom. When they got there, he gently lay her down before laying down next to her. As they faced each other, he leaned in to kiss her gently. He then pulled back to unbutton her shirt.

Taking her cues from him she began to also unbutton his shirt also.

His hands touched her bare waist, stroking it gently.

Hers touched his chest, running her fingers over the firm warmth.

Looking down at her chest, he saw she was wearing the green bra she had promised to model for him. Running his hands along the lace at the top, he, “Lovely.”

Becky looked down then as she asked, “Do you like it?”

Wyatt raised his eyes to meet hers, and he noticed how bright hers were as he replied, “Yes, you look beautiful in green Becky. I think though that you will look even lovelier out of it.”

Wyatt then reached his hands behind her to fumble with the bra clasp until he was able to unhook it. Pulling it off, he cupped her breast gently in his hand, his eyes taking in the paleness of her skin. It was so different from his own bronze colored skin. Bringing his eyes back up to her face, Wyatt asked, “Are you sure about this Becky? I can wait if you are not ready because the last thing, I want to do is to rush you.”

Becky looked at him, her eyes so wide and so innocent, as she smiled. Softly, she told him, “Wyatt, I don’t think I have ever wanted anything as much as I want you but... I’ll admit I’m scared.”

“Why? I won’t hurt you, and Becky... Ayóó anííníshní,” he told her.

“What does that mean?” She asked softly.

“It means I love you in Navajo. I waited so long for Becky, and you have a place in my heart that will never belong to another my sweet K’aalógii.”

“Oh Wyatt, I love you too!” Becky exclaimed as she pushed him onto his back. She then leaned over him and gave him a kiss.

From there he took control by grabbing a hold of her hips. He then tugged her on top of him. Her breasts were now right in his line of vision, so gazing at their perfection, he murmured, “So beautiful.”

“Touch me,” Becky whispered as her cheeks flushed pink.

Reaching up, Wyatt gently took hold of one breast, testing its weight in his hand as he watched her nipple harden at his touch. With his other hand, he tugged her closer to him, so he could kiss across her chest before sucking her nipple into his mouth.

Her head dropped back as she moaned, “Wyatt... feels... ah...” she whimpered, “harder...!”

Wyatt did as she asked and was rewarded by small kittenish moans.

Becky now had her hands on his chest and was kneading it almost as a cat would.

Wyatt needed more though, so he flipped them over, placing her back gently on the bed. He then quickly stripped out of his clothes while she pulled the rest of hers off. They then began to kiss, touch, and explore one another, in no hurry. They were each learning what the other felt like as they continued to kiss.

Wyatt kissed down Becky’s chest, moving slowly down until he reached her stomach. He nipped gently at it as his hand roamed further down across her hip, then down her thigh. As he moved further down, toward her knee she suddenly tensed.

Looking up at her, he asked, “What’s wrong K’aalógii?”

“I-I just,” she swallowed. “I’m sorry Wyatt.”

“It’s okay if you aren’t ready, we can wait,” he told her, even though his hard shaft was singing a very different tune.

“No, it isn’t that, I want to make love with you, I just...” she looked away.

Wyatt cupped her cheek to bring her eyes back to him. He didn’t want her to ever be ashamed to tell him anything.

“My leg, or what there is of it... it’s so ugly. I don’t want you to touch it, to feel the scars...” Becky stumbled to a stop, her eyes tearing.

Wyatt covered her lips with his finger to keep her from saying anything else. He then said, “I think we have had this conversation before, and my answer is still the same now as it was then. This is a part of you, K’aalógii, that isn’t going to change, and I don’t want you to be ashamed of it because it doesn’t bother me. I want to love you, kiss every inch of you, and no part of you is ugly to me, so never say that it is.”

Tears filled her eyes as she gazed into his, saying, “It truly doesn’t disgust you?”

“We all have our battle scars, K’aalógii, some are visible, some are not,” Wyatt explained. “My internal scars are much worse than your external ones, yet you have accepted them all.”

Having said that, Wyatt once more bent his head to place kisses on her stomach. He let his hand slowly roam down her thigh once more, then gave her knee a gentle squeeze, and this time she didn’t tense up.

Becky gave a whine as she felt Wyatt’s hands moving over her body. She could hardly believe it when Wyatt said he wanted to make love to her. She had been wanting him more and more every day, and sometimes the only thing that kept her from jumping his bones was her injuries. Now that she was completely healed, and she knew he felt the same way, she felt there was nothing stopping them from giving into their needs… except for her insecurities over her ugly stump. She was trying though because she wanted him, and she didn’t want the fact that part of her leg was missing to hold them back from what they both wanted.

Wyatt kissed down her body, lovingly nipping as he went, and all Becky could do was moan as the pleasure of it wrapped around her. Then he had begun to move his hand lower and as he neared the knee of her shortened leg, she tensed for a second, then relaxed. Earlier she’d chanted in her head for him not to touch it. Now though, after his sweet words that had made her feel beautiful again, she no longer worried.

Wyatt paused at her knee, giving it a squeeze, then began once more to kiss his way down her body.

Becky felt her body quickly heat up with need and longing.

Wyatt continued to kiss downward, and his hand once more ran down her thigh, gently squeezing as he nipped at her hip. He then gripped her behind her knee, moving it outward as he lifted his body up and over, making room for his hips between her thighs. Murmuring in her ear, he told her, “Becky, my K’aalógii, I need you so desperately.”

Becky needed him just as desperately, so she told him, “Yes, Wyatt, yes please.”

Wyatt now lay just enough on top of her that she could feel his body, but not his weight. He was so warm and hard. She could feel his heart pounding against her chest. His arousal lay large and firm against her stomach and she swallowed at the thought of it filling her empty place that even now ached and twitched with anticipation.

Wyatt’s dark eyes were intent on hers as he leaned in to steal another kiss. He then reached for the nightstand drawer, pulling out a condom and rolling it on. After placing one gentler kiss on her lips, he asked, “Are you ready for me my sexy K’aalógii?”

“Yes, my love, I am ready,” Becky whispered.

Then he was pushing his hard shaft into her and taking her to the top of the world.

Becky was now laying half on top of Wyatt, feeling the effects of the afterglow, their passions spent. A smile crossed her face as she remembered every moment of what they had just done.

“K’aalógii, it was good for you?” Wyatt asked in a low voice.

Becky could hear the nervousness in Wyatt’s voice, and she knew he worried. So, lifting onto her elbow, she looked into those beautiful dark eyes of his and saw his insecurity. She gave a small yawn, then told him, “You took me to the stars Wyatt, you have nothing to worry about, trust me.”

Wyatt gave a nod, and seemingly satisfied by her answer he asked, “Sleepy?”

“Yeah, but we didn’t have any supper. If I don’t eat, I’ll be up in the middle of the night starving,” Becky informed him as she sat up.

“I can’t have my mate going hungry, so let us eat,” Wyatt said after he sat up also. He then stood and helped her into his shirt. He then pulled on a pair of sweatpants before carrying her into the kitchen.

After they had eaten, Wyatt carried her back to bed.

Becky lay there, Wyatt’s warm body next to hers, and slowly began to feel herself heat up as she began to think about their lovemaking. She nibbled on her lip as she wondered how he would feel if she were to make the first move. The longer she lay there, the stronger the tingles between her thighs became until she could stand in no more, she needed him. So, almost in a whisper, she said, “Wyatt?”


“I-I was wondering if...” She let her voice fade out.

Wyatt rolled onto his side and when he did, she felt his arousal once more against her thigh and groaned.

Becky reached up and pulled his head down her hers. The kiss seemed to go forever and when they finally broke about, she was breathless. “I want you again Wyatt,” Becky breathlessly told him as she raised her eyes to meet his. That’s when she saw his eyes were now golden, so she questioned, “Wolf Wyatt?”

“It’s my turn now Precious,” wolf Wyatt growled his voice deep and rough sounding. When he moved his hands over her body, his touch was even rougher.

Yet the roughness of it only aroused Becky more. Soon she was moaning and groaning as he brought her body to life!

“Get up on your hands and knees for me now Precious,” he demanded in a whisper.

Becky quickly did as he commanded as he grabbed a condom from the nightstand. Then he was behind her, pushing into her body and creating all kinds of new feelings growled low in his throat. He informed her in a growl, “You are mine and mine only Precious.”

Wolf Wyatt said those words so close to her ear, she could feel his breath on her skin. The feel of it caused her to shiver. She then felt him bend low over her back, his warm chest moving against it. As he began his thrusting rhythm he bit down on her shoulder, moving faster. The pleasure coursing through her had moan after moan rising in her throat. He continued to move fast and slightly rough until she shouted out his name, her pleasure complete. Then, just as she felt him release inside her, he let go of her shoulder.

Wolf Wyatt let out a long growl of pleasure before he tugged her sideways, so they could lay on the bed. He then softly murmured, “Sleep my precious. Ayóó anííníshní.”

“I love you too, my love,” Becky whispered back to him before sleep carried her away.

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