A New Era

Chapter Chapter Twenty Four


The monitors that my parents bodies were hooked up had a constant and steady beat. I was still mind fucked as to how the two of them were still alive. Especially my mother since there was a bullet in her head. Right?

I took in a deep breath as I stared down at her body, a tube in her mouth helping her breath. My eyes flickered over to my father once more and then back to my mother. I could feel a lump in my throat and my eyes welling up with tears but I tried my hardest to not cry.

"Mom...Dad..." I whispered softly. I took my mothers hand with my left and my fathers hand with my right giving them a light squeeze.

"I am so sorry for running off the way I did. I blamed myself for your deaths. Even though everyone told me it wasn't my fault, but I feel like I caused it all. I am so so sorry...Please...please wake up, please wake up okay..." I whispered softly. I looked between the two of them, hoping they would give a sign, any sign that they were okay.

But nothing.

The door opened and I glanced up. Noah walked in and over to my side.

"I did a perimeter, checked out the other floors. It's empty, only us and these unconscious bodies." He explained with a sigh. I nodded my head and turned my attention back to my parents.

"What am I supposed to do? I can't leave them here like this. All these people too, we can't leave them here."

"Sam, listen," Noah placed a hand on my shoulder and I peered up at him. "The others are gonna find President Douchebag, I have hope. You should too." He added. A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I leaned my head against his shoulder.

I was honestly trying my hardest to hold on to hope. But it was slowly fading. My eyes flickered to my parents, not a minute passed and my dads vitals started going crazy. I rushed on over to his side.

"Dad? Dad!" I said as I placed a hand on his shoulder. His eyes shot open, his pupils dilated and his breaths were raspy. His hand grabbed onto mine, and held onto it tightly.

"Dad it's okay, it's me. You're okay." I soothed him as I squeezed his hand back. His eyes shifted to me, while his breaths increased.

"Samantha..." he wheezed out. A smile formed on my lips and I nodded my head quickly.

"Yeah, I'm here dad. I'm here. It's alright."

His breaths finally slowed down a bit and his grip on my hand loosened. I slowly turned my gaze over to Noah. He smiled and gave a nod as he glanced at the door.

"I'm gonna go keep watch, okay?"

I nodded my head as he stepped out the room. The only sound that can be heard were the monitors beeping and my dads raspy breathing.

"Sam.." My dad spoke softly and I turned to him. His breaths were in sync, his heart rate normal.

"Is your brother okay?"

I nodded my head quickly. "Yeah, he and the others went to find President Martin."

"Others?" He questioned as he slowly sat up a bit.

"Yeah, the rebellion group we joined a few years ago."

His eyes flickered around the room before they settled over to my mom. Tears began to well up in his eyes.

"Dad? What happened? I thought...we thought you were dead.."

"I thought I was too." He replied as he shifted on the table to face me.

"The day your mother and I were shot, after you and your friends left. I woke up, in a panic, my chest was hurting. Your mother...she took a bullet to the head...I had no idea if she was alive or not.."

"What the hell kind of bullets did they use?"

"Rubber bullets...they're lethal, they can injure you pretty badly. But because your mother was shot in the head, she didn't wake up instantly like I did. I tried my hardest to wake her up, thankfully she was breathing just knocked unconscious."

I took in a deep breath as I listened to him speak. The doors opened and I glanced up to see Noah.

"All clear." He said as he approached us.

"So...what happened next?" I asked my dad.

"The president himself showed up. I had no strength too fight back, so I let him take me, and your mother. They brought us here, started hooking us up to these machines." He sighed heavily rubbing his face with his hands.

"Then, President Martin said he was trying to create something. A new army...he didn't get into much detail.."

"So...they're brainwashing you guys??" My eyes widened and I whipped my head around to my mother.

"But...you're not?.." I noticed as he gave a nod.

"I don't know, my body must have fought off whatever he gave me." He said with a shake of his head. "You're mother...not so lucky."

"Maybe some of the others woke up?" Noah questioned.

"Hopefully not brainwashed..." I added.

"We have to get out of here. Wake everyone up, and get them the hell out of here." Noah said as he looked at me and then at my dad.

"How? It's only the three of us. We have to wait until the others come back." I replied to him.

My dad slowly got off the table, unhooking himself from the monitors. The machine went from a steady heartbeat to a monotone beat.

The three of us stood quietly in the room. No one had anything to say. I was still in complete utter shock that my dad had woken up from being under this long. My eyes flickered around the room, hopefully to find something, anything, to help my mother wake up from this deep slumber. But there was nothing.

"How many of them are like this?" My dad asked. I turned to him, his hands were holding my moms.

"Another 50 I think." Noah replied. Dad nodded his head and lifted his head to face us. "I'll stay here. You kids go find a vehicle, a big one. We're gonna need one."

"But dad-"

"Go, Sam." He calmly spoke as he focused his attention back to mom. Noah and I exchanged a look before we rushed out the room. We went out the way we came, finally reaching the outdoors. A cool breeze hit my face as I let out a heavy sigh.

"How do we know they're gonna wake up the same way my dad did. They're being brainwashed, for what?"

"I hope they're not." Noah replied as he looked around. But there was nothing. No empty vehicles. Nothing. The entire place was abandoned.

"You think he's creating this army to follow him?" I asked and turned to look at him. Noah had a frustrated look on his face, but didn't say anything.

"My guess is yes." He finally answered. "He's slowly losing followers. So he's probably trying to army up."

"Right, well I see no vehicle so let's get back inside and tell my dad. Hopefully my mom wakes up soon...God this is crazy." I huffed as I rubbed my face with my hands.

"It's overwhelming, I know. But everything is falling into place, luck is on our side. I know it is." Noah replied with a smile and wrapped an arm around my neck.

"We're gonna win."

I chuckled softly and shook my head at his positive attitude. If it wasn't for me, I'd be knee deep in the muds of doubt. My parents were alive, well my father was alive. My mother? Who knows. I took in a deep breath and lifted my head to face him.

"I love you." Noah said and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you more." I replied. He rolled his eyes and chuckled softly.

"Come on, let's go make a plan, and wait for the others. It's the only thing we can do."

I nodded my head in agreement as the two of us made our way back inside the building. Although it hadn't been long since Kyle and the others left, I really hoped that they were okay and got to President Martin in time.

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