A Pinch of Cinnamon

Chapter Locking it Down

Nick’s POV

I could feel her moving around, shifting out of bed quietly, trying not to wake me. No doubt going to do chores since she feels guilty.

I remained still as I felt her come close to me. I’m curious to see what she does when she thinks I’m asleep.

Her body heat warmed my side as she leaned over. My breath almost hitched to give away the fact that I was awake, when I felt her hand caress my face and her soft lips graze mine. Just a light, sweet kiss but her lips lingered over mine.


It took everything in me not to grab her neck and keep her lips pressed against mine. I wanted to be wrapped up in her for eternity.

I am over the moon that she is initiating things with me. A relationship can’t be one sided. I knew her past would make trusting me a bit difficult, but I was absolutely shocked when she kissed me first.

I thought for sure I’d be the one doing it. I had been thinking of the best way for days, wanting to feel those luscious lips; to taste her. I was going mad stressing about how to do it without running her off. I wonder how she’ll take me wanting to move in.

The thought of her past is still reeling through me. I’m angry, hurt for her, and just pissed someone so sweet and caring can go through so much shit in just a few years. She lost her parents, her best friend, and her young adult years.

Plus, a boyfriend but who cares about him.

She’s better off. I just wish she didn’t have to go through that. I wish now more than ever I had met her first or come home a few years ago for holidays and visits. Maybe I could have met her and realized sooner my ex wasn’t right for me.

The longer I think about things the angrier at myself I become. Hindsight is 20/20, I guess. I want to replace both our shitty memories with new ones. Ones with her and Jayden. I want them so badly my whole-body aches with need. I feel like my soul calls to them. It almost feels like they were designed specifically for me.

It kills me every time I leave for the night. I just want to go upstairs and wrap Spencer in my arms and drift off to sleep. I’m not sure how I can go home alone now that I know how amazing she feels wrapped around me.

My phone chirps beside me.

Annoying sister- 😶😬👍


Annoying sister- you need to lock that shit down....how’s she doing?

Me- how did you even know I was with her?!

Annoying sister- A little birdie called our mother. She said she was watching Jay and was worried about Spencer. She said you’ve taken quite the shine to both of them....... 😏

Me- 🙄 shut it.

Annoying sister- Bro I love you, but if you fucking hurt her, I will come down there and make your life hell!

Me- noted. I wouldn’t dream of hurting her.

Annoying sister- just please make her happy. She’s gone through so much and she doesn’t have many people there for her. She’s been alone too long.

Me- I know. Trust me, she won’t be alone much longer.

Annoying sister- 👏👏👏😁. Well hurry up and make me an auntie soon!

Me- omg.... Goodbye!!!

I put my phone in my pocket, shaking my head at my sister. She already wants us popping out babies and we aren’t even officially together. I head downstairs, knowing Spencer is probably in the barn.

I see her in front of Demon’s stall rubbing his head. She doesn’t acknowledge me, but I know she knows I’m there. I stand behind her and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her back so she is pressed against me. She tenses briefly and then relaxes against me. She tilts her head back until it’s resting near my shoulder.

I tighten my grip around her body and brush my lips against the side of her head. I can see her eyes close as my lips make contact. She lets out a soft, contented sigh.

Being daring, I begin trailing my lips down her neck, pecking her softly as I go. I hold back a smirk as she tilts her head to give me better access. I guess she likes this.

She lets out a small moan as I kiss the sensitive skin behind her ear. My dick instantly springs to attention at the beautiful sound and I hope to god it doesn’t scare her off. I can’t help but be affected by everything about her. Her soft body, her little sighs and moans, the way she seems to melt in my arms.

I begin to gently suck her skin behind her ear, slipping my tongue out to taste her. I can feel her shudder against me. All I want to do is take her back to bed and make sweet love to her. I wonder how responsive she would be to me.

Deciding to take a chance, I raise my hand that is wrapped around her waist, and lay it against her rib cage, just below her breast. I continue kissing her neck, making her a pliant puddle in my arms.

I hear her take a sharp breath in when I let my thumb graze over her breast.

“Nick.” She moans softly, tilting her head back even further. My thumb continues to rub small circles around her breast, occasionally brushing against her nipple that was clearly liking the attention as it hardened beneath my fingertips.

“Hmm.” I murmured, kissing behind her ear again. I love this. I love making her body light up.

“I have—to do—chores.” She managed to get her sentence out as she tries to hold in her gasps of pleasure.

“Yes, we do. But I can’t seem to move.” I murmur.

She breaks away from my hold slightly causing me to whine at her. She turns in my arms and stares at me with an amused expression.

“Is someone unhappy?” She raises an eyebrow. I love this side of her. The one who can give playful banter back even though I can see the faint blush still spreading on her cheeks. It makes me realize she’s growing more confident and comfortable with me.

“Yes.” I nod my head and pout at her. Sticking my lower lip out for effect. She laughs.

“You’re ridiculous. I have to finish so I can go get Jay.” She smiles. I can see a light in her eyes that wasn’t there earlier today. It makes me feel better that maybe my presence is helping.

My arms wrap around her waist again, bringing her back to my chest as I stare down at her, adoringly. She’s so damn beautiful. She wraps her arms around my neck to keep herself steady.

“Ok. We can finish chores and get cleaned up. But I’m taking you on a date before we get Jayden.” She looks up at me surprised.

“A date?” She whispers almost to herself. I nod my head.

“Yes, baby. You’re mine now, I told you that. And that means I take you on dates and shower you with attention.” I smirk. She blinks at me before quirking her eyebrow just a bit.

“I never agreed to be yours.” She smirks at me.

Oh, so that’s how it’s going to be.

Yanking her closer, I crash my lips down onto hers, her gasp of surprise gives me the opportunity to deepen the kiss. I haven’t kissed her this roughly before but by the way she responds, pushing herself against me harder and greeting my tongue with hers, I’d say she is turned on by it.

Our tongues dance together, tasting one another in a fierce battle that she inevitably loses. Our grip on one another was tight, neither one of us wanting to let go. I can feel her fingers in my hair, running through it before grasping and tightly holding it. It seems to make the moment even hotter, knowing that she clearly wants this.

I slowly begin to slow down the kiss, drawing my tongue back before kissing her more gently. I pull back to see the dazed look in her eyes. Her pink lips swollen from the attention. I chuckle leaning down to give her one more peck.

“You really doubt you’re mine?” I raise my eyebrow looking at her. She smiles while biting her lower lip, shaking her head.

Fuck, she looks so sexy.

I groan gently pulling her lip from between her teeth.

“You’re mine and I’m yours. Be my girlfriend baby, please. I know it seems soon, but I can’t imagine not being with you and Jay. Ever since I met you, I’ve felt drawn to you. It feels so right between us.” I lay my heart out in front of her. I could, quite literally, die if she says no. “Please, Spence.” I stare at her, pleadingly.

She smiles up at me, her eyes bright with excitement and hope. She runs her fingers through the hair at the nape of my neck.

Her silence is killing me.

She pulls my head down to hers, laying her lips to mine once again. They mold together perfectly, and I feel hope bloom in my chest. I’m surprised at the fierceness she kisses me with. Almost like her lips wanted to punish mine. She wanted to show me that she wants me just as much. She gently pulls back.

“Is that a yes?” I murmur in her ear.

She nods and laughs. “Yes. I will be your girlfriend.” She squeals with laughter as I pick her up and swing her around in a circle. I would jump for joy if I felt like looking like an idiot in front of her.

“Thank you, baby.”

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