A New Era

Chapter Chapter Twenty Six

My legs pumped faster with each step I took and raced up the stairs and out the door. I panted heavily and stopped in my tracks when the Van pulled in front of the building. Ben and Viktor stepped out of the Van, faces bruised and cut, but nothing too bad. Krista was the next to step out, busted lip and a few scratches.

"We were outnumbered, but we had the upper hand with those smoke bombs Viktor had." Ben explained. I glanced up to see Kyle step out, rifle up against President Martins back. My hands tightened into fists as I slowly approached the two of them. Martin looked defeated, as he should be.

"Ah...Samantha it's so good-"

Without any hesitation my fist instantly collided with his face, interrupting anything he had to say. He kept his mouth shut as Kyle shoved him with his rifle. The five us made our way downstairs.

Noah was stood at the door and glanced at our direction. I took in a deep breath as he pulled me into a hug.

"Come on." He said as he opened the door to our parents room. Once inside, my eyes flickered to Kyle who's eyes widened at the sight. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out.

"Hello son." My dad said with a warm smile.

"Impossible.." President Martin spoke. My eyes flickered to him, who had a shocked look on his face. Noah stood behind Martin, gun on his back as Kyle rushed over to our father and the two embraced.

"How...what....how??" Kyle stammered out loud which caused my dad to chuckle.

"I don't know, but I'm okay. Whatever they did to me, it didn't work."

"And mom?" He asked as the three of us turned to our mother. She still hadn't woken up, my guess was from the bullet that hit her head which probably caused a lot of damage.

"I'm not sure when she'll wake up." I replied honestly. I then turned my gaze over to President Martin.

"Find an empty room, take him there. I'll be there in a few." I said more so to Noah. He gave a nod as he and Ben stepped out taking the President out of our sight.

"What's the plan now?" Kyle asked. I took in a deep breath and shook my head slowly.

"I'm not sure.."


President Martin let out a few sinister chuckles, after every punch from Noah and Ben. Since he arrived he hadn't said much. Kyle explained everything on what happened, why the President did this. He knew he was losing, and this was his last shot in redeeming himself. But he wasn't going too, not on my watch.

Martin spat out blood, his hair was a mess and his shirt and pants were shredded.

"Alright, that's enough." I said to Ben and Noah.

"Oh...I'm just getting started Sam." Ben snarled as he closed his hand into a fist and threw another punch in President Martins face. A bruise was now starting to form under his right eye.

"Give me the room, now!" I snapped. The two turned to me and Noah gave a nod. He motioned for Ben to follow him and they stepped out the room, the door slamming shut behind them. I knew they didn't go far, probably stood at the other side in case they needed my help. I pulled up a chair and placed it in front of President Martin.

"It's over, Martin. Whatever plan you had, it didn't work. My dad is awake, and aware, not brainwashed like you wanted him too."

"The rest of them haven't woken up.." He pointed out.

"They will, and they'll be fine too."

He scoffed and shook his head. "How do you know that?"

"I have hope. And.." I stood up from my seat, arms crossed over my chest. "We won...your reign of terror is over, for good. Your troops have minimized, and whatever troops you have, they've been taken care of."

His eyes widened slightly and I noticed that he swallowed a lump in his throat.

"There's more of us then you anticipated, a lot more. We all had our missions coming here. We knew this was going to be our final mission, one we would finish, one we would win."

He didn't say a word, not one. Probably too stunned to speak.

"Goodbye Martin." Was the last thing I said before heading towards the door. He let out a loud scream as the door shut behind him.

"What the hell did you say to him?" Ben asked with a raised eyebrow. Martin was still shouting and cursing behind the door.

"Just said that we won." I shrugged with a smirk forming on my lips.

"Riiighttt." The two of them said unison as Noah wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Sam!" I glanced up to see Kyle standing at the door where our parents were, a bright wide smile on his face. I rushed on over and the two of us stepped inside. My eyes widened at the sight in front of me. My mouth hung open slightly, about to speak but there were no words.

"Come on Viktor, let's give them some time." Krista spoke softly as she Viktor stepped out the room.

"Hello Samantha." My mothers voice spoke, barely a whisper.

"Y-you...I...mom?" I stammered out and slowly approached her. I looked between her and my father and he gave a nod.

"She's okay." He assured me with a smile. I took another step closer and she immediately pulled me into a tight hug. My face buried into the crook of her neck, while tears escaped my eyes. Her hand stroked my hair lightly.

"I-I'm so sorry." I said through the tears thag streamed down my face. I slowly pulled back, wiping my tear stained cheeks.

"No, Sam, I'm sorry. I should have protected you...it's my job to protect the both of you." She said as she turned her gaze to Kyle, then back to me.

"You know...I've always blamed myself for what happened to you guys.."

"Sam-" My dad said cutting me off but I held a hand up to continue speaking.

"But everyone told me that it wasn't my fault, and I tried believing them, but deep down it still felt like it was.."

"Sam it was never your fault." Kyle spoke this time.

"He's right, this wasn't your fault." My father said as he approached me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest.

"What matters now is that we're all together again." Kyle added. He was right of course, these past few years have been hell, knowing my parents were gone, that I couldn't see them and say goodbye properly.

Then suddenly we find out that they're ALIVE, which we didn't think was possible, but it was. It was a goddamn miracle.

"Whatever drug Martin gave you guys, clearly didn't work. I mean I'm no scientist but neither is he. And he didn't think this through fully." Kyle chuckled.

My mom turned to look at me. She tilted her head slightly, I could tell she was observing me.

"You seem different, you look different." She said as she searched my eyes.

"You're pregnant?" She questioned. A small smile formed on my lips and I nodded my head slightly and turned my gaze to my dad. A wide grin was plastered on his lips.

"I have a hunch on who the father is, that Noah boy is it?"

I laughed softly and gave another nod. "Yeah, he's the one who brought me to the group, and I fell in love with him in the process."

The room got silent for a moment before Kyle spoke up this time.

"Alright, let's start heading on home."

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