A Warrior's Love

Chapter 19: Dinner with her parents

(K’aalógii: Butterfly in Navajo)

(Ayóó anííníshní: I love you in Navajo)

(Shidáí: Maternal uncle in Navajo)

“Becky, my K’aalógii?” Wyatt murmured softly.


“We need to get up. Your parents are expecting us for dinner,” he reminded her.

Becky opened her groggy eyes to look a Wyatt. He was propped up on his elbow, face in one hand, on the bed next to her. With his free hand he was gently massaging her hip and thigh. Really not wanting to get up, she kissed his chest before asking, “Can’t we stay here? I don’t want to have the conversation I know I’m going to have with Mom if we go to her house. Speaking of conversations, I had another question for you.”

“What question?”

“Do all wolves mark their human mates the way you did me?” Becky asked.

Wyatt shrugged, then answered, “I don’t know because I don’t know anyone with a human mate. For all I know it could be the alpha in me and regular wolves don’t, or maybe they do, and I’ve just never heard about it.”

Becky thought about his answer for a few moments as she rubbed her hand across his chest. She then said, “I think I know a girl in my class who is mated to a wolf, I could ask her I suppose. For now, I suppose we should shower and get ready for dinner.”

“Might be a good idea,” Wyatt agreed with a soft sigh. Then, tilting her face up so that she was looking him in the eyes, he asked, “Becky, we haven’t done anything wrong, you know that right? You are my mate and in the werewolf world that is as good as calling you my wife. It is natural to have these feelings for each other and to act upon them. I will not be ashamed of showing you my love in the physical sense.”

“I know Wyatt, and I’m not ashamed of what we have done either. In my heart you are all I will ever need or want, and I love you. Yes, I love Mom and Papa, but I have you now and you come first. I feel like Papa has already accepted you and if you are patient with her, eventually Mom accept you too,” Becky told him, hoping she was right in her assessment of the situation.

“Yes, your papa has accepted me, my wolf and I both feel his acceptance of us.” Wyatt agreed. “So, for you my lovely K’aalógii I will be patient with your mom.”

“Thank you, Wyatt. I love you,” Becky said.

Leaning closer to her, Wyatt gave her a sweet kiss, the murmured, “Ayo’o aniinishni too K’aalógii.”

Then standing, Wyatt headed for the bathroom and a shower.

Forty-five minutes later Wyatt and Becky stood on the porch knocking on her mom and papa’s front door.

“Come on in you two...” Jeff said as he opened the door. He soon stopped talking though as he took in a deep breath. Then cocking his head, he murmured, “Um...?”

“Is something wrong, Big Tree?” Becky teased, using her nickname for Jeff.

Jeff stepped closer to Becky and whispered, “Little monkey, I don’t know how he did it, but you two are in so much trouble when Mom gets a whiff of you. I say congrats though since I think the two you are perfect for each other.” Then he leaned away and hollered, “Mom, the kids are here!”

“Dinners finished. Jeff, go find your father so we can eat,” Mom said as she stepped from the kitchen. She smiled at Becky, but the smile drooped a little when she looked at Wyatt.

Becky felt Wyatt tense up next to her.

Wyatt knew Julie would soon start on him; she always did. Tonight though, with them having just mated, Julie would use it as extra ammo against him. So, already annoyed, he gave a light growl before saying, “I think there are a few things that need to be said before we eat.”

Wyatt then took Becky’s hand and lead the way into the sitting room.

Jeff came down the stairs with Gary a step behind him.

“I have dinner ready; it needs to be eaten before it gets cold,” Julie fretted.

“It’s alright Julie, that’s why we have a microwave,” Gary said. “Let’s hear the boy out.”

“But...” Julie began.

“No buts,” Gary told Julie as he kissed her cheek. He then gently pushed her down onto the love seat.

Becky wondered what was going on also, so she asked, “Wyatt?”

“I can’t keep this up K’aalógii,” Wyatt said as he looked down at Becky. “Eventually it will affect you and your feelings for me, maybe not today or tomorrow, but at some point, it will.”

“What are you...?” Becky began, showing him that his words worried her a little bit.

Putting an arm around Becky to give her comfort, Wyatt turned to her parents as he began, “I have struggled for a long time about who I am and with the feeling of insecurity. When I came here with the other warriors from my pack, I never dreamed I would meet my mate. Gary, you have made me feel welcome and I thank you for that.”

Gary nodded, then said, “You are a good man Wyatt. My wolf and I trust you with my daughter. If my wolf did not, I would have been less... welcoming.”

Wyatt gave a slight bow of acknowledgement, then said, “But now I would like to set a few things straight. I know that you have heard about me and the things I have done. I’m sure this is the biggest reason Julie does not like me, isn’t that correct Julie?”

Julie glared at Wyatt, then agreed by saying, “Yes. Wyatt, I’d heard of you, and you’re right, I didn’t like what I heard. I don’t think you are a good match for Becky.”

“Mom!” Becky exclaimed with a gasp of shock.

“I’m sorry Becky, but that’s how I feel,” Julie informed her. “I think you would have been better off with a good human boy.”

“Why? You know how they’ve always treated me,” Becky reminded her mom as tears pricked her eyes. “You know that none of them will have anything to do with me!”

“That’s why you go to college or university, meet new people,” Julie commented.

“But Wyatt accepts me, all of me, and sometimes I wonder if you ever did!” Becky exclaimed then.

Julie turned away.

Becky let out a cry as her hand moved to her mouth. She then buried her face in Wyatt’s side as the tears began to fall, asking, “You don’t do you?”

“Julie, that isn’t true, is it?” Gary whispered.

“Yes, it’s true,” Julie began. “I accepted her, at first though because I thought, now I have a daughter to dress up and spoil. However, she always preferred you Gary, always, and I became tired of being second best in her life. So, I just... I just gave up.”

Becky looked up at her mom as she heard her voice break. Then she mentioned, “You never said anything.”

Julie shrugged, looking at Becky now as she continued, “Then when you turned fourteen you became interested in that boy Chad and that’s when you finally saw ME! Suddenly I was the one you talked to and we were finally becoming mother and daughter.” Then she turned to Wyatt and pointed as she exclaimed, “Then he came!”

“But Mom...” Becky began.

Julie wiped the tears from her face as she exclaimed, “Don’t ‘but Mom’ me Becky! You weren’t supposed to have a wolf mate! I was supposed to have you for a few more years but figured that if you did have a mate he would be in this pack. Then I’d still have you with me, I could help you adjust to having a wolf mate, and I could help out when the babies came.” She gave a snort, then exclaimed, “But no, you had to end up with a mate from another pack! Not just any mate though, but a heartless monster mate!”

Becky gasp, feeling hurt for Wyatt at her mom’s words.

Wyatt growled low.

“He isn’t a heartless monster!” Becky informed her mom with a yell of outraged.

Wyatt put his hand on Becky’s shoulder, calming her. He then gruffly said, “This is where we clear things up Becky. I don’t know how much of my story any of you know, so I will start with my parents dying when I was ten. I went to live with my Shidá’í, Alpha Stone, and although he raised me the best he knew how, I have always felt I was different. This feeling left me confused about myself and about who I am because of it.”

“Why were you confused?” Jeff asked, speaking for the first time.

Becky had almost forgotten Jeff was even there because she had been so focused on their mom.

Wyatt turned to look at Jeff as he answered, “Because, although I was born alpha, my father was a warrior.”

“But you are a warrior and a very good one! How can you be an Alpha also?” Jeff questioned then.

So, Wyatt went on to explain to them about his parents, how his Shidá’í became Alpha, and how his wolf had lost control. When he was finished the three of them sat in stunned silence.

“So, Mom, now do you understand me when I say he isn’t a monster?” Becky asked as she looked at her mom.

Mom stood and walked over to pull Becky into a hug, saying, “I’m sorry Becky, I really am. I let my own hurt cloud my judgement about him and...” She stopped speaking and took a step back, a puzzled look on her face as she questioned, “How? You...?”

Wyatt spoke answering Mom’s question with, “I bit her.”

“You WHAT!” Mom yelled, then growled, “Why, why would you do that?”

Wyatt growled also, his eyes shifting back and forth between gold, brown, and red.

Papa quickly grabbed Mom, pulling her back and bowing his head in submission. As he stood in submission, he murmured softly, “Julie you don’t question an Alpha’s decision, especially about his mate and in that tone of voice.”

Mom hissed at Papa, saying, “He isn’t an Alpha though!”

“Julie, just think about what he just told us. Wyatt has an alpha gene, and his uncle could make him the Alpha of the Stone Pack if he wanted too,” Papa said trying to reason with Mom.

“My being an Alpha has very little to do with it. Becky is my mate that I have waited a long time for, her and her love. I wanted everyone, you included Julie Borman to know that she is mine!” Wyatt all but snarled as his eyes glowed a bright gold in his anger.

Mom whimpered then and bowed her head. Papa and Jeff bowed their heads to show submission also.

Wyatt then took a deep breath as if calming himself.

Becky could tell that Wyatt’s alpha side was now fully in control. She watched as his eyes turned bright gold.

When Wyatt began to speak the power in his voice could be heard as he said, “I haven’t said much, but I have felt my human’s pain and frustration because time and time again you have shown disrespect Julie Borman. The warrior in me wants blood, the alpha in me wants to throw you in a cell and throw away the key, but I cannot do either of those things because you are the mother of my mate. Out of respect for Becky we have held our tongue, but no more. You do not have to like me Julie Borman, but you WILL respect me!” Wyatt boomed loudly; his golden eyes narrowed.

“Yes, sir,” Mom whimpered, her head still bowed.

Reaching up, Becky cupped his cheek to get his attention.

Wyatt looked down, saying, “Hello precious.”

“Wolf Wyatt,” Becky said with a smile. Then she frowned and tilted her head as she gazed at his eyes, thinking.

“What is it Precious? I can see the wheels turning,” Wolf Wyatt commented.

“Well, your eyes are gold like they were last night and the first day we met, but that day with Cherry they were red. Why?” Becky asked curiously.

“Today I’m only mildly upset, only bordering on rage. Whereas, that day with the girl? That day I was in full warrior mode,” Wolf Wyatt explained. “Before my... meltdown my eyes were always golden, even in anger.”

“Wyatt almost went rogue Becky,” Papa said softly. “A rogue’s eyes are red when they are at the point of no return.”

“But you came back, you didn’t go rogue,” Becky stated, then asked, “So, why do your eyes still turn red?”

“I don’t have the answer to that Precious,” Wolf Wyatt answered as he gently caressed her face with his thumb. “All I know is when I am in a rage or when I’m going into battle my eyes become red.”

Then leaning down Wolf Wyatt gently took hold of Becky’s chin and kissed her. Becky’s eyes fluttered closed as she enjoyed the moment and forgot all about the fact that they were standing in front of her parents. When Wyatt pulled back, Becky opened her eyes to find his eyes were once more a lovely dark chocolate brown. Her stomach chose that moment to growl.

“Time to feed the beast!” Wyatt said with a chuckle.

“Yep, before the beast eats you!” Becky teased as she growled softly.

Wyatt was still chuckling when he picked Becky up and threw her over his shoulder. This made Becky giggle.

“Let’s eat!” Jeff yelled.

Everyone cheered their agreement and headed for the kitchen.

Supper went by fast as Jeff, Papa, and sometimes Mom, would ask Wyatt questions.

Becky was hoping that the question and answer had cleared the air to the point that her mom would at least give Wyatt a chance. She yawned and with her head laying on Wyatt’s shoulder, she murmured, “I’m ready to go Wyatt, today has been then longest day ever.”

With a nod Wyatt went to stand.

Mom spoke up then, before Wyatt could, asking, “Becky, could I speak to you before you leave please? I promise it won’t take long. I wanted to talk to you about your birthday party.”

“Alright,” Becky agreed. She then followed Mom into the kitchen as the men headed for the sitting room. Once in the kitchen, she began to fill the sink with soapy water.

Mom placed leftovers into dishes to store in the fridge. She then walked over to help Becky with the dishes as she said, “Okay, so your birthday is in two days, but I wanted to wait until Saturday to have the party. The Alpha said we were welcome to use the pack community hall if we wanted to hold the party there.”

“Mom, I really don’t know that many people. Why can’t we have it here?” Becky asked, almost in a whine.

“You might be surprised how many will come Becky. Us, the Alpha and his family, plus Wyatt’s family who are here now. I wouldn’t be surprised if Alpha Stone’s family doesn’t come just to meet Wyatt’s new mate. We werewolves love a party dear, and you being a warrior’s mate is big news. There will be some of the pack who will come, whether you are their friend or not, just to see if it’s true.”

“Oh great, party crashers!” Becky exclaimed with a groan as she finished the glasses and started on the plates.

Mom stopped what she was doing to give Becky her full attention. She then said, “Finding your mate is a big deal Becky, being the mate of a ranking wolf is an even bigger deal. Anyway, I would rather have too much room then not enough. So, I thought we would have cake and maybe some finger sandwiches, chips and dip, and maybe one of those platters with cheese and crackers. Now, should we have a big bowl of punch or something else as far as drinks go?”

“Punch sounds fine Mom. Although, you might want to have bottled water also for those who don’t care for sweet drinks. I know Wyatt doesn’t care much for sweet drinks,” Becky commented. She then finished up the last dish, emptied the sink, and dried her hands.

Mom stood there for a long moment fiddling with the hand towel before saying, “I’m guessing that since he bit you, that you have mated with him also.”

Becky nodded in agreement.

“I hope you used protection,” Mom said softly so nobody else would hear her. “I don’t know that you’re ready for a little one yet Becky.”

“Yes, we did. Do you have any idea how embarrassing this is?” Becky grumbled as she felt the heat run up her cheeks.

Mom laughed a bit, then said, “Yes, actually I do. My mom asked me the same thing when your papa and I met and mated. I was older then you though, nineteen, and your papa was twenty. Even though we were stupid and forgot protection, thankfully I didn’t get pregnant right off.” Reaching over she pulled Becky into her arms as she continued, “I really am sorry for the way I acted Becky. I still have problems with Wyatt, I’ll admit that, but I’m going to try my best to keep it to myself and treat him better.”

“No more treating him like the red-headed step child?” Becky asked as she smirked.

Mom laughed before agreeing, “Yeah, no more treating him like that.”

“Mom he really is a great person. He treats me like I mean the world to him, but he also lets me be me. He makes me feel good, even though I sometimes feel like less because of my disability, and I like that.”

“His wolf called you precious,” Mom commented then.

Pulling out of her arms Becky smiled, saying, “Yeah, and he makes me feel precious.”

“Well, as long as he does that then he and I will have no problems,” Mom said as Becky yawned tiredly. “Let’s go find the men and let Wyatt take you home before you fall asleep on your feet.”

Turning, they headed out of the kitchen. The men were standing on the front porch quietly talking.

“Wyatt, I’m ready to go home now,” Becky told him after she yawned again. “I am so glad I don’t have homework to do when I get there, ’cause I am ready to fall straight into bed.”

Wyatt picked Becky up and carried her to the car as everyone called out their quiet good nights. Soon they were on their way home.

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