A New Era

Chapter Chapter Twenty Five

My mother had yet to wake up. My father and I were getting more and more worried and impatient. Noah checked the other rooms every half hour, and no one had woken up yet. It was still eerie how my dad was the only one to wake up.

Noah and I had scanned every floor, hoping to find anything to wake everyone up, but it seemed that everything from the hospital had been taken. My first guess: President Martin. I continued to pace back and forth in the hallway when suddenly my walkie talkie went off.

"Sam? It's Kyle..."

I pressed the button to respond. "Well??"

There was silence before he spoke once more.

"We got him." I sighed in relief as I raced outside to meet them.


Kyles POV

"Find out why he did this..."

My sisters words echoed in my head every second. I shut my eyes tightly and shook my head when I felt a hand on my shoulder. My eyes shot open and I turned to my right, Krista giving me a reassuring smile. I forced a smile and nodded my head before turning to the front, Viktor was driving and Ben sat in the front seat. We hadn't been driving long, but it felt like hours.

"I still can't believe they're alive, if they're even alive." I muttered under my breath.

"I know, it's a shocking thing. Sam and Noah are gonna keep them safe, all of them, and hopefully try and wake them up." Krista replied and I turned to look at her.

"This is it..." Viktor spoke as he slowed the Van to a stop. "One of my men saw some of President Martins men doing a perimeter here, before we left the White House." He added. We all stared out the window to see a large mansion, which of course looked abandoned. Most of the plants around the house were dead, of course no one has taken care of them. Some of the windows were broken and smashed into, but nothing else, the house seemed to be standing well.

"Let's go then." I spoke up as I looked down at my rifle and made sure I had enough bullets.

"Remember what Sam said, we bring him back alive. The rest....kill them." Ben replied. The four of us stepped out of the van and slowly proceeded towards the house. Ben motioned for Viktor to follow him and gestured for Krista and I to go the other way. While they stepped towards the front of the building, Krista and I slowly made our way towards the back. I kept my rifle held down as my eyes scanned the area. It was quiet, except for the sounds of crickets chirping.

Krista stopped in her tracks and leaned against the wall. She then peered around the corner before glancing back at me and motioned for her to follow. The two of us stepped around the building, now entering the backyard. My eyes flickered around, the entire place was a mess, leaves and dirt scattered the entire floor, there was a table broken and a pool that was extremely dirty from years of not being cleaned.

"There's nothing here." She whispered. My walkie talkie went off.

"Guys, meet us inside." Ben said. I looked at Krista and the two of us rushed to the front of the building. Once we got through the front door, Ben walked out from one of the rooms, Viktor standing on the large doubled staircase. The chandelier from the ceiling was completely shattered on the floor.

"It's empty here." Ben said and looked at Viktor.

"Up here too." Vik replied, his russian accent could be heard.

"There has to be a basement." Krista sighed as she looked around.

A loud bang echoed throughout the room and we all exchanged fearful looks. Heavy boots clunked on the floor and the four of us huddled together, weapons up. My eyes flickered to one of the doors and it burst open. About fifteen men, heavily guarded with rifles began surrounding us. We were definitely outnumbered.

Some guards stepped to the side to reveal President Martin, a sly smirk on his lips, hands clasped in front of him.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" He questioned as he eyed the four of us.

"Ah, Viktor! My old friend-"

"We're not friends." Viktor spat, eyes glared at the man.

President Martin hummed in response as he took a step closer. His eyes landed on me and I tried my hardest not to pounce and beat the shit out of him.

"Where's your sister Kyle? I was expecting to see her."

"She's with my parents..." I snarled out as I gripped onto my rifle, knuckles turning white.

"Ah, so you've found them." He replied as he started walking in circles around us.

"So, you've figured out my plan then?" He asked.

"What plan?" Ben spoke this time.

"See, ever since you people started attacking, I've lost numbers. Many numbers of my army. Even the civilians. They all decided to follow you."

He stopped in his tracks, turned on his heels as he faced me.

"After your attack...I asked my men to attack your neighborhood, I didn't want to kill anyone. Even though it was something I should have done. But no, I took your people, your parents...for months I've kept them under my wing, drugging them, hoping these new drugs will alter their brain chemistry, brainwashing as you might say." He explained before taking a step back.

"Yeah, well you're not gonna get away with it." I replied as the two of us kept our gaze on one another. A smirk formed on his lips before he let out a chuckle.

"One button...just one...and I can wake them up." He added and held a hand out to one of the guards. He stepped forward and placed a device in his hand. I shifted slightly as I stared at the device, before it slipped away in his pocket.

"So...what's it going to be?" He asked cocking his head to the side. My eyes shifted to Ben, then Krista, then Viktor. They all gave a nod and I turned my attention back to President Martin.

"Freedom.." I responded. Right on cue, Ben and Krista released smoke bombs. The entire room was covered, no one was able to see anything and we attacked. We were outnumbered but we had this advantage on us.

Shots went off, as I fought off a few guards, pulling off helmets and firing my weapon. My eyes wandered around the scene, Ben was getting in a fist fight with some guards who lost their weapons. But I was looking for President Martin. My eyes squinted when I saw some movement and I rushed over. Martin was about to escape when I grabbed him by the back of his collar. I used all my strength and pulled his body to the ground. My leg pushed against his chest and I held my rifle in his face. Fear was written all over his face, his eyes widened as the two of us stared each other down.

I glanced up to see the smoke beginning to clear up. I sighed in relief to see my friends were alright. Some guards were held down by Ben and Krista kicked some weapons away, while Viktor picked up some of the weapons and he turned his attention to me, giving a nod.

"It's officially over.." I boasted as I stared down at President Martin. I crouched down and fumbled around in his pocket before pulling out the device and tossed it over to Viktor.

"Tie him up, let's get him in the Van, now." I said to them. "And finish them off."

Ben gave a nod before his weapon at the rest of the guards. Bodies collapsed on the floor, lifeless. Viktor strode over and helped me lift President Martin off the ground. Viktor tied him up with rope and he shoved him forward.

Everyone piled into the Van and we were finally on our way back to Sam and Noah.

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