A Warrior's Love

Chapter 15: Cherry's punishment

(K’aalógii: Butterfly in Navajo)

Alpha Bannon looked around the room at everyone that was there. He gave a silent sigh as he thought, sometimes being Alpha is a heartbreaking job. His gaze stopped on his second beta Gary and his mate Julie, seeing the anger on their faces. They were angry that their child had been mistreated by another and they had every right to be angry. He also noticed the sadness on the faces of the Porters. They could very well lose their only daughter today because of her angry and rebellious attitude.

Then there was Warrior Stone and Becky.

Alpha Bannon knew Warrior Stone had all but given up on finding his mate, and with one push he could have lost her today. Becky was human and frail in body, yet he saw strength in her as she spoke to Warrior Stone, calm even when Alpha Bannon had seen his eyes flash red.

“Let us go outside now and let the sentencing be done,” Alpha Bannon finally said as he led the way out the door. Once he was outside, he turned to the accused to say, “Cheryl Porter, you are accused of terrorizing a beta’s daughter and harming her. Normally, because she is underage, your punishment would be given by her father, but since she recently found her mate punishment will be given by him.” He paused to let this sink in, before he continued by saying, “He can do anything he thinks suitable, by wolf law, even going as far as killing you.”

At this Miss Porter’s mother turned to sob in Mr. Porter’s arms.

“Warrior Stone, I turn the accused over to you now,” Alpha Bannon stated.

Warrior Stone stood there his face blank as he stared at Miss Porter. He was holding Becky in his arms, her good arm around his neck and her legs at his waist like a child. After many moments he looked down at her, and raising up her chin, he questioned, “What would you have me do? How may I avenge the wrong done to you, Becky?”

Alpha Bannon raised an eyebrow at this. Most mates wouldn’t ask, they would just do what their wolf thought was a fitting punishment. This is very interesting indeed, that a great warrior would do such a thing.

“I... I don’t know really. I mean in one way it makes me mad that she did what she did. I didn’t deserve it and I thought...” Becky huffed and turned to look at Miss Porter. She then said, “She was my friend one day then suddenly she wasn’t, yet I never understood why.”

Warrior Stone brought Becky’s face back around to look at him once more. He then calmly asked, “But what does she deserve Becky? I will do as you ask, even bring her death if you wish it.”

Becky sighed, then stated, “I don’t like her. I really don’t, and I want to tell you to rip off her head and feed it to the crows, but I can’t ask that of you.”

Warrior Stone tilted his head, as if confused, as he asked, “Why? Because for you I would do it.”

“Because somewhere out there is her mate, searching for her just as you did for me. You have been through so much because you thought you had no mate, Wyatt. Nobody deserves that Wyatt, not even Cherry,” Becky stated as she ran her fingers lightly over his cheek.

Warrior Stone gave a slight nod of agreement.

“But also, you don’t need another death on your soul Wyatt, not for something like this,” Becky almost whispered. Then she pushed up and gently kissed him before saying, “I would not ask that of you.”

Alpha Bannon watched the two of them as they stood there silently looking at each other for many minutes.

He heard Mrs. Porter sobbing softly as her mate tried his best to comfort her.

Warrior Stone gave an almost unnoticeable nod before walking toward Miss Porter.

Becky lay her head back down on Warrior Stone’s shoulder, looking sleepy, as he walked.

Warrior Stone stopped just a foot or so in front of Miss Porter. With a deep growl, he said, “I would like nothing better than to kill you where you stand, but my mate is much more compassionate then I. So, I will let you live, but if you ever touch her again all bets are off, do you understand?”

Miss Porter nodded, her face pale as her body shook in fear.

“No blood please Wyatt, I really don’t like blood,” Becky suddenly said as she raised her head from his shoulder.

“Not even just a little bit?” Warrior Stone asked, though he never took his gaze from Miss Porter.

“No Wyatt, no blood, please. Hey, you should do what you did earlier, I would have found it funny if I hadn’t been in so much pain,” Becky rambled on as she once more raised her head up.

Alpha Bannon noticed Becky’s words were beginning to slur. He realized the doctor must have given her something for pain.

Warrior Stone never even acknowledged Becky as he continued to stare Miss Porter down. Then, in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear he stated, “Next time you see me, Cherry Porter, stay invisible.”

Then, as Alpha Bannon stood watching, in the blink of an eye, Warrior Stone’s hand moved. He shoved Miss Porter, hard. He shoved her so hard that she went flying across the yard, almost a blur.

Miss Porter screamed before hitting a tree, which cracked almost in half before she hit the ground. Her parents ran over to her, crying with relief that she still lived.

Warrior Stone turned to Alpha Bannon to say, “Punishment served Alpha sir.”

Alpha Bannon was shocked that Warrior Stone hadn’t killed Miss Porter as mad as he had been earlier. I suppose that just goes to show you how much of an influence our mates are. So, with a nod, he agreed, “Very well.” He then turned, leaving the drama behind him, and headed toward his car.

Becky giggled from where she was in Wyatt’s arms as he walked. She was enjoying being held in his strong embrace, so she kissed his neck and nuzzled her face in it sleepily. Giving a big yawn, she kissed his neck once more before she said, “The “stay invisible” was a nice touch, Wyatt. I think when she sees you coming, she’ll probably run the other way.” Yawning again she muttered, “I’m sleepy, can we go home now?”

Before Wyatt could answer, Becky’s mom stepped in front of him. With a snarl, Julie asked, “Why didn’t you call us and let us know Becky was hurt?”

“I notice you waited for your Alpha to leave before jumping me Julie,” Wyatt commented, raising an eyebrow. “Did I not tell you to stay out of my way?”

“Yes, I did wait until he was gone,” Julie growled, looking annoyed with him. She then continued, “Becky has hurt Wyatt, and as her mother, I had a right to know about it.”

“Yes, you are her mother, and you know about it know. Just remember that she is mine now to take care of, and I took care of her. I took her to the doctor, now I will take her home to rest,” Wyatt said as he began to walk away.

“I think she should come home with us. She’ll need someone with her at all times until she heals,” Julie argued with a growl in her voice as she grabbed at Wyatt’s arm.

Wyatt stopped walking at her touch and turned on Julie with a snarl, saying, “She stays with me because she is my mate and my wolf will want her close, especially since she is hurt. If you wish to visit and help you may, but you will not take her from me.”

Then Wyatt ignored every other argument Julie threw at him as he placed his mate in the car. Walking around to the driver’s side, he climbed in and took Becky home.

“Wyatt?” Becky mumbled as she felt herself being laid down.

“Yes?” He murmured back, close to her ear.

Becky didn’t open her eyes, she just turned her face toward him, puckering her lips for a kiss. Wyatt gave her one, but it was short and quick. With a whine, Becky reached out blindly to grab at him, wanting more.

“Becky, this is most awkward,” Wyatt mumbled against her lips even though he continued to kiss her between words.

Becky finally opened her eyes to see what was so awkward about their position. Wyatt had leaned down to place her on the couch but now his arms were trapped under her as she held on to him.

Wyatt softly murmured, “I don’t want to hurt you more than you already are my sweet K’aalógii.”

With a slight pout, she let him go so he could finish laying her down. Then, feeling sleepy and needy, she whined, “I’m hungry.”

Wyatt nodded as he straightened up. As he headed for the kitchen, he asked, “What would you like?”

“A grilled cheese sandwich sounds really good right now, maybe with some tomato soup,” Becky told him.

“I can fix that,” Wyatt told her. Ten minutes later he was walking back out of the kitchen with a bowl and a plate in his hands.

“Aren’t you going to eat?” Becky asked as she carefully pushed herself into the sitting position and took the food.

“I’m broiling a steak,” he stated.

Becky giggled and said, “Okay, wolf boy, go eat your steak.”

“At least you have my gender right this time. Although, I consider myself a man, not a boy,” he informed her with a twinkle in his eye.

“Whatever helps you sleep at night wolf BOY!” She teased him before she laughed.

Wyatt shook his head before he headed back to the kitchen. In just a few moments, he returned with his steak and some scrambled eggs. He sat down next to her and they were quiet as they quickly ate. It didn’t take either one of them long to finish, and Wyatt took their dishes back to the kitchen. When he returned that time, he held a glass of water and two pills. “The doctor said to take these before bed, to help with the pain.”

“I’m okay right now though, Wyatt, I’m sure I’ll be fine without them,” Becky told him. She really didn’t want to take them because she knew they would be strong and make her loopy. She was just bruised, surely the pain wouldn’t be that bad.

“Listen to me, K’aalógii, when the pain medication you took earlier wears off, you’re going to feel every bruise and every scrape. Your whole body is going to hurt from that fall.”

“Fine, I’ll take them,” she agreed with a slight pout. She didn’t want to argue though because he was probably right anyway, so she said, “When it makes me loopy and I start saying crazy things, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Wyatt handed her the pills and the water. He then watched her take them before he picked her up and took her to her room. Placing her on the bed, he proceeded to remove her boots before he started to roll up her pant leg. He then murmured, “Let me help you remove your prosthesis.”

Becky stopped him by grabbing at his hands.

Wyatt looked up at her, his head tilting questioningly.

“I-I don’t want you to see it, Wyatt. It... it’s so ugly,” Becky stammered, feeling her face flush as her insecurities once more reared their ugly head.

Wyatt stood up, then sat down next to her on the bed as he calmly stated, “It isn’t ugly Becky, it is a part of you. When I accepted you as my mate, I accepted all of you, not just parts of you. Besides, I caught a glimpse of it when Jeff removed your prosthesis earlier.”

“I know, but I was so out of it than that...but now...” Becky stumbled over her words as she tried to explain how she felt.

Wyatt just sat there calmly waiting, not pushing her.

So, Becky scrubbed at her face and tried to put into words how she felt. Taking a deep breath, she murmured, “Since I moved here there have been very few people who have accepted me. Because of my leg, I felt awkward and shy, so I had trouble making friends. Except for Demi, Jake, and at one time Cherry, the wolves have all but shunned me.” She stopped and looked over at Wyatt. He was so perfect, so handsome.

“I didn’t have many friends at your age either Becky,” Wyatt told her softly.

“It isn’t about friends Wyatt, it’s about acceptance,” Becky told him as she shook her head slightly. “Wolves don’t accept the weak, or the lame, you know this. In the wild, you either kill them or leave them behind. Wyatt, I’m considered weak because I’m human, add that to the fact that I’m crippled, no wolf will really accept me, not the way I wish to be accepted anyway.”

Wyatt pulled her into his arms then and held her, rubbing her back, as she cried.

“I don’t want to be this way,” she exclaimed then. “Why, why would you even want someone like me, Wyatt? You could have a she-wolf who is strong, beautiful, and whole...”

“ENOUGH, don’t talk like that!” Wyatt growled. He then pulled back so he could see her, gently cradling her face in his hands as he said, “It is not always the body that makes a person strong or beautiful. K’aalógii, you are so lovely to look at, but you are more than a pretty face. You have a beautiful heart also, look what you did for that girl today. You didn’t have to spare her, by wolf law she could have met her death for what she did, but you didn’t want that because you didn’t want someone you’ve never even met to be mateless. You are also so very strong. I don’t think you realize how strong you are. With one look my wolf can make a grown man tremble, yet you calmed him today with just your voice and it never even trembled.”

“I did?” Becky asked, her eyes wide.

“Yes, you did,” Wyatt agreed. Now, let me help you so you can get some sleep. No more arguing.”

Becky nodded her agreement.

So, Wyatt once more knelt before her to remove her prosthesis. When he had it off, he set it to the side and stood. He then asked, “What do you normally wear to bed? I’ll help you change if you need me to.”

Becky yawned, beginning to feel the effects of her meds, before she answered, “I usually wear pajama pants and a long sleeve shirt since I’m always cold. But since I’ve been here, I haven’t felt cold, so I’ve started wearing t-shirts. I need to use the bathroom first though Wyatt.”

Wyatt picked her up and carried her to the bathroom, leaning her against the sink, he backed out and closed the door behind him.

After he left, she struggled to get her pants down basically one-handed, thinking, who knew yoga pants could be so tight? So, after what seemed like hours, she was finally able to get them down and use the bathroom. She didn’t even bother trying to pull them up, instead, she just kicked them off and pulled her underwear up. Standing up, and once more hanging onto the counter, she sleepily brushed her teeth, eyes half closed, thinking, I don’t think I’ll have to worry about being loopy, seems I’m going to sleep through this dose.

“Are you alright?” Wyatt asked as he tapped on the door.

Spitting toothpaste into the sink, she rinsed her mouth. She could hear the concern in his voice, making her think he must have decided she’d been in here long enough. So, she opened the door, yawning, and answered, “Yeah, I’m...” yawn, “done now.”

She began to sway then, causing him to quickly grab ahold of her. She leaned into him, eyes closing as she murmured, “So tired, and you’re so warm. Snuggle with me, Wyatt.”

Wyatt didn’t say anything, just picked her up and placed her on the bed. Once she was laying down, he paused and asked, “Where are your pants?”

“They took too long to remove, so I couldn’t be bothered to put them back on,” she told him with a giggle.

“Alright,” he murmured. “Well, I found you a clean t-shirt to wear, so let’s get you in it.”

Yawning again, she opened her blurry eyes to look at him as she asked, “Then we can cuddle?”

“Then we can cuddle,” Wyatt agreed.

Becky smiled and raised her arms like a small child for him to remove her shirt.

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