A Pinch of Cinnamon

Chapter Date Night

Spencer’s POV

Fuck. Holy shit. What is he doing to me? The way he turns me on just by that husky voice or a simple touch. A fire is burning bright in my core. When he started brushing against my nipple, I was done for.

What the hell.

I’ve never felt this type of connection with someone before. It’s like an invisible tether drawing us together. Almost like guitar strings. Play the right cord and it’s magical. Every time I’m with Nick that cord in me strums, sometimes soft and sweetly, a gentle tug. And other times a violent tug that my body isn’t prepared for.

Kind of like now.

I’m not normally one to make out with a guy I just met, but Nick has broken down my walls bit by bit and I can’t seem to fight this crazy attraction to him. The knowledge that he feels it too, that it’s not one sided, just makes me want to give in that much more.

I’m currently taking a shower, scrubbing every inch of my body to make sure I don’t smell embarrassing, and shaving areas I typically don’t care about. Nick had helped me blaze through chores before he left to “prepare”.... whatever that means.

Now, I’m losing my shit. I’m nervous and excited and stressed all at once. I wonder what he has planned. He said dress casually and he would be back. I’m hot and aching in need as well as flustered beyond belief. He left me completely turned on in the barn.

Sex isn’t something I ever craved or needed. Hell, I’ve gone without sex for over three years, barely even pleasuring myself. But Nick has awakened some sort of sexual beast within me. The one that purrs seductive thoughts and makes me core clench just at the vision that floods my brain. That beast that can become crazy with lust, clawing out of my body to overtake me and claim what it wants.

I’m already getting wet just by thinking about what he did earlier.... and what he hasn’t done. My desire is ramped up just by the knowledge we are alone tonight and have the whole farm to ourselves.

Judy was a doll and offered to babysit Jayden for the night. He was fine with it and we talked over the phone and said good night. I could practically see Judy’s smile as she spoke. She is loving the fact that her son is smitten. (Her words not mine.)

I decide to wear something a little bit sexier than my typical jeans and tank. I grab a green and teal off the shoulder, bohemian style dress. Pairing it with my boots I always wear, I kept my hair down and pulled it across one side of my neck. I grabbed a small knit sweater in case it got cold and was ready.

I vaguely heard Nick open the downstairs door and call for me. Shit, my heart is in my throat. I inhale a deep, shaky breath before starting downstairs.

Nick’s eyes were instantly on me, raking up and down my body as I came into view. It wasn’t the lewd leering most men do. Instead, his gaze held awe and admiration as well an intense heat. He made me feel like I was beautiful, sexy even.

It’s not something I’m used to feeling.

“Fuck.” I heard him swear under his breath. I honestly almost said the same thing once I saw him. He had on dark wash jeans that looked almost brand new, a navy-blue button up shirt with his sleeves rolled up, and dark brown boots. He liked like a model straight from a magazine. How the hell did I land him?

Shit, he is sexy as fuck.

"You look stunning.” He murmured softly pulling me into his arms. My arms immediately wrap around his torso as he squeezes me tight, my head laying on his hard chest. My heart feels warm with him wrapped around me. He pulls back slightly causing me to tilt my head to look at him.

Slowly leaning in, he captures my lips in a soft, gentle kiss. I can feel his breathing hitch slightly, making me know that he’s feeling the effects too. My heart flutters at the feeling of his mouth against mine as heat floods my veins. I’m becoming addicted to his touch. It makes me crave him. Any more touches or kisses and the sexual beast inside me will wake. I’m desperately trying to keep my body from trembling and flushing in need.

I really don’t want to jump his bones on the first date.

He pulls back, reluctantly releasing me. “Ok. Let’s go on our date.” He grins at me.

“Where are we going?” I’m curious as to what he has planned.

“You’ll see.” He winks. I groan and pout slightly. I hate surprises. He just chuckles at my dramatic display before ushering me out the door.

I turn to him, confused when we walk past his truck and head down the drive.

Where is he taking me?

I’m a little nervous not knowing where we are going or what the plan is. Again....I hate surprises!

Nick firmly grips my hand in his and walks me past the barn. Veering left, he leads us down a small trail. I vaguely recognize where we are going. At the end of the trail, there is a small river that runs by it. We have to walk for about ten minutes to get there.

Relaxing, I take the time to enjoy the feeling of Nick’s hand in mine and the quiet of the evening. I can hear crickets chirping and it will soon be dark enough to see fireflies. It’s peaceful, romantic even. I lean my head into his shoulder while we walk, causing him to wrap our still linked arms around my shoulder.

We begin to near the end of the trail. My eyes instantly light up at the view in front of me. I can see Nick watching my reaction intently from the corner of my eye.

“Nick.” I breathe, looking around. “This is...” I had no words. I turn to latch my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. He responds immediately, smiling softly while his eyes gleam with happiness.

“No one has ever done something like this for me. Thank you so much.” This is not what I expected. I figured a dinner out in town or something.

“I’m glad you like it, baby. You deserve the whole world and I want to give it to you.” He replied seriously.

I kiss him softly before turning back to the table he had set. A cloth covered table lit with candles was by the river’s edge. Rose petals were scattered over the top of it. Behind the table, a nearby tree was covered with fairy lights and had a few lanterns hanging from the branches. It was so romantic. I’ve never had anyone put this kind of effort into a date. He’s so amazing.

He pulled out the chair for me to sit in before pouring me a glass of wine.

How the heck did he get all this out here?

As if he heard me, he gives me a slight wink and smirks. He goes behind the tree to a cooler I didn’t see. Taking out boxes of food.

“Ok. So, I didn’t think it through to give me time to cook, otherwise I would have. Next time.” He winks at me as my cheeks heat up.

He already wants another date.

He uncovers the food and places it in front of me.

“Tacos!” My eyes light up and I let out an embarrassing squeal of happiness.

I love tacos.

“Who doesn’t love tacos?” He chuckles, repeating what I told him that night he cooked dinner. I smile and look down. I love how he can remember the simplest things. He makes me feel like I’m the only woman in the world, the only one for him.

My brain and heart continue warring. Logically, I tell myself it’s too soon to feel this. We just met, we don’t know much about each other, though we are learning.

What if he decides in a few weeks he doesn’t want this anymore? What about Jayden? He would be devastated. What if he finds someone better than me? I’m nothing much and to have someone put this much effort and time in, was a foreign notion for me.

On the other side, my heart doesn’t give a shit. I feel this connection and I know he feels it too. I feel like we have been together for ages. It doesn’t seem like we just met a few weeks ago. My heart pleads with my head to listen to Sadie. She was adamant her brother would never cheat or want to leave. He values honesty and communication in a relationship.

I’ve seen this from him since we first met. And even when we weren’t romantic, he acted like a husband and father. I have grown comfortable around him and now don’t want him to leave. Maybe this is the real deal.


Thought on when we should have our first sexy scene? Is it to soon? Any ideas on plot?

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