A New Era

Chapter Chapter Fourteen

Noah's POV

I jumped out the van and heard Kyle right behind me.

"I got his back!" He called out through the loud noise of gunshots. I shot down a few guards that got close and struck one in the head with the butt of the gun.

"Come on!" I called out to Kyle as the two of us headed towards the building. A loud explosion came from there and you could see guards flying and colliding with the ground.

"I think they made it in." I said and Kyle gave a nod. The two of us decided to scout the perimeter and make sure there were no stragglers. My eyes flickered to one of the guards on the ground, pulling his helmet off as he held onto his sides. He collapsed onto the floor coughing up blood. I glanced over my shoulder and Kyle raised his eyebrow as the two of us hovered over him.

"Y-you think you've w-won?" He stammered, blood dripping from his lips. I held my gun in front of him and cocked it, as I tilted my head slightly.

"Yeah I think we did." I said and pulled the trigger. I looked at Kyle and he gave me a nod as we raced towards the building.

"I haven't heard from them yet." Kyle said to me as we circled the building. A second later my walkie talkie went off, Ben's voice coming through.

"Noah? Kyle? You guys alright?" He asked and I quickly responded.

"Yeah, we're good. Took care of the guards out here. You guys?"

"Krista and I handled a few, Sam went off on her own. We haven't heard from her."

My eyes widened when he said that and I whipped my head around to Kyle, a worried expression all over his face.

"She probably found him and she's in trouble. I'm gonna find his office, you guys stay out until I give you word."

"Roger that dude."

I put my walkie talkie away and motioned for Kyle to follow me. The two of us continued to circle the building. We ended up in front of a large window, and we ducked underneath quickly. Slowly but surely I lifted my head to look through. Sam was in a chair, the President standing across from her.

"Shit.." I whispered shaking my head.

"Is she okay?" Kyle asked with concern and I gave a quick nod.

"Looks like she was struck, but there's no guards in there. Just her and president douchebag."

The two of us then looked through the window and Sam finally made eye contact with me. I gave her a nod letting her know we were on our way to help before I turned my attention to Kyle who was pulling a gun out of his pocket.

"Our grandfather gave this to Sam. This is the one he was going to use to kill the motherfucker." He explained. I placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile.

"And we will." I said before standing up. "Let's go meet up with Ben and Krista." I added as we quickly headed to the entrance.


"Alright so how the fuck do we get her out of that room?!" Krista exclaimed. The four of us met up in one of the empty rooms in the building. Ben was standing by the door, keeping watch to make sure no one finds us in here. I paced back and forth running my hands through my hair as I shook my head slowly. Sam was stuck in a room alone with the president. Thankfully she wasn't badly hurt, but knowing this guy, he'd do horrible things in a matter of seconds.

"I don't know. This wasn't part of the plan. I don't know why she went off by herself." I said panic raising in my voice.

"Noah, we'll get her back. She's tough, she can handle herself." Kyle spoke up trying to reassure me. I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at Kyle giving him a slight nod.

"We need to find a way to get in there. There's probably guards standing at the entrance and looking for us as we speak." Ben spoke up this time.

I thought for a moment as I leaned against one of the chairs and looked at the three of them.

"You have any more of those grenades?" I asked Ben who gave a shake of his head.

"That was my only one."

"Crap!" I kicked down the chair out of aggravation and let out a long heavy sigh.

"The only option we have is shoot down every single guard in our way and bust in there." Kyle said. The four of us exchanged a few looks and I gave a nod.

"Alright. Let's do it." I said picking up my rifle and walked out the door, the others following close behind.

We crept down the halls, guns up and ready in case we needed to shoot down some guards. We soon reached the end of a hall and I peered around the corner, before quickly pulling away and leaned against the wall.

"Four guards are posted at the door." I whispered. "There has to be more of them..."

"We take these guys down first." Ben instructed. "Then we get the others."

I glanced at Kyle and he gave a nod. "Let's get my sister." He said cocking his gun. We stood there a minute before jumping out and firing shots down at the guards, aiming at their legs and arms to knock them down.

"Go go go!" Ben called out as we rushed down the hall. I shot one of the guards in the chest who was aiming for his gun when Kyle kicked the door to the presidents office down.

Suddenly Kyle rushed over and knuckle punched him in the face.

"That's for hurting my sister!" He yelled out and then kneekicked him in the balls.

"That! Was for my parents!" He yelled out as President Martin yelled out in pain and collapsed on the floor. I rushed over to Sam.

"You alright?" I asked searching for any scars and bruising, except for her lip. She gave a nod and got out of the chair.

"That was the plan huh?" she said with a chuckle. I laughed softly and nodded back. "Yeah it was." I said as I glanced over and watched Ben and Krista close the door and barricade it with furniture.

"Okay, we're good." Ben said giving me a nod. I turned my attention back over to President Martin who was struggling to get back on his feet. Kyle grabbed him by the collar and picked him up shoving him in the chair.

A chuckle escaped his lips as he looked up at us.

"You kids...you don't know what you've gotten yourselves into." He said as he tried to get up but Ben and Kyle held him down.

"Oh I think we do." I replied crossing my arms over my chest.

"You've lost old man. Your time is up." Sam replied cocking an eyebrow at him. A small smirk formed on my lips at her confidence.

"The world will never be what it used to be. No one will go back to the old ways." He spat out, eyebrows furrowed as he glared at us.

"I believe we can. You think the people have been supporting you, I can't argue that cause some have. But there are so many people who have gone against you for years." I replied as I took a step forward.

"The rest of the world is not going to follow into your footsteps. A bunch of kids like you, rebels, delinquents."

From the corner of my eye I could see Kyle pull something out of his jacket pocket. The gun. I watched as he tossed it over to Sam and she grabbed it. The presidents eyes widened as he stared at the weapon.

"How in the world did you get that?" He asked. My eyes flickered to Sam, a small smirk forming on her lips as she aimed the gun at him.

"My grandfather.."

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