A New Era

Chapter Chapter Thirteen

We were finally back in the bunker underneath the capital. Joe and the others had been prepping everyone to take on the capital. We all knew it wasn't going to be as easy as last time. Since our last successful attempt, it was a lot more heavily guarded and every single person there was on high alert searching for each and every one of us.

While everyone was prepping for the infiltration, I was sitting on my bunk staring at the gun in my hand. The gun my grandfather William gave me. My eyes gazed over the weapon. The one he wanted me to use to kill the president once and for all.


I looked up to see Noah standing in front of me. He was all dressed in a SWAT uniform. He raised his eyebrow at me and I blinked a few times breaking out of my trance.

"Yeah...yeah I'm ready." I said as I stood up and placed the gun in my belt. I walked past him as I headed for the truck, getting into the backseat with Kyle. Noah followed close behind and I could feel his eyes on me.

"Everything all good?" Ben asked from the drivers seat as he looked through the rear view mirror.

"Yeah, let's go." Noah replied. The doors in front of us opened as Ben drove through, the other trucks right behind us. Noah's walkie talkie went off, Joes voice coming through.

"You kids ready?"

"Yeah, ready as we'll ever be." Noah replied as he and I made eye contact. He gave me a smile and I quickly returned it.

"This is it. This is our biggest mission yet. The one we've been waiting and planning for years. We've had many losses, but we've gained new Allies." He spoke with confidence. I looked up at Noah and then at Kyle.

"You kids be careful...you have the toughest job right now. The rest of us are gonna handle the military, with as much force and strength we've got with the little numbers we have. You kids find president Dickwad and take him down." Joe added.

"Yes sir." Noah replied as he put his walkie talkie away. My gaze shifted to Krista and Ben, then back to Kyle and Noah.

"I can't believe the day is finally here." Krista commented.

"It came sooner than expected." Ben added and we all nodded in agreement. The ride was silent for the next few minutes. Everyone seemed to be in their own world as we all headed towards the White House. Kyle soon spoke up breaking the silence.

"I'm really glad we found a family amongst you guys. After we lost our parents, I didn't think it would get any better, not until we found our grandparents. Which we didn't know were alive." He said with a chuckle and I smiled at him placing a hand on his shoulder.

"We couldn't have done this without you guys." He said which made the others smile proudly.

"Eh, you guys are alright." Ben joked resulting in laughter from all of us.

Noah's walkie talkie went off and Joe spoke.

"Look alive kids."

We all turned our attention to the window as the van Joe and his group were in drove past us. My eyes flickered to the streets where guards were standing, holding their rifles at the ready.

"Shit...here we go.." Ben muttered under his breath.

Joe's van stopped and we all stared, waiting in anticipation. A second later the back of the van busted open and Joes group jumped out, shooting at every guard in their way.

"I think that's the signal!" Krista exclaimed as Ben pressed on the gas and drove around the van and continued down the road. Gunshots echoed in the distance as Ben sped faster. The view of the gate to the White House appeared and a few guards were standing .

"Ben!" Krista yelled out over the roaring engine and gunfire, gripping onto her seat. But Ben didn't stop and the guards immediately jumped out of the way as Ben rammed into the gate knocking it down.

"Holy shit!! That was awesome!" Kyle exclaimed staring out the window.

"Keep going! I'll meet you guys there!" Noah called out as he placed the helmet over his head and loaded up his gun. He kicked open the doors and jumped out, Kyle going with him.

"Kyle!!" I called out in a panic. He waved me off following after Noah.

"I got his back!" Kyle called out as he aimed his own rifle shooting down the guards.

"Sam! They got this!" Krista shouted as the Van came to a stop in front of the building. The three of us rushed out from around and inside the building. We were completely surrounded, and definitely outnumbered.

"Put the weapons down! Now!" One of them shouted. My eyes flickered over to Krista and Ben. The three of us exchanged a look when Ben slowly reached into his belt.

"Don't move!" The man said again as he took a step closer.

From the corner of my eye I could see a slight smirk form on Bens lips.

"Here...catch." He swiftly pulled the grenade out of his pocket and tossed it to him. The guard caught it and looked at it for a second and his eyes widened as all the guards started running.

The grenade went off, making a loud booming explosion and some guards went flying in different directions. The three of us started shooting at the rest of the guards who were distracted from what just happened.

I ran inside the building, Ben and Krista following right behind me.

"Okay, let's find this fucker." Ben said as we all went our separate ways.

"If you find him, he's mine." I called out to the other two as I raced down the hall, gun in my hand. Everything was quiet, probably cause the majority of these guards were outside.

I crept down the hall slowly when I ended up in front of the double doors that lead to the presidents office. I placed my hand on the door handle and opened the door to be faced with ten guards, rifles pointed at me.

"Crap..." I muttered under my breath.

"Ahh Samantha Perry.." the President spoke as he stepped around from his desk. I rolled my eyes as I slowly lowered my weapon, knowing I was well outnumbered.

"You know my name.." I pointed out as a small smirk appeared on his face and leaned against his desk.

"I do." Was all he said as he motioned for me to sit in the chair. I hesitated for a moment before slowly sitting down.

"Hand over all your weapons, you're outnumbered kid. Don't try and fight your way through."

My eyes flickered to the guards and then back at home as I let out a heavy defeated sigh. I took the rifle off my shoulder, tossing it on the floor along with my shot gun, not the one my grandfather gave me. Thankfully I made sure to give it to Kyle. I had to wait for the opportune moment to take down the president, and this wasn't it. Not quite yet.

"That's all I have. I swear." I said.

"Search her."

One of guards walked over and lifted me up from the chair patting me down before shoving me back down in the chair.

"All clean." He said as President Martin motioned for them to leave. I watched as the guards all walked out, closing the door behind them.

"You did it, didn't you?" I spoke up in the silent room. The two of us stared each other down.

"You killed my parents."

"I didn't kill them...I just gave the order-"

"They were good people!" My voice snapped, now full of anger. My hands gripped tightly on the arm rests of the chair, fighting the urge to jump out and beat the living crap out of him.

"Every single one of you is guilty.."

"Yeah speak for yourself.." I muttered under my breath.

"I'm just doing what other presidents have enforced over these years.." he said as he started walking around my chair.

"Which is all bull crap.." I replied and looked up at him, my eyes filled with hatred and anger.

"Bull crap? This is life kid." He said as he stopped in his tracks and stared down at me.

"No it's not! It's prison! We can't do shit without getting in trouble, we have to do and say what you want? That. Is. Bullshit." I spat out.

In a split second his hand swiftly and quickly struck my cheek. I winced in pain as I reached over placing a finger on my lip, revealing some blood.

"You think you've won. You haven't." He hissed. My eyes flickered to the window, Noah and Kyle standing outside. Noah gave me a nod as he motioned for Kyle to follow him.

"You're wrong." I replied with a small smirk.

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