A Warrior's Love

Chapter 16: Recovery

(K’aalógii: Butterfly in Navajo)

(Shidá’í: Uncle in Navajo)

The next morning, Becky was awakened by someone banging on the front door, and Wyatt’s growl.

“What time is it?” Becky asked, not wanting to move from her comfortable position of practically laying on top of him.

“I’d say it’s almost seven as bright as the sun coming in the window is,” he replied, never moving.

“Who is banging on the door this early? I don’t normally get up this early, except for school,” Becky said, groaning as the banging began again. Suddenly, she was wide awake as she tried to sit up. She fell back as extreme pain flooded her body, and with a whimpering groan she exclaimed, “School Wyatt!”

“You can’t go to school K’aalógii, you’re hurt. I’m sure Demi can bring your school work to you,” Wyatt informed her as he stood up and stretched.

The banging started again.

“Ugh, who is that? Please, Wyatt, make it stop,” Becky grumbled as she buried her head back in her pillow with a pained groan.

“You stay here, and I’ll go see who it is,” Wyatt said, “I’ll also bring you back some pain pills; you sound as if you need them.”

Becky sighed softly, her eyes closing once more as she began to relax, feeling sleepy still. She vaguely heard the door open and a woman’s voice asking where she was at. Groaning again and opening her eyes, she thought, Mom, I should have known. I love her, I do, and I understand that she worries about me. Why couldn’t she worry about me later though? Like about, oh, I don’t know, nine o’clock maybe.

“I want to see my daughter now and see how she’s doing,” Mom explained loud enough for the neighbors to hear. “I figured she wouldn’t be going to school today, but since you still have training, she needs someone here to stay with her.”

“Or I could have taken her with me, and she would have been fine,” Wyatt said. “However, I will go get her now since you are here.”

Becky looked up as Wyatt entered the room with a blank look on his face. She knew he was annoyed, but only his eyes showed it. With a soft look, she asked, “I heard, could you really have taken me with you?”

“Yes, I could have, but I doubt your mom will let me since she’s here now,” Wyatt answered. He then sat down and handed her the pills he had in his hand, along with a bottle of water.

Becky hissed slightly at the pain her moving created as he helped her sit up. Once she was sitting, she quickly took the pills and hugged him before saying, “Wyatt, we both know you would have won the argument in the end. Now, give me a kiss and help me put on some pants please.”

With a slight nod, he did exactly that.

For the next two weeks, Becky put up with her mom trying to bang the door down every morning. It had become an irritation that she put up with only because she loved her mom and knew she meant well, but it made it no less annoying. Once she had begun to feel better, she had wanted to go with Wyatt to training, however, she never asked him. She knew if she did Wyatt would want to give her what she wanted, and it would start another argument between him and her mom if Mom disagreed with her going.

Today though, she had been cleared to return to school and was excited at the prospect. Yeah, excited, does teenager and school equal excitement? Yes, yes it does if you’ve ever had your mom ragging at you for almost two weeks. Mom had gone on and on about everything under the sun it seemed. From how messy Becky kept her room to how she was folding the towels wrong. She’d really would have a fit if she knew about Becky and Wyatt sharing not only a room but a bed. Not that they were doing anything, but that wouldn’t have mattered to her mom. His stuff was in the other room though, so Mom stayed clueless… whew!

Anyway, right now Mom was going on about how crazy Cherry was, and how Wyatt went too easy on her. After all, he’s a warrior it’s his job to rid the pack of crazies. Becky couldn’t believe her mom’s callousness, so she asked, “Mom, are you even serious right now?” Becky asked.

“Yes, I am. A warrior’s job is to keep the pack safe,” Mom said with an indignant sniff. “Letting Cherry run around beating people up doesn’t make us safe!”

“Okay Mom,” Becky said with a sigh, “listen, Wyatt did what I asked him to do.”

Mom froze, almost dropping the towel she’d been folding as she looked over at Becky. She had a stunned look on her face as she asked, “Why, why would you do that?”

“Because it was the right thing to do for everyone involved,” Becky replied solemnly.

“How is it the “right thing” to let your abuser live Becky? Huh?” Mom asked, looking extremely upset. “Please explain that to me.”

“Look, Cherry was jealous, or misguided, or something. I don’t think she thought about how badly I could be hurt,” Becky stated. “I think she just wants someone to love her and one day she’ll find her mate and then she’ll have that.”

Mom laughed before saying, “That’s your reasoning Becky? Did you even think about how Wyatt would have felt if Cherry had, oh I don’t know, KILLED YOU?”

Okay, now I’m mad, thought Becky. So, she asked, “Oh, now you’re concerned about Wyatt and his feelings? Well, FYI Mom, Wyatt was who I was thinking about. He didn’t need another senseless death on his conscience, he has enough of those already!”


“Yes, senseless! I wasn’t dead, and I’ll heal,” Becky stated. “There was no reason to make somebody mateless for my petty anger.”

Then grabbing her crutches, Becky crutched away from her mom as quickly as she could toward her room. Once there, she locked the door behind her and sat down on the bed, feeling tears rising. She doesn’t understand. I ask that of Wyatt because he already had enough blood on his hands. Truth is, I couldn’t do it to Cherry’s mate either. Call me a wimp or whatever, everyone deserves love, even Cherry. So, I hope that one day she will find hers and maybe she’ll thank me for sparing her.

Wiping her face of the tears, Becky looked over at the alarm clock to see the time. She wanted to see Wyatt so badly right now. She wanted to be held, to be kissed, and to be reassured that everything was okay. She wanted someone to tell her that she hadn’t been stupid in her decisions. So, picking up the phone, Becky dialed a number and waited.


“Are you busy?” Becky whispered, her voice cracking slightly.

“I’m just finishing up some paperwork, why?” Wyatt asked, concern in his voice.

“Can... can you come home?” She asked, sniffling as the tears began to fall again.

“For you, I would do anything, and you know this my K’aalógii,” Wyatt admitted.

“Come take me away from the ogre and buy me ice cream?”

“I’ll be there in ten minutes,” Wyatt agreed.

True to his word, in ten minutes he was home and sending Becky’s mom home. Then he was carrying her to the car to go and get her ice cream. When he picked her up in his arms, Becky told him she could walk just fine. Wyatt ignored her, and she let him because secretly she enjoyed being in his arms and was almost sad when he placed her in the car.

They were soon on their way to the ice cream parlor, arriving in five minutes. Once inside he asked Becky what she wanted as he gently placed her in a booth.

“I’ll take caramel swirl ice cream topped with coconut and nuts, with strawberry topping,” Becky told him, licking her lips in anticipation.

With a slight nod, he went and placed their orders. He then waited for them before returning to her with the ice cream in his hands. After sitting down, he ate a big spoonful of his ice cream before he asked, “Are you ready to go back to school?”

“Yes, because I have always enjoyed school. After Mom’s rant today though, I think I’d crawl there tomorrow on my hands and knees rather than stay home another day!” She exclaimed with a slight frown.

Wyatt didn’t say anything, just lifted an eyebrow as he finished his ice cream.

Becky sighed knowing he wanted to know what had happened. It had been this way all week. Wyatt would come home, tense and exhausted, and as she rubbed his shoulders, he told her of his day. Then she would sit on his lap as he rubbed her hip tenderly, and she would tell him all about her mom’s daily crazy.

So, Becky quietly told him about the conversation between her and her mom. As she watched him, she could see his mood darken. So, she told him, “It’s okay Wyatt, not everyone feels that way about it.” Then she ate her last scoop of ice cream before saying, “Come on, Demi should be out of school and she’ll be headed for the house about now.”

Wyatt gave her a stiff nod before he quickly drove them home.

Wyatt and Becky pulled up at the house just as Demi showed up. He picked Becky up, shutting the car door, turning, and waiting for a moment.

Demi bounced out of her car with an arm full of books, heading toward them as she said, “Hey Becky, ready to put your nose to the grind and do homework?”

Becky grinned as she looked over Wyatt’s shoulder at her friend. As they started walking, she said, “Yeah, sure if you mix a little gossip in. I miss all the drama of school.”

“Oh, oh!” Demi exclaimed as she ran in front of them to open the front door of the house. Then as they all walked inside, she said, “Then you’re going to love this!”

Wyatt took Becky inside and sat her down on the couch since her books were all neatly piled on the coffee table. He then straightened and headed for the bedroom.

“So, Mr. Gingum gave us this assignment that we have to partner with someone...” Demi’s voice faded as the further away from them Wyatt got.

Once Wyatt was in the bedroom, he closed the door and began to pace the floor with a growl. It doesn’t seem to matter what I do, according to Becky’s mom I screw it up. I feel like she’s still trying to cause a rift, but so far, I don’t think she’s succeeding... but what if she eventually does? I can’t lose Becky now, she’s too important to me, I need her! Yanking on his hair as he continued to pace, he soon decided a run would be better. He needed to work off some of his tension. Standing in this room wasn’t going to get him anywhere.

So, opening the door, Wyatt headed back to the living room. He wanted to tell them he was stepping out, but hearing them talk, he paused to listen.

“Why the long face all of a sudden Becky?” Demi asked.

“I just realized that I missed the Winter Fling Dace. Did you and Jake go?” Becky asked.

“Yeah, and trust me, you really didn’t miss anything,” Demi said with a snort.

“Yeah, I guess, I just...” Becky paused.

“What?” Demi questioned.

“I really wanted to go this year, you know,” Becky said, sounding sad. “I wanted to take Wyatt and rub it in all their faces that I’m not a complete loser, that I can have someone who will love me.”

“Oh Becky, those people aren’t worth wasting your brain cells over!” Demi exclaimed.

“I know but...” Becky sighed, “I’m being stupid and immature, aren’t I?”

“No, you aren’t,” Demi disagreed, “because for the first time you have someone who looks past your disability and sees the real you. You have someone who cares about you. There is no shame in wanting to show him off. Remember when Jake realized I was his mate; do you remember what he did?”

Becky laughed long and loud before exclaiming, “Yeah! I remember you were so red with embarrassment.”

“Yeah, I was.” Demi agreed with her own laugh. “I still want to know how he thought running around the football field during a pep rally holding me and yelling “she’s mine, mine, mine” was romantic!”

“That’s Jake for you,” Becky said still laughing.

“I know, and I wouldn’t trade him for anything in this world,” Demi told her.

“I can’t really see Wyatt doing something like that though,” Becky mentioned.

“Ah, no... probably not. What do you think Wyatt would do though?” Demi asked then. “I mean... everyone says he’s not really very sociable.”

“I don’t know, I think he might be wilder then you think though,” Becky replied.

“Really, do tell!” Demi said, excitement in her voice.

“Wyatt’s uncle told me about when he was little,” Becky began. “He was something else Demi, let me tell you.”

Wyatt shook his head and moved on from where he stood in the hall. He did not want to know what his Shidá’í had told her. As he reached the kitchen, he called out loudly, “I’m going for a run.”

“Okay!” Becky called back.

Wyatt then stepped out the back door, barely closing it before he shifted and began to run. A little later when he returned, Becky and Demi were giggling about something. So, he went straight to the bedroom for a shower. When he was finished, he decided he was hungry, so he headed into the kitchen for something to eat.

’Hey Wyatt, come here a minute please,” Demi called when she spotted him.

Curious about what Demi could want, he turned back to poke his head in the living room door. He then waited for Demi to speak.

“So, Becky’s been telling me a few things that your Uncle told her, but I’m puzzled about something,” Demi said.

A bit more curious now, Wyatt stepped the rest of the way into the room. He noticed how their school books were now closed and neatly stacked. He assumed this meant they were finished.

Demi stood up then and moved to a chair leaving the seat next to Becky open.

Wyatt took a seat next to Becky and she instantly snuggled up to him and placed a kiss on his cheek. He then asked, “What do you wish to know?”

“Well, if it was your mom who was to be Alpha, then how come you carry the Stone name?” Demi asked. “Oh, and what was your dad’s name?”

“When a wolf meets his mate, they become one. We feel no need for the tradition of marriage, as the humans do,” Wyatt began. “When a child is born, he or she is given the male’s name out of love and respect.”

Demi nodded in agreement before stating, “Yes, I know this because my parents never married even though mom goes by my dad’s last name of Freedman.”

“I’ve already told Becky part of this,” Wyatt said then, “but my mother was born Alpha and at the appropriate age she began to train. When she met my father, she offered to have her alpha authority given to him in the traditional ceremony when it came time. My father told her that he would not take her birthright from her, that he was a warrior. When she asked him why he told her that his wolf was far too aggressive.”

“An alpha needs aggression, doesn’t he?” Demi questioned.

“Yes,” Wyatt agreed, “but not as much as a warrior has. Father told Mother that if a man is brought before an alpha for striking his mate, he knew that most alphas would only punish them by whipping or perhaps time in a cell.”

Demi nodded., saying, “I remember Alpha Bannon doing that to ol’ Duncan when he beat his wife in a rage. He told him if the whip didn’t straighten him out perhaps spending some time in a cell and not being able to shift would. Ol’ Duncan never struck her again after that. He said after being whipped he understood how it must have hurt her for him to beat her down as he did.”

“Well, my father said his wolf’s answer to a man striking his mate in anger would be, “a man who hits his mate is worthless to the pack and death should be his punishment”,” Wyatt stated.

Demi and Becky sucked in a sharp breath before saying almost together, “Harsh.”

“Perhaps so,” Wyatt agreed, “and that is why he told her he would not make a good alpha. His wolf would give out the harshest punishments possible until the pack would probably fear him instead of respecting him. So, my mother turned the title over to my Shidá’í, my uncle, and he started training to be alpha. Now when I was born, it is told that my mother knew I was meant to be alpha of the Stone pack. My eyes, although the blue of all babes, had a golden ring around then. It was the mark of the alpha,” he concluded and saw the light dawn in Becky’s eyes.

“So, they knew all along that you were born to take your uncle’s place,” Becky whispered, “but to be Alpha of the Stone pack, you have to be a Stone.”

“Yes,” Wyatt agreed. “So, my father gave up his right to give me his name so that the Stone Pack would have their next heir.”

“So how come your cousin Ben is the Alpha-in-training and not you?” Demi asked.

“Because I, and my wolf, lost it and my warrior side took over. The pack fears I am too aggressive to be alpha now. So, my cousin took over the training and I became a warrior as my father was,” Wyatt told her.

“Oh,” Demi said as if she didn’t know what else to say.

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